it-iv fjS&fiT-Aj&E.- vFSrS*"'XS."-5S5 .si sf». jM, ;f(i£y W V.vV^Vrr- :i !%.v;:.- •-. , r .•jJSfcf'-- •. -k-i , . EVENING EDITION. GRAND FORKS HERALD, FKIPAYj AUGUST 5,1921. «W<W£MM$ i lisp mmm' • :ps^'';v • *- ''-&&••?sS®£® North Dakota's Greatest WO? j1! Worth Dakota's Greatest .'•'te •::::}§! Classified Section Classified Section * NORTH DAKOTA'S pWi'^RKATEST X V FDRNITDSB 30USES FOR SALE ROOKS FOR RENT U^HQU»ERING AND FURNITURE FOR RENT—SINGLE AND DOUBLE Moving Picture Fannies Want Ad Rates repalrincr Houaehold goods packed rooms, clean all modern with or with­ g >r shipment; prices reasonable^ L. out meals. Garage room for one car. I Oants a Word a Day. rown. 808SW. Bartow's Art Store. \Phone 8S2W or 407 N. 4th. 5*'nl,m«m charge Is 24 cents P«r toy' Fine Upholstet ing and Repairing. Fur­ w FOR RENT-' »• ' ; LARGE MODERN FRONT ROOM, i" "2 or* more««uro oitbdays.. aiimmvmMinimum chargecn»rp« niture and China! Packing for Shipping suitable foij two. Furnished or un- R. torus m |r !?* ?to®, <5tt1 n cents. U»e # words or N. W. Fttrnlture Crf. Phone 211W. $85.00^-A11 furnished, new ten room I TREES A FAT !?«*•I?®1* t0 Asetet youry°ur money's worth. By \ house,' all modern, in JSlverslde .furnished. 416 Fourth Ave. NEW YORK I J&? _®5?th, 12.00 per Itnaline CMtit no SDCOND HANT FURNITURE. STOVES *»0SSUN,ANP, 1 a< x :Park. .• ... ;' 4 ROOMS IN BIRlCHOLZ BLK.. SUIT- •pv, .* ! J)- Minimum charge $4.00.$4.00 Any thing bought aoUC exchanged. Uc> 75.0-—Six room all modern house with 1 THEN fALtSr spil .J, 5"?J*t®8 entitle you to publicationpubllcattor Kensle. 106 ft Third St Phone «$l. able for light housekeeping. Inquire STOCKS. • v 111tlon£, DOth |}|A>the> morningMnMklaM andasi . evening adlA4I^ - garage, close in - on Third Ave, of Col ton-Wilder Grocery Co. ASLEEP AND , > New| York, Aug. 5.—The neope of WB BUY. BELL NEW SECOND HAND 30.00—Six room • house, city water, and i HA^A MEAfl.l 3 -LIGHT HOUSEKEEPNG ROOMS„ the selling movement on the stock mm '' nrroxiUTrov.. " furniture, stoves. N. W. Furniture sewer on Kittson Ave. | AND IT WAS * ^K^ehange today was .extended to em­ Co., lOt S. trd. Phona ttl-W. 16.00—-Small., store | on International ' for rent upstairs. 210 S. 2nd St , East CLOBINO HOURS—Want Ad form* AVe., Grand Forks. Phone 669J. 1SOME. BREAM i brace all classes of industrials, with »,«o»e every morning at 11:10 ftrthe WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND oils, equipments, rubbers, gas, copper *r * evening edition, and < o'clock every furniture and ,atoves. A. F. Schava FOR "SALE UPSTAIlts ROOMS FOR HOUSE- and food issues weakest Rousfos evening for the morning edition e*- >04 6. Srd St > Phono IIM. v $6800.60—New five room house and sun - keeping. Unfurnished,. all modern. oil dropped four points and Invincible capt Saturday when forma close at - - parlor, -:fuii basement, 'all mod­ 311 Hill Ave. • P- m. tor Sunday morning edition. FULL SIZE BLACK LEATHER DAV- ern house on Almonte Ave. .38-4 to a new low record. Declines - enport for sale. 1409 N. 4th. 4200.00—Saven roojn. air modern hoi/sQ,' MODERN FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- of l to 2 points were' numerous in , <*'£?? TELEPHONE WANT ADS—Want 60 ft lot on University Ave. ing room, vacant Aug. 6. 400 North other specialties. Railroads fell away Ada are received by phona, tmt are wm1. payable the tame day as received FAVORITE HEATER* 17 IN. HE1ATING $600.00—Six rooifi,>heu0e all modern but 6th St. steadily with dividend and low priced box, at "402 Cedar St. ' heat, hardwood;floors, close in f-. and collection will be made at your on North Ninth St.-. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING AND shares showing .about tbq sam« home or office a* soon as la con- relative amount of weakness. Forced lenient for tlw collector to call, ALL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOft" I80#:M^-Five room cottage, city water, siting rooms. 121 N. Bth St. Phone Thla la accommodation service and sale, 1724 Cheyenne. cellar, eleotrio lights and gar- liquidation of certain industrials, th« V.t'- •ryy -'•kVI^.V.'; • :age, screened in porch, 60 ft stirrenlne in time money rates and 8 payment should be made promptly FURNITURE FOR SALE. ROOM 21, - :-. lot- on International Ave. 'FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED wheat the bIH la presented. over OdeH's. rooms in all modern house. 402 Chest­ desire by the bulls to await until fiVT OF TOWN ORDER® must t>e al­ nut some of the uncertainties of the out­ ways accompanied by the cash. LKELSEY side situation had been removed gave Please comply With thlfc rule to HAT CTTRFFIANING. EXTRA LARGE FRONT AIRY SLEEP- Cut th« picture on ail four aides. the bears the upper hand. Sterling v avoid .inconvenience and delay. ' •*«• Then carefully fold dotted line 1 in Hats CleanedN and Rehlocked. First •• 0 •• •» ing room. University Ave. Call 1428W exchange lost a fractional part of yes­ THE HERALD will accent only clean <?lass work. O, F. Hat, Cleaning Parlor. -- ;'T7-. ; - • Its entire length. Then dotted line 2 terday's large gains. advertising and any Information , ''.'A:'"i - •** ;:- • : 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT— and so on. Fold each section under­ concerning any Want Ad in these f "" Prefer elderly couple. 1622 lone Ave. neath accurately. When completed Speculative interest in the long sidf i: columns, that la fraudulent or un­ . Flnley Meadows opmed a Na 2 .loe Hata Cleaned and Re-blocked. Also do of the market appeared to be lagging desirable will be greatly appreciat­ crram parlor, t'day, aa so. many peot" nrst class shoe repairing. The Busy Baa. TWO ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE turn over and you'll find a surprising and the bears took advantage of this ed by The Herald. anil have money. "I'd almost rath FOR SALE furnished. Wiener Block, 401 .80. 3rd. result Save the pictures. condition at the opening today, driv­ WB RESERVE THE RIGHT to re- try t' do wlthfmt liquor than be ar- ing prices down sharply. The market viae any copy ' to conform with rastbi' -same frifetid ajl th» time," aald MODERN FURNISHED ROOM FOR felt the lack of encouraging features, tnaxe-up rules of classified adver­ Oonatable Nawt Plan, t'day. E X P E RI B.JJ CED STENOGRAPHER Six-room cottage with hardwood' rent. 616 N. 4th St. Phone 1691-J. yesterday's advance in call money to tising. wanted; for "two.weeks in Grand Forks WANTE1> TO RENT - floors, electric lights, bath, gas FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED . UP- 6 per cent and the belief that further office WtUe regular help is on vaca­ and-cellar .v..$3,400.00 WANTED TO RENT—WITH INTEN- dividend readjustments are Intended BrrSPfBSS CpANCBS tion commencing about August first. 'stalrs or downstairs. Call 208. tion of buying a small bungalow, fur­ State' experience, where previously Good building lot - in River,side_ nished or unfurnished. Address, W. causing free selling for both accounts. AOCOBJiTAHTS FOR'\ SALEsal: -~A•^V FULLYFULLY EQUIPPED employed and. compensation expected. Park, with garage. FURNISHED ROOMS—FOR LIGHT L. P., Herald office. Railroads were unusually active and hand bakeijry.'< r and lv(nch-room in live Reply to No. 341 Herald. housekeeping. 606 Second Ave. their weakness undermined the indus­ northwest:northwest ' Minnesota_ town of 1,000. • Y RICHARD DOUOHERTY * CXX 2 MOofeRN^FURNlsHED ROOMS FOR 8 OR 4 ROOMS WANTED BY COUPLE. trials. Great Northern, preferred. ... ». Ch*£tered Accountants Doing from 16 to $20,000 per year. YOUNG LADY WANTED—FOR CIR- No children. Unfurnished or partly Northern Pacific, Pennsylvania, New *o»-» y. W. Natl. Bank Blk. Phona W Must -sell .to idissolve partnership, .culation work. Applicants will kindly • <JALL*181 rent. South End. 2880W. Price right. Write,; 36J" Herald. 0 furnished modern rooms. Write, 899 Orleans, Texas and Mexico and St 'submit > sample or penmanship and FOR RENT—2 FURNISHED HOUSE- Herald. Louis-Southwestern, preferred, yield­ ABOHITECra * gyQlNKEBa state experience. Apply .Circulation J HOTEL FOR SALE OR RENT IN GOOD Manager,. Grand Forks Herald. keeping rooms. 128 Chestnut , WANTED TO RENT—6 OR 6 ROOM ed 1 to 1 1-4. Standard Oil of New . 'Minnesota town. For", Information • '.> t Jersey fell 3 points. General Electric \ BERTD. HSCtA. L A. write Aug. .Magnuson, Stephen, Minn". WOMAN ^WA"NTTE6 — TO COOK IN FOR RENT — PLEASANT FRONT modern, unfurnished house by Oct. 1. 0.0 • *• ••*!•••»*•» - room. 401 South 6th St. References. Write S. J. M., Herald. 1 3-4, American Car 1 1-2 and Pull­ Fhat Kat'l Bank BMg. " Phona 3(1 separate house wi- about eight men man, United States Rubber, Houston CHB OPKACTORS during busy season. hChas. G. FOR SALE OR RENT — BEFORE WANTED TO RENT—5 OR 6-ROOM S Abbey, Gilby, N. D. - LARGE FRONT-ROOM FOR RENT- Oil, United States Alcohol ajtd Corn r„_ JOS. BELL DB BEMKt•"'••• . September-!; 8-room house, all mod­ SI1 North 3rd St. furnished modern house, about Sept. Products one point Studebaker ad­ Architect Bee. Bldg. BAHLKE AND BAHX ern except heat. Lot' 60x140, good 15. Phone 1493-J. vanced 5-8, but soon lost the gain. CbtropnMora Block ' GIRL WANTED—ON FARM FOR GEN- garage; furnished--or unfurnished. * Pbona $60 , eral housework. Sm9.ll family. Good Apply, to 40,4 8outh Fourth St. ... FURNISHED ROOMS AND BATH. 621 AOTOS. •wages;. Mrs. .-1*1 C. Bruce, North S. 4th St. + MONET. WOod, N. X>: • • Dr. Tladaie—Chiropractice. Batha. FOR • SALEMJOTTAGE; 6,ROOMS, FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT—316 MINNEAPOLIS. Tork, Aug. 5.—Prime tner- "4 <• ft.
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