Photographic catalogue of Deep Sky Objects in Canes Venatici. Compiled by Dave Lane A photo guide to the IC & NGC Deep Sky Objects in the constellation of Canes Venatici using images from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4 (SDSS DR4). Issue 1.0 June 2006 Introduction. This volume has been written and compiled purely for my own interest and education - although a copy of it will be placed on the Internet in case it may be of interest to others. The constellation of Canes Venatici lies next to Ursa Major, the Plough, and is famous for the large numbers of galaxies which are visible within it. Living in an area of high light pollution, I now use the Bradford University Robotic Telescope on Tenerife in the Canary Islands for my astronomy images. Unfortunately this is only a 14 inch telescope and whilst it does produce reasonable pictures, they are not the same as looking at the Hubble Space Telescope images! Hubble however, only takes photographs of particular deep sky objects which are of interest to astronomers, so where else does one go for decent astronomical images covering large areas? The answer is the Sloan Digital Sky Survey which uses a 2.5 meter telescope. Full details can be found at: http://www.sdss.org/ When completed, the Sloan Survey will provide detailed optical images covering more than a quarter of the sky, and a 3-dimensional map of about a million galaxies and quasars. As the survey progresses, the data are released to the scientific community and the general public in annual increments. Apart from the occasional books about galaxies there seems to be no photographic catalogue of the brighter galaxies and none on particular constellations. This publication is a personal attempt to provide my own photographic record of IC and NGC catalogued galaxies and deep space objects. One has to start somewhere. I've chosen the constellation of Canes Venatici. Using the automatic lists which can be obtained from the "NGC - IC Observing List generator" at http://www.ngcic.org/oblstgen.htm a list of all deep sky objects in Canes Venatici was obtained (a copy of this list is included in this publication). Images were then obtained via the Sloan "Explorer" facility of objects in this list. Unfortunately, the Sloan Survey does not, as yet, cover the whole of Canes Venatici but whatever images are currently available have been included in this photographic catalogue. This publication is an "ongoing" project and will probably never ever be finished entirely! It will be updated from time to time with more objects if and when I can find the time and the inclination. You can always see whether the publication has been updated by checking the Issue number and date on the cover. Right now the photographic catalogue only contains the IC and NGC catalogue deep sky objects. Dave Lane June 2006 NGC/IC OBSERVING LIST (Generated by The NGC/IC Project Web Site - http://www.ngcic.org) CONSTELLATION: Canes Venatici Object RA ----(J2000)---- DEC Obj Phot Vis Sfc Obj Other Desig. H M S Deg ’ ” Typ Mag Mag Brt Size Desig. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IC 3002 12 07 06.0 +33 22 00 GX 15.0p ---- ---- 0.5'X0.5' M+06-27-010 IC 3014 12 08 30.0 +38 49 00 GX 14.4z ---- ---- 1.1'X0.9' UGC 7119 IC 3022 12 09 54.0 +38 43 00 GX 14.0p ---- ---- 0.2'X0.2' M+07-25-039 IC 3110 12 17 42.0 +37 23 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3405 12 29 00.0 +37 44 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3503 12 33 48.0 +37 47 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3667 12 41 32.5 +41 09 02 GX 10.8 ---- ---- 4.4'X3.8' NGC 4618 IC 3668 12 41 30.0 +41 08 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3669 12 41 36.0 +41 08 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3680 12 42 00.0 +39 06 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3681 12 42 00.0 +39 05 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3687 12 42 18.0 +38 30 00 GX 13.7b 13.5 15.8 3.4'X3.0' UGC 7866 IC 3697 12 43 00.0 +39 50 00 GX 17.0p ---- ---- 0.7'X0.6' M+07-26-041 IC 3703 12 43 24.0 +37 59 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3707 12 43 30.0 +37 59 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3713 12 44 06.0 +41 10 00 GX 15.0p ---- ---- 0.6'X0.5' M+07-26-046 IC 3717 12 44 24.0 +39 30 00 GX 16.0p ---- ---- 0.6'X0.1' M+07-26-047 IC 3723 12 44 30.0 +40 44 00 GX 15.5p ---- ---- 0.3'X0.2' M+07-26-048 IC 3726 12 44 42.0 +40 42 00 GX 15.6z ---- ---- 1.7'X0.3' UGC 7921 IC 3729 12 44 54.0 +39 20 00 GX 16.0p ---- ---- 0.2'X0.2' M+07-26-050 IC 3746 12 45 36.0 +37 49 00 GX 16p ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3747 12 45 36.0 +37 58 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3751 12 45 36.0 +37 49 00 GX 16p ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3757 12 46 00.0 +38 31 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3758 12 45 54.0 +40 47 00 GX 15p ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3765 12 46 36.0 +38 34 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3768 12 46 42.0 +40 36 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3769 12 46 48.0 +40 28 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3771 12 46 54.0 +39 10 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3772 12 47 06.0 +36 34 00 GX 15.7p ---- ---- 0.6' M+06-28-028 IC 3774 12 46 54.0 +36 17 00 GX 16.0:z---- ---- 1.1'X0.5' UGC 7947 IC 3778 12 47 00.0 +40 37 00 GX 16p ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3780 12 47 06.0 +40 14 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3782 12 47 18.0 +40 23 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3783 12 47 24.0 +40 34 00 GX 14.0p ---- ---- 0.6'X0.5' M+07-26-052 IC 3786 12 47 36.0 +39 03 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3787 12 47 42.0 +40 37 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3795 12 48 06.0 +40 43 00 GX 16.0p ---- ---- 0.5'X0.1' M+07-26-053 IC 3800 12 48 30.0 +36 35 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3802 12 48 42.0 +38 15 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3804 12 48 45.9 +35 19 57 GX 14.4z ---- ---- 1.4'X0.8' NGC 4711 IC 3805 12 48 42.0 +38 15 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3808 12 49 00.0 +40 36 00 GX 15.5p ---- ---- 0.4'X0.2' Mrk 445 IC 3809 12 49 06.0 +36 29 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3810 12 49 06.0 +40 39 00 GX 15.0p ---- ---- 0.6'X0.3' M+07-26-055 IC 3816 12 49 36.0 +37 15 00 GX 15.0p ---- ---- 0.5'X0.5' M+06-28-034 IC 3820 12 49 42.0 +37 07 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3823 12 49 42.0 +40 53 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3828 12 50 24.0 +37 57 00 DS ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3832 12 50 48.0 +39 49 00 GX 16.0p ---- ---- 0.5'X0.5' M+07-26-057 IC 3835 12 50 54.0 +40 12 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3836 12 51 06.0 +40 11 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3842 12 51 36.0 +40 22 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3843 12 51 42.0 +39 00 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3844 12 52 06.0 +39 49 00 GX 17.0p ---- ---- 0.2'X0.2' M+07-26-059 IC 3845 12 52 12.0 +38 37 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3849 12 52 36.0 +40 46 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3850 12 52 42.0 +40 06 00 GX 15.0p ---- ---- 0.9'X0.7' M+07-27-001 IC 3852 12 53 06.0 +35 47 00 GX 16.0:z---- ---- 1.4'X0.7' UGC 8019 IC 3853 12 53 12.0 +38 50 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3854 12 53 12.0 +40 51 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3855 12 53 24.0 +36 47 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3861 12 53 54.0 +38 17 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3862 12 53 48.0 +36 06 00 GX 16p ---- ---- 1.0' Arp 265 IC 3863 12 53 54.0 +38 29 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3878 12 54 30.0 +40 04 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3879 12 54 30.0 +38 38 00 GX 16.0p ---- ---- 0.6'X0.5' M+07-27-002 IC 3885 12 54 42.0 +37 09 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3887 12 54 42.0 +40 18 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3888 12 54 42.0 +39 34 00 GX 16.0p ---- ---- 0.9'X0.2' M+07-27-003 IC 3889 12 54 54.0 +36 01 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3890 12 54 48.0 +37 11 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3891 12 55 00.0 +36 03 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3892 12 55 06.0 +39 13 00 GX 15.7z ---- ---- 1.6'X0.8' UGC 8044 IC 3893 12 55 06.0 +38 34 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3895 12 55 12.0 +39 12 00 GX 14.0p ---- ---- 0.7'X0.7' M+07-27-006 IC 3897 12 55 18.0 +39 40 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3898 12 55 24.0 +37 35 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3902 12 55 36.0 +36 00 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3903 12 55 36.0 +40 24 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3904 12 55 54.0 +36 18 00 GX 15.0p ---- ---- 0.5'X0.4' M+06-28-043 IC 3906 12 55 48.0 +40 28 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3909 12 56 00.0 +40 23 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3910 12 56 06.0 +39 43 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3911 12 56 12.0 +35 38 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3912 12 56 06.0 +39 55 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3914 12 56 24.0 +36 22 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3916 12 56 30.0 +38 37 00 GX 15.6z ---- ---- 1.0'X0.6' UGC 8063 IC 3919 12 56 48.0 +38 32 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3920 12 56 48.0 +39 58 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3921 12 57 00.0 +38 38 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3922 12 57 00.0 +38 29 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3923 12 57 00.0 +37 57 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3925 12 57 18.0 +36 25 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3928 12 57 18.0 +40 26 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3930 12 57 24.0 +38 46 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3933 12 57 54.0 +36 39 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3940 12 58 18.0 +35 50 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3941 12 58 12.0 +39 46 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3942 12 58 18.0 +36 06 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3945 12 58 30.0 +39 56 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3952 12 58 54.0 +38 52 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3956 12 58 54.0 +37 24 00 UN ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- IC 3966 12 59 18.0 +35 52 00 GX 15.0p ---- ---- 0.4'X0.4' M+06-29-007 IC 3967 12 59 12.0 +36 07 00 GX 15.0p ---- ---- 0.4'X0.2' M+06-29-005 IC 3970 12 59 12.0 +40 24 00 UN -----
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