OVER 125 ILLUSTRATIONS HUGO GERNSBACK, Editor `Her Master's Voice" l -by Radio! See Page 73 AMATEUR TELEVISION RADIO- PILOTED BOAT /OE SCREEN TELEVISION BUILD AN F. M. ADAPTER A CONSTANT-OUTPUT rC1'EP. SUPPLY SIGNAL TRACER BOOSTER AMPLIFIER REBUILDING FOP PROFIT A.F.=1(t Research is radio's road to progress World wide radio communications; national in these three new services are the transmis- and international broadcasting; radio usefulness sion of printed matter and illustrations; the im- in times of peace and in times of national emer- proved transmission of sound services; and the gency, are all the products of scientific research. transmission of sight and sound simultaneously Without such research, the American radio in- through the air. In other words, new and im- dustry would be non-existent.Without it, radio's portant communication services are now out of future usefulness would remain unexplored. the laboratory and ready for use in the interests Radio research has been the keystone of of education and entertainment, and for the ser- RCA's operation since 1919. Today, this vice of industry and commerce. Company, which is engaged in every field of Research continues, however, to explore the radio, is following its consistent policy of im- unknown frontiers of space where additional proving present -day radio services and pioneer- useful radio channels may be created for a thou- ing in the development of the new. sand and one additional services in the interest Three new services in radio now beckon of mankind. those who would expand radio's usefulness to RCA continues with 600 research specialists the public and who would create employment at work constantly improving the old and de- of men and money. They are Facsimile, Fre- veloping the new. Radio's road to the future quency Modulation, and Television. Involved is the research road, the road to progress. Radio Corporation of America IN (77,),:, le aRADIOTechnician Many make $30 a week $40 $ 50 I will train you at home for many Good Spare Time and Full Time Radio Jobs 1. E. SMITH, President, National Mono Institute Radio is a young, growing field with a Sheets--start showing you how ti d.. actual Established 25 years future. It offers ninny good pay spare time Radio repair jobs. Throughout your course I He has directed the training of more men for the Radio and full time job opportunities. And you send plans and directions which have helped Industry than anyone else. don't have give many make $5 to $10 a week in spare time while to up your present job, go learning. I away from home, or send special Radio equipment ; show Set Servicing pays spend a lot of money you how to conduct experiments, build circuits. to become a Radio Technician. I train you My Courso includes Television, too. many Radio Tech- at home nights in your spare time. nicians $30, $40, $50 I Give You This Professional a Servicing Instrument week. Others hold Jobs Like These to their regular jobs Go Men Who Know Radio This instrument makes and make $5 to $10 Radio broadcasting stations employ Radio practically any test you will extra a week in spare Technicians as engineers, operators, Main- be called upon tenance Men and pay well for trained men. to make in Radio serv- time. Radio manufacturers employ testers, in- ice work on both spare spectors, foremen, servicemen in good -pay f time and full time jobs with opportunities for advancement. jobs. It can be used ::e on the test bench, or Broadcasting Stations em- Radio jobbers and dealers employ instal- and servicemen. carried along when out ploy operators, in- lation Many Radio Tech- on calls. It measures stallation, nicians open their own Radio sales and A.C. and D.C. voltages mainte- repair businesses and make $30, $40, $50 and currents; tests resistances : has a multi - nance men and Radio a week. Others hold their regular jobs and Technicians in band oscillator for aligning any set, old or new. other make $5 to $10 a week fixing Radios in You get this instrument to keep as part of your capacities and pay spare time. Automobile, police, aviation, N. R. 1. Course. well. commercial Radio; loudspeaker systems, electronic devices, are newer fields offering Find Out How N. R. I. Teaches good opportunities to qualified men. And my Course includes Television, which Radio and Television Loudspeaker System promises to open many good jobs soon. Act today. Mail coupon nosy for Sample Lesson building, installing, and 64-page Book. They're FREE. They point out Radio's spare time and full time opportuni- servicing and operat- Why Many Radio Technicians Make ties and those coming in Television; tell about ing is another grow- SS/, UN, $51 a Week my course in Radio and Television: show more ing field for well than 100 letters from men I trained. telling trained Radio Tech- Radio is already one of the country's large in- what they are doing and earning. Read my dustries even though it is still young and grow- money nicians. ing. The arrival of Television, the use of Radio back agreement. Find out what Radio principles in industry, are but a few of many offers you. Mail coupon in envelope or paste on recent Radio developments. More than 28,000; penny postcard -NOW. 000 homes have one or more Radios. There are I Trained These Men more Radios than telephones. Every year mil- J. E. SMITH, President, lions of Radios go out of date and are replaced. Dept. OHX, National Radio Institute $10 to $20 a Week in Spare Time Millions more need new tubes, repairs, etc. Over 5,000,000 auto Radios in use Washington, D. I are and C. :epolred nary haino ''r. s,1..1.. I t' tht.u- sentir lesson. I really don't ser hm. u can ands more are being sold every day. In every much for such a small i mnr of branch Radio is offering more opportunities for sso,ey. I made $600 in a year and a hall. amt which I give you the required knowledge of 1 have made an average of y10 to Suit a oe,k Radio at home in your spare time. Yes, few irrst spare time. the THIS .11.1IN Arapahoe St.. hundred $30. $40, $50 a week jobs of 20 years .JERRY, 1129 Denver, Colo. ago have grown to thousands. fpEE BOOK to $60 HELPED Makes $50 a Week If "I am nuking benveen $.:u and $6u a Creek Many Make SS to S10 a Week Extra NAS after all expenses are paid. and I an getting all the Radio mirk I can take care of. thanks in Spare Time While Learning MAKE to N. B. I." H. W. Si'ANGLEIt. 126K S. HMEN Gay St.. Knoxville. Tenn. The day you enroll, in addition to my regular MORE Course, I start you Extra Money sending Job MONEY Operates Public Address System I haro a position with the Los Angeles Civil Service. operating the Public Address System 64 PAGE BOOK In the City hall Council. My salary is $1711 month." It. 11. ROOD, It. 136. City Hall Qoodfoi'Bolh SAMPLE LESSON à' Los Angeles, Calif, ' 0 o J. E. SMITH, President, Dept. OHX s e National Radio Institute, Washington, D. C. ll \t.ithom ample Lesson and 64 page Rork FREE. I l am pari 6 I. branch of Radio checked belmv. (No salesman will call. write plainly.) Radin S vie Business of \ly then G loudspeaker Fgetems. Installations and Sen Ire I want to prove our Course gives practical, money- I Service Technician for Retail Stores Auto Radio installations and Service making is O Spare Time Radio Repair Work Television Station Operator information, that it easy to understand - Broadcasting Station Operator All- around Servicing Technician what you need to master Radio. My sample lesson If you have not derided mild, bra,,lt you prefer -mall coupon now, for Information to help you decide.) text, "Radio Receiver Troubles -Their Cause and I Remedy," covers a long list of Radio receiver trou- bles in A.C., D.C., battery, universal, auto, T.R.F.. I Name Age super- heterodyne, all -wave, and other types of sets. And a cross reference system gives you the probable cause and a quick way to locate and remedy these Address set troubles. A special section is devoted to receiver check -up, alignment, balancing. neutralizing, test- Cil)' State 14X1 ing. Cet this lesson Free by mailing the coupon. EOM =I =I MI =I =I eI1 amIMaataamraataME RADIO -CRAFT for AUGUST. 1940 65 i 9n tha ISSUE! NEXT HUGO GERNSBACK, Editor-in-Chief MicroEhon e N. H. LESSEM THOS. D. PENTI ROBERT EICHBERG Modern Associate Editor t rt Director Trade Digest Editor echniQue ador, the Interference K. U. WAJ11öUKNt, .lanagrng Editor Ground d,o Docun`entorY RoShoP A Model Electro nic Anolting the e Contents AUGUST, 1940 Issue vioiln VOLUME XII -- NUMBER 2 Mailbag 67 Editorial: "The Serviceman's Follies" Hugo Gernsback 71 RADIO DEVELOPMENTS The Radio Month in Review 72 An A.F. Clock! Musical Time Standard 112 Radio -Controlled Boat ... 112 SERVICING Dual -Coaxial Speaker 113 New Circuits in Modern Radio Receivers -No. 35 F. L. Sprayberry 74 Replacing I.F. Transformers L. V. Sorensen 75 DEPARTMENTS, ETC. Operating Notes 80 Mailbag 67 Rebuilding for Profit Charles R. Leutz 81 The Radio Month in Review 72 Auto -Radio Installations on All 1940 Passenger Cars New Circuits in Modern Radio Receivers Edward H. Barry 86 F L Spraybçrry 74 Fix That Radio Willard Moody 89 Broadcast News Items 79 SERVICE DATA SHEETS: RADIO Operating Notes 80 No.
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