DIRECTORY.] WILTSHIRE. TYTHERTON. 253 Trowbridge High School (Walker ::-i'ewman l\LA. head' White Frederick lsaac, carpenter, joiner & under- master; Taliesin .).{organ B.Sc. Thomas B. Barron & taker, & patentee of the adjustable grave shield, Yer- Arthur .).{.Spencer, assistant masters), 33 Wingfield rd bury st-reet & 9 Hilperton rd. See advertisement Trowbridge Horticultural Society (G. E. Snailum, sec.), White Lizzie (:\1is•), apartments, 66 Newtown 5 Church street White William H. carpenter, Mill lane Trowbridge & Melksham l'nion Relief Office (Samuel l'l'hitmarsh John, boot & shoe maker, 12 Fore street W. Roman, relieving officer), I Conigre Wickham Fanny (Miss), dress maker, 2I Park street Trowbridge Rifle Club (H. T. Has king, sec.), 42 Hil- Wiggins William, blacksmith, Court street perton road Wilcox William, station master, 3' Westbourne road Trowbridge Saw Mill Co. timber merchants,Bradford rd Wilkins & Co. clothiers, 7 Silver street Trowbridge Soup Kitchen (H. White, treas.), 28 Frog la Wilkins Arthur Fredk. actuary of savings bank, 3 Fore d Trowbridge Town Football Club (H. E. Woodward, sec.), Wilkins Oliver, manufacturing confectioner, 40 Round- IS Stallard street stone street & confectioner, 44 Stallard street Trowbridge Town Hall (T. S. Hill, manager), Silver st Wilkinson Stanley, photographer, 57 Fore street Trowbridge Urban Di•trict Council Bathing Shed, West Williams Catherine Elizabeth (Mrs.), George family & Aohton road commercial hotel, 47 Fore street; posting & livery Trowbridge Water Co. (Albert James Knowles, resident stable,. adjoining manager), 27 Silver street Williams Charles, shopkeeper, x6 Upper Broad street Tubb-Thomas John L.R.C.S.Edin., L.R.C.P.Irel ..D.P.H., Wilts County Textile School (A. R. Tindall, master; D. S.M., F .S. S., F .R.:Met. S. &c. medical officer of .A.rthur Randall, sec.), Court street health for Wilts, County oflices, 73 Fore street Wilts &; Il<lrset Banking Co. Lim, (branch) (John Saw- Tucker George & Sons, nurserymen, Wyke road tell, manager), 64 Fore street; draw on London &; Tucker William Henry & Co. woollen cloth merchants, Westminster Bank Lim. London E C Court hall, Castle street Wilts Friendly Society(B. Porter,sec. ), Town hall,Silver •' Tucker &; Co. boot makers, 29 Fore street I Wilts United Dairies Ltd. (Charles Goodall, manager), Tucker George, dairyman, 24 Duke street dairymen, Bythesea road Turner William, town cri.,r, so Castle street I Wilts & Western Benefit Building Society (W. J. Mann Tyler Thomas, supt. of police & assistant relieving officer i & E. B. Rodway, secs.), 9 Union street for vagrants, Stallard street Wiltshire Bill Posting & Distributing Co. Ltd. (Ernes& Underwood Everett, jobmaster, 74 Wyke road J White, sec.), 23 Church street Usher George William, tailor, 15 Church street Wiltshire School of Cookery &; Domestic Economy & Usher Thomas, coal dealer, IO Bond street Technical College for '\'\,-omen (.).Irs. Alice Margaret Usher's Wil1:ahire Brewerlf Limi1:ed (Edgar H. Adcock, sec.), 4b. Fore street Lofts, sec.), supply the finest & purest ales & stout; Wiltshire Times & Trowbridge & North Wilts Adverti~er price lists on application; est·ablished I824; brewery, (B. Lansdown & Sons, publishers; published friday Back street (T .N 6); & maltsters, Gas Works road; evening for saturday), rr Silver street & IS Duke st.; West End brewery, Queen's road, Bayswater, London & at Devizes, Chippenham & Warminster W; st{)res, Chu"'h place, Paddington green, London Wilt.< hire (rst) Yolunteer Rifle Corps (C Co. ()apt. H. H. W; Long row, Victoria ·street·, Bristol & Southcote Willi-s (commanding detachment) & D Co. Capt. T. road, Bournemouth C. lJsher; Color·Sergt ..John Flitter, drill instructor), Vince Thomas, beer ret. & shopkeeper, 76 Dursley road Drill hall, A.rch yard, Timbrell street Vincent James, butcher, 19 Fore street Wiltshire Women's Conservative Benefit Society(William Waiter William, house agent, 3 .A.shton street N. Led bury, sec.), 58 Stallard street 1Vard Jane (Miss), dress maker, 34 TimbreU •treet Wilt<hire Working ::\1en's Conservative Benefit Society Walling, Parker & Thynne, accountants, 23 Church st (William ::-<. Led bury, •ec. ). 58 Stallard street Watson & Gowen, grocers & patent medicine vendors, Wiltshire Oliver, plumber, 32 The Halve 40 Gloucester road Winter John, lamp oil dealer, 76 Bradford road Watts Frederick, taxidermist & tailor, 22 Union street Wise Nicholas Vincent L.K.Q.C.P.Irel., L.R.C.S.I.,Mem. Watts Rose Catherine (Mrs.).dress ma. I3 Roundstone st Brit.Med. As~c., L.M. medical officer & public vaccina- Webb Uriah, King's _<\.rms P.H. 5 Castle street tor No. 2 district 1Vestbury &; Whorwellsdown union, Wells Jesse, market gardener, 98 Bradford road & 2nd district, Trowbridge & Melksham union, certi- Wesley Road Liberal Club (W. H. Webb, sec.), I9 & 20 fying factory •urgeon & surgeon to the police, Lindis- Wesley road farne, Stallard street West Wilts Aerated Water Co. Mill lane Witts Henry James, grocer, I4 Church street West Wilts Constitutional Association. (Thomas Morgan, Witts James, shopkeeper, 2I Roundstone street sec. & agent), 65 Fore street \Voodman Frederick, teacher of mu~ic, 68 Bradford road West Wilts Liberal Association (Ernest J. White, sec.), Woodward William, apartments, r8 The Halve 23 Church street. Woods William Evelyn, district supt. London & Man- Westlake Arthur, coal dealer, 43 Shails lane Chester Industrial Assurance Co. Lirnited, 8o Newtown Wharton Annice (Mrs.), fishmonger, 40 Fore street Woolley & Savage, china & glass dealers, 20 Silver •1> Whatley Charles. apartments, 89 Gloucester road \Voolley Thomas Henry, confectioner, 38a, Fore st~eet Whindell John, beer retailer, 19 Stallard street Wootten & Co. grocers, I7 Silver •treet White Alec. H. butcher, 8 Church street Wright Frederick, stewed eel shop, 8 Hill street White Alice (Mrs), fancy draper, 75 Gloucester road Wrintm<Jre Thomas, fruiterer, " Church street White Alma, confectioner, 4 Church walk Wyman & Sons Ltd. news agents, Railway station White Edward John, coal dealer, 4 Surrey square York William, coffee rooms, IO Back street White Ernest J. solicitor, secretary & registration & York William. jun. pork butcher, ~2 Stallard street election agent West Wilts Liberal Association•, clerk Young Cloth Workers' Society(W.Parsons,sec.),6 New rd to Land Tax Commissioners Tro"bridge district, 23 Young Albert,confectioner 5, & fruiterer 6, Church walk Church street.; & Devizes & Bath Young Margaret (:Mn.), dreu maker, 35 Frame road White Frank H. accountant, I7 West Ashton road TYTHERTON (or Tytherton Lucas or West Tyther­ held since I905 by the Rev. Maxwell Homfray Smith ton) is a chapelry and small village, 2 miles east-north­ M.A. of St. Pet~r's College, Cambridge, who resides at east from Chippenham station on the Great Western nil­ Chippenham. The principal landowners are the trustees way, in the North-Western division of the county, Chip­ of the late Samuel Francis Glossop Bythe·sea esq. of penham parish, hundred, petty sessional divisioa, union Fre.hford, near Bath (d. 1904), F. A. Langtoh ••q. of and county court district and in Chippenham rural 48 El?erton gardens, London S W, and ::\irs. Palmer. deanery, North Wilts archdeaconry and Bristol diocese. The soil is various; subsoil, graHL ~earl> the whole The river Marden flows south of the parish, which is of the parish consists of pasture lands. The area of bounded on the west by the river Avon. The church of this chapelry is included in Ohippenham. St. Nicholas a plain building of stone, consisting of is Parish Clerk, H. Strange. chancel, nave of three bays, north aisle, and a turret con· taining one bell and has a curious and very fine Norman Letters are received through Chippenham, which is the font: there are 70 sittings. The separate register dates nearest money order & telegraph office, arrive at 7.30 only from 1850; previous to that date entries were made a.m. & 6.30 p.m. Wall Letter Box cleared at 7·I5 in the Chippenham register, which dates from I578. The a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; suodays, 9.25 a..m. living is a rectory, annexed for more than six cQnturies to the vicarage of Chippenham, joint net yearly value The children of this place attend the school at Eas' [33r. includinl!' 17 acres of g-lebe here, in the gift of Tytherton the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Oxford, and .
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