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14_573853 bindex.qxd 1/11/05 3:59 PM Page 417 Index Airfares, surfing for, 39–40 Aloha wear, 2 A AA (American Automo- Air Kauai Helicopters Big Island, 225–226 bile Association), 62, 410 (Kauai), 375 Kauai, 395, 397 AARP, 38 Airlines, 41–42, 45 Maui, 305 A-Bay (Anaehoomalu Bay; Airports, agricultural Oahu, 146 Big Island), 216 screening at, 42 American Airlines, 41 Abundant Life Natural Foods Air travel, 42–43 American Airlines Vacations, (Big Island), 226 packing for, 31 44 Academy Shop (Honolulu), Akaka Falls (Big Island), 5, American Automobile Asso- 149 197, 202–203 ciation (AAA), 62, 410 Access Aloha Travel, 39 Akamai Educational Toys American Express, 62 Access America, 32 (Big Island), 229 Big Island, 162 Accommodations Alakai Swamp Trail (Kauai), Honolulu, 74 bargaining on prices, 392 Maui, 238 49–50 Alamo, 45 traveler’s checks, 19 best bets, 7–9 Ala Moana (Oahu), 69 American Express Travel, 44 Big Island, 164–176 accommodations, 89 American Foundation for the booking agencies, 50 restaurants, 97, 100–101 Blind, 39 Kauai, 348–359 Ala Moana Beach Park Anaehoomalu Bay (A-Bay; Lanai, 332–334 (Oahu), 126 Big Island), 216 Maui, 240–257 Ala Moana Center (Oahu), Animal Quarantine Facility, 39 Molokai, 313–317 145 Anini Beach (Kauai), 388 Oahu, 76–93 Alapaki’s Hawaiian Gifts Anini Beach County Park package deals at hotel (Big Island), 226 (Kauai), 384 chains, 44–45 Ala Wai Challenge (Oahu), 22 Annual Easter Sunrise Service surfing for, 40 Alii Fish Pond (Molokai), (Honolulu), 24 types of, 47–49 323 Annual Kona Coffee Cultural Ace Island Hardware (Kauai), Alii Shuttle (Big Island), 162 Festival (Big Island), 28 390 Allerton Garden of the Annual Lei Day Celebrations, Activities. See Outdoor National Tropical Botanical 24–25 activities (land-based); Garden (Kauai), 371 Annual Ritz-Carlton Kapalua Watersports and activities Aloha Airlines, 41, 45 Celebration of the Arts Activities and Attractions Aloha Beach Service (Oahu), (Maui), 24 Association of Hawaii 133, 136 Annual St. Patrick’s Day Gold Card, 58 Aloha Bead Co. (Maui), Parade (Oahu), 24 Activities desks, 55–56 303 Anytime Grinds, 93 Activity Connection (Big Aloha Bowl (Oahu), 29 Area code, 62 Island), 56, 157 Aloha Classic World Wave- Arizona Memorial at Pearl Activity COPYRIGHTEDWarehouse sailing Championship MATERIALHarbor (Oahu), 4, 115–116 Kauai, 381, 386, 388, 389 (Maui), 28 Army Museum, U.S. (Oahu), Maui, 56, 289, 294, 295 Aloha Festivals, 27 121–122 Admissions Day, 27 Lanai, 341 Art classes and workshops Aerial tours. See also Aloha Flea Market, 119 Kauai, 395 Helicopter tours Aloha Kayak (Big Island), Maui, 294–295 Oahu, 132 218–219 Art galleries Agricultural screening at the Aloha Stadium (Oahu), 155 Big Island, 223, 224 airports, 42 Aloha Theatre (Big Island), Kauai, 395–396 Ahihi-Kinau Natural Preserve 229, 231 Lanai, 340 (Maui), 293 Aloha Tower Marketplace Maui, 305 Air Canada Vacations, 44 (Honolulu), 101, 144 Oahu, 144, 149 14_573853 bindex.qxd 1/11/05 3:59 PM Page 418 418 INDEX Art Night (Maui), 304 Anini Beach County Waikiki Beach, 126, Arts and crafts, Maui, 303 Park, 384 134 Art School at Kapalua Barking Sands Beach, Waimea Beach Park, (Maui), 294–295 382, 384 131 Aston chain of hotels, 44 Haena Beach Park, 14, Bears’ Coffee (Big Island), Atlantis Submarines, 4, 136, 379, 385, 388 227 219, 274, 293 Hanalei Beach, 384 Bed & Breakfast Hawaii, 50 ATMs (automated teller Kalapaki Beach, 381 Bed-and-breakfasts (B&Bs), machines), 19, 407 Lydgate State Park, 48, 50 Avanti Fashion (Oahu), 146 384 etiquette at, 50 Avis, 39, 45 Mahaulepu Beach, Bellows Field Beach Park 382 (Oahu), 134 Poipu Beach Park, 382 Bentley’s Home and Garden B aby Bear (Maui), 304 Polihale State Park, Collection (Big Island), 224 Babysitters, 46 382, 384 Bento, 51 Big Island, 162–163 Queen’s Pond, 384 BiddingForTravel, 40 Kauai, 347 Salt Pond Beach Park, Big Island, 156–231 Lanai, 332 382 accommodations, 164–176 Maui, 239 Tunnels Beach, 385 arriving in, 157 Molokai, 313 Lanai, 14, 337 beaches. See Beaches, Big Oahu, 74–75 Maui, 285–289 Island Bad Ass Coffee Company Hookipa Beach Park, brief description of, 16 (Big Island), 227 289, 293 Frommer’s favorite experi- Bailey House Museum Shop Kaanapali Beach, 285 ences, 196–197 (Maui), 306 Kamaole III Beach restaurants, 176–191 Bakeries, Oahu, 151 Park, 288, 292 Hamakua Coast, Baldwin Beach Park (Maui), Kapalua Beach, 14, 187–188 292 285, 292 Hawaii Volcanoes Baldwin Home Museum Maluaka Beach National Park, (Maui), 271, 305 (Makena Beach), 190–191 Bamboo forest (Maui), 282 288–289, 292 Hilo, 188–190 Bamboo Lace (Kauai), 395 Ulua Beach, 288, 292 Kohala Coast, Bambulei (Kauai), 397 Waianapanapa State 182–184 Banana Joe’s (Kauai), 397 Park, 283, 289 Kona Coast, 177–182 Banyan Drive (Big Island), Wailea Beach, 288 Naalehu/South Point, 205 Molokai, 14, 324–325 191 Banyan’s (Big Island), 220 Oahu, 126–131 North Kohala, Banyan Tree (Maui), 271, 273 Ala Moana Beach 184–185 Banyan Veranda (Oahu), 154 Park, 126 South Kona, 180–182 Banzai Pipeline (Oahu), 126 Duke Kahanamoku Waimea, 185–187 Barking Sands Beach Beach, 126 shopping, 223–229 (Kauai), 382, 384 Grey’s Beach, 126 sights and attractions, Barnes & Noble (Oahu), 147 Hanauma Bay, 126, 192–213 Beaches, 3. See also Snorkel- 136 Hamakua Coast, ing; Surfing Kailua Beach Park, 202–204 best, 13–14 123, 130, 134, 137 Hawaii Volcanoes Big Island, 213–216 Kualoa Regional Park, National Park, Anaehoomalu Bay 130–131 207–213 (A-Bay), 216 Kuhio Beach, 126, 151 Hilo, 205–207 Hapuna Beach, 13–14, Lanikai Beach, 13, Kohala Coast, 216 123, 130 197–199 Kahaluu Beach Park, Makapuu Beach Park, Kona Coast, 192–197 213 127 Mauna Kea, 201–202 Kaunaoa Beach, 216 Malaekahana Bay North Kohala, Kekaha Kai State Park, State Recreation 199–200 213 Area, 131 Waimea (Kamuela), Kohala Coast, 216 Queen’s Surf, 126 200–201 Leleiwi Beach Park, Sandy Beach, 127 Waipio Valley, 204 216 Sans Souci Beach, 126 transportation, 161–162 White Sands Beach, Sans Souci State visitor information, 16, 157 213, 216 Recreational Area, watersports and activities, Kauai, 381–385 126 217–220 Big Island Audio Tour, 192 14_573853 bindex.qxd 1/11/05 3:59 PM Page 419 INDEX 419 Big Island Candies (Big Bowfin Submarine Museum Central Oahu (Ewa Plain) Island), 228 & Park (Oahu), 117 brief description of, 71 Big Island Festival, 28–29 Box jellyfish, 35 sights and attractions, Big Island Mountain Bike Breakfast, 37 124–125 Association (Big Island), Broke da Mouth Cookies Chain of Craters Road (Big 222 (Maui), 307 Island), 207 Big Island Visitors Bureau, Buddha Day (Lahaina), 24 Chamber of Commerce of 18, 157, 192 Budget car rentals, 45 Hawaii, 16 Big Wind Kite Factory & the Buffalo’s Big Board Classic Children’s Discovery Plantation Gallery (Oahu), 23 Museum, Kauai, 377 (Molokai), 321, 328 Bugs, 32 Child Toys and Books (Maui), Bike Hawaii (Oahu), 138 Business hours, 62, 410 307, 295 Chinatown (Honolulu) The Bike Shop (Oahu), 150 Chinese New Year, 23 Biking and mountain biking C afe Laufer (Oahu), 151 food stores, 148–149 Big Island, 222 Calendar of events, 22–29 leis, 148 Kauai, 389 Camping, 57 shopping, 6 Lanai, 338 Big Island, 210, 220–222 Chinese New Year (Maui), 23 Maui, 295, 296 Kauai, 392–393 Ching Young Village Shop- Oahu, 137–138 Lanai, 338 ping Center (Kauai), 396 Bill Kapuni’s Snorkel & Dive Maui, 295–300 Chris the Fun Lady (Kauai), (Molokai), 326 Molokai, 316, 327 381, 388 Bird-watching, 130, 221, Oahu, 138–140 Christmas Festival (Lanai), 377–378 Camp Sloggett (Kauai), 392 341 Bishop Museum (Oahu), 6, Canyon Trail (Kauai), 391 Cindy’s Lei Shoppe 111, 114, 139 Captain Andy’s Sailing (Honolulu), 148 Bishop Museum at Kalia Adventures (Kauai), CJM Country Stables (Kauai), (Oahu), 78, 111, 119 386–387 394 Black Pot (Kauai), 384 Captain Beans’ Cruises The Cliffs (Oahu), 137 Black Rock at Kaanapali (Big Island), 217 Climate, 21–22 (Maui), 292 Captain Bob’s Adventure Clothing. See also Aloha Blue Ginger Kids (Maui), 304 Cruises (Oahu), 133–134 wear Blue Hawaiian Helicopters Captain Dan McSweeney’s baby and preschooler Big Island, 211–212 Year-Round Whale-Watch- Big Island, 226 Maui, 270 ing Adventures (Big Kauai, 397–398 Boating, 56–57 Island), 4, 217 Maui, 304 Boat tours and cruises. See Captain Zodiac (Big Island), Oahu, 146 also Whale-watching 218 Lanai, 340 Big Island, 217–218 Capt. Steve’s Rafting Excur- packing tips, 30–31 Kauai, 375, 386 sions (Maui), 293 size conversion chart, 408 Lanai, 5, 291, 330 Car rentals, 40, 45–47, 410 The Coconut Coast (Kauai) Maui, 290 for travelers with disabili- accommodations, 355–356 Molokai, 291, 310 ties, 39 beach, 384 Norwegian Cruise Line, 53 Car travel, 3, 31, 45 brief description of, Oahu, 133–134 international visitors, 344–345 Bodyboarding and bodysurf- 408–410 restaurants, 366–368 ing, 57 Castle and Cooke Resorts shopping, 395–396 Big Island, 218 (Lanai), 338 sights and attractions, Kauai, 386 Castle Resorts and Hotels, 375–377 Maui, 281, 291–292 45 Coconut Grove Market Place Molokai, 325 Cellphones, 41 (Big Island), 223 Oahu, 134 The Center (Honolulu), 38 Coconut Island (Big Island), Body Glove Cruises (Big Centers for Disease Control 205 Island), 217 and Prevention, 36 Coffee, Kona, 227 Books, recommended, 61 Centipedes, 32 Coffee Country Driving Tour Bookstores, 146–147, 226, Central Maui (Big Island), 192 304, 398 accommodations, 240 Coffees of Hawaii Plantation Borders Books & Music brief description of, 233 Store (Molokai), 321 Big Island, 226 restaurants, 257–259 Colds, 42 Maui, 304, 309 shopping, 302–303 Collectors Fine Art (Big Oahu, 147 sights and attractions, Island), 224 Borders

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