TELEvisION RADIO'S GREATEST MAGAZINE RADIOVISION ( NOVEMBER i 25 Cents Over 200 Illustrations BROADCAST WRNYSTATION Edited by HUGO GERNSBACK TELEVISION NUMBER HOW TO BUILD YOUR OWN TELEVISION RECEIVER SEE PAGE 422 ton .., NMI ELEvIs10N EXPERIMENTER PUBLISHING COMPANY, 230 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK RpDiovis10N www.americanradiohistory.com Power Supply Transformers These transformers supply full wave rectifiers using two UX -281 tubes, for power amplifiers using either 210 or 250 types power ampli- fying tubes as follows: T -2098 for two 210 power tubes, $20.00; T -2900 for single 250 power tube, $20.00; T -2950 for two 250 tubes, $29.50. Double Choke Units =0) Consist of two 30 henry chokes in one case. T -2099 for use with power sup- ply transformer T -2098, $14; T-3099 for use with transformer T -2900, $16; T -3100 for use with transformer 3 ö s °N T-2950, $18. TIIORIDA Power Compacts A very efficient and compact form of AUDIO TRANSFORMER power supply unit. Power transform- er and filter chokes all in one case. Type R -171 for Raytheon rectifier and UPREME in musical performance, the 171 type power tube, $15.00; Type new Thordarson R -300 Audio R -210 for UX -281 rectifier and 210 Trans- power tube, $20.00; Type R -280 for former brings a greater realism to radio UX -280 rectifier and 171 power tube, reproduction. Introducing a new core mate- $17.00. rial, "DX- Metal" .(a product of the Thordar- Speaker Coupling Trans- son Laboratory), the amplification range has formers been extended still further into lower reg- A complete line of transformers to at the couple either single or push -pull 171, ister, so that even the deepest tones now may 210 or 250 power tubes into either \_` high impedance or dynamic speakers. I1IÍiö.' -, be reproduced with amazing fidelity. _._ Prices from $6.00 to $12.00. The amplification curve of this transformer Screen Grid Audio Coupler is practically a straight line from 30 cycles to The Thordarson Z- Coupler T -2909 is 8,000 cycles. A high frequency cut -off is pro- a special impedance unit designed to vided at 8,000 cycles to confine the amplifica- couple a screen grid tube in the audio amplifier into a power tube. Produces tion to useful frequencies only, and to elimi- excellent base note reproduction and nate undesirable scratch that may reach the amplification vastly in excess of ordi- audio transformer. nary systems. Price, $12.00. r When you hear the R -300 you will appre- THORDARSON ELECTRIC MFG. CO. ciate the popularity of Thordarson trans- 500 W. Huron St., Chicago, Ill. 3583.1. formers among the leading receiving set man- Gentlemen: Please send me your constructional ufacturers. The R -300 retails for $8.00. booklets on your power amplifiers. I am especially interested in amplifiers using tubes. THORDARSON ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING CO Name Transformer Specialists Since 1895 WORLDS OLDEST AND LARGEST EXCLUSIVE TRANSFORMER MAKERS Street and No `7furon and Kingsburo Streets Chicago.1ll.11SA. - Town www.americanradiohistory.com Radio News for November, 1928 -s01 EARNED $500 SPARE TIME WITH RADIO Coplay, Pa., June 4 -(RA)- During the few months that Frank J. Deutsch has been a member of the Radio Association of America, he has made over $500 out of Radio in his spare time. "Four super -heterodyne sets of my own construction brought me a profit of $60.00 each, and the other profit was from sales E\CII of these plans, developed by tic lladio Association of America, is a big stoney -maker. of supplies purchased through the Whole- Set owners everywhere want to get rid of static, to sale Department. of the Association," he have their sets operate from the electric light socket, said. "The Association certainly has a the tone improved, and the volume increased, and great transformed into single-dial controls. Phonograph plan for ambitious men." owners want their machines electrified and radiofied. In a neighboring state, Werner Eichler, If you learn to render these services, you can easily Rochester, N. Y., another member of the make $3.00 an hour for your spare time, to say nothing Association, has been making $50 a week of the money you can make installing, servicing, repairing, sets, selling during his spare time. and building radio and supplies. They are only two of the hundreds of Over $600,000,000 is being spent yearly for sets, Radio Association members who are making supplies, service. You can get your share of this business fit money Radio in spare time. and, at the same time, yourself for the out of their big -pay opportunities in Radio by joining the Association. BECOMES RADIO ENGINEER IN Join the ONE YEAR Radio Association Toronto, Canada, May 20 -(RA) -One of the newly admitted associate members of America of the Institute of Radio Engineers is A membership in the Association offers you the (laude DeGrave, a member of the engi- easiest way into Radio. It will enable you to earn f33.00 an hour upwards in your spare time neering staff of the DeForest Company of -train you to install, repair, and build all kinds of sets - t his city. "I knew nothing about Radio start you in business without capital or finance an and started from the ground up," Mr. invention -train you for the $3,000 to $10.000 big - DeGrave stated, "when I enrolled a year pay radio positions -help secure a better position at A membership need coat ago in Association. bigger pay for you. not iion the Radio Its easy a cent! lessons and superb training made it possible for me to become a Radio Expert in less 'l'he Association will give you a comprehensive, practical, and theoretical training and the benefit than a year's time. My income is now of our Employment Service. You earn while you about ;225'¿ more than at the time I joined learn. Our cooperative plan will make it possible for the Association." you to establish a radio store. You have the privilege The Institute of Radio Engineers is a very of buying radio supplies at wholesale from the very exclusive organization, and its membership first. requirements are very rigid, so that Mr. DeGrave has reason to be proud of his ACT NOW -If you wish election. No -Cost Membership Plan To it limited number of ambitious men, we will give Clerk Doubles Income In Special Memberships that may not -need not -cost Six Through you a cent. To secure one, write today. We will Months Radio MODERNIZE OLD SETS send von details and also our book, "Your Opportunity Chicago, Ill., May 9-Even though his WITH ONE DIAL CONTPAL in the Radio Industry." It will open your eyes to the money-making possibilities of Radio. membership in the Radio Association has resulted in W. E. Thon securing the manager- ship of a Radio Department in a large COUPON Chicago store, his ambition was not satisfied. RADIO ASSOCIATION OF .AMERICA Six months later, he started his own store. Dept. RN -11, 4513 Ravenswood Ave., "The Radio Association has an excellent Chicago, Ill. plan for the man who wants to get out of Gentlemen: Please send nie by return mail full details of your the rut and succeed," says this man who Special Membership Plan. and also ev,py of your quickly rose from clerkdom to the pro- look, "Your Opportunity in the Radio Industry:' prietorship of a profitable radio store. "I Name attribute my success entirely to the Radio Association of America. Six months after Address I had enrolled, I had doubled my income City State through its help." Please say you saw it in RADIO NEINS www.americanradiohistory.com 402 Radio News for November, 1928 i/ NOVEMBER, 1928 Number 5 HUGO GERNSBACK, Editor -in-Chief ROBERT HERTZBERG, M:.naging Editor C. P. MASON, Associate Editor BERYL B. BRYANT, Laboratory Director C. WALTER PALMER, Director Information Service Contents of This Issue Future Progress in Television ta "Rays of Justice" By C. Sterling Gleason 432 By Hugo Gernsback 411 What's New in Radio 434 Successful Television Programs Broadcast Putting the Aerial in Shape for Winter by RADIO NEWS Station WRNY By L. B. ltuuuins 437 By Robert Hertzberg 412 Electrodynamic Speakers Become Popular "Radio Movies" from KDKA 41G By Fred H. Canfield 438 How "Stereoscopic" Television is Shown The Radio Beginner -Sonie Facts About By R. F. Tiltman 418 Transformers By C. Walter Palmer 442 Broadcastatics 445 Televentures, Telewitticisms and the Televoca hula ry 419 How to Construct the "Pre- Selector" By S. Gordon Taylor 446 The Jenkins "Radio- Movie" Reception Methods 420 Magneto -Striction By M. J. Cuttler 450 Amplifier Successful DX Work Marks "Radio - Ways of Sensitizing the R.F. with Stability 453 Movie" Transmissions 421 Radio Wrinkles 45.4 Synchronized Broadcast Joins Images and Music 426 On the Short Waves 456 The Neon Tuhe - Television's "Loud The Radio Constructor's Own Pages 458 Speaker" By D. E. Replogle 427 RADIO NEWS Laboratories 460 How to Adjust the Television Receiver I Want to Know By C. W. Palmer 462 428 for Operation Radiotics 470 Television Teems with Trials for Telex - Force 472 perimenters 429 Radio as an Advertising List of Broadcast Station Calls 430 zia Radio "Bugs" 474 RADIO NEWS 1s published on the 10th of each preceding month. There are 12 obtained from the publishers. Copyrighted in Germany. Reproduction of articles numbers per year. Subscription price is 22.50 a year in U. S. and possessions. in Germany is reserved for Radio. Berlin 42. Canada and foreign countries, $3.00 per year. U.
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