THE COLOMA COURIER AND THE BENTON HARBOR HERALD VOL 34 COLOMA, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 2. 1928 NO 32 BUNKER'S OPERA HOUSE CHOSEN US FIVE CANDIDATES FEDERAL BUILDING GRANO BEACH MAN CHANGES NEEDED HARBERT FARMER SCENE FOR "THE WOMANLESS WEDDING" ON EACH TICKET AT BENTDN HARBOR KILLED BY AUTD IN COUNTY JAIL HANGED HIMSELF TO DE PRESENTED THIS, THURSDAV, EVE. Hocker and l/0\vell S. Guy Will Run on SEEMS ASSURED Edward Golle, Aged 77 Years, Met Semi-Annual Inspection Revealed That Despondcocy Over Worries of a Jury. Citizens' Ticket and John V. Thomp Instant Death on U. S. Higlmay 12, 527 Prisoners Had Been Confined in man Believed to Have Prompted Act Ring bearer—Ernest Kittle. Box Social Will Also Hdp to Mak( Train bearer—Benny Marvin. son And Oscar J. Smith on the Peo- Hopes of Citizens Are Revived by Monday Evening—Driver of Car Tiie Past Six MonUis —Body Found by Wife Hits ERitertainment One of the Moflt Best man—Henry Kibler. ple's Ticket. Groomsmen—O. J. Long. Robert Kib- Messages Given at Mass Meeting Absolved of Blame Probate Judge W. H. Andrews. Despondency brought on by medita- County Agent T. W. Belllngham, and Humorous Ever Given in Coloma— ler, Sr. When the polls open next Monday tions on an opinion he held In a case Sunday Evening by Congrewmnn Berrien county's toll of dead from the supervisors of the poor—Glenn morning. March 12th, for the annual in the Berrien county circuit court last automobile accidents was Increased by Haslett of Buchanan, D. B. Sharpe of Proceeds Will Go to the Parent- village election they will find two Dan Reed of New York—Congress week in which he served as a juror, is one more victim last Monday evening Berrien and Leo R. Beardsiey of St. tickets, but there will be two blank believed to have prompted Frank Teachers Fund when Edward Golle, a 77-year-old re- Joseph—made their semi-annual In- y. M. c. A. stem spaces on each ballot. William W. man John C. Ketcham Also Conllrnw Swanson, a 55-year-old farmer of Har- cluse living near the Grand Beach re spection of the county jail last week Hocker, for village president; Oscar J. berf to commit suicide at his home Do not hare the blues. Do not carry Hie Report sort, between New Buffalo and Michi- and will recommend to the board of Smith, for village clerk; John V. early Monday morning. h grouch for another iluy. An excel- GAVE FINE TALK BEFOUE gan City, was struck down and Instant- supervisors that the present bath tubs Thompson, for village treasurer .and That Benton Harbor's Iioim-s for a Swanson's body was discovered hang- lent remedy for that peHslmistlc feel- ly killed. be removed and that shower baths be Lowell S. Guy, for village assessor, ing from a beam In his garage when new government building to house Us Golle, It Is reported, was walking installed as a more sanitary feature of ing Is provided for you this (Thurs- were nominated on both the Citizens' his wife became alarmed when he WORKERS' CONEERENCE post office and other federal offices may along fhe highway when a car driven the jail, and also that better drainage day) evening at Bunker's opera house and People's tickets. Hocker and Guy failed to come to fhe house for break- be realized at a date not far distant, by Miss Bernlee Grelger of New Buf- be provided from the second floor of In Coloma, when "The Woman less have chosen to run on the Citizens' fast. She immediately notified Deputy was the happy Information conveyed falo approached blm. and as she turn- the building. The general conditions Wedding" will he performed, with ticket and Smith and Thompson on the Sheriff Ben Drier of New Buffalo. to a large congregation at the Ivan ed out to go aipund the man he Is said of the Jail were reported to be good. James K. Guy taking the role of min- Kenneth I^ancaster of Benton Harbor People's ticket. The only oppogitton Temple last Sunday evening by to have stepped from the side of the At the time fhe Inspection was made I/eaps From Automobiie ister. that there will be on the ballots is for Congressman Dan Reed of New York, Told of Value of Sunday School to road directly In front of the automo- there were 08 prisoners In the jail: 20 the office of village trustees, there be- The cast of characters for this fun- who Is conducting a campaign for bile and the driver of the car could not of that number were serving sentenc- Swanson apparently had climbed to provoking entertainment has hecn se- Young Men ing three candidates on each ticket for civic betterment in Benton Harbor litis avoid striking him. It Is said that sin- es; 18 were being held for trial, and 21 the top of his automobile, tossed a rope lected from among the huslness men of these offices. Following Is the list of week. Congressman Reed stated that was driving at a speed of about 3r» were awaiting commitment to other over the beams and leaped from the Coloma. They have hoen enjoying Kenneth Lancaster, secretary of the candidates on the two tickets: just before leaving Washington he had miles per hour. With Miss Grleger was prisons, i automobile with fhe noose about his themselves for the past two weeks with Young Men's Christian Association at been Informed by Congressnmn .loh:i another young lady and three young neck. When Deputy Drier arrived one Citizens' Ticket their rehearsals for this program, un- Benton Harbor, gave a splendid Infor- C. Ketcham, who represents the fourth men. and all four corroborated her 527 Prisoners Booked leg was still caught on fhe edge of fhe mal talk at the Workers' Conference der the direction of Mrs. Actavla Trnv- President—William W. Hocker. district of Michigan, that the sum of slory Which was told to fhe officers. fop of fhe automobile. The theory of er, jind all have their parts down to held at the Methodist Church In Co- $120,000 had been set aside for Henton The victim of the accident was picked The reitorf revealed a total of 527 despondency over ill health was first Trustee for two years—James K. prisoners booked since the last report perfection. If you have never attend- htma, Tuesday evening. His theme was Guy. Harbor In the appropriation hill, and up by the automobiln party and taken advanced but was discarded when Mrs. <><1 a big wedding, this will be your "Young Men and How to Interest that the money would he available to New BiifTalo, but was dead before lie was made. These include 00 for viola- Swanson fold officers her husband had Trustee for two years—Felix (,'. tion of fhe liquor laws. 87 for being opportunity. Outlltters have been very Them In the Church and Sunday Sawatzki. December 1, 1028. reached there. It was stated that his suffered no physical ailments. She said busy designing the "gowns" for the School.' He said that If boys would left leg and right arm were fractured drunk, 30 for automobile theft, seven that he was of a highly conscientious Trustee for two years—Wm. N. Van- Ketcham Confirmed Report for jumping board bills, eight for non- bride and the attendants and some attend Sunday school more there Derveer. and his skull crushed. Little is known temperment and during the past week wou| payment of alimony, nine for fraudu- stunning creations will Im- exhibited to-, d In? less need for state Instltu- Assessor—Lowell S. Guy. Following closely upon the announce- about the man. who lived alone In a had spoken of the Jury trial on several night. jtlons; Sunday school influence is fur lent checks, 50 for drunk and disorder- occasions. Neighbors also said ho ment made Sunday evening by Con- small house near Grand Beach. more worth whUe than most ly conduct, 22 held on suspicion, two This entertainment will be given un- People's Ticket Miss Grelger, the driver of the car frequently had talked with them of his realize. Friendship Is a tine topic of gressman Reed, the News-Palladium for wife desertion. 10 for Insanity, 12 der the auspices of the Coloma Parent- which caused Golle's death, was re- responsibility as a juror. Clerk—Oscar J. Smith. on Monday received news from Con- held for Investigation. 12 for grand Teachers Association. Following the mutual Interest to get Into the life of leased after she had been uuestioned a boy, for the thought "I'm for you ami Treasurer—John V. Thompson. gressman Ketcham that Kenton liar larceny, 17 for petit larceny, 20 for as- Lived There 15 Years "wedding," the refreshments will be bor Is definitely assured of a new fed- by the officers and It was uetermined nke t0 0r m Trustee for two years—Fred L, sault and battery, 10 for vagrancy, one served from box lunches which will be . ^ ^ , ^l^ " that she could not be held to blame for The last case in which Swanson n,e ls Scott. eral post office building. The site of for manslaughter, eight for forgery, furnished by tjie ladles, and that will "f® n f " wonderfnl Idea to the government building will be on the the accident. served as a juror was a damage suit 0 Trustee for two years—Elton Lahr. two for train riding, nine for non-sup- be their only part In the program.! f ""- We get what we corner of Territorial road and Sixth brought by Mrs.
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