HISTORIANS, INC. May-June 1984 Issue Number 90 Editorial Comment President Conde introduced Director Jeffrey I. Godshall's resolution with regard to the wanton destruction of certain This issue of the Journal contains an article reprinted automobiles during the filming of the movie, " Christine." The from The Spark, the quarterly publication of the Wisconsin board decided to take no official position on this matter, but Chapter of the Society of Automotive Historians. I'm sure at the same time concurred such destruction of older cars was that many of our members will fmd it interesting and, perhaps, to be deplored, and suggested that Director Godshall detail even controversial. Letters of comment are welcomed, and will the events in an article for publication in the Journal The be published in the next issue of the Journal, assuming that board also voiced the opinion that other members of the sufficient space will be available-which brings us to the next Society with strong feelings on the matter might want to point: communicate same to their congressman. This is a very full issue, and a few items will have to be President Conde announced that Gerald Perschbacher had carried over for publication in the next one. By that time, been appointed to fill the vacancy on the board resulting from however, the situation may have become even more acute. the resignation of the directorship (not the membership) of The time is not many months away until a decision will need Douglas A. Bakken. Mr. Perschbacher has also been named to be made as to whether the number of pages per issue or chairman of the Society's Publicity Committee. the number of issues per year must be increased. And because Director Perry Zavitz brought up the question of annual either choice will increase publishing and mailing costs, neither dues payments by out-of-country (foreign) members. In view can be put into effect until our membership and income of charges imposed for International Money Orders and the are greater. like, the board decided, beginning in 1985, to discount annual It is \ probable that almost every one of our members dues payable by all foreign members of the Society by a flat knows someone who would be a good prospect for member­ 20 percent. ship. If you have a friend who might be interested, send his There was considerable discussion about the Society's or her name and address to me and I will mail each prospect publications, with regard particularly to new stories and a sample copy of the Journal, a form letter outlining the features which would be of interest and benefit to members. purpose and objectives of the SAH, and a membership appli­ It was decided to ask Richard Brigham to serve as editor of cation form. Automotive History Review, with one issue of the magazine Additionally, any and all suggestions and ideas for build­ to be published by October 1, 1984. The Journal will continue ing greater membership will be most welcome. on its bi-monthly schedule. Richard B. Brigham, Editor With regard to our membership status, Charles Betts 1616 Park Lane, N. E. reported that approximately 100 1983 members (including Marietta, Georgia 30066 20 British members) had not renewed for 1984. President Conde volunteered to contact the non-renewers (excluding the British non-renewers), while Charles Betts promised to contact Letters Unlimited regarding their arrangements for MINUTES OF SAH BOARD MEETING sending the Society's publications to foreign members. FEBRUARY 10, 1984 Finances permitting, it was agreed to compile (with a March 15 , 1984 deadline) and issue a 1984 Membership The winter meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Directory to include phone numbers wherever possible. Future Friday, February Hi, 1984, in the Board Room of the Library membership applications and renewal notices will carry a of the American Philosophical Society, 1 OS South 5th Street, request for both business and home phone numbers. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ~ Those present were : President President Conde announced the sad news of the passing John A. Conde, Vice President Walter E. Gosden, Secretary of Hoosier Heritage Chapter member William G. Neptune. Charles L. Betts, Jr. , and Directors Beverly Rae Kimes, David President Conde revealed that Cars & Parts magazine had L. Lewis, Thomas E. Warth, and R. Perry Zavitz. generously donated the sum of $100.00 to the Society to be President Conde called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. used for the James J. Bradley award. and welcomed the new vice president and directors. The report In the absence of Treasurer George Ward, Secretary of the 1983 fall board meeting was approved as published in Charles Betts was authorized to make a contribution of Issue No. 87 of the Journal. $50.00, on behalf of the Society, to Friends of the Library of Vice President Gosden reported on his plans to visit the American Philosophical Society for the use of theii Board England this summer, and his desire to bring the United King­ Room. dom Chapter, as well as other chapters, into closer focus. The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m. During discussion, President Conde appointed Gosden to serve Respectfully submitted, as Chapter Liaison Chairman. Charles L. Betts, Secretary FORMER NEVADA GOVERNOR WILL HEAD FUNDRAISING DRIVE FOR HARRAH CARS RENO, evada - Former Nevada Governor Robert List has agreed to serve as chairman of the $10 million fundraising Editor Editorial Office: SAH Journal drive for the William F. Harrah Automobile Foundation. Richard B. Brigham 1616 Park Lane, N.E. List, as governor, was active in the formation of the non­ Art Director Marietta, Georgia 30066 John M. Peckham profit Foundation, which was established to build a permanent home for the best cars from Harrah's Automobile Collection Publications Committee Richard B. Brigham in Reno. Beverly Rae Kimes, Chairperson J ohn A. Conde The announcement that List will be fundraising chairman Frederick D. Roe George B. P. Ward, J r. of the Foundation was made by Foundation Chairman Benedict J. Dasher. The SAH Journal published Copyrightl984 "This is more than an honorary position," Dasher stressed. six times a year by The Society The Society of Automotive of Automotive Histo rians, Inc. I Historians, Inc. " Governor List has agreed to devote as much time as possible to helping the Foundation realize its goals. SOCIETY OF AU TOMOTI VE HISTORI AN S' OFFICERS , 1984 "We look upon this as a continuation of the work he PRES IDENT SEC RETARY started as governor. Bob List has a strong committment to the goals of the Foundation- goals which can be relaized only John A. Conde Charles L. Betts, Jr. through a successful funds drive." 1340 Fieldway Drive 2 105 Stackhouse Dr. In accepting the chairmanship, List, now in private legal Bloomfield Hills, MI 48013 Yardely, PA 19067 practice in Reno, said he was anxious to get started. TREASURER VICE PR ESIDEf'JT "This is a challenging assignment, but the essence of the George B. P. Ward, Jr. car coll!lction compiled by Bill Harrah should always have a Walter E. Gosden c/o Maryland National Bank home in Reno," List said, "I will do everything I can do 197 Mayfair Avenue P. 0. Box 987 floral Park, NY 11011 Baltimore, MD 21203 to help. "The Collectiop. is more than the greatest aggregation of motor vehicles in "' the world, more even than a tribute and Persons interested in joining the Society of Automotive legacy to the man who compiled it. Historians, write to Charles L. Betts, Jr., Secretary, " Above all, these cars are an important asset to evada's 2105 Stackhouse Drive, Yardley, PA 19067. tourism economy," List said. "We need to keep them here If you ave moved, forward you r new address to Charles for our visitors to enjoy. L. Betts:..lr., 2105 Stackhouse Drive, Yardley, PA 19067. "My wife, Kathy, and I are full-time residents of Reno. This is a great opport unity for us to serve our new home­ Material fbr publication in the Journal or Automotive History Review should be sent to Richard B. Brigham, town," List added. Editor, 1616 Park Lane, N. E., Marietta, GA 30066. Dasher said List would be working closely with the Foundation's fundraisin_g firm of Brakeley, John Price Jones, Inc. in the identification of major funding sources. List will BACK ISSUES OF SAH PUBLICATIONS be helping personally to solicit funds, as well as supervising FOR YOUR FILES a broadly based fundraising committee charged with spear­ heading the effort. AUTOMOTIVE HISTORY REVIEW The fundraising drive thus far has been marked by two With the exception of number two, al l issues are available major events, a $1 million gift from Vema Harrah Levin, from one to fiftee n. Pri ce is $3.00 per copy, plus $1.00 widow of Bill Harrah, and the Superstars and Classic Cars postage per order in the USA. nationally syndicated television special, Dasher noted. NEWSLETTER AND JOURNAL " Mrs . Levin's gift was a pivotal moment in our effort," said Dasher, " because it gets us ten percent of the way to our Out of print: 3, 4, 6, 7, 23, 26, 43. goal before we even start. And it was truly a gift from the Very li mited supplies: 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 12, 33, 34, 39. heart. These are pri ced at $1 .00 each, whi le they last, not to be "Superstars and Classic Cars, with its national telecast, included in quantity prices quoted below. helped us tell our story to an audience we think can appreciate the importance of the Foundation's effort. All other issu es: The following price schedule applies; " ow we have a third major event.
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