TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1021 15. attempted burglary Dutoh Pete, wltnj whom he became acquainted in the FRENCH TO FISHERMEN RQBDED uregon penitentiary several ago, and Kodat were alleged to jihave dTI him they were going to informed that rob the bank. He declared that on BY THEY SAY the next day he informed President NETS, Smith. Sheriff Terrill and Deputy mm Sheriff McMahon, came to Medford and pointed out Dutch Fete and Kodat. TVtAttn fmf.r'w mfrtu mrrfu m'fi iirtiiiiirnftilftiilitirrTiiifrrn'iv llUllnlMflll"'ttftviyT Foster, who served four years of a term for arson for burning down uep 12 Professionals on Team Poachers Accused of Looting uty Sheriff Wilson's have at Jackson. ville years ago. testified that the two Going to England. River at Oregon City. prisoners said that while they did not ' ' : ' ask him to Join In the crime they told him to keep his mouth shut and Perfectly i i that $200 would be left for him under a walk near the bridge. Foster further testified that Dutch MISS STIRLING IN DEBUT SPORTSMEN GET BUT FEW Pete and Kodat had a can of nitro- glycerine, fuse and caps with them under their overcoats at that time. and concealed them under a walk. Another witness for the state was (First Playing of American Woman Warden Declares Violations Are W. C. Wise, the bank watchman, who had a one-sid- gun battle with the Satisfies. Champion In Britain Makes Fewer, but That Adverse Water two men, who were alleged to have entered the bank at 1 A. M. last Good Impression. Conditions Check Run. Tuesday. Wise identified, Dutch Pete and Kodat as the two burglars. Means a Lot in "Clothes Buying" CHICAGO. April 18. Emmett Many gill and set nets are being BIB RESERVOIR IS FULL French of Youngstown, O., today was operated illegally in the Willamette selected to captain the team of Amer- river and are making it practically ican professional golf players which impossible for sportsmen to catch My staff of expert cutters and tailors gives you this go will to England this summer to salmon, charge several fishermen, MALHEUR VALLEY HAS ABUX-DAX- compete in the British open cham- members of the Anglers' club, who perfect satisfaction. My large volume of business en- pionship. I ' ' ' ' have been trying unsuccessfully to WATER SUPPLY. Members of the teams, in addition 1 1 I f fish recently near Oregon City. ' catch to Captain French, are: 1 . X These fishermen say that violations of ables me to sell Walter Hagen, Detroit, formerly na- ' A the law are more flagrant than in lor Present Storage Declared Suffi tional champion; Jock: Hutchison, Chi- I mer years. cago, western open 'champion; Jim J V - Carl D. Shoemaker, master ash cient for Three Years' Xeeds Barnes, New York, formerly national warden, and W. F. Backus, president champion; Harry Hampton, Richmond, of the Anglers' club, declared yester In Irrigation District. Va.; Clarence Hackney, Atlantic City; day that a better patrol is being main' Eddie Loos, Chicago; George McLean, tained on tho Willamette than ever Meriden. Conn.; Tom Kerrigan, New before. They said that there is some VALE, Or., April 18. (Special.) At York; Charles Hoffner, Philadelphia; poaching, but that it is not as bad as 8 o'clock this morning water began irri-eati- & Fred McLeod, Washington, D. C, for in previous years. running over the Warm Springs Suits Overcoats merly national champion, and William .'Both gill and set nets have been dam at Riverside. This means Mehlborn, Shreveport, La. In river night and even in the that 170,000 acre-fe-et of irrigation the all reser- Hagen and Barnes invaded England daytime," said C. L, Stevens yester- water is stored in the Immense last year. Hagen was off his game day. Mr. Stevens is a member of the voir which extends for ten miles into and did not do well, but Barnes made Anglers club and an enthusiastic the canyon of the Malheur river, or a good showing. Hutchison, who re fisherman. enough water for the full Irrigation 600,000 of cently made some record scores in the Fishing Belnjt Rnlned. of close to acres land. iiiWUMl"!- V I south, including a 67 and a 69, won are simply-- The news of the full reservoir "These violators of the law reached Vale early this afternoon and the north and south title at Fine ruining the fishing for the rest of hurst. only was received witn jubilation. It in- Made us, who are entitled to catch sures the Malheur valley the largest As l three salmon. I have been on the - LONDON. April 18. Miss Alexa crops in its history. Several Vale M HEX TURPI. ONE OF THE STARS OF "A SMALL TOWN IDOL," AT THE river nine times this season and have I to Stirling, United States golf I people watched the first overflow and I RIVOLI. caught only two fish, whereas should caught some of water Low champion, made her first appearance have had 27, if it had not been for the first in fCJ Ll on an English course today In con News reels are also on the bill, and the poachers. bottles, which will be sent to Gover Order nection with a special woman-agalnst-m- an the Rivoli orchestra accompanies the "The men who operate their nets nor Olcott and Senator Stanfield. match held at Stoke TODAY'S FILM BEATCRES feature picture with a special musical getting The Warm Springs dam was com illegally are the. ones who are January, 1920, Poges. Although defeated by her 'Peoples Vera Gordon, "The score arranged by Salvatore banta the fish and the rest of us, who pay pleted in and started male opponent. Miss Stirling's play ella. to store water but did not fill last Greatest Love." for our equipment, don't get anything present storage V made a favorable impression. Liberty Charles Ray, "The Old and these violators laugh at us from j ear. The is suffl Miss Stirling drew K. H. De Mont Swimmin' Hole." 3ossip. along cient for three years' need for the ir Screen their houseboats the river. rigated of Malheur valley. morency as opponent and received an Columbia Rubye de Remer, There should be com&. way of stop- lands the extra stroke alternate holes Pilgrim." Norma Talmadge and Wallace ReM It is considered one of the best con- at "The Passionate popu ping it." throughout the match, which De Rivoli Mack Sennett's "A were the winners in a recent Charles Frisby of Oregon City, who structed dams in the country, as it which is $10.00 to $25.00 lower than you can Montmorency won 4 up and 3 to play Small Town IdoL" larity contest conducted by the Mov yester- has held the water without a leak was rents boats to fishermen, said expectations ot In the same match Miss Cecil Majestic Otis Swinner, "Kis- ing Picture World. The contest day that he has seen men operating and is fulfilling all par- Leitch, British woman's champion met." national in its scope. S nets daily, and that very few of them the engineers. get the same garment made to your from 1914 to 1920, defeated Cyril Star Roy Stewart, "Just a have been arrested. He said It seemed Tolley of Oxford university, British Wife." Harvey O'HIggins, dramatist, will that nothing could be done to remedy ticular order from any other reliable tailor. amateur champion for 1920, by Circle Edith Storey. 'The Collaborate with Harriet Ford in the the situation. COMPANIES FILE PAPERS score of 6 up and 4 to play. Golden Hope." dramatization of "Main Street," sin Today's victory by Miss Leitch in Hippodrome Anna Q, Nilsson, clair Lewis' famous novel. Violators Declared Numerous. dicated she will prove one of the "The people should rise up and de Seven Xew Corporations Aply to "Without Limit." Glyn appears as an extra most formidable opponents of Miss Globe Constance Blnney, Elinor mand their right to catch the fish State for Charters. Stirling in the coming woman's cham "Something Different." In her own screen story, "The Great which the gill and set netters have Fve be'en one location for years. I own and pionship. Moment," now being filmed in Holly been taking from the river," be said. SALEM, Or., April 18. (Special.) in this The men captured the foursome wood, Cal. '1 think the violations have been more numerous this year than before." The Consolidated Metal Mining com sanitary workshop, is imme- match, Darwin, the English Interna- pany, capital of $300,000, operate a clean, which tionalist, and Roger Wethered of Ox- HE Rivoli theater is a laugh fac Ann May, heralded as one of the Practically the same statement or with a stock ford university beating Miss Stirling tory this week, with Mack Sen- finds of 1920, says the turning point the case was made by Frank Dewey hat, been Incorporated by L. G. Mc my store, directly my personal and Mrs. Dobell, of T nett's production, "A Small-Tow- n of her picture career came with her of Portland, a member of the Anglers Kenny, D. Shuholm and Frederick diately above under Great Britain. 1 up. Idol." furnishing tne source of as engagement by Charles Ray iot club, who has been fishing this season Nelson. Headquarters will be In Port role ia "Paris Green." near Oregon City. Ho says he also land. supervision. This saves you and me the middle- sorted grins, giggles and guffaws. of law. most has noticed violators the The Four Way Oil & Gas company, The picture is the latest and Eileen Sedgwick is In a Los Angeles So far as the patrol service on tne with headquarters In Portland, has fun-mak- er 500 KLINE BOWLERS ambitious work of the master hospital recovering from an operation Willamette is concerned, it is better been incorporated by J.
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