DOCUMENT RESUME ED 224 910 CE 034 646 AUTHOR Barton, Diane; Robinson, Jay TITLE Resource Book forFurniture.Renovation, Refinishing and Aeupholstering. INSTITUTION Madison Area Technical Collo Wis.;Wisconsin State Board of Vocational, Asechnical, andAdult Education, Wadison. PUB DATE 82 MOTE 69p.; For related document?, see CE034 642-649. PyB,TYPE Guides - Classroom Use - Guides (ForTeachers) (052) EDRS PRICE MFOI/PC03 Plus Postale. DESCEcIPTORS Adult Proarams; Adult VocationalEducation: *Furniture; Glossaries; *Home Fbrnishings;Learning Aciivities, *Occupational-Ho" Economics; *Resource Materials IDENTIFIERS *Furniture Refini,shing; *Upholsterers This resource book for furniturerenovation (refinishing and reupholstering) is one of four resourcebooks .developed.for,use in Code 30 or adultvocational programs in the home furnishings service area.-Representative,illustrative, and book are Furniture informative materials cont4ned in the resource 4 Woods, Cuts and Matching Vdneers,'WoodJoints, Joints Used In Furniture Construction, Vocabulary ofWood, Wood Classification, Exotic Woods, Woods Physical Propertiesavd Source Chart, Chronology of Furniture Styles, Dictionaryof Upholstery Terms, Upholstery Materials and Supplies, FurnitureFabrics, Estimating Fabrics to Reupholster Vari.ous Pieces ofFurniture, Removing Old Cover, Construction Processes in Upholstery,Spring and Spring Work, Attaching Burlap, Determining Size ofTack for Job, and Installing Final Coverings. (YLB) ********************w************************************************* Reproductions supplied by EDRS are thebest that can be made * from the original document. *********************************************************************** FORWARD This publication contains illustrativeand informativematerials for teaching Furniture Renovation (Refinishingand Reupholstering). Reference is made to these resourcein 'theSugreraCurriculum Guide for Furniture Renovation (Refinishingand Reupholstering).In the guide, the word RESOURCE is identified in capitalletters and pages front the ResourceBook are listed, These materials may be repantedfor classroom use. 1982 . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special appreciation is extended to thefollowing coordinators, consultantsand pos -seconds'? instructors for theirefforts in the development of thiscurriculum fore home furnishings serviceprograms. l PROjECT DIRECTOR Carol Swiggum Instructor Madison Area Technical College Madison, Wisconsin CONSULTANT ANDCOORDINATOR Helen Scheve Phyllis Schwebke Home Economics Consultant Home Economics Chairperson Wisc. Board of Vocational, Madison Area Tdchnical College Techni0al & Adult Education Madison, Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin CURRICULUM WRITERS FURNITURE RENOVATION (REFINISHINGAND REUPHOLSTERING) Diane Barton Jay Robinson Home Econbmics Coordinator Instructor Southwest Wisc. Technical Institute Southwest Wisc. Technical Institute Fennimore, Wisconsin Fennimoré, Wisconsin SLIPCOVERCONSTRUeTION Alice IVerson Instructor' WaukerTha 'County Technical Institute Pt.twaulcee, Wisconsin ENTREPRENEURSHIP Mary Schmolesky Instructor Madison Area Technical College Madison, Wisconsin ii ROD iNSTALLATION' GladysOlson. : Hoine Econofnics Chairpeyson . 11ackhawlArecational-Techn4cal Institut4 "Beloia Wi.sC\insin WINDOW TRPATMENTS Carol Swiggum Instructor .` Madison Area Technical .College Madison, Wisconsin RESOURCE PERSONS Jean Carlson Home Etonomics Consultant . Wisc. Board of Vocational, Technical & Adult Education Madfson, Wisconsin Robert Martin Div. Supervisor Home and Consumer Sciences Fox Valley Technlcal Institute Appleton, Wisconsin Materials received from the f011owing schools Were used in the developmentof the curriculum and resource book.. Blackhawk Technicalinstitute Gateway Technical Institt Madison Area Technical Cones,:. Southwest Wisconsin Technical Institute Waukesha County Technical Inttitute 0 Special thanks to the typists Anne Zimmerman, Ltianne StOrler, and Miry Jaiie Zunimo.' o5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page FORWARD . -ty ACKNOWLEDGEMBNTS FpRNITURE WOODS 1 2 'CUTS AND MATCHING VENEERS 60 WOOD-JOINTS. '3 1 JOINTS USED IN FURNITURE COMITRUCTION 4 VOCABULARY OF,WOOD 6 5 WOOD CLASSIFICATION 0, 6 101 EXOTIC WOODS 3. 7' WOODS PHYSICALPROPERTIES-AND SOURCE CHART CHAONOLOGY OF FURNITURE STYLES . 9 WOOD ORMAMMPS 10 DI61016RYOFUPHOLSTERY TERMS 11' UN.HOLtrERTMATERIALS AND SUPPLIFS 18 UPHOLSTM .TOOLS AND _SiUPPLIES 22 FURNITURE FABRICS 23 ESTIMATING FABRICS TO'REUPHOLSTEh VARIOUSJIECES OF FURNITURE . 26 REMOVING OLD COVER 27 CONSTRUCTION PROCESSES IN UPHOLSTERY 29 WEBBINIG; APPLICATION AND STRETCHING 32 SPRING AND SPRING WORK 35 SPRING CONSTRUCTION 36 TYING SPRINGS TO HEIGHT 39 ATTACHING'BURLAP . 43 DETERMINIn SIZE OF TACK FOR JOB 44 INSTALLI9D,FINALCOVAINGS 45 REFERENCES iv s FURN,IITURE3NOODS WOOD SOURCE APPEARANCL CHARACTERISTICS USLS Baseball bats, tool Ash, Wire Northeastern Grayish through creamy white to Tough, heavy; hard, _ and Central reddish dark hrown; straight good shoLk resistance. handles, barrels, furni- United States. grain and open pores. , tore -especially bent- . wood chair parts. , Basswood Northern Creamy white to creamy brown Lightweight, moder Box, crates, mill- United States with reddish markings; faint ately stiff; weak, low wor k, furniture. ... and Canada growth rings; wood rays darker -shock resistame.. Ns <a. than background; small pores. , Birch, Ye/- Canada, 'North- Creamy white to light reddish Heavy, hard, strong Spools, bobbins,-clow-, low eastern United br.own; extremely small wood - and sti; good shoLk els, wooden ware, States. pores. ,.esistance. .furnitrre. Nath Central Pale to dark hruiwn with er.ca- ,Soft to medium tex- Interior millwork and states, southern sion'sddark streaks; large, ooen tore; moderate shock furniture. Canada. pores. resistance. - Cedar, Red Eastern two- Light red with light colored Highly aromatic and Storage Lhests, closet thirds of United streaks throughout; knots and mokrately hard; lining, lead pencils, . ,States. .: other raiwral markings. a. brittle. small wooden ware. 4 - . ai t Cherry, Northeastern , Light to dark reddish brown, Moderately hard and Furniture, wooden Black United States. straight grain; small individual heavy; good shoLk* ware, caskets, pattern . pores. and wearsesistance.' making. , ,Elm, Rock, Eastern United Light brown tU dark brown, of- Moderatelhard and Boxcs, cram, barrel American States . ten with shades of red; straight heavy; good shoh re- ,furniture-e'specially / grain pattern with obvious light sistance, excellent bentwodd chair parts., I and dark boundaries, bending qualities. Fir, White, Pacific and Creamy white to yellowishwith ,loderately-lwavs Constructinn, piy- Douglas . Rocky Moun- olivious differences in spring And hard, and stiff, pro- wood, boxes, crates; tain states. summer growth. noudced resin Lana!, hidden faniture par ts. t A 1% Mahogany, Central America,' Yellowish brown thr ough LJ:ddish Extremely stable, Furnaufe, paneling, Honduras, Brazil, PeruAth brown to dark rcu, highly fig- .muou ately hard, eveli pattern making, beat- Cuban, cr tropical cli- tried grain pattern; ,Ten pores, textured, and heavy. bu'lding. , etc. mates. " , . , Maple, Northwestern Creamy white to light reddish FiLa4, hard, strong, quoring, furniture, Hard,, and Great Lakes brown; straighl grair ; tiny pores, and stiff; good shoLk bkxes, crates, tool Bird's Eye states, Canada burl patterns available. resktance. handles. Oak, Red, Eastern United Light grayish brown to reddish Heavy; strong, hard, f louring, furniture, American, States brown; striking grain flare; durable under expo- barrels, interior mill- White 2 'large, open pores. lure; wear resistant. , work, boatbuilding. Pine, White Eastern and Cream to light reddish brown; Moderately light, soft, constructrun, boxes, r Western United visible resin canals and obvious stiff, good shock, re-' crates, millwork, furn- States growth rings. sistance. turg. Poplar, Yel- Northeastern Light yellow to brownish yellow Medium to light weight, Interior Millwork, low United States with greenish tinge: even te- ture, moderately hard, stiff,rwooden ware, furnit straight grain; bakly visible pores. and shock, resistant,. .. turc. 6 Redwood Ivorthern Deep reddish brown with obvious Light, strong;til I,"..) Construction, iiiill- California spring and summer growth rings. moderately hard; mar- work, outdoor (Plum- ginallshock roistant. ..turc. i,inents, Rosewood, Brazil, Southern Varioils shades of dar k Ittossn to Vet lreas s,hat d,c-s- . Music alin.,if paneling, lui ,. lure, Brazilian, India, C./lon dar k purple, consols uous hlas k- tremely soars(' lc \ Lille. etc. streaks. tool handles. Teak Burma, Java, Tawny yellow so dark brown I leav\y,, strong, oily, Paneling, furniture, Indo-China, East with lighter and darker streaks; tougli. floors, Wooden ware, , boatbuilding. India. pattern similar to walnut. - Walnut, Eastern United Light gray brown to dark purple Very strong, stAle. Furniture, gun stocks, Black States brown; wide variety of plain and moderately heavy, stiff,, interior trim. highly fil;,.re,f natterns. good shock resistance. `,... VOIMONOFIROPOInuammmolimaramil...m. ................---- Reprinted from Roma Deco6tion ,and Furnishings Ncupations Curricu1uT Guide ' 1 *' SO;LID CUTS VENEER CUTS flat quarter rift flat quarter rotary FIGUEI - A MATCH,INGVENEfER S book block box reversed diamond reversed v-match lide box diamond :3 lip 2 $ WOOD JOINTS SHIP LAP T T DO VETAIL TONG UE-GROO V E ft MITRE SPLINE SP LINE GROO VE SCAR 1-* MITR E GROOVE MITRED DOVETAIL MITRESP LINE Nor V4,14 x,NI4
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