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C08K 5 /3415 (2013 .01 ) ; C08K 3 / 08 ( 2013 .01 ) ; C08K 3 /36 (2013 .01 ) ; C08K 5 / 07 Primary Examiner - Robert T Butcher (2013 .01 ) ; C08K 5 / 098 ( 2013 .01 ) ; C08K (74 ) Attorney , Agent , or Firm — Dykema Gossett PLLC 2003 /085 ( 2013 .01 ) ; C08K 2003 /0893 ( 2013 .01 ) ( 57 ) ABSTRACT ( 58 ) Field of Classification Search A process to use an unsaturated polyester resin system None comprising preparing a curable cumene - quat curing system . See application file for complete search history . The cumene - quat curing system can comprise an unsatu rated polyester resin , a peroxide initiator , a quaternary (56 ) References Cited ammonium salt component , a 2 , 4 - pentanedione component , and an inhibitor component. The peroxide initiator can U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS comprise a cumene hydroperoxide component. The process 5 ,017 , 258 A 5 / 1991 Brown et al. can further comprise applying the curable cumene - quat 5 , 104 ,691 A 4 / 1992 Edwards et al . curing system in a cured - in -place pipe rehabilitation pro 5 ,653 , 555 A 8 / 1997 Catallo cess . 6 , 058 ,979 A 5 / 2000 Watkins 6 ,433 ,098 B1 8 / 2002 Brown et al. 17 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets atent Nov. 20 , 2018 Sheet 1 of 3 | US 10, 131 , 766 B2 113 105- 111 101 FIG.1 109 107 -103 ? ? U . S . Patent Nov . 20 , 2018 Sheet 2 of 3 US 10 , 131, 766 B2 Exo)(201LinearPeak Times)(203Expon.Gel- Times)(205Expon.Cure- 207)Peak(GeltoLinear- PeakExo GelTimes© CureTimes© OGeltoPeak - )F ( Temperature 400 4000 4000 3500 -203 -207 3500 3000 - 2500 Concentrationof-4HTppm() 205205 - 2000 201 25003000150020001000 FIG.2 - 1500 444 . 1000 Beg 500 500 0 0 +40 ) minutes( Time atent Nov . 20 , 2018 Sheet 3 of 3 US 10 , 131, 766 B2 O1000 1100 02000 Ø2500 93000 3100 3200 O3500 301 315ar 25 20 311 . TITITITITI 309 NITI 15 Time(minutes) FIG.3 123 0 HAL XXXXX NAANNON 41: -307 SONIN2UIN 10 D . 301303305 5 )F Deg( Temperature US 10 , 131 , 766 B2 UNSATURATED POLYESTER RESIN FIG . 3 depicts a graph of the temperature time curves of SYSTEM FOR CURED IN -PLACE PIPING one embodiment of an unsaturated polyester resin system with varying levels of 4 -hydroxy TEMPO . FIELD DETAILED DESCRIPTION Embodiments of the present disclosure generally relate to In one embodiment, this disclosure relates to the lining of a system , method , and apparatus for using an unsaturated pipelines or passageways, using flexible tubular materials polyester resin system with cured in -place piping to repair which are impregnated with a curable unsaturated polyester conduits or pipelines . resin system which can be placed in a position lining the 10 pipeline or passageway and can be held by fluid pressure BACKGROUND against the pipeline or passageway surface until the unsatu Conduits or pipelines , particularly underground pipes , rated polyester resin system cures to a hard condition such as sewer pipes , water lines and gas lines are employed leaving a hard lining on the interior of the pipeline or for conducting fluids and frequently require repair due to 15 polyesterpassageway resin surface system . In othercan be embodiments used in other , the methodsunsaturated or fluid leakage . The leakage from the conduits or pipelines can processes using curable resins. This process is known to one move in to the pipe from the environment. Also , the leakage of ordinary skill in the art as Cured In -Place Piping (CIPP ) . can move outward from the inner portion of the pipe to the A subset of the unsaturated polyester resin can comprise a surrounding environment. It is desirable to avoid leakage in vinyl ester resin . either case . 20 Pot- life is the time it takes for a viscosity of a mixed Pipe leakage can occur for a variety of reasons . In one system to increase by a pre - set number. In many cases the instance , the pipe leakage can occur due to improper instal- pot - life is the amount of time it takes for the viscosity to lation of the original pipe . In another instance , the pipe double . However , in other cases , where the viscosity of the leakage can occur due to deterioration of the pipe itself as a mixed system is very low , the pot - life can be used to state result of normal aging or the effects of conveying corrosive 25 the amount of time it takes for the mixed system to triple , or abrasive material through the pipeline . Further, cracks can quadruple, or more in viscosity . In one embodiment, the be caused at or near pipe joints from environmental condi- pot - life comprises the amount of time it takes for the tions . These environmental conditions can include situations viscosity to double . In other embodiments , the pot - life ranging from earthquakes to the movement of large vehicles comprises the amount of time it takes for the viscosity to on the overhead surface or other natural or manmade vibra - 30 triple , quadruple , or otherwise increase in viscosity . Further , tions . Leaks from conduits or pipelines as described above a working time is the amount of time from the point when are undesirable and can result in waste of the fluid being component A and component B are mixed together to the conveyed within the pipeline , or result in damage to areas point when the resulting formulation is no longer usable . surrounding the pipeline including possible dangerous Pot- life or an end of a pot- life is often defined as the point health hazards. If the pipeline continues to leak and is not 35 at which the viscosity increases significantly due to the repaired , structural failure of the existing conduit can occur reaction between component A and component B . The high due to soil loss and support of the conduit . viscosity will make it difficult to successfully complete the CIPP process . BRIEF SUMMARY One method of using an unsaturated polyester resin The present disclosure relates to a system and method fortu40 system as described herein is to impregnate linings as is the lining of pipelines or passageways , using flexible tubular disclosed in British Patent No. 1449455 , filed 8 Dec . 1972 , materials . In particular, the instant disclosure relates to a and issued 15 Sep . 1976 , which is hereby incorporated by system and method using flexible tubular materials which reference as though fully set forth herein . The impregnated are impregnated with a curable unsaturated polyester resin lining can be applied to the pipeline or passageway surface system . 45 by eversion of same into the pipeline or passageway , using In one embodiment, a process to use an unsaturated fluid pressure . In various embodiments , the fluid pressure polyester resin system comprising preparing a curable can comprise a heated steam or liquid . In other embodi cumene - quat curing system can comprise an unsaturated ments , other heated fluids can be used in the curing process . polyester resin , a peroxide initiator , a quaternary ammonium FIG .
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