is . x . &#39; an , NY V92-1099 b6 have an account at that bank. He added that in the lbw./C event he ever had a request for a purchase of a cashier&#39;s check in the above described amount, he would report it to the proper authorities as an unusual banking transaction. He recalled that many years ago an individual whom he does not recall attempted to purchase a uaashier&#39;s check for ut he declined&#39; to r do so fo th e above reasons. &#39; stated that he did not know the subject. s Bank. 11 A |Chaseth Street and 2nd Avenue NYC was contactedManhattan concerning the same matter furnished substantially the same information as _Additional efforts will be made in contacts with the above informant to further develop this information. _ 2 _ .1 PD-36 Rev. 12-13-56! r =* - ., , I > " _ /L ,1 FBI ii _______._._..__¬_* Date: 6/8/61 Transmit thefollowing in PLAIN TEXT Type in plain text or code! . AIRTEL Vla Priority or Methodof Mailing! 1; MI TO 2 DIRECTQR,FBI 923905! FROM = SAC, NEW YORK 92-1099! SUBJECT: ANTHONY SALERNO aka AR 0: NY! 1 92 > the tenant. The monthly rent is 6 .00 which promptly every month in cash. stated been in this apartment since ren ing i to the understands that it is lavishly furnished. He the lock on the apartment has been changed and have access to it. is the owner of the premises located at ¬§h2 First Avenue, NYC.[::::::::]stated that subject rented an apartment at 22h2 First Avenue in September, 1960 and is still considered has been paid he has not subject but b6 added that he does not 197C - New Yorkstated 92-1099! that he doesREC_not know72 subject personallyand from ureading as heard ofsubjects of him fromactivities the in"neighborhood" the papers. égg ? FD-36 Rev. 12-13-56! FBI &#39; Date: 6/12/61 PLAIN TEXT Transmit the following in Type in plain text or code! AIRTEL Via Priority or Method of Mailing! TO: DIRECTOR, FBI 92-3905! u1 FROM: &#39; SAC, NEW YORK 92-lO99! I SUBJECT:ANTHONYJQALERNO aka pad1 AR 0; NEW YORK! ReNYairtel to Bureau, dated 6/9/61. 24th Precinct P Iiurnishedor poIicyaFd wasdescribed inforjrxbjation thefollowingNYC, yL was arrestedIasO being 5/2 a close/ 1 today. as ociate of I The followin is a descri tion ofI I I8 P Name I Race DOB POB &#39; Little Rock, Arkansas [::::::::]added that in his opinio inspite of his age, should be rated within the op Ten b7c Policy Men in the Harlemaarea. [::::::::]will be located and interviewed concerning his knowledge of the policy operations in ofNY andgpecificallyand SALERNO. questionedconcerning operations the pg ma REGQ3.» 96 9£?0&#39;l- /!L~Bureau §! 92-3905! Ti; &#39; 1-New York 92-1099! , Em JUN13 195; 1%zbfh " O 6» / 2/. I J / Au tag: /<§"/&#39; Approved:° 5%-MN r/%/V/V 1-Sent I &#39;_.___i____ Per I Special Agentharge in FD-36 nev.12-1s-se! FBI "~- Dute: 6/9/61 Transmit the following in PLAIN TEXT Type in plain text or code! via AIRTEL Priority or Method of Mailing! _..__-___4 TO: DIRECTOR,FBI 92-3905! / mom;susmcr:NE."I6}YORI&#39;§ SAC,SALERNO mirnoxw I a1-cai 92-1099! §<5<>=1m I / 3 15&#39; A, _&#39;, .</.,1 An inquiry today at Kress Foundation, 221 W. &#39; 57th St., NYC, reflected that previously KK» described, I is in California, an wi no return until June 19. Arrangements madeto see[:::::::]on that date. .b6 Contact with| |28th Precinct, Ib7C NYCPD. today revealed a recent policy arrest of an associate of] |Attempts will be made to interview this individual concerning the activities of[:::::::]and the policv 0 racket in general. } ! $3,-92~S3 L;a/ e~a11~e§v.§>14&#39;T 92-3905! //REM W I ,;a;;;_{,/I a-f"»-t& % mew Zorlr 92-1099! /"f hmi "I 9 _JB=;§<>1~ @ an JUN 101951 . ____,.4-12 i-_.,_,-3 n nest FD-3612-13-56! Rev. I g A U *_j&#39; / "/&#39; " ? 1 "&#39;&#39;~92.1 :>~=i/I I!, I E FBI L/,,,i~»~ Date: Transmit thefollowing in PLAIN TEXT Typein plain text or code! AIRTEL Via II II I *1 ,/"*1" " &#39;&#39; . &#39; 92"I FD-36h 12-&#39;13-56! Rev. } If / 1 929292f FBI 92 Date: 114-/61 Transmit thefollowing inPLAIN Type in plain text or code! Via AIRTEL Priority or Method ofMailing! T0: DIRECTOR, FBI 92-3905! I FROM: SAC, NEW YORK 92-1099! SUBJECT: ANTI-IONYQALERNOaka K AR . _ oomy! NYC, made[:::;;:;;::LWNEWava a e oday the followingstation, radio information: 565Fifth Avenue, During the current perjury trial of VINCENT J. VALELLA,General SessionsCourt, NYC, boxing promoter, .136 WILLIAM ROSENSOHN,testified he turned over 200 "working .b7C press" tickets for the PATTERSON-JOHANSSONFight Title intdune 1959,and he,ROSENSOHN, received$1600.00 his as cu . ROSENSOHN saidthe tickets were given to ANTHONY SALEBNObecause "agun waspractically pointed at his head". ROSENSOHNhis made statement as a prosecution witness againstVALELLA haswho beenaccused ofbeing A_ a front man for SALERNO. I Current NY reportin dic¬3g@§§. »92 FD-263 .1Re{1. 5-1-59! .9 I f M __, I. 1 i v 1 _ 1 &#39; FEDERALgUREAU OF INVESQIGATIONL &#39; -I!» ... i»-1§" REPo1;:"r|Ns OFFICE OFFICE OF ORIGIN DATE 7 INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD mszw YORK NEW YORK §/15/51 3/2 - 6/12/61 -m-LE OF CASE REPORT MADE BY TYPED BY ANTHO ALERNO, aka JEROME N. BOWERS aln CHARACTER or CASE ANTI~RACICETEERING 92 "xxx A REFERENCES: 1 7 V New York. Reports of SA JEROMEN. BOWERS dated 5/15 and 5/24/61, ..p.. AD MINISTRATIVE The Miami Division advised that they do ot contempiate contacting] EI concerning I166 the rem" .4 automobile observed in, su&#39;bJe*s driveway ib7@ on 1-L/3/bl.|:|has been extremely uncooperative in the past concerning car rentals to hoodlums in the Miami area, APPROVED sFF$L;A|_&#39;fAQ%iNT I "Do NOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOW6 vi COPIES MADE: &#39;5 2-- Chicago Bureau 92-761i92-3905;1 7 H """"§/ O EC-13 E; :3m%o£1Z2Z&#39;;g§%O99! are JUN 191961 --- }- DQYD *&#39;é"7-7"Q/ m_<£f§92§92Q&92 {~ D he- Dissemination Record of Attached Repo/K e 92 > N0iuOnS Agency RequestReed 6 LQQ 7/ ék ! I I How DateFwd. FwdW if ! Q92 / ii %5By ,., 4,» .6 ,, 7 &#39;9-B; . 1 DISSEMINATIQN RESTRICTED TO JUSTICE DEPARTMEN1192 4 -92 A z ~ox ~ O O &#39; &#39; "A YE » NY 92-1099 é On 5/15,24/61,| |cnier, Intelligence 136 Unit, Internal Ramnmmeserv ce, ac sonville, Florida, advised Ib7C forwarded that his investigative to their New York: files 0ffice concernin sub statedeot have been that their New York Officeintends to make a sa ura ion case" . on SALERNO. He added that they considered this one of their sensitive cases which calls for an "all out" immediate thorough investigation of the returns of SALERNO. The investigative period of this report predates the reference report to allow for investigation conducted in the Miami Division in March and April, 1961. The results of this investigation was not included in previous report inasmuch as it pertains to specific requests by the Department of Justice. No further investigation is contemplated concerning the principals of Small&#39;s Paradise Club, 2294 Seventh Avenue, NYC, since it is not believed there is any connection with the operation of this club and the nature of this investigation. - The owners of the autmmobiles observed in the spot check of Rae&#39;s Bar, NYC, on 5/5/51, have been identified through the Department of Motor Vehicles. E l Investigation is currently being conducted concerning these individuals and when completed, will be included in a report. QINFORMANTS ~ DateContacted Agent 577751 SA ROBERT F. FETZNER ib 7 D b2 - B - COVER PAGE I ~75 I l M /11 92 . l O i " O if r; "C f F § L NY 92;1099 ENFORMANTS §CONTINUED2 Date Contacted Aaent - 5/l5,2n/61 SA JEROMEN. BOWERS Conceal by .136 Request! .b7C i%?;:g:::::] 5/29/61 92 Ib&#39;.7D 8 gence SA JEROM N. BOWERS Division, b6 IRS,NYC Ib&#39;7C 6/1,6/61 SA JEROM N. BOWERS Careful consideration has been given to the sources b6 concealed by T symbols were utilized in the report onlyi in those b7C instances where the identity of the sources must be concealed. [b&#39;7D .LEADS cnicho - At Chicago, Illinois - will interview Eic concerning the address o MIAMI At Miami Beach, Florida 1! Will continue to conduct spot checks at subject&#39;s residence, 1041 N. Venetian Drive, Belle Meade Isle, Venetian Causeway. - C _ COVER PAGE K R~~- : J 8 O Q . *2 P I NY 92-1099 LEADS §CONTINUED! b2 2! will maintain contact with[::::::::]for b7D information relating to subject and his activities, particularly the acquisition of any property. 3! Will attempt to identify the unsub who meets the subject regularly at Amvets #35, and who was se ing in a 1959 Cadillac bearing 1961 Florida Registration u! will determine ir|@@@@@@@@@@heea motel at 1050 Brick Hill Ave. 5! Will contact logical sources in an effort to determine if[::::]trave1s to New York on a monthly basis and if possible determine his relationship with subject. b6 _§EE_XQ§E_ bvc At_ol7e@LYQ?El§ NeW....._.Y°1&#39;1.£.. 1! Will interview| I NYC, concerning a toll call made to T&C Sales Company, Covington, Ky.
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