COOPERATIVEconnection Valley FROM THE PRESIDENT & CEO Rural Electric Plotting out big energy savings Cooperative, Inc. AROUND THIS time each For instance, investing in additional year, when my cabin fever insulation has little impact on heating is at its peak, I find relief by bills if a drafty front door or inefficient turning my thoughts windows conspire against it. Spending a One of 14 electric toward spring. I think of few hours on a home energy audit — a cooperatives serving Pennsylvania and my ambitious neighbors full assessment of how your house uses New Jersey and friends who have no energy and where problems lie — will doubt already begun plot- ensure that money designated for effi- ting out this year’s veg- ciency projects is spent wisely. Valley Rural Electric etable and flower gardens. Valley offers a free online energy Cooperative, Inc. by Wayne Miller They are busy scribbling auditing tool through the co-op’s web- 10700 Fairgrounds Road President & CEO out designs for their rows site. You can perform a complete audit P.O. Box 477 and beds — making sure tailored to your specific home by visit- Huntingdon, PA 16652-0477 814/643-2650 plants will be arranged so that they have ing www.valleyrec.com. Click the Save 1-800-432-0680 room to grow and taller vegetables won’t Energy tab to get started. www.valleyrec.com shade lower-growing species. After they Those who aren’t internet-savvy can settle on a plan, they’ll get to work have a free professional energy audit BOA RD O F D IRE CT O RS preparing the soil for the seeds that will performed at their home by the energy James Stauffer hopefully yield an abundant harvest. specialist we have on staff here at the Chairman Like most endeavors, getting things co-op. He can provide advice on energy Leroy Barnes right calls for a certain amount of plan- efficiency measures, and will systemati- Vice Chairman ning. cally inspect your home, creating a list At Valley Rural Electric, we often of potential weatherization improve- Kevin States Secretary suggest ways that you can reduce your ments. electric bills by making energy efficien- You can also conduct a basic home Clair McCall cy improvements to your home. Weath- energy audit with a simple but diligent Treasurer erization — sealing air leaks and walk-through. When auditing your home, Robert Holmes installing the proper amount of insula- keep a list of places you have inspected Allegheny Director tion — can make a big difference. On and problems you discover. Most trouble David Wright average, weatherization reduces heating spots can be found in a few key areas. PREA Director bills by 32 percent and overall energy Checklists are available through the co-op bills by more than $350 per year. The by calling the member services depart- Cindy Bigelow Mervin Brumbaugh potential payback can be substantial. ment at 814/643-2650 or emailing mem- Earl Parsons But just as scattering seeds randomly [email protected]. usually yields a lean harvest, energy Remember: Before tackling home C OR P ORA T E O FF I CE H OUR S efficiency upgrades done without energy efficiency improvements, be sure Monday - Friday knowledge of how your residence uses to fashion a solid plan. When it comes 7 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. energy overall may not produce signifi- to weatherization, a little work up front H UN T IN G D ON / M A RT IN S BUR G /S H AD E G A P cant savings. goes a long way. l O FF IC E HOU R S Monday - Thursday 7 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. MARCH 2010 • PENN LINES 14a Valley Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Co-op members nominate board candidates for ... BELOW: Co-op members from portions of Fulton Districts 7, 8, 9 and Franklin counties enjoy a chicken dinner during the District 7 Nominating Meeting, held at the Hustontown Fire Hall Feb. 1. By Susan R. Penning Director of Member Services LAST MONTH, consumers in co-op director districts 7, 8 and 9 gathered to choose candidates for Valley Rural Elec- tric’s board of directors. Since 1975, Valley has been holding open nominating meetings where co-op members can select candidates for the board of directors rather than relying on a nominating committee appointed by the board. In 1989, those open meetings started to include meals, offered to all participating consumers and their guests. At the meetings, co-op and energy industry news is shared and time is set aside for question-and-answer sessions. Each year, Valley REC holds nominating meetings in three of its nine director districts. Next year, members will nominate board candidates for districts 1, 3 and 5. Con- sumers who reside in those districts will receive invitations to their respective meetings. The candidates nominated this year will be featured in the next edition of Penn Lines. ABOVE: Guests enjoy fellowship Feb. 2 at the District 8 Nominating Meeting at the Shade Gap Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary Building. RIGHT: Valley President and CEO Wayne Miller (left) and meeting chairman Robert Brubaker take nominations Feb. 4 during the District 9 Nominating Meeting at Geeseytown Fire Hall. The meeting drew a crowd of 93. Feb. 2 - The District 8 Nominating Meeting draws a crowd of 164 from portions of Juniata and Huntingdon counties. James Burdge (bottom left) chairs the nomination procedure and incumbent Earl Parsons is nominated for director. Feb. 1 - One hundred thirty-five co-op members Feb. 4 - Co-op executive secretary Kim Kane (above and their guests attend the District 7 Nominat- right) allows consumers to choose door prize winners ing Meeting. Donald Eisaman chairs the nomi- at the District 9 Nominating Meeting. Members from nation procedure. Incumbent Dave Wright and portions of Blair County attend the event where Alton Hill are nominated as candidates. incumbent Cindy Bigelow is nominated for the board. 14b PENN LINES • MARCH 2010 Valley Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. HYDROPOWER: Time-tested renewable energy By Scott Gates National Rural Electric Cooperative Association YOU MAY NOT REALIZE it, but a rush of water likely helps keep your C lights on every day. Like many electric E R Y co-ops around the country, Valley draws E L L A on hydropower to keep electricity reli- V F O able and affordable. Y S E Energy from flowing water has been T R U harnessed and used for more than 2,000 O C O years. Ancient Greeks invented the first T O H water wheels, using them to grind P wheat into flour. In Imperial Rome, river on the other side of the dam. CLEAN POWER: Raystown Hydroelectric Plant, on water-powered mills were also used for With highly efficient turbine genera- Lake Raystown in Huntingdon County, provides sawing timber and stone. The power of a tors doing the job formerly performed about 2.5 percent of Valley’s generation needs wave of water released from a tank was by water wheels, electricity can be gen- (enough power for about 8,500 homes). used for extraction of metal ores in a erated in a number of ways: federally owned and operated dams, method known as hushing. Hushing Impoundment: By plugging a river most of which were built between the helped remove lead and tin ores and and amassing water in a reservoir, its late 1930s and early 1960s. Despite the evolved into the hydraulic mining used flow can be better controlled and elec- incredible importance of these resources, during the California gold rush. tricity generated as needed. maintenance has lagged in recent years, In the 1880s, using rushing water to Diversion: Water is channeled away creating room for improvement. make electricity became a reality in the from a river, typically near natural falls, Electric co-ops are making efforts to United States. The breakthrough swept the down to generators at the falls’ base. address this problem, advocating that nation and within a decade, 200 U.S. plants This can be done without any visible the government set aside funds to repair were using hydropower for generation. impact to the natural course of a river. and maintain dams and the turbines Today, hydropower provides about In fact, this kind of generation was used inside them. Researchers are also look- 80,000 megawatts of capacity in this coun- to bring electricity to Buffalo, N.Y., from ing to create more efficient and environ- try and accounts for 86 percent of all renew- Niagara Falls in the 1800s. mentally sound (i.e., fish-friendly) ways able, carbon-free electricity used by co-ops. Pump Storage: This method essentially of generating hydropower. Careful stud- uses off-peak electricity to make electricity ies of aquatic environments have given How does it work? for use during times of high consumption. dam operators a better idea of how to Hydropower converts the natural ener- Two reservoirs are filled, one typically uphill simulate a natural river downstream. gy in moving water to mechanical energy. from the other, with an electric pump/gener- More unique environmental protection The water is held behind a dam, forming ator in between. At night, when demand is solutions, such as fish ladders, are also an artificial lake or reservoir. The force of low and electricity is less expensive, water being researched and put into action. the water being released from the reser- from the lower reservoir gets pumped This push for increased maintenance voir through the dam spins the blades of a uphill. During the day, when demand for and technology development will ensure giant turbine.
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