SHABBAT PROGRAM MARCH 19-20, 2021 / 7 NISAN 5781 PARSHAT VAYIKRA ו�כִפֶּר עָלָיו הַכֹּהֵן לִפְנ ֵי ה' ו�נ ִסְלַח לוֹ עַל־אַחַת מִכֹּל אֲשׁ�ֽר־י�ֽעֲשׂ�ה לְאַשׁ�מָה בָֽהּ. "The priest shall make atonement for him, before the Eternal, and he shall be pardoned, for whichever one of all the things that he may have done to incur guilt thereby." (Leviticus 5:26) Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, D.D., SENIOR RABBI 130 West 30th Street Sabrina Farber, PRESIDENT New York, NY 10001 Yolanda Potasinski, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (212) 929-9498 // Contact us Rabbi Yael Rooks Rapport, ASSOCIATE RABBI cbst.org Rabbi Marisa Elana James, DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL facebook.com/BeitSimchatTorah JUSTICE PROGRAMMING twitter.com/CBST Rabbi Mike Moskowitz, SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE i /b Joyce Rosenzweig, MUSIC DIRECTOR 1 CBST Welcomes Our Hebrew-Speaking Guests! ברוכים וברוכות הבאים לקהילת בית שמחת תורה! קהילת בית שמחת תורה מקיימת קשר רב שנים ועמוק עם ישראל, עם הבית הפתוח בירושלים לגאווה ולסובלנות ועם הקהילה הגאה בישראל. אנחנו מזמינים אתכם\ן לגלות יהדוּת ליבראלית גם בישראל! מצאו את המידע על קהילות רפורמיות המזמינות אתכם\ן לחגוג את סיפור החיים שלכן\ם בפלאיירים בכניסה. לפרטים נוספים ניתן לפנות לרב נועה סתת: [email protected] “The CBST community knows what it takes to live through a plague. Love and compassion and support are at the center of survival. Remember to be kind and generous while being cautious and vigilant about staying healthy and keeping others safe. We will continue being a powerful spiritual community of resistance and love. May the Holy One surround you and your loved ones and give you strength and comfort as we face the uncertainty of the times we are in. Be the reason people have faith in the goodness of others.” —Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum Thanks to: Shabbat sponsors & donors · Better Events Sound Technicians This Week’s Shabbat Services Friday, Mar. 19 / 7 Nisan Saturday, Mar. 20 / 7 Nisan Kabbalat Shabbat, 6:30 pm Shabbat Morning–Traditional Egalitarian • Ba’al Tefillah: Cantorial Intern Minyan, 9:30 am; Zoom link here Sam Rosen • Ba’al Tefillah & Service Leader: • Piano: Music Director Joyce Cantorial Intern Sam Rosen Rosenzweig • D’var Torah: Jonathon Adler • Service Leader & Drashah: Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum Havdalah, 7pm; Zoom link here Through gifts from generous donors, • Rabbi Marisa CBST’s Friday Night Prayerbook is now Service leader: available for online purchase at James reduced price. 2 MARCH 19, 2021 / 7 NISAN 5781 PARSHAT VAYIKRA הֲכָנַת הַלֵּב OPENING PRAYERS AND MEDITATIONS *(Hayadata Et Haderech Ephraim Shamir (Born 1951 הידעת את הדרך Prelude *(Sholom Aleykhem Ben Yomen (1901-1970 שׁ�לוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם 42 *(Candle Blessings Abraham Wolf Binder (1895-1967 הַדְלָקַת נֵרוֹת שׁ�ל שׁ�בָּת 38 *(Shalom Aleichem Israel Goldfarb (1897-1956 שׁ�לוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם 40 קַבָּלַת שׁ�בָּת KABBALAT SHABBAT / WELCOMING SHABBAT *L’chu N’ran’nah (Psalm 95) Chabad Chasidim לְכוּ נְ�נְּנָה (תהלים צה) 52 *Zamru Ladonai (Psalm 98) Suki Berry ז ַמְּרוּ לַה' (תהלים צח) 58 *Mizmor L’David (Psalm 29) Western Sephardic Melody מִזְמוֹר לְדָו�ד (תהלים כט) 62 *L'chah Dodi (Shlomo Alkabetz) Abayudaya Ugandan לְכָה דוֹדִי 66 From June 16, 2017 Moshe Laufer* Mizmor Shir (Psalm 92) Shlomo Carlebach (1926-1994) & Nathan מִזְמוֹר שׁ�יר (תהלים צב) 72 Lamm (born 1946)* מַעֲ�יב MA’ARIV / THE EVENING SERVICE Bar’chu Nusach בָּ�כוּ 78 Hama’ariv Aravim Nusach הַמַּעֲ�יב עֲ�בִים 80 *(Ahavat Olam Eric Mandell (1903-1988 אַהֲבַת עוֹלָם 86 (Sh’ma Yisrael Salomon Sulzer (1804-1890 שׁ�מַע י�שׂ��אֵל 88 (V’ahavta Torah Cantillation (Trope ו�אָהַבְתָּ 89 *(Mi Chamocha Dan Nichols (Born 1969 מִי כָמֹֽכָה 94 *Hashkiveinu Modzitz Chasidim הַשׁ�כִּיבֵֽנוּ 98 *(V’shamru Debbie Friedman (1951-2011 ו�שׁ�מְרוּ 102 Chatsi Kaddish Nusach חֲצִי קַדִּ ישׁ 104 Silent Amidah עֲ מִ ידָ ה (Yih’yu L’ratson / Oseh Shalom Bonia Shur (Born 1923 י�הְיוּ לְ�צוֹן / עֹשׂ�ה שׁ�לוֹם 118 *(Oseh Shalom Michael Ochs (Born 1975 עֹשׂ�ה שׁ�לוֹם Prayer for Healing תְּפִלָּה לִ�פוּאָה 130 Prayer for Our Country תְּפִלָּה לַמְּדִינָה Program Kaddish Shalem Nusach קַדִּישׁ שׁ�לֵם 138 DRASHAH: RABBI SHARON KLEINBAUM סִיּוּם הַתְּפִילָה CONCLUDING PRAYERS *(Aleinu Salomon Sulzer (1804-1890 עָלֵֽינוּ 140 Mourner’s Kaddish קַדִּישׁ י�תוֹם 150 ANNOUNCEMENTS: CBST PRESIDENT SABRINA FARBER (Adon Olam Yonatan Razel (Born 1973 אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם 154 (Kiddush & Motzi Louis Lewandowski (1821-1894 קִידוּש &הַמּוֹצִיא 156 *D’ror Yikra Yemenite דרור יקרא Postlude *Arranged by Joyce Rosenzweig 3 Composer Feature Israeli composer Yonatan Razel (born 1973) graduated from the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance with a Bachelor's Degree in Conducting. He has collaborated with and produced albums with various famed Israeli musicians, including Arkadi Duchin, Yoni Rechter, Shlomo Gronich, and Shlomo Artzi. In the United States, Razel performed at Lincoln Center with famed Israeli composers Avraham Frid and Dudu Fisher. In 2013, Razel’s song "Katonti" received the Song of the Year Award from the Society of Authors, Composers and Music Publishers in Israel (ACUM). 4 Refuah Shleimah – Healing Prayers Jonathon Adler Maureen Michael Michelle Treistman Marsha Ellen Bornstein Saul Mizrahi Urvashi Vaid Sharon Cooper Rochel Leah bat Moishe Rose Wahnon Karen Filosa v’Shaindel Pinchas Gedalia ben Rita Fischer Marilyn Rantinella Yehudit v’Binyamin Steve Kotick Rebecca Rosenbaum Elijaho Mayer Joan Tabor We include in our healing prayers all those currently afflicted with COVID-19, in the CBST community & at large. We also include in our prayers the thousands of immigrant children in US custody, most of whom are separated from their families. This list is for those with acute illness. Any member can submit their name for one-month inclusion. We only print names of those who have consented. You may say any name aloud during the healing prayer. If you or a CBST member you know is ill & would like support, contact [email protected]. We’re here for you. Yortzeits 7 Nisan to 13 Nisan 5781 Members memorialized on the Wine Family Sanctuary Memorial Wall Irwin ‘Ian’ Loebel Sidney Mansdorf Thelma Taylor Family & Friends memorialized on plaques on the Kuriel Chapel Memorial Wall Helene Cohen Mark Gursky Frank Maltz Herbert S. Cohen David Heyman Louis Stone Hilda Dubin Leon Kassel Sandy Temkin Albert Fineberg Abraham Katz Alfred Weiss Melvin Goldberg Betty Leaderman Edith Zalin Richard Gray Jean Leonard Donald Green Ida Malloy Condolences The CBST community mourns the loss of: CBST member Bonnie Katz, z”l, who died Mar. 14 at age 68. We offer condolences to her wife, CBST member Ellen Engelson. The CBST community extends condolences to mourners among us: CBST member Andrew Blecher on the death of his father, Earl Marvin Blecher, z”l, who died Mar. 13 at age 85. The family, friends, and extended community of esteemed Cantor Jodi Schechtman, z”l, over her untimely death. We also offer condolences to the families, friends, and communities of all those who are dying each day from the COVID-19 pandemic. As of today, the total number of deaths are: • 30,471 in New York City; • 552,564 across the United States; • 49,539 in New York State; • 2,707,059 worldwide. May God comfort you among all who mourn. We pray for peace. 5 PRAYER for OUR COUNTRY Rabbi Ayelet Cohen אלוהינו ואלוהי אבותנו ואמותינו. ברך את ארצנו ואת כל ,Our God and God of our ancestors bless this country and all who dwell within it. היושבות והיושבים בה ,Help us to experience the blessings of our lives and circumstances יחד לבבנו להודות לך על חיינו ועל הזמן הזה .To be vigilant, compassionate, and brave להיות דרוכות, אמיצים, ומלאי חמלה. ,Strengthen us when we are afraid חזקנו וחזק ידנו כאשר אנו אחוזים בפחד .Help us to channel our anger, so that it motivates us to action Help us to feel our fear, so that we do not become numb. סייע בידינו לנתב את כעסנו לידי מעשה Help us to be generous with others, so that we raise each other up. חזק לבבנו לחוש את מלוא הפחד שלנו ,Help us to be humble in our fear כדי שלא נהפוך לאדישות ,knowing that as vulnerable as we feel סייע לנו להשפיע נדיבות על אחרים כדי שנרים זה את זו . there are those at greater risk, and סייע לנו להיות צנועות בפחד, כדי שנדע כי גם כשאנו מרגישים .that it is our holy work to stand with them פגיעות, יש אחרות, הנמצאות בסיכון גבוה אף יותר, זוהי חובתנו ,Help us to taste the sweetness of liberty הקדושה להיות עמן. To not take for granted the freedoms won in generations past or in recent days. ברכנו בטעם המתוק של החופש ,To heal and nourish our democracy כדי שנשכיל להעריך את החופש לו זכינו בדורות קודמים ובעת הזו that it may be like a tree planted by the water לרפא ולחזק את הדמוקרטיה שלנו שתהיה כְּעֵץ שׁ�תוּל עַל-מַי�ם, ;whose roots reach down to the stream ו�עַל-יוּבַל י�שׁ�לַּח שׁ��שׁ�יו, ו�א י��אֶה כִּי-י�בֹא חֹם, ו�הָי�ה עָלֵהוּ �עֲנָן; ,it need not fear drought when it comes (ירמיהו יז, ח) .(its leaves are always green (Jeremiah 17:8 Source of all Life, Guide our leaders with righteousness שכינה, אם כל חי, .Strengthen their hearts, but keep them from hardening שלחי אורך ואמתך למנהיגנו That they may use their influence and authority to חזקי לבבותיהם שלא יתקשו .(speak truth and act for justice (Isaiah 16:3-5 שישתמשו בכוחן כדי לדבר אמת ולפעול בצדק (ישעיהו טז, ג-ה) May all who dwell in this country share in its bounty, enjoy its freedoms, מי יתן וכל יושבי הארץ יחלקו בעושרה, ישגשגו בחופש שתציע, ויהיו .and be protected by its laws מוגנים בחוקיה May this nation use its power and wealth מי יתן ואומה זו תשתמש בכוחה ובעושרה על מנת לקדם צדק, חופש ,to be a voice for justice ושלום לכל יושבי תבל .peace, and equality for all who dwell on earth May we be strong and have courage מי יתן ונהיה חזקות ואמיצים ,To be
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