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III DECLARATION ................................................................................................................. IV ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... IV INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1 WHAT PRICE VISIBILITY? ........................................................................................................ 1 THE PROJECT OF DRESSING THE PART ..................................................................................... 10 REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................................................................. 22 THE CONTRADICTORY CONTEMPORARY LESBIAN COSTUMING TRIANGLE .......................................... 22 BUTCH/FEMME, POSTMODERN LESBIANS AND THE POSTFEMINIST SENSIBILITY ................................. 31 AUDIENCE RESEARCH .......................................................................................................... 37 CHAPTER ONE CENTRE STAGE: PARADOXICAL LESBIAN ECOLOGIES IN THE L WORD AND LIP SERVICE .................................................................................................................... 44 FAB LESBIANISM IN THE L WORD ........................................................................................... 48 DRESS TELLS THE WOMEN’S STORIES ....................................................................................... 74 RESONANCE IN LIP SERVICE .................................................................................................. 83 DYKE FENG SHUI ............................................................................................................... 116 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................... 121 CHAPTER TWO SUPPORTING CAST: SECONDARY LESBIAN CHARACTERS IN HETEROSEXUAL MILIEUX ........................................................................................................................ 123 THINGS ARE NOT WHAT THEY SEEM IN DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES .................................................. 128 THE LATTER-DAY QUEERING OF THE WESTERN IN DEADWOOD ..................................................... 147 SOCIAL CHANGE IN MAD MEN ............................................................................................. 178 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................... 203 CHAPTER THREE ‘WHAT WOULD A LESBIAN WOMAN WEAR?’: LESBIAN AUTHORED INDEPENDENT FILMS .................................................................................................... 205 TELLING PERSONAL STORIES IN GILLERY’S LITTLE SECRET ............................................................. 208 RECOGNITION IN THE KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT ............................................................................. 227 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................... 258 CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................
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