SCIENTIFIC-PROFESSIONAL vol. 3 broj 1 srpanj/juli 2014. ISSN 2233-1220 ISSN 2233-1239 (Online) 5 UNIVERZITET U TUZLI FARMACEUTSKI FAKULTET TUZLA SVEUČILIŠTE J. J. STROSSMAYERA U OSIJEKU PREHRAMBENO-TEHNOLOŠKI FAKULTET OSIJEK HRANA U ZDRAVLJU I BOLESTI FOOD IN HEALTH AND DISEASE ZNANSTVENO-STRUČNI ČASOPIS ZA NUTRICIONIZAM I DIJETETIKU SCIENTIFIC-PROFESSIONAL JOURNAL OF NUTRITION AND DIETETICS Osijek, Tuzla, srpanj/juli 2014. HRANA U ZDRAVLJU I BOLESTI ZNANSTVENO-STRUČNI ČASOPIS ZA NUTRICIONIZAM I DIJETETIKU www.hranomdozdravlja.com ISSN: 2233-1220 ISSN: 2233-1239 (Online) VOLUMEN 3 2014 Glavni i odgovorni urednik (Gost urednik) Drago Šubarić (Osijek, Hrvatska) Urednici Midhat Jašić (Tuzla, BiH), Zlata Mujagić (Tuzla BiH), Amra Odobašić (Tuzla, BiH) Pomoćnici urednika Ramzija Cvrk (Tuzla, BiH), Ivana Pavleković (Osijek, Hrvatska) Uređivački odbor Znanstveni/naučni odbor Rubin Gulaboski (Štip, Makedonija), Lejla Begić (Tuzla, BiH), Ines Drenjačević (Osijek, Hrvatska), Ibrahim Elmadfa (Beč, Austrija), Snježana Marić (Tuzla, BiH), Michael Murkovich (Graz, Austrija), Azijada Beganlić (Tuzla, BiH), Milena Mandić (Osijek, Hrvatska), Dubravka Vitali-Čepo (Zagreb, Hrvatska), Jongjit Angkatavanich (Bangkok,Tajland), Đurđica Ačkar (Osijek, Hrvatska), Irena Vedrina-Dragojević (Zagreb, Hrvatska), Mirela Kopjar (Osijek, Hrvatska), Radoslav Grujić (Istočno Sarajevo, BiH), Zahida Ademović (Tuzla, BiH), Lisabet Mehli (Trondheim, Norveška), Nela Nedić Tiban (Osijek, Hrvatska), Nurka Pranjić (Tuzla, BiH), Tamara Bosnić (Tuzla, BiH), Edgar Chambers IV (Kansas SU, USA) Brižita Đorđević (Beograd, Srbija), Stela Jokic (Osijek, Hrvatska), Jørgen Lerfall (Trondheim, Norveška), Daniela Čačić-Kenjerić (Osijek, Hrvatska), Greta Krešić (Opatija, Hrvatska), Slavica Grujić (Banja Luka, BiH), Borislav Miličević (Osijek, Hrvatska) Izdavač: Farmaceutski fakultet Univerziteta u Tuzli, Univerzitetska 7, 75 000 Tuzla, BiH Suizdavač: Prehrambeno-tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku, Franje Kuhača 20, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska Tehnička priprema i dizajn: Damir Alihodžić (Tuzla, BiH), Zdravko Šumić (Novi Sad, Srbija), Kenan Biberkić (Tuzla, BiH) Časopis HRANA U ZDRAVLJU I BOLESTI izlazi dva puta godišnje. Ovaj broj tiskan je u 150 primjeraka. Cijena godišnje pretplate (BiH): 30 € Cijena godišnje pretplate (Inozemstvo): 50 € Broj bankovnog računa: NLB BANKA Transakcijski račun: 1321000256000080 Budžetska organizacija: 2404019 Poziv na broj: 7013000000 Časopis HRANA U ZDRAVLJU I BOLESTI indeksiran je u/na: CAB abstracts bazi podataka; portalu HRČAK (Portal znanstvenih časopisa Republike Hrvatske) Tisak: Grafika d.o.o., Osijek, Hrvatska FOOD IN HEALTH AND DISEASE SCIENTIFIC-PROFESSIONAL JOURNAL OF NUTRITION AND DIETETICS www.hranomdozdravlja.com ISSN: 2233-1220 ISSN: 2233-1239 (Online) VOLUME 3 2014 Editor-in-Chief (Guest Editor) Drago Subaric (Osijek, Croatia) Deputy Editors Midhat Jasic (Tuzla, B&H), Zlata Mujagic (Tuzla, B&H), Amra Odobasic (Tuzla, B&H) Assistant Editors Ramzija Cvrk (Tuzla, B&H), Ivana Pavlekovic (Osijek, Croatia) Editorial board Scientific board Rubin Gulaboski (Stip, Macedonia), Lejla Begic (Tuzla, B&H), Ines Drenjacevic (Osijek, Croatia), Ibrahim Elmadfa (Vienna, Austria), Snjezana Maric (Tuzla, B&H), Michael Murkovich (Graz, Austria), Azijada Beganlic (Tuzla, B&H), Milena Mandic (Osijek, Croatia), Dubravka Vitali-Cepo (Zagreb, Croatia), Jongjit Angkatavanich (Bangkok, Thailand), Djurdjica Ackar (Osijek, Croatia), Irena Vedrina-Dragojevic (Zagreb, Croatia), Mirela Kopjar (Osijek, Croatia), Radoslav Grujic (East Sarajevo, B&H), Zahida Ademovic (Tuzla, B&H), Lisabet Mehli (Trondheim, Norway), Nela Nedic Tiban (Osijek, Croatia), Nurka Pranjic (Tuzla, B&H), Tamara Bosnic (Tuzla, B&H), Edgar Chambers IV (Kansas SU, USA) Brizita Djordjevic (Belgrade, Serbia), Stela Jokic (Osijek, Croatia), Jørgen Lerfall (Trondheim, Norway), Daniela Cacic-Kenjeric (Osijek, Croatia), Greta Kresic (Opatija, Croatia), Slavica Grujic (Banja Luka, B&H), Borislav Milicevic (Osijek, Croatia) Publisher: Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Tuzla, Univerzitetska 7, 75 000 Tuzla, B&H Co-Publisher: Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Franje Kuhaca 20, 31000 Osijek, Croatia Technical preparation and design: Damir Alihodzic (Tuzla, B&H), Zdravko Sumic (Novi Sad, Serbia), Kenan Biberkic (Tuzla, B&H) Journal FOOD IN HEALTH AND DISEASE is published twice a year. This issue is published in 150 copies. Annual subscription price (B&H): 30 € Annual subscription price (Foreign countries): 50 € Bank account: NLB BANKA Transaction account: 1321000256000080 Budget organisation: 2404019 Reference number: 7013000000 Journal FOOD IN HEALTH AND DISEASE is indexed in: CAB Abstracts database; Portal of Croatian Scientific Journals (HRČAK) Printed by: Grafika d.o.o., Osijek, Croatia Editor’s Letter Dear readers, I am honoured to be a guest editor of the scientific-professional journal's fifth issue Food in Health and Disease, which is the result of a scientific cooperation in the field of food technology and nutrition science between Osijek and Tuzla over many years. On this occasion I would like to express my gratitude to the professor Midhat Jašić who is the founder and chief editor of the journal, for presenting me the opportunity to edit this anniversary issue as well as for putting an effort into starting the journal. It goes without saying that this journal deals with the most up- to-date topics. We are all aware of the importance of healthy diet and physical activity on health as well as of numerous factors influencing food and diet quality. Agricultural resources application in solving energy issues on global level, climatic changes, (uncontrolled) overuse of chemicals in food production, world population growth and migrations are only some of the factors that influence food production in the world at the present and in the future (regarding quality, quantity and price). When discussing healthy diet issues, several questions are raised concerning consumers’ level of information, quality of healthy diet and sources of information. Awareness is a key factor that can help to resolve these issues. I am convinced that articles published in this journal can and will contribute to understanding of food quality and potentials for diet improvements, or at least raise questions to be resolved in the future. I hope that articles will be read not only by professionals, but by everybody interested in gaining knowledge in this field. Your sincerly, Ph.D. Drago Šubarić, full professor Hrana u zdravlju i bolesti/Food in Health and Disease ZNANSTVENO-STRUČNI ČASOPIS ZA NUTRICIONIZAM I DIJETETIKU SCIENTIFIC-PROFESSIONAL JOURNAL OF NUTRITION AND DIETETICS Farmaceutski fakultet/Tehnološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Tuzli, Tuzla, BiH Faculty of Pharmacy/Faculty of Technology, University of Tuzla, Tuzla, B&H Prehrambeno-tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku, Osijek, Hrvatska Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Osijek, Croatia ISSN: 2233-1220 ISSN: 2233-1239 (Online) VOLUMEN/VOLUME 3 2014 (2014) 3 (1) 1-52 SADRŽAJ/CONTENTS Originalni znanstveni radovi/Original scientific papers Borislav Miličević, Drago Šubarić, Jurislav Babić, Đurđica Ačkar, Antun Jozinović, Emil Petošić, Anita Matijević Influence of the immobilized yeast cells technology on the presence of biogenic amines in wine ........................................................................................................ 1-5 Pregledni radovi/Reviews Damir Aličić, Drago Šubarić, Midhat Jašić, Hatidža Pašalić, Đurđica Ačkar Antioxidant properties of pollen ................................................................................................ 6-12 Ines Banjari, Ivana Vukoje, Milena L. Mandić Brain food: How nutrition alters our mood and behaviour ........................................................ 13-21 Antun Jozinović, Drago Šubarić, Đurđica Ačkar, Borislav Miličević, Jurislav Babić, Midhat Jašić, Kristina Valek Lendić Food industry by-products as raw materials in functional food production ............................... 22-30 Marina Rajić, Stela Jokić, Mate Bilić, Senka Vidović, Andreja Bošnjak, Darko Adžić The application of Herzegovinian herbs in production of tea mixes .......................................... 31-37 Mladenka Šarolić, Mirko Gugić, Zvonimir Marijanović, Marko Šuste Virgin olive oil and nutrition ..................................................................................................... 38-43 Prethodna priopćenja/Preliminary communications Sanida Osmanović, Samira Huseinović, Šefket Goletić, Marizela Šabanović, Sandra Zavadlav Accumulation of heavy metals in the fruit and leaves of plum (Prunus domestica L.) in the Tuzla area .................................................................................... 44-48 INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS ............................................................................................ 49-52 Food in health and disease, scientific-professional journal of nutrition and dietetics (2014) 3 (1) 1-5 Influence of the immobilized yeast cells technology on the presence of biogenic amines in wine Borislav Miličević1, Drago Šubarić1, Jurislav Babić1, Đurđica Ačkar1, Antun Jozinović1*, Emil Petošić2, Anita Matijević3 1Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Franje Kuhača 20, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia 2Zvečevo d.d., Food Industry, Kralja Zvonimira 1, 34000 Požega, Croatia 3Galić d.o.o., Vilima Korajca 1, 34330 Velika,
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