- 3?i?srtr.--4iJJw'W54'r- " S& 'JWPStS: VBfS?1 W" 3p3efi3pggj!?i ifBJSS-S???- ilBfe :2'ifcfi3' wWcSJ?'' T" " WET'W?'" s5$jM(q--!Ji.--rwi- THE MOBNTG- TIMES, THUKSDAT, APIilli 9, 18Ju. MOKE HORSES 'COMING IK TILE RUNS LOCAL LOLL I0IJHINI DR. WALKER, BISEJill GARNER & CO., lowest-pric- e OatfltteraoaZartH. The Wonderful Specialist, Stables at Banning Are. Filling Up Georgetown Piled1!;- - Errors to Has ' Sweaters. a record of cures such as have never With New Strings. - Senators Spent the Day Prac- Garnep been achieved by any other physician in & Co.'s Did you visit the Cycle Their Opponent's Advantage. the treatment of all nervous and chronic ticing Team Work. Show ? Did you notice. diseases. WONDERFUL SALE Disorders of the Brain and Nervous IS CREATING A the difference between our of the Skin and Blood.Catnrrh, FURORE styles of Sweaters and MAHOHEY WAS IK BAD FORM Asthma, Consumption, Piles, Dyspepsia, Euphemla L. Does a Fnsl Three Fur- LIGHT INFANTRY ON TODAY - ON SEVENTH STREET. Malaria, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Diseases longs That Surprises the rs those shown at the other of Women and all affections of-- the Lungs, at the Traek. An incessant inflow of customers with a correspondi- ng- - - booths? Did you notice Gala OcciiHion ut Old l'olnt Mnny Throat, Heart, Liver, Kidneys, Bladder, Tom KIiihIow will Probably Catch outflow of smiling- faces, carrying- bundles and pack LiidicH and Ynrdsj of Uluo Stomach, Bowels and other organs. how much more chic and llilibon the Game for the Soldier Boys ages. 'Tis a busy corner and no wonder, -- when such nud Itlbboii Hluc; Gray The work yet done Against and fastest at Bcnning the Senators Colts WliVlJo barg-ain- are to be obtained. Note these prices : stylish ours were? Big TU "Stub" waB that shown yesterday bjv Tntlncr Played by- - $5.00 Month Captain Joyce and a Men's Half - lMny. a Decker's Euphemia L., a twpyeaj-.ol- filly, Hose (extra fine sleeves, snug fitting, va- Ilourdoii's Double Close Score Can Be Expected. - qitidity) ; 9o Knee (all Covers full treatment and all medicines. by Deceiver-Princes- s Bowling. With Pants sizes)..... .. !5o a 25a Suspenders, with Harris rious color combinations, Men suffering from nervous debility or heavy boy up, and wellin hand she finished wircbucltlo 9c or 3-- 2.50 Children'3 Suits ..$1.19 - loss capacity, as a result of overwork, three runongs in 0:37 She is entered jaunty, comfortable, con- i Special to The Times.) mental worry, follies and excesses, in two events, the Moimt Vernon Yesterday witnessed a lull In local base- iast stake and "ocrercalo Shirts 44c $8.00 and 59.50 Men's Fortress Monroe, Va., April 8. Hampton are quickly restored to eound, vigorous the Congressional. '- ball circles. Suits. ..$3.90 veuient and easy to slip by $1.00 United Brand Night and Old Point Comfort today presented 'a manhood Dr. Walker's treatment. "Virginia ' .brudlcy'H and Hrank Regan's There was no game scheduled Na- may be at Robes 39c on and off. $4 and up. scene of festivity. Every thoroughfare Dr. Walker consulted free of horses, which have been expected from tional Park, Georgetown went to Old' was charge, personally or by letter, at his New Orleans for several days, filled with collegians and fair enthu- n arrived late Point and took a good beating, Co- Sanitarium, 1411 Pennsyl- Tuesday night. The and OUTFITTERS, siasts whose floating ribbons rormeriarqfluarlercd lumbian University rested 'for re- manifested vania avenue, next door to Willard's Hotel. tit Bennlng, where stabiingucmimodatioas their GARNER llalti-mor- CO., their Georgetown or Office hours: Monday, Wednesday. c PARKER, BRIDGET & CO. Eli affiliation, and Thurs- had been reserved for thenijjbuu. Reagan's turn contest with JqhnsHopkins at & the additional presence of Uncle Sam's day and Saturday, 10 to 5 and 7 lo 8; tomorrow. Tuestay and Friday, 10 to 5; Sunday, 10 were not so fortunate, and.jjyent over to N. E. CLOTHIERS, 315 7th Street. blue jackets made the day a gala one. to 12. Ivy City. In Bradley's strips use Blitzen, or course tlie several teams or "Young CORNER SEVENTH AND H STS. Georgetown and Vale met in a struggle Cutaiong, R. Davis, Mary NftnceoChugnut, Napoleons" and "Hot Stuff, Jrs.." played 'that was perhaps the greatest college base- Ciarus, Will Elliott, Sir Johudl'anway, .Miss on the vacant lots and made the Q, li$ S, lig ' ball event of the season, and the outcome BATEMAH WILL MEET GLYNN Stewart, Ludde and Ellen jLu Reagan's air livid with baseball persiflage and .$. t was disatrous for Georgetown. include Van Brunt, SanguiiiQ, Sirroco, Prig outdoor billingsgate. But their scores cut Bowling E want to uni- The boys in the pretty uniforms of blue and Green. , no rigurc in the Irend of events. form every ama- and gray lost to the solid blue on errors. On the same train was William Houghcy, Yet the Napoleons, HotSturr. Jrs., Young teur ball team in Georgetown hit the ball hard and timely, trainer for II. Herbert ofr Philadelphia, McGuires, and Joyce's No. 6 must not be town. Wc have as they usually do. but the error summary Joe and Johnny to Fight at Wil- who has a stock farm al. Elkview, Md. regarded contemptuously. "Money Burn'9 every to fitted out '''' mutely tells the tale of Houghcy had two Florric 1 n e their defeat. THE BASEBALL SCHOOL. '"crack" mington, Del. 11, Mane, and the 1 on I; u o w all MAUONEY IN HAD FORM. Tutor. He will leave today with them for From the vacant lot weeds blossom the about Spalding's Before the game was it the and can ror YOU goods tlie best far advanced was farm, where they will be prepared for "$10,000 beatttici," who tell, IF RIDE RAMBLERS. on e.irlli. evident that Mahoney was not, pitching the Morris Park- - meeting. instance, but that in each 1'nt Unedy Would Like to Get ragged-pant- s t his usual game, being unable to stand the a Fight Jockey .1. Bill has left New Orleans Tor member or he Hot Stttrr, Jrs.. $400 IN COLD CASH TQ SOHE CYCLING CLUB. tremendous strain of working against During the Beiinlng Knee Meet- the Homedale farm, where, lie will await theic Is not in embryo a Joyce, a Crooks, two teams like Princeton and Yale on suc- ing With a Good Man. orders from Pave Gideon, for whom he a McGuire, a Maul, or prototypes of other The Gormully & Jeffery Mfe. Co., makers of the TAPPAN'SI cessive days. will ride this beason. Senators whose reputations are firmly fixed 1013 I'a. Ave. I Ioth teams achieved the honor of making Jockey Sherrer, who. It was reported, in the category of crackerjacks. celebrated RAMBLER BICYCLES, will present S400 in - seventeen safe hits off such twirlers ae had signed to ride for "Chicago" C. II. The Senators spent yesterday in team gold to the Bicycle Club having to Trudcau and Mahoney. Things arc dull for the time being in Smith, will be seen in the .saddle Tor Frank practice only. Capt. Joyce schooled the its credit for the eight Yale stored in their first inning on a base local pugilistic circles. The failure or Frisbie, the western turfman, owner or youngsters in batting and months between April 1 and December 1, 1896, the great- on balls a steal, an error, and a hit by the Peeknam-Rued- bout berore Young Galley West, Miss Clark, Halloween and and after the game each player ran around Green way. the grounds improve est on Men's Athletic Club, of was othcrd. the several times to his mileage RAMBLER BICYCLES, fitted with G. Georgetown was blanked in their hair. Alexandria, a wind and lop orr surplus avoirdiqiois. wet blanket on the hopes or the many Grirrin and Hewitt, who will ride for & J. Tires. For particulars Vale scored five runs in the second on sports looking the lllemton stable this year, arrived from GAME TODAY. further see four hits, an error, and on balls. for a surf light to vary a base the monotony ot" California yesterday and reported to Trainer The strong Washington Light Infantry Eli tallied five more in the sixth on four inertia in ring circles. Hyland. Local Branch House The unfortunate accident to Kaedy and club will play the Senators at National hits and three errors. the Mike Dwyer is expected at Heniiitig I lie announcement by the orTicers of Alex- part or Pdik today. GEORGETOWN PULLS EVEN. andria county or their intention latter the week, ir his short string to interrcie is ready. The league "Colls" will lc plajcd against At 1325 14th St. N. ; Georgetown tied the score in their half should Hito and Pat attempt a go, de- the Infantry boys and an interesting game W. or or stroyed temporarily the fifth when they added five ruus the chance of a TONYS BEAT COXEYITES. is sure to result. Our DownTown Agency to the two earned in the second. The settlement or the District middleweight The veteran Tom Kinslow will probably championship, inning closed with the score standing, Tale, which was lert open by the of Carroll Institute catch for the Infantry. 429-3- 7; Georgetown, 7. sudden death or Billy McMillan. Reserves l'luy To see handsome Tom in uniform again At 1 10th St. Ten-lMu- N. W. TOT.D OK THEIR COXVEHSIOX. But the hope or victory was shortlived, Both Raedy and Peekham are anxious s for the ChuiuploiiKhlp. will call back the days of his engagement tale gradually pulled ahead on their hits for a right, but they uppear to have dlM-cult- y Two teams or reserve tenpin players or will) Brooklyn, when he handled so easily TeMinioulul Ually Meetluj; Hold lit and Georgetown's errors until the Hrst hair in arranging details and getting a Carroll Institute, styling themselves Tonys and neatly the deliveries of Daub, Stein and "Ramblers" Ride Easy.
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