THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. *** Easy Win Over Vejar Tribe Helps Kennedy ReportI of Rickey's Return THURSDAY, MAY 8 18.V.* C-3 To Buy Home as He To} Cards Quickly Denied New York Daily Mirror, wrote Walter Reed Nine Victor “baseball circles are buzzing , Proves Davey Ready By tht Associated Press that The Walter Reed Hospital Rejoins Marines with the report that Rickey, gen- team “ NEW YORK, May B.—There baseball downed Newcastle In|g 1 ?, - • By tip Associated Press manager Pittsburgh Air Base, yesterday 1 4 was a report today that Branch eral of the l 1 1 6-5, at Wal- For Crack at Title CLEVELAND. May 8. The ' ter Reed, with the help of Pfc. ; Rickey Pirates, will make a bid for Saigh’s ;! By .Aral giving ] is slated to return to St. | Garrison's tho Associated Press Cleveland Indians are Bob Saigh’s income Willis double with the Kennedy the Louis as owner of the Cardinals, stock is tax diffi-i bases loaded. CHICAGO, May Is no down payment on a 1 culties should result in his B—There new home May 20 as a sendoff leaving buti it met hasty denial. 'j t g doubt that Chico Vejar of New before the outfielder rejoins the baseball. Fred Saigh, president and own- “Considering the poor results Military District Nine Wins York University has the heart of Mr ;:-£ Marines. ( er of the Cards, said, “Ihave not that have attended his (Rickey’s) The Military District Colonials a lion, but last night he appeared The check presentation will be heardj of any such possibility.” Pittsburgh, believed part of a “Kennedy Night” at efforts in it is I scored their third straight victory like a lamb led to slaughter. Mu- Rickeyj himself was off on a speak- no trouble yesterday they tripped mi ¦ nicipal when the Indians ! that he would have ini when Vint Stadium ing trip and unavailable for com- being released from ; Hill, 8-3, in service league It was Chuck Davey’s deceptive A ' * ||||; Boston Sox. his contract a IUIHI m play the Red ‘ ment. to rejoin the ranks of the club baseball game Myer. southpaw style, and ballet-dancer Cleveland officials did not say i at Fort John Dan Parker, sports editor of the owners,” Parker said. Manapoli was the winning pitcher. footwork, that guillotined the 20- how large the check was but , year-old dramatic arts freshman. noted the house at suburban Euclid was a new brick one and a Beaten only once in 42 previous block from Lake Erie. bouts, Vejar was as wide open to Kennedy was a major leaguer Davey’s left hooks as a prepared for 13 years, but spent three of oyster. them in service during World War The youngster was knocked n. He has been recalled to the down four times, but it was noth- Marine Air Force Base at Jack- ing new to him. In five sonville, Fla., May 29 for at least ROYALIST other scraps he 17 months. was floored and arose > star any regent ioc to win. He and his wife have three Grandstand in field... Royalist Cigars! Mild, I 1 2 ,or 25< Vejar’s Stamina Amazing. children and are the legal guard- satisfying taste pleasant aroma perfect blend- I 'H ian for Mrs. Kennedy’s sister, duke**^* / Vejar arose last night with MRU mw a ing you’ll premier m of choice tobaccos! Smoke it like it! I amazing stamina and kept coming B high schodl student. back for more of undefeated B fli W J JPHH Davey’s lefts that bloodied his Staton, Redskins Tackle, nose, his mouth and his cheek. Before 8,773 Chicago Stadium mM m W Weighs fans and millions of others on m ' BBk| jAH Montreal Offer and radio, Davey proved Jim Staton, former Wake For- television wml w ’ * - bHEBh by his easy victory his worth as a -m I mMmmM Hrw ¦ est tackle, is undecided whether foremost contender for Cuba Kid mm he will play this season for the Gavilan's welterweight title. HH" Washington Redskins or the Mon-! The International Boxing Club, iHHBHHIHIfrri ¦ '¦ MHMKSBm treal Alouettes of the Big Four knowing full well that it has a mr ' i i Football Union in Canada. hit on its hands in Davey, the ' HB mmmmm Staton confirmed today a re- 26-year-old holder of a master’s if v port that he had received an offer degree from Michigan State, from the Alouettes, who will be promptly began preparations for a coached this fall by Peahead championship showdown between Walker, Staton’s former coach at the two for Chicago this summer. Wake Forest. Nick Londes, Detroit promoter Staton declared that if the, for the IBC, argued for a rematch Alouettes could meet his terms, he of Davey and Vejar in the Motor would play for them. The 240- City June 11, but eventually Jim pound tackle signed up with the Norris, the IBC president, turned Redskins last year, but was used a deaf began pointing sparingly of a injury ear and DAVEY—Chico Vejar slumps the canvas after a flurry of by Chuck because knee toward Gavilan. VEJAR JARRED BY to blows received in the All-Star game last Davey in their 10-round bout last night in Chicago Stadium. Vejar went down four times in August. Unable to Keep Date. all as Davey took a unanimous decision. —AP Wirephoto. In the meantime, Davey, a fair- Arlington League complexioned fellow who reddens Plans Jpl with every blow, will be unable to A baseball league for boys 17 fetel 'MM' Munro, Ex-District Star, « go through his May 15 fight with Reds Belvoir Meet to and under will be organized next \ Mr* wmmm Release Bevens Settle HHHL ¦, Carmen Basillio in Syracuse, N. Y., (or Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. by the jQgjgjlJH as ordered by the Illinois and New Leaves Duty in Europe Arlington County Department of jrxSfil York boxing commissions. To San Francisco Sergt. James Munro, one-time Military Track Titles Recreation. For information call Frank Allston, 7-8888. CO., WASHINGTON, He received gashes around each By Prtit District football, baseball and Jackson 1 STANDARD CIGAR AND TOBACCO D. C.—DISTRIBUTORS swinging the Asiocioted Track championships for the eye from Vejar’s long CINCINNATI, May sandlot star, leaves Fort Myer to- shots needs stitching. B.—Floyd and some Bevens, who hoped day for assignment in Europe. Military District of Washington Davey operated with to come back precision. to major leagues byway Munro, who is starting his 23d will be decided Saturday in a meet In addition to being a southpaw the of the Cincinnati Reds, has been year of Army duty, has been ac- starting at 10 a.m. at Fort Belvoir. marvel, he further confuse; by tive in the American Legion junior motion—jigging in and released to San Approximately 40 trackmen are perpetual Francisco of baseball program and has organ- out like a fly that can’t be swatted entered and the known is the Pacific ized many other sandlot softball best and constantly flapping his arms, and baseball teams. Lt. Wilbert Lancaster of Fort Bel- from elbow to shoulder, like a Coast League. In San Fran- In 1947, he put together a junior voir. young bird learning to fly. baseball team which brought the> He no slugger, but he meets cisco, club oifi- Last week Lt Lancaster set a is cials said the first national championship to his opponent coming in so that the District. District AAU record in the broad actually doubled al- Seals had the force is Munro has coached baseball and jump and also won the 100 and to feathery bought Bevens though appearing be at was as- He is at times. from the Reds football Central and 220-yard dashes. a former for $15,000. sistant football coach under Capt. Penn State star. Down Twice in First. Joey Kaufman at Fort Myer down The big pitch- for Winners of Vejar wa£ chopped twice the last two seasons. the 17 events Sat- In the first round by left hooks to er hurled a one-hitter for Munro began his athletic career urday will qualify for the Army the chin and from then on he championships like bullseye target the New York at Eastern where he was an all- later this month was a on a high catcher and a center on the range until the last two rounds, Yankees against at San Francisco. Winners there Brooklyn i Floyd Bcvcni. 1927-28 football teams. finishing strongly. At that point n move on to the Olympic tryouts. the World Series in 1947. Cookie Davey was warding off pokes at Admission to Saturday’s meet his gashed eyes with his gloves in Lavagetto got that hit in the Brooklyn. is free. Because this is an defensive maneuvers. At no time ninth for Eagles Trade Sandifer Olympic ¦was he stunned. After hurting his arm in 1948. year, metric distance will be used . Vejar was bent oVer like a wet Bevens pitched for Salem, Oreg., Bay for the running events. in the Western To Green tor Collins 2 PANTS rag from a left to the stomach International in the sixth and again in the League last year. He won 20 By the Associated Press games l\ 'seventh. He went down both and lost 12. He did not PHILADELPHIA. May B.—The appear in lineup Bears Sign Bud /HW times only to back furiously. the Reds’ this Philadelphia Eagles today an- Sherrill; come season. ? It was Davey’s 33d bout with- nounced their fifth trade since Surgery Fixes Shoulder out defeat.
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