University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1941 The aiD ly Lobo 1941 - 1950 10-31-1941 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 044, No 19, 10/31/ 1941 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1941 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 044, No 19, 10/31/1941." 44, 19 (1941). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1941/54 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1941 - 1950 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1941 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r UNIVFRSITV OF NEW MEXICO liBRARY .NEW MEXICO LOBO . Tuesday,.petober 28,1941 · COJ'lFORMING ', FIRST IN SERIES OF Thirty Coeds Attend . Tryouts for Next Spook parties are in keeping with the season and we hope the Lobos FOR UNM COEDS . I 'GET ACQUAINTED' TEAS usc are" Nevada out of the scoring 49ersWeekend Frolic column fSioturday. Only f;!onspicuou,:~ absence last D.ramatJc Club pay GIVEN BY DEAN <LAUVE NEW MEXICO LOBO mght In the AWS Halloween party Campus Society was a eat's costume. Fo1.· UNM eo.. at Socorro Celebration T0 Be Held Two Days Dean of Women Lena c. Clauve, eds this would ltave been. too too · gave the first in a series of informal Publication of the appropriate. ' Approximately 80 UNM coeds Associated Students of the University of New ++++++++++111111111111111111+4+++++++++++111111+ Copies of "Personal Island/' the teas ;for ;new women students and Vm,. XLIV Z487 Mexico were guests of students at New next Dramatic club oft'e:dng, have their senior counselors at her home ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1941 Mexico School of Mines at ·Socorro S. P. Snow To Address Pan-American Society Pike Pledges to Honor been put on resel;'Ve in the library yesterdaY afternoon from 4 to 6:80 Satm;day for the annual tug of Meets Friday Afternoon . : , · in order that persol)S desirillg parts o'clock. ---=--=-------------~No. 19 war and '49er~' dance. Phi Sigma Members In SUB Basement Lounge Ad1~es W1th House. Dance in this play may have the oppor· The. pu:rpose o~ these teas are to . ncquarpt the new women students Registration Being Held Other entertainment' for the S, P. Snow, of the Lv,ndscape Di~ A speciaJ business and short dis· The pledge class of the Pi Kappa tun1ty to acquamt themselves w1th of the University with their fel- g~estA included a parade and bar.. vision of the U. S. Forest Service, cuss ion meeting for Pan American Alpha ;fraternity will honor the the characters portrayed, low students and Dean C1auve, • bec1.~e as well aa access to horses will be the speaker for the Phi society members will be held this active chapter with a dance Satur~ The play will inaugurate the sec~ Twenty-five senior women, have and a roller rink. One dorm was 4 day night at the chapter house, For Engineering Courses SJgma meeting Thursday eveningJ Friday at p. m.1 in the student ond in a series of five nights in the been selected as · counselors for cleared for girls attending the af­ October 30 at 8 p. m. in Biology e. Union basement lounge, Eddie Apo~ from 9 until 12 p. m, theater and all those who are in.. undergraduate women to serve afl fair, LIEUT. R. ))', THOMPSON - His talk on "Landsaaping in New daca, society pr~sident, ann()unced Bill Vincent is in charge ol ar­ terested in trying out for one of th"eir advi~ors and friends. · Open to 'Any U. S. Citizen' Meeting Requirements; Those attending from the Univer~ Former atudent who was recently Mexico with Native Plant Ma .. thi~J morning. rangements :for the evening, Mrs. the parts are urged to attend the Other teas w!ll be held today, sity included Barbara Scott, Buff terials" will be accompanied by the Plans for a forthcoming series of commissioned to serve 'as an Jesse Hamilton, Pike house mother, tryouts, tomorrow and Friday of this week, Minimwml Maximum limit Set on School Enrollment Kunz, Mary Rea, Mary Louise Har~ officer in the marine corps train­ showing of Kodachrome slides. indiVidual faculty lectures on vari.. will chaperone the party. Tryouts will be held Thursday and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday z·lmm 1-1 d M lnj"ury R"dd L b F ris, Carolyn Parkhurst, Martha ing center at Quantico, Va. There will be a business meeting out phases of the Pan-American and Friday :from 4 to 5:30 p. m. in and Friday of next week. Registration is now being held fo.r the 13 new defense erma n ea s eet - I en 0 .os ace Jane Lee~ Kathleen Williams, Thompson )Waft a former Sig at 7 p. m. before the ]ectu:re1 for movement, spoDBoring of Spanish Rodey theater, and from 7:30 to courses authorized by the United States government which Cynthia. Knight, Rosemary Bren~ N d hR h ff pledge while at UNM, the election of initiates to Phi and Portuguese movies in down­ Former UNM Students 9 o'clock of the same evenings in w· nan, Libby Donley, Frances Mar­ have been added to the list of courses now being taught in the Ft t .,. D wIll AD DR Es s eva It es Sigma and of a d~egate to the na.-- town theaters and an informal so-­ a u I d To Graduate Friday room 6 of Hodgin hall, Dixies Honor Six ' College of Engineering, Dean Farris announced to the Lobo f~!i I ea ance Pi Chi Phi Mystery I tin, Martha Murray, Rosemary tional convention to be held Decemw cial during the semester will be Kappas With Supper e Helling, Cora Jean Lindberg, ber 28 at Dallas, T€xas, discussed. William H. Blaine1 Jr., and LT. R. F. THOMPSON Priscilla Robb, Peggy Watts, Or R B k t f u · p l Six membeJ:a of Kappa Kappa to~:; courses are open to any United States citizen who can Wtl/ Be 1-/e/d After PRES IDENTS ON Fraternity Is Due to And I " d L• I Membership in the society is >ver. , roo s, '.•o ormer m· t tud t II b d t d romJ'nent ecturer Gamma sorority were the guests Frances DeHuff1 Mary J o Rowe, SERVES WITH MARINE open to any University student. versl Y s en_ s, WI. e gra ua ? meet the_admiss~o~ requirements. Since there is a minimum Lobo-Nevada Game FUTURE OUTLOOK Ride Again Toninht . nexpenence lne Kathleen Argyl, Jean Mullins, Nan­ University Sid Club Meetings are held semi-monthly from the West Pomt of the A1r, of the Kapp11 Alpha fraternity Sun~ and max1mum hm1t set on the number of students who can The first tea dance of th ~ Frid . th S d ' Randolph Field, Texas, in the grad- (Continued from page one) day night at a buffet supper, nette Taylor, Mary Jo McDougall, CORPS IN QUANTICO Victory Chances Are 4 _be enrolled in the courses, it would be advisable for those ter will be held saturday · To those who couldn't solve the Shipkey Pits Charges Against Powerful l!'ne Of Beverly Kirch, Dorothy Mace, U . aysl at p. m. m e tu ent nation exercises of October 31. Sh h b d b h 'l;his is tl!e second in a series of a~t::O:"~ nton ounge. F R d 1 h F' ld th 'll e as een decorate y t e four planned to honor the various mterested to sign up immediately. immediately following the football Is First of New Mexico myste~y of "Where Is Rookey? or T Bolstered by Addition 1 Mary Hedricks, Betty Ann Roberts Second Lieutenant Robert Fred.. rom an ° P Ie ey W1 French government with ''Les soro~ities on the camp'Us. Those best prepared will be se- game. The dance is being sponsored why dld he want to find Joe with . outed Nevada Wolves in Important Tr'lt and Mary Kay Woods. crick Thompson, a former student rxhe University of New Mexico's be transferred to a sp;cialized A.ir Palmes Academiques,'' by the Bo~ Guests attending were Mary ~ected In case more than the max- by the Asociated Students of the Presidents To Be Elected the Sa~?" here is another one. This, 111 Mrs. Margaret Officer attended at the University of New Mexico, chances of defeating a crack Fort Dr. Hutchinson Speaks Corps sch.oo~ from which they :" livhm congress , by the R.ed Cross Helen Cox, Aileen Nanninga, Jo •mum number is enrolled. No Pan-American Meet University and will be free to all accordmg to all rumor, is on the By BOB REECE as chaperon. is now in active service with the Collins ski team have been hoi­ be commlSSioned as second heu~ of Pailama the University of San Ann Shook, Beth Stone, Frances ~here ~reno fees for the courses, attending. By ELAINE ORTl\IAN up and up, but dill, you never can Lobo Sports Editor tenants in the Air Corps reserve. Marcos ·n' L>'ma, Peru, and the --~-~----------- first and second divisionB of the stered by the enrollment of Willard Dr. C. E. Hutchinson, instructor 1 Martin and Helen Joy Griflith, wh•ch wlll begin on Monday, No- A scheduled Pan-American Johnny Lewis and his orchestra Lobo Copy Editor tell. In a desperate attempt to stave off a third straight los U. S. Marin~ Corps, according to Ba1·ton, ace Utah.. and New Mexico in the department of sociology, was National Teachers association, IF-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ vember 8, but ~ student is expect- society meeting for this af· will fu>-nish tho music for the dane- President J.
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