TWO PRIESTS BETIIRNJKG FROM ROME FOR RSSIGNMENT W ork to Begin Three Will Be Ordained on June 1 On New Church Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Archdiocese of D enver Goins Content! Copyright by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1967—Permiesion to Reproduce, Except on Articles Otherwise Msrhed, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue In Grand Lake Four N ew Clergy This Spring $60,000 Plant D esigned DENVER CATHaiC To Help Alleviate S h o r t a g e To Accom m odate 260 The contract has been awarded for a new $60,000 Arehbisbop Urban J. Vehr will add three youu? men to the ranks church in St. Anne’s Parish. Grand Lake, the Rev. The­ of the Denver Arelidioccsan priests this Saturday, June 1, at 9:30 a.m. odore A. Haas, pastor o f Kremmling-Grand Lake, an­ nounced. Work will-begin within a week, and it is hoped when he ordains the Rev. Deacons Joseph J. Lievens, Emmanuel Gabel, the building will be completed by the summer of 1958. and John F. Slattery. The Very Rev. William J. Keimeally, C.M., rector VOL. U l. REGISTERNo. 42. THURSDAr, MAY 30, 1957 DENVER, COLORADO of St. Thomas’ Seminary, will be assistant priest for th^ Mass of Ordi­ The Leonard R. Bonsall Construction Company of Boulder wm awarded the con- nation, which will take place in the Cathedral. tract, with an actual low bid of S68,426. One Denver con­ Encouraging In the same rite, Archbishop Vehr will ordain to the priest ian Robert W iest Seminarians tractor and two Grand Lake T r e n d S e e n firms also submitted bids. hood the Rev. Deacons Alex­ taking the minor offices include John K. Monroe is the archi­ ander B. Sinclair III of the William Ricard, thurifet; and tect for the project. James Overman and William To measure 120x45 feet, the Pledges Made Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese mountain church will accom­ and' David E Vicamontes of the Vollmer, acolytes. modate 260 worshippers. The Gallup Diocese, for service in The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Eu­ material of the wail exterior lo School Fund their respective sees. gene O’Sullivan, who will act as will be red fla^tone veneer, the candidate's chaplain at ordi- to harmonize with the ever- Notary for the ordination will icreen and granite surround­ be the Rev. George Tolman, ings. An extremely steep roof, By Newcomers C.M.; deacons of honor' Fathers covered with asphalt tile, wilt Erovide insurance against the Charles T. Herbst, CM., and eavy snows that fall in the This week’s report from Richard W. Gieselinan, C.M.; area from autumn to late the collection office for deacon of the Mass, the Rev. spring. the A rch b ish o p ’s High Harold B. Petsich, CM.; and winter Sacristy Schools Fund shows a con­ master of ceremonies, the Rev. W ill Seot 30 tinuing increase in the An important feature of the amount of pledges as parish new St. Anne's Church will be campaign committees contact a winter sacristy, Father Haas newcomers to Denver area par­ announced, which will be able ishes. The total of pledges hu to accommodate SO persons — increased $1,023.50 above last the usual winter congregation. week’s amount and now stands The past winter was the first at $3,343,021.92. one in which Ma.ss was offered Rcr. Joho F. SUttery in Grand Lake on Sundays, be­ A system of Catholic high cause of the' inaccessibility of schools with adequate facilities the place at that time of year. in every area of Denver is the Mow Sunday Mass is offered goal which is beginning to be S i x N e w Priests there all year round. achieved by the use of the The winter sacristy will be funds now being collected. The enclosed in an extension off commemorating the 75tb anniversary of the collection period for the Arch­ Luke E. Hart of the bishop's High Schools Fund be­ For Assignments the priest's sacristy, which is Supreme Knight Knights of Columbus Knights of Columbus staged by Denver Coun­ at the left of the sanctuary as cil 639. gan on March 11, 1956, and one faces the altar. The build­ is shown on a stop-over visit in Denver on a re­ Pictured above in the Terminal Building of $1,368,997.69 has been col­ The return of Father* ing thus will be Lishaped. There turn flight from the West Coast. On hand to Denver's Stapleton Air Field is part of the re­ lected since that date. The Rev. Emmanuel Gabel John E. Cotter and Leonenl will be three altars in the greet the governor of more U%n 1,000,000 ception committee, from left to right: District payment period for pledges G. Urban lo Denver from church proper aifd one in the Knights of Columbus throughout the world were Deputy Dave McKinney, Friday Luncheon Club will end on Aug. 31, 1958. nation, will also speak at his Romo early in July will bring winter chapeL Heating will be some 40 men representing the councils of Colo­ President Jim Peri, Aurora Council Grand Two Additions First Mass. to lix the number of priette added for lerviee in the Den­ provided by two large Butane- rado. Hart was highly complimentary of the Knight Chet Smith, Supreme Knight Hart, Dr. Being Built The ordinand has one cousin r Propane hot-air furnaces. recent week-long diamond jubilee celebration Frank Usick, and State Deputy Justin Hannen. ver Arehdioeete thU aummer. «. A work aaeristy will be sit­ The money in the High who is a Predous Blood Father Father Cotter, ordained in j , Schools Fund Is being spent and rwo others who are Utsuline uated at the right of the sanc­ Just as quickly as it is being Rome Dec. 19, 1953, has been tuary, and a small lavatory be­ Nuns. completing his course toward D enver Knights O ffer C ity as Site collected for Die immediate :!I ■ tween the two sacristies and R«v, Joieph J. LievcD* The candidate served with the the degree of Doctor of Canon behind the main altar. The al­ eonstruction of badly needed I^w. A Regis High School grad­ tars and pews will be con- additions to the existing pa­ John R. Vidal, CM . Narrator U. S. Navy four years in the rochial high schools. Two ad­ uate, he made his collegiate atructed of blond oak. will be the Rev. Thomas Con­ South Pacific, and was 4-H Club and philosophical studies at St In the rear of the church For O rder's '6 0 Suprem e C onvention ditions are in the process of construction; One at St Fran­ nolly, C.M. All these priest- agent for Colorado and Oregon Thomas' Seminary before will be a double confessional five years before entering the going to Rome in 1960 for his and an ample choirloft, be­ Denver may be the host to The convention would bring to Gschwend, council 1183, Boul­ cis de Ssles’ High School in officers are stationed at St. courses in theology and canon sides the baptistry. ^ant national supreme con­'Denver between 6,000 and 7,000the der; and Joseph J. Stimack, South Denver and one at Holy Thomas' Seminary, ofwhicfi the seminary. Family High School in North law. Redwood paneling on the vention of the Knights of delegates representing the order, council 2139, Walsenburg. State ordinands are alumni Rev. Emmanuel Gabel Father Urban, ordained in church exterior around the Columbus in 1960. This became which now numbers 1,030,000 Deputy Blick and his immediate Denver. A fine new building A native of Manzanola, Em­ Rome Dee. 16, 1956, has been windows and on the lintels a possitdlily when the state men.'The decision to invite the predecessor, Justin Hannen of has been completed and is in Rev. Joseph J. Lievens studying theol<^ in the K. of C. were able to tender an national rally was made at the Denver council 639, automati­ use at Cathedra! High School manuel Chbei was born July 24, will provide a pleasing con­ Born July 9,1915, in Denver, Eternal City. A St ^ n cis de trast to the red mgstone. The invitation for the Rrst time annual state K. of C, convention cally are delegates to the in the Capitol Hill section of 1951, to John B. and Rose with guara'ntees of adequate in Boulder May 25-27, according Denver. Joseph Lievens is the son of Sales’ High School graduate, church interior will be of national convention. Gabel, who are now members of he attended Adams State Col­ Bheetrock, execept for the sanc­ hotel facilities. ■ to Earl C. Bach, newly elected Mrs. Anna Lievens of Engle­ Director Speaks As additional money be St. Francis de Sales' Parish. He lege and then entered St tuary, where highly finished state secretary. The Denver John T. Rocap of Indian­ comes available construction wood. His father is deceased. Thomas’ Seminary, where he convention bureau assigned 1960 atccoded e le m e n t a r y public plywood walls will be installed. apolis, Ind., a member of the will start on a new high school The candidate attended received a bachelor of arts de­ as the year when the Colorado in the Park Hill section of schools at Rodty Ford, and the $36,000 Raised capital would be able to accom­ supreme board of directors, rural grade school, and the gree in 1963, the year he was For Building addressed the business session Denver.
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