2 I~I *The AVALON HILL iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiAiiiiiiiiiiviiiiiiiiiialiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiii"iiiiiiiiii"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiPiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiSOiiiiiiiiiiPiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiYiiiiiiiiiiPiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiariiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiii9iiiiiiiiii3iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;!,11 GENERAL Once again it is time to pause and give our even play-by-mail methods. Such a project cannot readership a glance at work in progress. With be rushed and I will definitely be looking at it as a The Game Players Magazine changes in staff (hence new expertise and methods) long term project with no anticipated completion The Avalon HIli GENERAL is dedicated to the presenta­ and an ever frenzied pace, this brief review can but date in sight at this time. In fact, I will wait at least tion of authontative articles on the strategy. tactics, and lightly touch on a few of the titles to be expected six months for feedback from G.I. before starting variation of Avalon Hill wargames. Historical articles are from AH through the winter months. included only insomuch as they provide useful background work on the initial draft. In the meantime, I will be completing develop­ information on current Avalon Hill titles. The GENERAL is The SQUAD LEADER saga continues apace. published by the Avalon Hill Game Company solely for the ment of a related game design by Courtney Allen. While working on the inevitable errata generated by cultural edification of the serious game aficionado, in the His card game, which we have tentatively entitled hopes of Improving the game owner's proficiency of play and G.I., I continue to take notes for the next big project UP FRONT, is a simple, fast playing simulation of in­ providing services not otherwise available to the Avalen Hill - the rewrite and compilation of the entire series game buff. Avalon HIll is a division of Monarch Avalon into one rulebook. That rulebook will include point fantry combat in WWII. Any similarity to SQUAD Industries, Inc., a wholly owned SUbsidiary of Monarch LEADER is strictly intentional. The resemblance is values for all units of all nationalities to accompany Avalon, Inc. The shares of Monarch Avalon, Inc. are publicly inescapable - right down to the multi-scenario and traded on the NASDAO System under the symbol MAHI. For the revised vehicular OBs of the Germans and the Informatton about the company write to Harold Cohen at the Russians, whose new vehicular counters will be in­ Design-Your-Own format. The basic tenets of executive offices of the company, 4517 Harford Ad .. what may be the hobby's most involved game have cluded in the next gamette featuring armored war­ Baltimore. MD 21214. been distilled into what may well become its most Publication is bi¥monthly with mailings made close to fare in the desert and Russian steppe. As we con­ playable variation. It is a quick and fun-filled alter­ the end of February, April, June. August, October and ceive this project as being the final word in the SL December. All editorial and general mail should be sent to the game system, we will endeavor to make it as com­ native to SQUAD LEADER that doesn't lose as Avalon Hill Game Company. 4517 Harford Road. Baltimore. MD 21214. One year subscriptions are $9.00. Two year plete as possible. This will mean the inclusion of subscriptions are $14.00. All domestic subscriptions sent chapters on strategy, analysis of play, and perhaps Continued on Page 33, Column 2 via bulk: permit. Domestic First Class Delivery and all SUbscriptions to Canada and MexIco must pay an additional $ 9.00 per year postage charge. All overseas SUbscriptions must add an additional $ 12 00 per year poslage charge. Send checks or money orders only. AH is not responsible for cash lost in transit. Those with a cunent American Express, ViSA. MasterCard or Choice may call 800-638-9292 toll free to renew subscriptions-arorder merchandise. Absolutely no complaints or questions will be handled on this number. Any business other than a credit card purchase must be handled by mall. Address changes must be submitted at least 6 weeks in advance to guarantee delivery. Paid advertising is not accepted. but news of importance to the gammg com· munity is SOlicited. Convention announcements must be received at least 3 months 10 advance and contain informa­ tion pertaining to AH games in use. Articles from subSCribers are considered for publication at the discretion of our editorial staff. Articles should be typewritten, double-spaced. and embrace the tenetS of good English usage. There is no limit to word length. Accompany¥ ing examples and diagrams should be neatly done in black or red ink. Photographs should have caption and credit line written on back. Rejected articles will be returned whenever possible. EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Donald J. Greenwood MANAGING EDITOR: Rex A. Martin GRAPHICS: Jean Baer. Dale Sheaffer. Charles Kibler. Rodger MacGowan, Stephanie Czech, David Lawrence Cover Art: Masthaad Design: Stephanie Czech AREA Technician: Diana Widener GENERAL Subscriptions: Gertrude Zombro Purchases of Games. PBM kits and parts: Brenda Brauer FOREIGN DISTRIBUTORS: Overseas readers are urged to THE WAY OF THE GUN make subscription arrangements with the appropriate agent, 5 AUSTRALIA: Jedko Games, 1B Foneeca St.. Mordialloe. A Double-Barrelled Examination of GUNSLINGER By Richard Hamblen 3195. Victorra; DENMARK: Jam Eriksen. Sondertoften 209. TOURNAMENT SHOWDOWNS 9 DK 2630 Taastrup; GREAT BRITAIN: Avalon Hill (UK I LTD. Additional Scenarios for GUNSLINGER 650 Hi9h Rd .. North Finchley. London N. 12. ONL; JAPAN: Post Hobby, 1-38 Yoyogi. Shlbura-KU. Tokyo; SINGAPORE: CRITTERS 12 Wong International Entr., 6 Jalan Sinar Bulan; Singapore The Varmints of the West By Richard Hamblen 1750; SOUTH AFRICA: Gamma Games Ltd. P.O. 80x 2904. Capetown 8000; SWEDEN: Target Games. GUNSLINGER SERIES REPLAY 14 Skogvaktargatan 2. S-11542 Stockholm. Showdown 4: Thieves Fall Out By R. Hamblen, et al Rules Questions: R&D. NOTE: all questions should be THE COMPLEAT DIPLOMAT 21 diagrammed. No questions can be answered which are A Quarter Century unaccompanied by a self-addressed envelope. Questions DIPLOMACY: By Rod Walker must be based on rules of play (not historical or design RICKENBACKER'S WAR 22 matters) and be based on the current rules edition. Ouestions Historical Scenarios for RICHTHOFEN'S WAR By Rex A. Martin on more than one game must be listed on separate pages and accompanied by a separate SASE for each game. THEY SHALL BE PLAYTESTERS 26 IF YOU CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS: Inform us immediately. A Humorous Look from the Other Side By Mark C. Nixon The Post Office destroys magazines even jf you leave a forwarding address. AH ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY THE ASYLUM 29 FOR ISSUES LOST DUE TO AN INVALID ADDRESS. Please A Review of Rommel's Dungeon By Alan R. Moon stale both your new and old address. THE GETTYSBURG COMPROMISE 30 Formations in Intermediate GETTYSBURG By Rick Mathews Copyright 1982 OFF THE SHELF 32 Books for Wargamers Thl! <I> LINCOLN'S SOUTHERN STRATEGY 34 AVALO~'~ H1LL-Affo A Quick-Playing Scenario for 1776 By Jim Lawler GalliC COmplf.llY /~ INTRODUCTORY LITTLE ROUND TOP 34 Simple Variant for AH's Newest Civil War Game By David G. Martin 4517 Harford Road, ~~C SQUAD LEADER CLINIC 38 Baltimore, Md. 21214 \.!I "LI Answers & Discussion to Quiz By Bill Nightingale 3 It is December, 1941; Europe lays•stricken beneath But G.1. offers far more than just American the Nazi boot. Only Britain, sheltered by her fleet and the tanks. It contains more components than any of the English channel, stands fast before the swastika. To the preceding games in the series. The entire game East, German panzers stand stalled by winter at the very system has been streamlined while enhancing gates of Moscow. However, the Third Reich is nearing realism even further. German, British, and even its high water mark for the tide is about to turn. The French infantry counters have been revised to Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor will usher the United enhance unit identification, add inherent smoke States into World War II and seal the doom of the Thou­ values, and more clearly distinguish the dif­ sand Year Reich. American industry will supply the ferences between squads, crews, and half-squads. Allied armies with vast quantities of war material, and a Like its sister games in the SQUAD LEADER fresh, new breed of fighting man will enter the fray system, G.1. need not end with play of the 14 against Hitler's tested Wehrmacht. The G.!. will become scenarios provided; the opportunities to design the anvil on which the victory over a bled white your own scenario based on any historical or Wehrmacht is forged. G.I.; ANVIL OF VICTORY allows hypothetical situation are myriad. A veteran user of you to command the full gamut of American fighting the game system needs only his imagination and men as they drive the Germans from Africa, Sicily, Italy, inclination, for the entire Order of Battle and Normandy, and back across the Rhine and into Germany corresponding counters have been provided for itself. G.1. adds the complete American arsenal of every nationality. G.1. is much more than just a fighting men and machines to your SQUAD LEADER game. When combined with SQUAD LEADER, repertoire, while expanding and enriching the most CROSS OF IRON, and CRESCENDO OF DOOM, it acclaimed historical gaming system yet devised. Can provides the ultimate in a tactical gaming system the greater numbers and superior gunnery control which can be used to portray any company or systems of the American Shermans compensate for the battalion level action. Be forewarned! G.!. cannot more lethal guns of the feared German Panther? G.1. pro­ be played without first having mastered the other vides a gripping and graphic answer unmatched by any three games in the series.
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