CENTRE FOR CANADIAN, US & LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES JAWAHARLAL NEHRU UNIVERSITY M. A COURSE Course no. : IS 572 N Course Title : Foreign Policy of the United States since the Second World War Instructor : Prof. Chintamani Mahapatra Credits Allotted : 4 Instructional Method : Lectures and Tutorials Semester : Winter Course Duration : One Semester Contact Hours : Four per week COURSE CONTENT 1. An Overview of the Source of American Foreign Policy a) External Sources; Societal Sources; Governmental Sources; Role Sources. b) Goals of American Foreign Policy in Historical Perspectives:- Expansionism; Imperialism; Isolationism 2. Foreign Policy Pattern since 1945 a) Globalism b) Threat Perceptions: Anti-Communism; Soviet Union as adversary c) Cold War and Interpretation of its Origin d) Containment Phase: Truman Doctrine; Marshall Plan; Alliance Formation; Military Preparedness; Strategic Doctrines e) Détente; Linkage Theory f) End of Cold War: End of History; Victory of Democracy; Globalization g) Clash of Civilization h) War on Terrorism: Post- Post Cold War Phase 3. Regional Conflicts and US Engagements a) Cuban Missile Crisis; Nicaraguan Conflict b) Korean War; Vietnam War c) Arab- Israeli Conflict d) Bosnia & Kosovo Crisis e) Kashmir f) Gulf War -I, II g) Afghanistan h) Humanitarian Interventions 4. Major Foreign Policy Issues/ Concerns a. Indo- US Relations b. Sino- American Relations c. Nuclear Non- Proliferation d. Arms Control and Disarmament e. Managing International Trade f. Human Rights g. UN & Peace Keeping h. US- Pak Relations i. US- Afghanistan Relations Selected Readings: Wittkopf, Eugene R. & James M. McCormick (2004), The Domestic Sources of American Foreign Policy: Insights and Evidence, Maryland: Rowman & Lattilefield Publishers Inc. McEvoy-Levy, Siobhan (2001), American Exceptionalism and U.S. Foreign Policy: Public Diplomacy at the End of the Cold War, Palgrave Macmillan Ambrose, Stephen E. (1990), Rise to Globalism: American Foreign Policy since 1938, New York: Penguin. Bacevich, Andrew J. (2004), American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy, Harvard University Press. Layne, Christopher (2007), American empire : a debate, New York : Routledge. Hogan, Michael J. & Thomas G. Paterson (1991), Explaining the History of American ForeignPolicy Relations, New York: Cambridge. Mead, Walter Russell (2002), “American foreign policy legacy”, Foreign Affairs, 81: 1, 163-76. Jentleson, Bruce W. (2000), American foreign policy : the dynamics of choice in the 21st century, New York : Norton. Brzezinski, Zbigniew (1997), The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives, USA: Basic Books. Hunt, Michael H. (2009), Ideology and U.S. Foreign Policy, New Haven and London: Yale University Press. Meernik, James David (2004), The Political Use of Military Force in US Foreign Policy, Ashgate Publications. Dobson, Alan P. & Steve Marsh (2001), US Foreign Policy since 1945, New York: Routledge. Gillon, Steven M. (2003), The American Paradox: A History of the United States Since 1945, New York: Houghton Mifflin Co. Spanier, John & Steven Hook (1995), American Foreign Policy since World War 11, Washington DC: Congressional Quarterly Press. Schmidt, Donald E. (2005), The Folly of War: American Foreign Policy, 1898-2005, Algora Publishing. Brzezinski, Zbigniew & Brent Scowcroft, David Ignatius (2008), America and the World: Conversations on the Future of American Foreign Policy, Basic Books Publications. Chossudovsky, Michel (2005), America's "War on Terrorism", Global Research Publications. Rich, Paul B. (2004), Grand Strategy in the War Against Terrorism, Routledge. Cameron, Fraser (2002), US Foreign Policy after the Cold War: Global Hegemon or Reluctant Sheriff?, Taylor & Francis, Inc. Walsh, David (2007), The Military Balance in the Cold War: US Perceptions and Policy, 1976-1985, Routledge. Bowie, Robert R. & Richard H. Immerman (1998), Waging Peace: How Eisenhower Shaped an Enduring Cold War Strategy, Oxford University Press, USA. Gardner, Hall (2005), American Global Strategy And the War on Terrorism, Ashgate Publishing. Gaddis, John Lewis (2005), Strategies of Containment: A Critical Appraisal of American National Security Policy during the Cold War, Oxford University Press, USA. Leffler, Melvyn P (2003), “9/11 and the past and future of American foreign policy”, International Affairs, 79: 5, 1045-63. Gordon, Philip H (2004), “American choices in the 'war on terror'”, Survival, 46: 1, 145- 55. Patman, Robert, G. (2006), “Globalisation, the new US Exceptionalism and the War on Terror”, Third World Quarterly, 27: 6, 963-86. Gardner, Hall (2007), Averting Global War: Regional Challenges, Overextension, and Options for American Strategy, Palgrave Macmillan Bankston, Carl L. (ed.) (2003), World Conflicts: Asia and the Middle East, Salem Press. Harvey, Frank P (2003), “Addicted to security: Globalized terrorism and the inevitability of American unilateralism”, International Journal, 49 (1), 27-58. Mahapatra, Chintamani (2009), The US Approach Towards Islamic World in the Post 9/11 Era, New Delhi: Academic Foundation. Schwab, Orrin (2009), The Gulf Wars and the United States: Shaping the Twenty-First Century, Washington, DC: Library of Congress. Lock-Pullan, Richard (2006), US intervention policy and army innovation: from Vietnam to Iraq, New York: Routledge. Rottman, Gordon L (2005), US, World War II and Korean War Field Fortifications 1941- 53, Osprey Publishing Ltd. Lennon, Alexender T. & Camille Eiss (2004), Reshaping rogue states: preemption, regime change, and U.S. policy toward Iran, Iraq and North Korea, Cambridge: MIT Press. Stern, Sheldon (2005), The Week the World Stood Still: Inside the Secret Cuban Missile Crisis, Stanford University Press. Gries, Peter Hays and Thomas J. Christensen (2001), “Power and Resolve in U.S. China Policy”,International Security, 26: 2; 155-165. Friedberg, Aaron L. (2005), “The Future of U.S.-China Relations: Is Conflict Inevitable?”, International Security, 30: 2; 7-45. Ollapally, Deepa & Raja Ramanna (1995), “U.S.-India Tensions: Misperceptions on Nuclear Proliferation”, Foreign Affairs, 74: 1; 13-18. Kapur, S. Paul & Sumit Ganguly (2006), “The Transformation of U.S.-India Relations: An Explanation for the Rapprochement and Prospects for the Future”, Asian Survey, 47: 4, 642-656 Ganguly, Sumit (2006), "Will Kashmir Stop India's Rise?", Foreign Affairs, 85: 4. Kfir, Isaac (2009), “US Policy towards Pakistan and Afghanistan under the Obama Administration, Middle East Review of International Affairs, 13: 4. Chellaney, Brahma (2002), “Fighting Terrorism in Southern Asia: The Lessons of History”, International Security, 26: 3; 94-116. Kux, Dennis (2002), India and the United States: Estranged Democracies 1941 – 1991, University Press of the Pacific. Kux, Dennis (2001), The US and Pakistan, 1947- 2000: Disenchanted Allies, John Hopkins University Press. Mahapatra, Chintamani (2001), India- US Relations into the 21st Century, Institute for Defence Studies & Analysis,India Pant, Harsh (2008), Contemporary Debates in Indian Foreign and Security Policy: India Negotiates its Rise in the International System,Palgrave Macmillan. Ganguly, Sumit (2003), India as an Emerging Power, Routledge. Cohen, Stephen P. (2001), India: Emerging Power, Brookings Institution Press Ayres, Alyssa & C. Raja Mohan (2009), Power Realignments in Asia: China, India and the United States, Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd Talbott, Strobe (2004), Engaging India: Diplomacy, Democracy, and the Bomb, Brookings Institution Press. Suettinger, Robert L. (2003), Beyond Tiananmen: The Politics of U.S.-China Relations, Brookings Institution Press. Ignatieff, Michael (2005), American Exceptionalism and Human Rights, Princeton University Press. Hancock, Jan (2007), Human Rights and US Foreign Policy, Routledge Sorenson, David (2005), The Politics of Peacekeeping in the Post-Cold War Era, Frank Cass. Pape, Robert A. (2005), “Soft Balancing against the United States”, International Security, 30 (1): 7–45. Colucci, Lamont, (2008), Crusading Realism: The Bush Doctrine and American Core Values after 9/11, Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc. James McCormick (2012), The Domestic Sources of American Foreign Policy: Insights and Evidences, United Kingdom: Rowman& Littlefield. Steven W. Hook and John W. Spanier (2015), American Foreign Policy Since World War II, USA: CQ Press. Joyce P. Kaufman (2017), A Concise History of U.S. Foreign Policy, United Kingdom: Rowman& Littlefield. Walter Russell Mead (2001), American Foreign Policy and How It Changed the World, New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Andrew Bacevich, ed. (2018), Ideas and American Foreign Policy: A Reader, New York: Oxford University Press. Tudor Onea (2013), US Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era: Restraint versus Assertiveness from George H.W. Bush to Barack Obama, USA: Palgrave Macmillan. Steven Hurst (2005), Cold War US Foreign Policy: Key Perspectives, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. John Lewis Gaddis (2006), The Cold War: A New History, USA: Penguin Books. Henry Kissinger (1995), Diplomacy, New York: Simon and Schuster. David Skidmore, ed. (2007), Paradoxes of Power: U.S. Foreign Policy in a Changing World, New York: Routledge. Michelle Bentley and Jack Holland, eds. (2013), Obama's Foreign Policy: Ending the War on Terror, New York: Routledge. InderjeetParmar, Linda B. Miller and Mark Ledwidge, eds. (2009), New Directions in US Foreign Policy,
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