7' 5?C2 W15 5/l5/1>97 ?/151 5 / 1 < ; ? 7 I liE'TiFN ;^]CPCCPJ: • A 5 5 5 S C C ^ f'£ R C E salt LPKc CIT> .I . , i n t t r s _____________D liC L lllii_______ ------------■ Kiidn\vAiipi: 1S-E ~ T»-in~Fjllsrra^iIig/u)/92rra3^1u7N ^234' ^ I G(X)D MOR!RMNC: P j r o s e c uItors l fill e k I WiiATiii-;i< Members ol Ihc Is Today: Sunny \vith lightght, variable -t media and federal t j w inds. Highs in th e lowow 90s. Lows I m U agonts toui Ihc out- side of Randy ■i.j in th e m iddle 50s. Page A2 , s i e g e t i a r g e s i n ’92 Weaver’s home on \ m j Sept. 1.1992 In I }'ear-<)ld son Saimiel in thei>e r \ Tho AssocL.oclated Piws_____________________ BBP ^3nB 3 H Naples following the ? MA(:icVAilJ^\" I sh(H)toui lhai sparked the end ol the U-day INEKS FERRY. — A n FBI sh.inJshi'])shooter I 11-day siege. Cash and grab: Burglarlars break b o n n i ed illed llic wife of w hite sepanilistist I<R andy IT I Harris also was charged u Q standoff. ld.iho pios- for into25'I\vinFalls-area ■r in the 1992 standoff at Ruliyhy 1R idge U f k K I with aggravated assault for s^ jg n ecutois Tiled W es, trageting cash boxe;•xes.PageBl ^ a s d i alarged r ) witJt rn ap slq u slite r lliiirsd.irsday. ^A . II firing at anoiher federal II lill manslau&htcf - deputy. Arthur Roderick.:k. friendJ oof W eaver's. Kevin Harris, | h H charges against Lo'' I There was insiiffiiieiil evi- charjied;d \with killing a federal marshal, : 3 n Hotiuchiandmurf-.-r 1 Si’ORi's Boundindary County l‘ro-sccuto.r Di ■ dcnce for charges against bury filed the Idaho charges;s ala fte r ii . W ea v er, WiHKlbur>' said. I H char^cs agalnM .- • n Racetlrrtim e: Late ------------------ twv o n - - y e a r In W ashington. I)-C., FBI•BI Kevin Harris, els are com- „ . D irector Louis J. Freeh WB a Weavci'sfilcnd. ris's supporters - B3 ^ said, “I am deeply disap- 3 M agic !j;i ended poinietl lhal loc.nical authoriiii.-s in Idaho have ;y Speed\vay ---------------------------------------no;i t ^ i s i s a feck wilh no charges being br(brought chosen to file invtihuuarilyin manslaughler P a f# p n « ; Saturday. Hage uo a g ain st;t thtl e FBI sniper, L on Horiuciii,li, o r sev- c h a r g e s " againsinst 13-year Fill veteran Lon crai higli-igli-ranking FBI officials. Ilo riu cb i. I the evi- “Agent Horiucliichi’s job on llie Fill’s hostage J Hopingling to hook “Wc-h• h av e e x ten siv ely rev ie w ed thi ,T- r,. dcnceand an believe we can establish this w as a r e s c u e team_ nvolvedmv luaking split-secondz ■ ^em:•T T h e le .\a s willfuli m m urder," \ViH)dbury said of thelie cchargc decisions.” Free!.•eh a d d e d . ■•'I'lie FBI is doing Ig h o m sh o p e againstit Harris.11 e v erj-th in g withi;hin its power to ensure he is ^ree mur- defended t<i :heih( full extent and lhat his ead the Big n ^ frisris was charged with first-degree 1 the death of Deputy U.S. MaMarshal rights as a federleral law enforcement iifficer :onference m Degan, who died with Weaveiaver's 15- ' Please SCO RUBY. Pace A2 ts second sea- ■ Aiite r 25 y()^ears, S ^SfRAfacLces unreesolv ed issu es American classic: A te:team from Guadalupe, Me.\ico wiwill face the _______ ■■ ^ By N.S. Nokkentntvcd "I Americans in the Littlittie League Times-Nows wiltcricr ; World Series final. Page D6 ' ■ ' ' S T A N L K V- -' T h e Sawi.Kiili V.ill. \ ll 1 lociks p reiiy nvm uch llic- vs'.iy il liiif w li' ji W 9 B & Katie Breckeiirinridge’s graiidi'.uh<-r lMiii:l;t WI'I c k F a d IGO acres iherere early this ceiiiiiry. Hat acts: Up d o s e andmd personal Hreckenridf.tige Thursd.iy ueii-onu'.i lors lo liL-r family m;k Ii I’li :h ris LeDottx, abm it fill visiioi • with Lonestar and Chi hB B B I Alturas Lake- (Creek, who were iii-.li'I ^vo of th e featu red artartists ■ n n n memal in keepirpiiig ih e v.illc-y ili;ii u.iv, next week’s Twin Fallsills County H H The group irincluded a nuiiihi-r oi ili<-' iL-lped a e .U e ,ind niainl.iiti Fain Page C l people who hei ^ the Sawioolhi N aiioniil Rt-'Cie.iiioii Ahm 10 revi.-w tla- visi.m th.n :c WUlis’ H H inspired the cncrL-atioii 111' llu- 7.1li,(KK)-.uu Company of •4 recrL-aiion areaca 2"i V(-ais ,igu iiiii.r. A t ih i' Milld o f Ih.- .'.IV m u ,: t,-n Fools will cl, i.i' ' • • " . r . V stage its fifth reLre.ilioii production, IB' " - " f e ____good pnigrL-.s 1 s has been ni.i.le. I'..;: Lee Ble.ssing's key issues reimiiiainunsoUvii ihly. the l-.ii.-vi SciM ..-, “Eleemonsy- ges the .irr.i, '■lii! Ii.i' ik'I nainary,” next purchasitif. iii-M-io|iiiii'iii ........ w eek in iall|iiivale!.iiul-;ivlihinthi' Hailey. Page C l ist a g ie rd an .uK-ini.iit.' Iniil lial 111 'Ife llu- ,in-,i b.is a O lM N I O N lol eople ihink llie inti i\ done.'' siiid Gray .•yiiolds. th e f ii't sn|tL-i iiiitii j Alive a t 25: Today’s editorialed dent of the anarea ami a fiirnn.r ii-giini.il1 ■■ th e U.S- l-'oiL-M S .'iv ia - '- - r .. looks at th e Saw toothIth National fo r e s te r fo r il Ogden. Uiah.I. ioffice, which ovits(.-cn tlu- Recreation Area’s pas and SNKA. fuiure. Page A6 7WW0WI/ W o rk o n tilthe recreation are.i iii.iy >a, (ornicr U.S. Rep. Orval Hanson1 joVjoked n e v er b e compn p le le, Inil il is iiiipnit.uii in AskedI ho'how he would raise monoy for additionItional sccnic easem ents on the Saw ng money for tho casements Is a koy(oy Issue facing the 25-year-old SNR5NRA. Pleas*.- see SNRA. I'.iCe a: ■ 7YW 1.HK1.V Thursdaylay that ho would pass a hat. Finding m Tom Truman 0 Wallace: - i ^ ;a iy Sinise H und-raiser;r attracts (donors IReconsisidering^ raises ;oes political Igain, this roi•onmcntal group r y tW fighl ime in a TNT ByUi W .•ncotiragcd passing i uncil to look a g aain at pay hike .News writer en Tvvin Falls Coui niniseries - monotorists to himk their Iristan Kennedy ,lus more list- .^mos^o- :ar horns in opposiiiun By'3y William Brock •Nows conospondont________________ ;o C h en o w eth . x)ni( ________ City p:pay at a glance B ngs. --------- --------- i j " ing: The noise was audi- — $640 por monlh (or co'ji'<;: hu.t'i S KET(•TCHUM - Idaho Bower Co □ Cjrrcnt paj: $G llie fr«im th e garden at TWIN-j FALLS - A proposalisal to ra is e bers. $890 a mo: oyeeswant to keep U-S. Rep. Hei monlh lor major, I S e c t i o n b y Ssi F . C r i O N employ. ;h c u p s c a l e F e lix ’s 4;ilaries for Ciiy C(nmcil menibin ib c rs faded QOno p!ryta;sppp proposal, rejected itiis Chenimloweth in office, b u t they only ga restaurant where ,,,j.ihis week, but iIil- very w m ec _p p ro p o sa l- and upforrc^cwiew Monday: 5750 a monil, !ot ■500 minimum d u rin g a private fnr 3m icS............... 6 th c S 5 0 ( Chenoweth addressed ;ind anollier, similar one - willw ill b c hack council. SLOOOH5 ia month for mi,-cr. I Section A Comi ng reception for bor re-electi _ niisinH iiiteiidees, including hefore llie council M<mday. U Mayor JelfGocHcoding's proposal, to t>o ptcscm- OVieS............ 7 -niursck■sday. •,;1 Weather......... 2 Mt* Idaho Secretary of C<nincilmanq Art Frantz .saidlid T hursday ed Monday: S7W700 a month for cowiiil, $950 a ■Hieireir reason? Downsizing has recen H«l»n ChonowBlh t>l; Slate I’cte Cenarussa lie'll re.surreci ihc idea at the:h e council's rnonih for major,lOt. y Nation........... 3 heir political action commitleee w ith . -f I- 1 ' la. P a rk e d aroiuid llie next meeiing. afier a pay raiselise propos;tl ■:'3 World............4 Secection D '■ 40 employees, and-far less moneym evto r e s ta u r a n t »vere sevi.•veral c a rs, including a died on a 2-2 tie vote Nlonda;tday. Frantz p o r ts ............ 1-6 g iv e carcandiilnies.' 1 ordinance that took effect1 ly'l Opinion.......... 6 S|W> i< Jaf’uar, with licenseise p la te s from Florida cast one of ihe two dissentinging votes, so fnizen by an c ,t our level, Idaho Fower probablj i - but.
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