•y.-'- r*'\ ,• - . * ‘' f-; ■».T •' ■■^ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21,1946 Average Daily Ciroilation For the Month of Jnnonry, 104$ TheWeatlMr.. F opB roiif ifflanrtfPBtpr lEogntng l|graU> Fornfknt of U. a. Wsathor Bo « m jyvvvvTWW VYVVvvvvvvyWYVvyvvvYvvvyvii 9 ,0 3 0 Increnaing cloadineoo tonight; < ^ mootly Noady yrith scattered snow Member of the Andit william A. Corcoran, RM 1-c, of John E. Dwyer Memorial Pla4|iie Big Tasks Yet «GET THE MAN WHO KNOWS" ■urrien Satnrday; not ao cold to­ 5 Foxcroft drive. Frank A. Den- Whether Ifa a refrige«tor KNC^^^ Bnrenn of Clrenlatlons night aad Satnntay. About Town ette, S 1-c, of 21 Durant atreet, rant— If It ae^da repiUring— get the man who KNOW * and Edward V. Dawnorowita, S For Red Cross how to repair It. After 87 yeara of experteace, wa Manche»ter—^A City of Village Charm 1-c, of 184 Irving atreet, were /r DO kaow. _ „ . „ , W. lUdoM, Aert< »-«. of 82 aeparated from Naval aervlce at Ser\1oe NOW — Sale# Soon! ____ VOL. LXV., NO. 122 (ClassMed Advertlalag on Fagn $2) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1946 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS J •trcot, and 0«orga C. Lido Beach, Long Inland, N. Y„ to­ Einl of W ar Only In- srjififgr tJCHiuti/c§ mjui rrMs MMrmMrm i dndca, TMV 2-c. 62 Ridge day. , ware aeparated from Naval ereaseil Problem* of --------- s f m f s t m _j yaatarday at Lido Beach, Mra. Robert S. Ia Rue baa re­ Retiirned Veteran* C O M M /ry ; Iriaad, New York. cently learned that her husbM 1. .J irerw How Cardinalfi Receive Red Hat who la atationed In Key Went, Throughout the w ar years the .aard H. Karlin, S 1-e. of 45 Florida, haa been promoted from Manchester Chapter of the Amer Chinese Red Paper’s Wl ,(Rvt HOMIS PAIR.FOOD STOBES-TflrtRNS-«tSTAURINTS‘ Civilian Riots Flame ^-H n atreet, la a atudent at the the rank of Enaign to Lieutenant lean Red Cross had a moat effi­ favy PadAc Unlveralty at Pearl (j.g.) in the U. S. Naval Reserve. T liU cient organization and while this .Sarbor, T.H., during hla off-duty Mrs Lb Rue is the former Mla.i year many of Its epeclallzed bnura. tJane Irwin of 116 Center atreet. branches will not need to function, there are many activities that will ■W The Whiton Memorial Library * '■ •■«$'/ i r. ’VV •. continue for a long Ume to come. Throughout Bon lb * local Selective Service of- Office Is Wrecked; gea will be cloned tomorrow, will be closed all day tomornrw. The reports on file at the Man- Wartilngton’a Birthday. The of- Waahlngton a birthday. chestet Chapter for 1945 make a Sca will alao ba cloeed Saturday perfectly splendid showing and one Owing to lllneaa Of aeveral of B tiitii iliti Can S141 M naual. for which everyone connected In —FOR— the members, the Past Matrons this work can take personal satia- Sailors Still Mutiny! and Patrona Aasoclatlon of Chap­ factlon. Mrs. Henry R. Mallory, Books Torn to Bits ti "lb* Mary Cheney Library and man Court. Order of Amaranth, chairman of Volunteer Special Ser­ II; th e Weat Side branch will be will omit its meeting thla month. Cloned all day tomorrow. vices reported that her group of The next meeting will take place 1^6 units which consist of: Mra. Vir­ CITY CAB Coiiimiiiii*t* Charge In- Depuly Police Coiiimi*-' March 16. ginia Lewis, chairman. Motor Offers Plan Japanese Ask Dulles Decries Attlee Says Corps; Mrs. James Kirkpatrick, SAFE, COURTEOUS DRIVERS truflrr* Kuoinintang *ioner Declares City to{ TALL CEDARS Mra. Emily Stephen.son Yerbury’. chairman Home Service Corps; Party Secret Serv­ Be in State of ‘Abso­ Concert soprano, will take the solo : Vi- WfvBOlIBU^ Mias Emily Cheney, chairman OPEN ALL NIGHT Parly Heads -fj, ... To N arrow Stands Taken Order Must part In the anthem. "The Voice In Home Service committee: Miss ice Men; More dmn lute Rebellion’ Today; the Wllderneaa” by Center church Virginia Nelson, chairman Canteen choir at the Sunday morning wor­ corps; Miss Anna C. Sampson, 10,000 Student* De* Social Gap To Quit Jobs At UNO Meet Be Restored Parachute Troopers ship service at eleven o'clock. chairman Volimteer Nurses Aide -'HSA mand Russia *^it committee; Mra. Edward Broanan, Fire Artillery at Ves­ The Brownie leaders will omit chairman of ProducUon and Mra. MaAchuria’ a* They Retired Genertd Sub~ Leader* Falling Under Says Big Nation* ‘Do Tells Commons *Ample sel Seized at Kara­ Orange Hall their meeting this evening at Cen­ -i Irving Bayer, chairman of Staff DUE TO SHORTAGE ter church. Assistants, gave 37,500 hours of March in (^ungking | m ils 10 - Point Pro- Ultra - Nationalist Not Feel It Very Im­ Forces Are Available chi, Force Surrender Tomorrow Night ^ work. Thla waa a considerable In­ * crease over the number of hours OF MATERIALS Chungking, Feb. 22.—(/P) I gram to Overcom^ .‘Purge Requested to portant to Settle Dif­ In Bombay and Kara- given the previous year. These Bombay, Feb. 22.— (/P>— 2S R E G U LA R GAM ES 25c This Is a facsimile of the plaque that has been placed in the foyer of the ^*»"‘'*’*** units are comprised of trained per­ —The three story downtown Army*s Conte System Drop Their Activities ferences’ at Session chi\ Uprising Centers City-wide civilian riots touch-. 7 SPECIAL GAMES ™ M om orSt7K «pU «l In his memory In connection with Manchester « paper salvag^ p j ^ sona, each one taking a course and NICHOLS-BRISTOL office and book store of the ed off by a seamen’s mutiny SWEEPSTAKES having passed an examination at Communist New China Daily Washington, Feb. 22— (/P)— The Tokyo. Feb. 22— (dV-The gov­ Princeton, N. J., Feb. 22—UP) — London, Feb. 22— (JP) — Prime flamed in Bombay today amid WEEKLY PRIZE the end of the tralhlng period. - Hollister PI'A News was wrecked today. In­ retired general who laahed out at ernment announced today that po- John Foster Dulles, member of Minister ^ttlee told Commons to­ machine-gun Are. British MONTHLY PRIZE 2 (^63 Other Committeea ’w i l l c l o s e a t truders smashed all fuiiiiture liUcal party leaders falling under the United States delegation to It I WAR BOND How Paper Salvage Plan Other committeea working were the Army’s "medieval caste sys­ day "order muat be restored" in troops, planes and warahipa._^ Meets Mareh 7 Mra. Philip Cheney, chairman and tossed it out of windows the ultra-nationalist purge have TO BE DRAWN FEB. 2t CABINETS 9 :0 0 P. M. tem” came up today with his own the UNO , said todav that the first India, and said "ample forces are converged on the city of 1,-si^ Camp and Hospital; Hannah K. with fittings, personal belong­ program to close the social gap be­ been asked to resign from party meeting* of the United Nation* available in Bombay and Karachi,” 400,000 which A. E. Caffint Jensen, chairman of Nutrition; To Aid Hospital Started ings of employes and books poelUons and to withdraw from centers of the uprising. The postponed February meeting Mrs. Walter Bryant. Publicity tween officers and enlisted men. made it perfectly clear that the deputy police commissioneTr and paper*, which were tom to “active political activiMes." declared to be in a state of "abso­ of the Hollister Street Parent- chairman; Mra. Richard Quilitch, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE H. C. Holdridge, who took off big nation* "do not feel it very "Ships of the Royal Navy, in­ bit*. lute rebellion.” W e had not been Involved long ‘ you are familiar with now and -peachers Association will be held chairman Home Nursing commit­ his brigadier general’s uniform a The announcement said this in­ important to settle their differ­ cluding a cnilaer, are proceeding Mrs. Delia Sullivan Eaves-Trough Battle Coininnnlat Employe* terpretation of General MacAr- ences." to the scene and will very shortly Forced to Surreader in Worjd W ar Two— when, among--------- ' —collections11— were started oarheach u-eekweek Thursday. March 7. Because of tee; York Strangfeld, chairman Communiata charged the in­ jrear dgo after 27 years as an offi­ thur’a Jan. 4 purge directive had In an address prepared for the arrive.’’ he added. SPENCER OORSETTER and Condoctore Need Repairing other thlng.s, it became evident in one section so that one month several business matters that must First Aid; Mra. Henry Hugjftaa truder* were Kuomintang (nation­ cer, submitted his proposals to the The Royal Indian Navy mutiny been relayed to leaders of all par- annual Washington day exercises "The mutineers have been told that paper waa going to become a elapsed between collections in any come before the meeting this roust and Mra. Louis Custer, co-chair­ a l) party aecret service men. They House Military conunittee at its continued here but at Karachi or Replacing On Voor llomef NICHOLS-BRISTOL, INC. tlea. It wa* the first official at PrinceU)n university which that only unconditional surrender 5 Broad critical material and that the sav­ one section. The objective at that be held prior to the regular March men Blood Donor Service: William said the Intruder* battled Commu- request. paratroopers with artillery fired • statement that disquallflcaUon for awarded him an honorary degree will be accepted,” the prime minis­ We Cnrry CompenanUon! ing of waste paper would be of Ume was a new operating table at meeting, which will be a joint Sacherek. chairman Water Safety: 155 CENTER ST. PHONE 4047 nlat employes from room to room High on his 10-point list were for 25 mlnutea on the H .M X8- Street political office also would eliminate of doctor of laws.
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