THE ASSOCIATION OF CATHOLIC TRADE UNIONISTS- DETROIT 38 Manuscript Boxes 1 Paige Box Processed: Nov. 21, 1968 Accession Number 291 By: MAB The papers of Association of Catholic Trade Unionists- Detroit were deposited with the Labor History Archives in April 26, 1968 by Mrs. William Ryan. The Association of Catholic Trade Unionists was a liberal Catholic group whose purpose was to "strengthen the union, promote their success and to prepare them for their role in a new age of economic democracy." The main effort of the Detroit chapter lay in publishing a paper, the Michigan Labor Leader, which eventually became the Wage Earner. The paper's main campaign was against communism. In addition to the paper, the Association of Catholic Trade Unionist promoted labor schools for union members where the problems of religion and labor were discussed. Members of the Association of Catholic Trade Unionists and the labor schools came from a variety of locals in the area. Protestants were also invited to join. In the Detroit area the Association of Catholic Trade Unionists received support from Edward Cardinal Mooney as well as other religious leaders. Paul Weber, later press secretary to G. Mennen Williams, was President of the Association of Catholic Trade Unionists from 1939-47. William Ryan, later Democratic Speaker of the House in Michigan, was President from 1954-61. Richard Deverall was Executive Secretary for a time in the early 1940's. In 1957 the Detroit chapter disassociated itself from the national group and became the Detroit Catholic Labor Conference. The ACTU - Detroit Collection covers the period from 1938 to 1968. Important subjects are: Communism, Strikes, Catholicism, unions - internationals and locals, Fair Employment, ACTU, CIO, AFL, UAW, General Motors, Political Action Among the correspondents are: Tom Doherty, Marguerite Gahagan, Paul Ste. Marie, Paul Weber, Henry Ford II, Ben Probe, Richard Deverall, R. J. Thomas, Edward Cardinal Mooney, Walter Reuther, Ed Carey, Richard Frankensteen, Victor Lo Pinto, Philip Murray, Msgr. Edward Hickey, George Addes, Owen Knox, Robert Waldron, Lucien Nedzi 2 THE ASSOCIATION OF CATHOLIC TRADE UNIONISTS - DETROIT Description of Series Material consists of correspondence, clippings, speeches, mats, pamphlets, newspapers and handbills. It is arranged in two series, one an office file for the Association of Catholic Trade Unionists and the other an subject file. Boxes 1-6 Series I - ACTU Office File This file consists mainly of ACTU and DCLC records. It includes correspondence from members of the Detroit Chapter, convention material, material on the labor schools and other programs they supported as well as correspondence from the Wage Earner. The yearly span covers 1938-1968 but there is very little material included from 1957-1968. Boxes 7-39 Series II - Subject Files This file of subjects is arranged alphabetically. The group tended to file under smaller headings rather than larger topics. Correspondence, clippings, mats, handbills and the like are included. The yearly span covers 1939-1968 but the major portion of the material falls in the 1940's and early 1950's. 3 THE ASSOCIATION OF CATHOLIC TRADE UNIONISTS - DETROIT Folder Inventory Box 1 Series 1 - ACTU ACTU - 1938 - 1940-1950 (4 folders) - 1952-1956 (6 folders) - Undated - clippings 1939 - clippings 1939-43 - pamphlets 1939-40 - articles on - Administration 1940 - Associates 1950 - Basic Training Course 1943 - Basic Training Course 1946 - Catechism - Chapters and Allied Organizations 1950-53 - Akron 1939 - California 1950-51 - Chicago 1939 - Cleveland 1940 - Gary 1945-53 - Grand Rapids 1946 Box 2 - New York 1939-43 - New York 1950-63 - Newfoundland 1950 - Philadelphia 1950-52 - Pittsburgh 1939-40 - Pittsburgh 1947-50 - Pontiac 1939-41 - Saginaw 1939-40 - San Francisco 1940 - South Bend 1940 - CIO Conference 1944 - Constitution 1947 - Convention 1940 - Convention 1944-45 (2 folders) - Convention 1947-1950 (4 folders) Box 3 - Convention 1952 - Convention Detroit 1953 - Convention National 1953 - Convention 1954-55 (2 folders) - Convention Detroit 1956 - Convention National 1956 - Correspondence - Dec. 1950-Feb. 1951 - Letters to Associates - Handbills 1939 - income tax exemption 1947 4 THE ASSOCIATION OF CATHOLIC TRADE UNIONISTS - DETROIT Folder Inventory Box 3 (cont'd.) ACTU - lectures - Lecture Series 1951-52 - loan 1949 - Executive Board Minutes 1938-40 - General Meeting Minutes 1939-40 - Parish Captains Minutes 1939-41 - Planning Conference 1947 - Policy Committee 1939-40 - Press Committee 1947 - Publicity Articles 1938-40 - Releases - Labor Leader 1940 - Releases - Michigan Catholic 1939-40 - Releases - Secular Press - Resolutions 1949 - Spring Social 1950 - UAW 1946 Box 4 Detroit Catholic Labor Conference - Constitution - 1956-57 (2 folders) - 1960-68 - Basic Training Course - 1959 Entertainment 1940-41 Robert W. Forbes 1946 Football game 1959 Holy Redeemer Conference 1955 Father Hubble ACTU Report to Cardinal Mooney Labor Day Mass - 1953 - 1955-1959 (5 folders) The Leaven 1946-47 The Leaven 1949-52 May Day Rally 1940 Panel discussions 1956 Paul Ste. Marie 1939-42 Wage Earner - 1949 - Jan.-April 1950 - May-Aug. 1950 - Sept.-Dec. 1950 - 1951 Box 5 Wage Earner - J a n . - J u l y 1952 - Aug.-Dec. 1952 - J a n . - J u n e 1953 - July-Dec. 1953 - 1954-1959 (6 folders) Box 6 - Advertising form letters - circulation Folder 1957 - Finances 1949-50 (2 folders) - Mailing Lists - Political Advertising 1941 5 THE ASSOCIATION OF CATHOLIC TRADE UNIONISTS - DETROIT Folder Inventory Box 6 (cont'd.) Wage Earner - Post Office Correspondence 1952-56 - Promotion 1957 - Wage Earner Statistics Paul Weber Corrrespondence 1947-48, 1951 Box 7 Series 2 - Subject Files George Addes 1941-46 - clippings AFL 1941-42 AFL-CIO 1965-68 AFL Conference 1941 AFL-CIO News - March-July 1965 AFL-CIO News - Aug.-Sept. 1965 - Oct.-NOv. 1965 AFL Clippings (3 folders) Box 8 Agreements - clippings Aircraft Industry - clippings William, Allen - clippings Alliance for the Promotion of Profit Sharing clippings Allis Chalmers 1941 Allis Chalmers - clippings - 1941 (3 folders) Aluminum Strike - Cleveland 1941 Amalgamated Clothing Workers 1946, 1950 America First Party American Action Committee American Association for the Advancement of Aethism American Council of Catholic Women 1959 American Institute for Socio - Political Thought 1945 American Jewish Committee 1965-68 American Labor Party - clippings American Legion - clippings American Newspaper Guild 1939-1940 (2 folders) American Newspaper Guild - general 1939-40 American Newspaper Guild 1944-46 American Newspaper Guild 1947-50 American Newspaper Guild - Resolutions American Newspaper Guild - Weber, Davy, Novak Memorandum 1947 Box 9 American Peace Mobilization 1940-41 American Peace Mobilization - clippings American Youth for Democracy 1945-46 Americans for Democratic Action 1947 Americans for Democratic Action 1950-52 Amortization Amortization - clippings Kurt Anderson Anti - Clericalism - pamphlets - Labor Legislation - clippings - Semitism 6 THE ASSOCIATION OF CATHOLIC TRADE UNIONISTS - DETROIT Folder Inventory Box 9 (cont'd.) Apostolic Groups Archbishop's Committee on Human Relations 1965, '68 Archdiocesan Development Fund 1943 Archdiocesan Labor Institute 1940-43 Thurman Arnold - clippings Associated Catholic Trade Union 1945 Atom Bomb - clippings Auto Industry 1940-42 Automotive Council for War Production Alex Barbour 1945 Joseph M. Barry, O.M.I. 1945 Bedaux Company 1943 Bell Telephone 1944-46 Fred Beller 1946 Bethlehem Steel - clippings Better Business Bureau 1946 Sir William Beveridge - clippings Malcolm Bingay - clippings Mel Bishop 1946 Bishops of the United States Box 10 Bishop's Statement on international order 1945 Bishop's Statement on secularism 1947 Blackfriars Board of Commerce 1942-43 Paul Boatin Bonine - Tripp law - clippings Ignatiues Brady O.F.M. 1944 Edgar M. Brannigan - clippings Arthur Braunlich Brewster Aircraft 1943 Harry Bridges - 1941-43 - clippings - pamphlets Britain - Press British Labor Party - clippings British Manpower Control British Trades Union Congress - clippings British Working Party & Development Council Brotherhoods - clippings John Brophy - clippings Earl Browder 1942-43 - clippings Louis Budenz 1945-46 John Bugas - pamphlets Bureau of Labor Standards - clippings Burroughs - clippings Burton - Ball - Hatch Bill 1945 James F. Byrnes - clippings and pamphlets 1946 Calvary Cemetary Strike - 1949 - clippings Canadian Seamen's Union - clippings 7 THE ASSOCIATION OF CATHOLIC TRADE UNIONISTS - DETROIT Folder Inventory Box 10 (cont'd.) Capitol Comments 1945 Boc 11 Capitalism - clippings Carboid Employers Association 1940 Care - 1947 Edward Carey 1946 James B. Carey 1943-47 Reverend Philip Carey 1944 Catholic Action 19 45 Catholic Action Notes 1946 Catholic Association for International Peace 1950 Catholic Chronicle 1944 Catholic Committee of the South 1947 Catholic Conference on Industrial Problems 1945 Catholic Council on Working Life 1956 Catholic Digest 1945-47 Catholic Family Center 1945-46 - 1947-48 Catholic Interracial Group 1946-51 Catholic Labor Alliance 1944 Catholic Mind 1944 Catholic Peace Fellowship 1965 Catholic Press Association 1944 - 1954-56 - 1965 Catholic Press Directory 1957 Catholic Regional Conference 1947 Catholic Social Manifesto 1946 Catholic Traditionalist Movement 1965 Catholic Worker 1944 Census of Manufacturers 1954-59 Box 12 Center of Information Pro Deo (C.I.P.) 1943-47 Centerline Ordnance Plant 1945 Central European Christian Trade Unions Chaing
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