DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD,CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA,LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA ● REG.NO. MCS/067/2018-20RNI REGN. NO. 1543/57 JOURNALISM OF COURAGE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 2021, MUMBAI, LATE CITY, 16 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00, WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM CENTRE CITES COVID-19 FOR DELAY IN PORTAL AN EXPRESS INVESTIGATION PART-2 INSIDE SCsetsJuly31dateforonerationcard, Not politicians alone, readyperch BJPCLAIMS 21 OF 22 callsmigrantportaldelayunpardonable UP ZILA PANCHAYAT for bureaucrats CHIEF RESULTS Tells states to supplydry rations,set up kitchens;Assam, Bengal, C’garh, Delhi lagging on ration plan CHAR DHAM YATRA SUSPENDED adaisical” and “unpardonable”. of JusticesAshok Bhushan and mentation ensures availability of ED too in PSU boards APURVAVISHWANATH “When the unorganised MRShah said while issuing a ration to beneficiaries under BALAJI SRIVASTAVA NEWDELHI,JUNE29 workers arewaiting forregistra- Slowto string of directions to the Centre National Food Security Act IS NEW POLICE CHIEF tion and arewaiting to reap the PLAIN E andstates. (NFSA) and other welfare Manyare Independent Directors in OF DELHI ● takeoff THE SUPREME CourtonTuesday benefit of various welfare EX The court’s verdict came in a schemes, especiallytothe mi- PAGE 8 setadeadline of July 31 forstates schemes of the states and Centre, suo motu case it had takenupon grant workers and their families firms under Ministry they worked in; to implement the ‘One Nation the apathyand lackadaisical at- THOUGH THE One Nation May26lastyear concerning the at anyFair Price Shop across the One Ration Card’ system and for titude by theMinistryofLabour One Ration scheme is in welfareofmigrant workers amid Country”. IAS dominatesbeneficiarypool the Centretocreateanational and Employment is unpardon- operation in 32 states and the Covid-19pandemic. Solicitor GeneralTushar House panel databaseof unorganisedworkers. able. Therewas urgency in the UTs, it has been slowto Calling One Nation One Mehtahad earlier told the court YOUR RIGHT The courtalso pulledup portaltobe finalisedand imple- take off. In June, only1.65 Ration Card“an important citi- thatonlyfourstates—Assam, BUSINESSASUSUAL the Centrefor the delayinset- mented looking (at) the pan- lakh beneficiaries under zen-centric reform”, the Chhattisgarh, Delhi and West TO KNOW to Twitter: ting up anational webportalto demic and direneedofunorgan- the NFSAavailedofitfor Supreme Courtset adeadline of Bengal —wereyet to implement BY UNNY registermigrant and unorgan- isedworkers to receive the inter-state portability. July31for allstatestoimplement theOne Nation, One Ration Card AN EXPRESS RTI Explain why isedworkers, calling this“lack- benefit,” aSupreme Courtbench the scheme and said “itsimple- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 APPLICATION handles of SHYAMLALYADAV MPs blocked Govt gives Moderna NEWDELHI,JUNE29 IT'S NOT justpoliticians linkedto LIZMATHEW the ruling BJP who have been NEWDELHI,JUNE29 emergency use nod, made Independent Directors on the boardsofPublicSectorUn- AS THE rowbetween Twitter ` 95 per kilo dertakings.Whenitcomestopa- and the government intensifies may first come in tronagefromthe ruling establish- over the newITguidelines,the ment,officialdomisn’t farbehind. TOMORROW parliamentarystanding com- ` 123 per kilo Records obtainedthrough the THEDOORBETWEEN mittee on IT has sought an ex- only as donations RighttoInformation Actand also PUBLIC&PRIVATE planationfromthe microblog- ` 152 per kilo investigatedby The Indian Express ging platform on the blocking of showthat at least46retired bu- Twitter accountsofUnion ` 72 per Dozen Paul, head of the national Covid reaucratsserveonthe boards of Director in anyPSU is guidedby Informationand Technology KAUNAINSHERIFFM& task force, on Tuesdaysaid, “I am 40 PSUs. statutoryprovisionsandinstruc- MinisterRaviShankar Prasad PRABHARAGHAVAN pleasedtoinform that an appli- In the firstofthis series tions issued.Ifeel it provides an and committeechairman NEWDELHI,JUNE29 cation receivedfromModerna, Monday, TheIndianExpress inves- organisationthe advantages of Shashi Tharoor. NHRC team through an Indian subsidiary tigation of 146PSUs —for which institutional wisdom, particu- It is learnt that the commit- THE NATIONAL drug regulator and partner of theirs, Cipla, has details were available —revealed larly in strategic planning, execu- teewrotetoTwitter—itwas probing Bengal on Tuesdaygranted emergency been granted newdrug permis- that of the 172Independent tion and management.Forexam- summonedbeforethe panel on use authorisation to US biotech- sion forrestricted use,com- Directors in 98 PSUs, 86 on 67 ple, basedonmyinterestand June 18 —and askedittoexplain violence faces nology firm Moderna forits vac- monlyknown as Emergency Use boards arelinkedtothe rulingBJP. experience, Imade good sugges- whythe Twitter handles of cine againstthe novelcoron- Authorisation. This is the firstin- Raising questions of propri- tions on CSR initiatives, which Prasad and Tharoor were avirus, paving the wayfor its ternationallydevelopedvaccine etyand conflict of interest, some made the initiative moremean- blocked, what is itspolicy on mob, ‘threats’ Indianpartner Ciplatoimport forwhichsuchpermission exists bureaucratsworkedinseniorpo- ingful. Idon’t find anyclashof in- blocking accountsand the safe- the firstmRNACovid-19 vaccine as of today,”Paulsaid. sitionsinministries withadmin- terestasthe role is advisory,” guards to ensurethat random SWEETYKUMARI intothe countryfor commercial He, however, said discus- istrative control or linkstothe Panda said. blocking does nottakeplace. KOLKATA,JUNE29 use. This is also the firstinterna- sions on whether Moderna and PSUs wheretheyare now SunilKumarKohli:InAugust Lastweek, Prasad was tionallydevelopedvaccinetobe Cipla would receive indemnity Independent Directors, the 2018,thisIndian Defence blockedfromaccessing his ac- THE NHRCteam investigating granted awaiverfromconduct- —protection from legal liability records show. AccountsServiceofficerretiredas count, ratchetinguptensions post-pollincidentsinWestBengal ing bridgingtrials in India. in the case of adverse effects— Consider: FinancialAdvisor (Defence with the government. ontheordersof theCalcuttaHigh While the government said arestill underway. SanjayKumar Panda: A Services). He had earlier worked Following this, Twitter came Courtfaced heckling and report- details on the quantity of doses “That issue (indemnity) is be- 1980-batch IAS officer from the as Controller General of Defence under fresh criticism fornot fol- edly threatsofviolence in to be importedtoIndia by Cipla ing addressedand we have taken Manipur-Tripura cadre,heserved Accountsunderthe Ministryof lowing Indian laws. Jadavpur on Tuesdayafternoon. arestillunder consideration, The it up forexamination. It is under as Secretaryinthe Ministryof Defence. On July24, 2019,hewas Twitter deniedPrasad access Thevice-chairmanof theNational Indian Express has learntthat the consideration,” he said. Textiles for17months before his appointed as Independent to his account foralmostanhour Commission forMinorities, Atif vaccine isinitiallyexpectedtobe Emphasising that Tuesday's retirement in August2015. On Director with Bharat Electronics on the grounds that he had Rasheed,whowaswiththeteam, providedtoIndia in limited decision is onlyaregulatorystep, August9,2018, he wasappointed Ltd(BEL)underthesameMinistry. CONTINUEDONPAGE2 said amob had triedtohit and quantities —asdonations by the and thatimportdetails of the THEIR BEST SHOT as Independent Director at The CONTINUEDONPAGE2 chase them, and that police per- US drug maker. vaccine arebeing worked out, JuteCorporation of India Ltd, un- UP, MP, DELHI:FIRs sonnel accompanying them had Confirming the emergency Paulsaid, “(The emergency use Adoor-to-doorvaccination drive in Chitnan village,Bhatora derthe same Ministry. SEBI TIGHTENS AGAINST TWITTER providednohelp. use approval to Moderna’s authorisation) potentiallyopens Island, Howrah, on Tuesday. PTI “The appointment and func- NORMS PAGE 15 CONTINUEDONPAGE2 mRNACovid-19vaccine, Dr VK CONTINUEDONPAGE2 tioning of an Independent PAGE 12 BHIMA KOREGAON CASE MONEY LAUNDERING CASE Taloja prison officials seek Deshmukh expresses inability to appear transfer of accused, say before ED, requests virtual interaction they are giving ‘false KHUSHBOONARAYAN& SADAFMODAK complaints’ to put pressure MUMBAI,JUNE29 FORMER MAHARASHTRA SADAFMODAK Home MinisterAnil Deshmukh MUMBAI,JUNE29 has written to theEnforcement Directorate(ED) Tuesdayex- MORE THAN ayear afterthe pressing his inability to appear male accusedinthe Bhima in person before theprobe Koregaon case were transferred agency in connection with a to TalojaCentralPrison in Navi moneylaundering case, citing Mumbai, the prison officials the Covid-19 pandemic.The NCP have sought to transfer them to Jailsuperintendent’s leader has instead asked the ED another jail in Mumbai on the communication to state to recordhis statement through ground that theythrough their prison department an “audio/visual” mode of their Anil Deshmukh’s advocate IndrapalSingh outside ED’s lawyers and kin aregiving “false mentions astatement by choice. office in MumbaionTuesday. Ganesh Shirsekar complaints”toput pressureon Navlakha’s partner on a In the letter,Deshmukh said, the jail administration. parcel containinganew “I am aseptuagenarian, about 72 The accused’s lawyers have pair of spectacles not years of age, suffering from var- desirable to appear in personto- clarify” the purpose of his per- said that while transfer of pris- acceptedbyjail officials. File ious
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