V o l u m e 6 2 Friday, July 10, 1987 N u m b e r 3 2 Upward Bound arrives by Cameron Lackpour students. Triangle Staff W riter While there have been varied complaints in the past concerning On July 5, forty students of Up­ loud music and “ elevator ward Bound, a federally funded games,” most members of the supplementary education pro­ Drexel community are unaware of gram, moved into the Universi­ Upward Bound’s presence. This ty’s Calhoun Hall dormitory to is as it should be according to Dr. begin four to six weeks of instruc­ Kpakpunda Ezeze, head counse­ tion in the basics of english, lor of Upward Bound. mathematics, and science. Mischievous acts happen Like similar programs across because “adolescents are, by the nation, Upward Boujid pro­ nature, rebellious,” according to vides students from area high Ezeze. They are “ really no dif­ schools the chance to experience ferent from college freshmen... ” life in an urban university setting who ignore quiet hours and push while reinforcing good study all the buttons on an elevator. habits and offering advanced A second group of students, academic instructrion which puts under another, similarly funded these students on par with peers program, has joined Upward from more advantaged suburban Bound in residency at Calhoun high schools. Ninth through Hall. ACT 101, a program joint­ twelfth grade students become ly supported by Drexel and the eligible for the program on a com­ Commonwealth of Pennsylvania bined basis of academic perfor­ assists highly motivated students Incoming freshmen and parents visit campus mance and need. who are financially disadvantag­ As part of the “ university ex­ ed and have performed unsatisfac­ by Brian Goodman dent William Gaither, Vice- is the Assistant Dean of perience,” high school sopho­ torily on standardized tests or mores, juniors, and seniors stay O f The Triangle President for Student Affairs Ar­ Freshmen, a position left vacant have had inadequate high school thur Joblin, Dean of Students after former Dean Terri Mugrage on the second and third floors preparation. The Freshman Center, in con­ James Hallam, Major George sustained serious injuries in an Calhoun Hall, while all students Selected students are required junction with the Office of the Quillet of ROTC, and Dean of automobile accident. are privileged to enjoy the same to attend the six to eight week Dean of Students, sponsored its Freshmen Mark Blaweiss. According to one administrator, University facilities available to residential program, where they annual Freshman Day program Blaweiss is a freshman, the new Assistant Dean is ex­ Drexel students, including the take preparatory courses in last week to assist and orient in­ himself, having joined the pected to be a member of the cafeteria, the library, and the chemistry, pre-cdculus, critical coming freshman students. University this year following the University family and will be gym. Instructors for the program, thinking, physics, computer pro­ The program began, most days, resignation of Dr. John familiar with University policies however, are employed by Up­ gramming, and human develop­ in the Mandell Theater. It featured D’Alessandro, former Dean of and procedures. ward Bound for the sole purpose m ent. presentations by University Presi­ Freshmen. Awaiting appointment of educating the program’s 1988 Student Allocation Committee funding distributed Karate 5,400 ♦ 8 % by Michael J. Coyne quest. Only groups that have been R u g b y 2 , 9 0 0 N e w O f The Triangle declared eligible for funding by Rule Club 2,450 -\% Student Congress may apply for Vo«eybaM 2,150 -] 0 % Cheefleaders 1,950 -2 2 % The Student Allocation Com­ funds directly from the SAC. CommulerC 950 mittee has released the amounts This year, four new groups Dart(Roorn 950 n / a of money each student organiza­ were eligible and had applied for SMES 7 0 0 ♦ 4 0 % N e v tion will receive for the 1987/88 funding. The Hospitality ASME 5 0 0 BoviingClub 500 - 8 7 % school year. Organization of Student Profes­ WSA 5 0 0 n / a Continuing the trend of the past sional (HOSP), American Socie­ Malh&Comp. 450 - 1 0 % few years, the SAC once again ty of Mechanical Engineers A S C E 4 0 0 - 2 0 % C E SocieJy 350 0 % had less money to distibute to the (ASME), Rugby Club and Gays D M A 2 0 0 - 6 0 % organizations. Money allocated and Lesbians at Drexel Accnt Society 2 0 0 n / a by the SAC comes from the stu­ (GALAD). H O S P 2 0 0 N e v UkwnianClub 200 rWa The following groups reorgan­ dent fees. Although the fees have Hblory^tPo). 200 ♦ 5 0 % risen, the amount granted to the ized and applied for Ending this G a la d 2 0 0 N e v SAC has not. In addition, new year: Drexel International Student Nulrillon 185 ♦ 9 % groups and groups that did not Association (DISA), Ukranian PsyJSoc/Ant 150 0 % 1987/88 SAC Allocations receive funding last year have Club and the Accounting Society. Sac Operalions - 1 0 , 0 0 0 Total A llocated $202,000 been added to the list. In total The SAC has also created a Sac Group Funding (E ach listing includes cun'ent allocation and the there were 30 groups petitioning subcommittee to handle requests SubCommiUe«- 12,815 percent difference over last year s am ount) for ftinds. for ftmding that usually are handl­ The total amount of ftmds ed by SPA. Correspondingly, the distributed dropped from SPA budget was cut close to groups would like to petition for Included in the total allocation The Triangle, The Maya, and $209,770 to $20 2 ,0 0 0 , a decrease $20,000 for this item. Dr. James money, they should first fill out is a listing for SAC operations, the Amateur Radio Club are the o f 7 ,7 7 0 . Hallanr. noted that the subcommit­ the forms that will be available in which takes into account the groups who did not recieve funds Student groups submit applica­ tee will be composed of five the Dean of Students Office. The money needed for copying ser­ this year, the latter two not sub­ tions for funding in May and at­ students with himself as the chair­ subcommittee will then meet and vices, computer time and other mitting applications and The tend a hearing to explain their re­ man. If any funded or non-fiinded decide the merits of every request. admioistrative costs. Triangle not requesting funds. The Triangle Friday, July 10, 1987 Constitutional celebrations and what to do this summer by Charlie Browne tion; the right to die. At the 5 p .m . housed the city, state, and federal dollars in the quaint, open horse- O f The Triangle Visitor Center, located at Third The most p (^ a r parts of what governments simultaneously, all drawn carriages which usually and Chestnut Streets, the main has been called “ the most historic offer free tours, but sometimes the begin their tours on Chestnut July fourth has come and gone, floor of the building is awash with square mile in America’’ are the lines can get long, especially dur­ Street in front of Independence leaving a trail of trash and computerized displays which Liberty Bell Pavillion and In­ ing the summer months. Hall. Act quickly though, as local fireworks casings to be eventual­ allow those interested to hear op­ dependence Hall. And if those don’t tickle your legislators are trying to have the ly scraped up and carted off. But posing views on these controver­ On either side of the Hall are fancy, try an approximately horses and buggies removed from that’s another story, and since diis sial issues, and then register their Congress Hall, at Sixth Street, twenty-minute carriage ride city streets. is the bicentennial year of the personal opinions on the screen. and Old City Hall, at Fifth Street. around the historic area. Up to Constitution, you might be Other displays will let you These buildings, which once four people can ride for ten wondering what there is left to do, select an event, topic, or time in now that the Independence Day the United States’ history relating Jufy 11,12 Calvary Gospel Con­ of the Delaware Valley, Independence Mall, Free. celebrations are over. to the Constitution, and then show stitutional Observance— 574-9020. Well, relax. There happens to a video presentation on the topic. Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park, August 22,23 M a r itim e be a stockpile of things you can The Visitor Center is open daily 477-4848, Free. August 6S, 13-15, 20-22, 27-29 America Flotillas, waterfront. do this simimer and fall. from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cooking in America: Colonial Free. The Constitution was written For those with a desire to learn July 11,12 Rockwood*s Old to Contemporary Food Hall, two hundred years ago at the more about the time when the Fashioned Ice Cream Stawbridge and Clothier, August 22 Commissioning of Pennsylvama state house, now Constitution was drafted, free FestivalRockwood Museum, 629-6529, Free. USS Thomas S. Gates former known as Independence Hall, At passes can be obtained at the Wilmington, 302-571 -7776. Secretary of Defense and native the time, there were many doubts Visitor Center to examine the August 6-9 World Association Philadelphian, Penn’s Landing, that the new government would “ Miracle at Philadelphia” exhibit July 14 Tour of Bartram’s of World Federalists Universi­ Free. survive, but the colonial leaders at the Second Bank of the United Garden 54th and Lindbergh ty of Pennsylvania, Independence designed the document to be flex­ States.
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