OCTOBER 17, 1955 35c PER COPY BROAA- T!LECASì ALL 3 SEE omplete Index Page 10 EYE -TO- EYE -TO -EYE an or Healthy Tvs Page 27 vicCann- Erickson Gets Coca -Cola Account Page 31 Advertisers Recount adio Success Formulas Page 32 'Videotown' Report &gain Underscores Tv Page 50 No matter who asks the questions . - KOWH is the answer in OMAHA 50.3% ! That's the average share of audience Hooper (August -Sep- FEATURE SECTION tember) gives KOWH. Latest Pulse for Omaha -Council Bluffs gives KOWH top spot in every time period. Ditto Trendex. KOWH has Begins on page 105 placed first in audience year after year ... gradually increasing its first -place dominance, until now KOWH is first in every time period of every survey in the Omaha market. Mid -Continent ideas, program- ming and excitement plus good coverage (660 KC) are working hard and getting results for national and local advertisers. No matter which rating habit you have -you can feel secure with KOWH be- cause all 3 see eye -to- eye -to -eye. Chat with the H -R man, or KOWH General Manager Virgil Sharpe. KOWH O M A H A -CONTINENT BROADCASTING COMPANY President: Todd Storz THE NE ` E KLY WHB, Kansas City WTIX, New Orleans KOWH, Omaha OF RADIO AND TV Represented by Represented by Represented by John Blair & Co. Adam J. Young, Jr. H -R Reps, Inc. Commander C - - - -, Radio -tv -man Extracurricular, Arrives Early This Year For the Husking Bee Who is the distinguished man with the proliferating farmer: $12,000 a year), the vast prospects (Mr. Ave. beaver ? Good friends, it will pay you to watch la. Farmer owns his farm, which is about 178 acres for him in a few months. Neither rain, nor snow nor big and worth about $35,000), and practically uncon- gabled thatch shall stay, his arrival on the fin -de- l'annee stitutional schleppervescence *, make it Christmas all the scene. time. Ah, connoisseurs, you guessed it ! He's Commander But wait ! Why is he making his distinguished S. Claus, come to shop at the WMT Stations, com- appearance in October? pletely by- passing (the gay dog!) our national reps, Dear people, the locale is Iowa, where the elixir of the Katz Agency. heady incomes (average gross income an Rouphlu tmnelated: Stoop- ehouldrrcdnere derived from carrying moola of Iowa fn the emporium. ,.di ì Wi ( M-TV Loisai4{8,_ C rnuno, -Lgta4k cukt ozetvc. 81 Published every Monday, with Yearbook Numbers (53rd and 54th issues) published in January and July by BROADCASTING Pus[.tcerioNs, INC., 1735 DeSales St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. Entered as second class matter March 14, 1933, at Post Office at Washington, D. C., under act of March 3, 1879. HARRISBURG bird's -eye views of a 4;51/2 billion prospect for you Thompson Products, Inc. These five important metropolitan areas plus countless industrially rich cities and towns make this vast WGAL -TV market area a multi -billionaire prospect for your advertising dollar. Use WGAL -TV to reach three and half million people with an ef- fective buying income of $51/2 billion. Share in the more than $354 billion they spend for retail goods annually. LANCASTER C ter Mar T orf Company LEBANON Channel 8 Multi -City Market Harrisburg Reading York Lebanon Hanover Pottsville Gettysburg Hazleton Chambersburg Shamokin Waynesboro Mt. Carmel WGALTV Frederick Bloomsburg Westminster Lewisburg Carlisle Lewistown Lancaster, Pa. Sunbury Lock Haven Martinsburg Hagerstown NBg...,and CB.:. STEINMAN STATION Clair McCollough, Pres. Representatives MEEKER TV, Inc. New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco READING closed circuit BIG JOB OPEN Though Radio Adver- $40,000 weekly package, not to mention industries have in finding enough engineers. tising Bureau's nominating committee met better shake for sales messages. Film producers are finding solution in last week, quest for president is not ended. BT signing crews to regular contracts as though President Kevin B. Sweeney, who served they were stars. COMMERCIAL CLAMOR American notice months ago he wanted to be relieved BT when term expires end of this year, has consumer industries operating in Europe now been offered five -year contract to are espousing commercial radio and tele- STARTING A STAFF First member of continue but has not signed. It's under- vision everywhere. They have found FCC network study staff was named but stood, however, that Joseph E. Baudino, broadcast media most effective in promot- not announced last week. He's Ashbrook Westinghouse Broadcasting Co., has agreed ing sales, even with primitive methods used P. Bryant, from Hearing Division, Broad- to serve another year as RAB board chair- and rigorous limitations imposed by vari- cast Bureau. Meanwhile Roscoe L. Bar- man. ous state -controlled, or state -connected row, U. of Cincinnati Law School déan, operations. chief of staff on study Sept. 26], is B.7 [BT, B.T still seeking outside people to fl up work- GROVE LABS' subsidiary, Clayton Labs, TREND toward full-scale commercial ing staff. Dean Barrow explains he has will produce and sell new product, Citroid radio and television in Europe (story page completely open mind, hopes to do "com- cold remedy, containing new BIO- Flava- 118) is bringing more and more equipment prehensive" study so Commission has all noid that is understood to be biggest thing manufacturers and program suppliers to facts in case it wants to do anything. Job to hit cold remedy market since introduc- continent to appraise market potential. Old being done under guidance of four-man tion of anti- histamines. Dowd, Redfield & line manufacturers have had offices in FCC committee, headed by FCC Chair- Johnstone, New York, agency named to various European countries since World man McConnaughey. handle the account, is preparing selected War II, but other smaller companies now BT group of markets for television campaign are exploring field with prospect that which will get underway sometime early branch offices will be opened or sales ar- RUMORED as definitely under FCC con- in November. rangements made with independent con- sideration, at executive Commission meet- ings, is plan to move budget and planning BT tractors. B7 functions, headed by Robert Cox, under Office of Secretary. Such action would POLITICAL ACCOUNTS Democratic JADED JOURNALISTS Biggest radio - give latter office, directed by Mary Jane National Committee is looking for adver- tv party season in history has Hollywood Morris, more authority than it ever en- tising agency to handle 1956 presidential radio -tv editors and columnists red-eyed joyed and would concentrate administra- with dozen agencies campaign about under for lack of sleep. Party-going has become tive load. consideration. Norman, Craig & Kummel such fatiguing chore that guests are be- BT and Benton & Bowles have been looked at ginning to complain. One major agency closely, but not to be ruled out yet is plans next year to cut down parties, in- RADIO-TV SPLIT Look for announce- Joseph Katz Co., nominally current agency vent some other way to direct news people's ment from ABC separating its combined for Democrats although inactive on ac- attention to debuts of new shows. radio and tv station relations departments count since 1954 elections. GOP Na- into distinct entities. Move is said to re- 13.7 tional Committee indicates it is satisfied sult from increased activities in television. to keep BBDO, its agency in both 1952 CHARLES WILDS, former N. W. Ayer Network also is planning to reactivate and 1954. & Son supervising timebuyer, has decided post of ABC -TV eastern sales manager, BT to headquarter in Lausanne, Switzerland, with Bill Gillogly of ABC -TV's Chicago after exploring continent for two months. sales staff slated to move into that position. at buying color He plans to enter advertising- merchandis- WHY do consumers balk B.T tv receivers? Aside from retail price and ing consultancy, and is understood to high costs of color servicing, Videotown have one substantial American account, PROMOTION is in offing for Joseph O. interviewers (see story page 50), report- expanding into Europe, already aligned. Meyers, longtime NBC news staffer, edly found many dealers who themselves BT currently serving as headquarters chief discourage buyers because they cannot of NBC radio -tv news department. Mr. ONLY When Comr. Doer- assure servicing, regardless of contract CHIT-CHAT Meyers is set to be advanced to manager fer urged uhf delegation to get down to price. of NBC news under Bill McAndrew, di- cases Friday, following reading of state- rector of NBC news. B.T ment on uhf position (see story page 80), Benito Gaguine, Washington attorney for BT BIG -SCREEN SHEENA Another tele- several uhf broadcasters seeking deinter- vision program will become feature movie, RELIGIOUS QUESTION Interest of mixture, jumped to feet, objected vigor- National Council of Churches of Christ Hollywood will learn today (Monday) ously on grounds these cases were officially Film Syndi- in America in license renewal of WTIX with announcement that ABC before FCC and no ex parte discussions cation's Sheena, Queen of the Jungle starts New Orleans [BIT, Sept. 12] may have were permitted. Acting Chairman Hyde implications beyond specific case. WTIX production in February as CinemaScope ruled Mr. Gaguine correct. This left both of tv series, Don renewal was made over dissent of Comr. color film. Co- producers sides without any significant subjects to W. Sharpe and Nassour Studios, will do Doerfer who cited lack of religious, edu- talk about so after desultory discussion, cational and discussion programs. Na- theatre version. meeting was adjourned. Time: About 60 B.T tional Council last week asked FCC to minutes. "clarify" action and how lack of such pro- BT MGM is revamping writing and produc- grams fit in with meaning of "public in- tion of MGM Parade on ABC -TV to bet- HOLLYWOOD film makers' top talent terest, convenience and necessity." Will ter integrate commercials for Pall Mall problem this season is not name actors stations' percentage of religious time be and General Foods.
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