; PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1988-89 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD Hon. Jack Riddell, Minister DETAILS OF EXPENDITURE Voted Salaries and Wages ($76,033,263) Temporary Help Services ($677,097): DGS Group, 182,366; Management Board of Cabinet, 105,534; The People Bank, 100,218; Templus, 67,510; Accounts under $30,000 — 221 ,469. Less: Recoveries from other Ministries and Agencies, ($1,303,575). Employee Benefits ($11,362,856) Payments to the Treasurer of Ontario re: Canada Pension Plan, 1,081,254; Dental Plan, 444,974; Group Life Insurance, 138,978; Long Term Income Protection, 658,800; Ontario Health Insurance Plan, 1,051,698; Public Service Superannuation Fund, 3,339,960; Superannuation Adjustment Fund, 671,755; Supplementary Health and Hospital Plan, 584,755; Unemployment Insurance, 1,815,682. Other Benefits — Attendance Gratuities, 275,534; Death Benefits, 4,503; Maternity Leave Allowance, 214,468; Severance Pay, 453,467; Voluntary Exit Options, 421,832. Workers' Compensation Board, 320,360. Payments to other Ministries, ($10,334): Accounts under $30,000 — 10,334. Less: Recoveries from other Ministries, ($125,498): Skills Development, 55,777; Accounts under $30,000 — 69,721. Travelling Expenses ($3,886,199) Hon. Jack Riddell, 11,035; C. M. Switzer, 10,444; D. K. Alles, 7,690; B. Barber, 12,925; D. Beattie, 9,786; B. H. Beggs, 6,109; K. Bereza, 9,254; V. Biliski, 6,489; J. R. Bird, 12,065; P. K. Blay, 26,262; V. Boncheff, 6,487; G. A. Brown, 12,351; R. Caine, 10,542; R. Cameron, 6,289; K. D. Cameron, 17,572; M. L. Chartrand, 12,842; T. Chorney, 19,000; S. Clare, 9,048; G. H. Collin, 18,959; J. Cox, 8,357; S. M. Cullen, 10,394; J. D. Curtis, 8,224; R. DaCosta, 12,015; D. I. Dickie, 7,738; A. Donohoe, 15,083; R. Duckworth, 12,650; C. R. Dukelow, 8,280; V. Durickovic, 6,012; F. C. Eady, 6,024; H. Ediger, 9,554; J. C. Fisher, 7,220; A. W. Forsyth, 9,246; R. Frank, 9,058; J. J. Gardner, 34,165; G. Gellner, 9,784; D. B. George, 15,697; W. Godwin, 6,235; C. L. Goubau, 7,297; D. Gray, 6,679; J. Grier, 8,491; D. H. Grout, 7,465; J. J. Hagarty, 8,442; W. C. Haggart, 6,523; J. Henderson, 7,013; J. N. Henry, 20,541; M. Higa, 8,042; D. R. Hilborn, 6,573; N. W. Hoag, 7,934; D. K. Hoffman, 6,793; G. S. Hooper, 9,680; K. M. Hubbs, 8,348; M. A. Huff, 6,650; M. C. Jacobs, 6,679; J. P. Johnson, 9,344; R. S. Kalbfleisch, 6,684; I. J. Kennedy, 9,322; B. J. Kennedy, 8,213; K. Knox, 12,148; K. Kruz, 8,165; G. M. Lawrie, 6,612; W. A. Lawson, 8,442; H. R. Leadbetter, 8,630; M. K. Loh, 23,566; D. G. Luckham, 13,150; F. R. MacDonald, 7,114; W. Malcolm, 6,192; R. M. Marcou, 8,544 D. Mark, 9,732; J. R. : Martin, 6,364; S. J. Martin, 8,047; K. A. McEwen, 8,429; R. M. McConnell, 7,169; M. R. McDonald, 6,178; R. A. McKenzie, 14,182; R. J. McLaughlin, 8,417; M. McMorris, 6,090; D. McRory, 7,143; A. Meresz, 6,276; J. D. Methot, 8,906; R. J. Milne, 6,625; W. Y. Moore, 19,705; R. L. Morrison, 9,531; B. B. Murray, 9,848; J. C. Nixon, 6,248; H. Olechowski, 7,187; H. Paquette, 7,197; R. O. Parker, 15,692; M. J. Paulhus, 10,258; H. C. Pauls, 16,872; C. A. Peloquin, 6,644; K. W. Pinder, 7,870; P. J. Prochazka, 23,534; G. S. Quesnel, 6,850; J. L. Reesor, 6,980; J. R. Regan, 7,026; J. C. Rennie, 26,324; G. B. Richards, 15,107; D. H. Ridgway, 6,427; W. P. Roberts, 6,121; Sandever, 15,936; R. Scheel, 6,800; B. Seguin, 11,742; G. O. Shaw, 8,536; A. Smith, 6,274; S. W. Squire, 7,759; A. J. Stampfer, 8,471; D. Stockton, 7,467; R. P. Stone, 7,729; W. L. Sweet, 6,907; L. Szijarto, 6,189; D. Taylor, 6,040; A. F. Thompson, 6,165; E. J. Tomecek, 9,469; R. G. Urquhart, 8,420; J. R. Uyenaka, 9,279; L. H. M. Vasarais, 10,027; M. Warren, 10,947; M. L. Webb, 10,161; J. H. Wheeler, 10,846; A. W. Whitehead, 8,494; F. Wind, 6,392; G. Winnicki, 6,209; Accounts under $6,000 — 2,680,800. 10 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1988-89 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD — Continued Other Payments ($400,009,092) Materials, Supplies, etc. ($56,938,303): Abacus Computers, 30,034; Agricultural & Energy Engineering Ltd., 77,232; Agritech Systems Inc., 32,418; Agwego Intelligent Systems, 57,288; Ahearn & Soper Inc., 47,097; Air Canada, 36,357; Albian Computer Systems Ltd., 119,153; All Point Cabling Inc., 84,318; Alphaform Exhibits & Design Inc., 46,438; American Calan Inc., 165,536; American Express Canada Inc., 38,841; American Hospital Supply, 138,720; Ansco Systems Consultants Inc., 146,484; Avebury Research & Consulting Ltd., 31,556; R. J. Bakowski Consulting, 41,080; Bank of Montreal, 435,815; R. Bannister, 32,226; T. Beach, 92,864; B. Bedard, 89,423; Bell Canada, 1,821,809; Bhimji Computer Consultants, 64,488; BP Information Management Services, 68,040; D. Broome, 38,250; P. Buckley, 34,223; The Canada Consulting Group Inc., 41,400; Canada Post Corporation, 997,434; Canadian Corps of Commissionaires, 74,591; Canadian Media Solutions Ltd., 257,091; Canadian Oxygen Ltd., 31,132; Canadian Window Coverings Corp., 35,644; Canadian Tire Associate Stores, 33,025; Caledon Laboratories Ltd., 62,292; Cargill Grain Company Limited, 31,105; Carleton Board of Education, 38,183; CDMV Inc., 62,705; G. Chambers Limited, 84,449; CM. Inc., 970,339; Commercial Vans Inc., 46,256; Commission Hydro Electrique D'Alfred, 56,691; Compugen Systems Ltd., 1,030,176; Compu-Redi, 63,449; Computerland, 34,036; Convex Systems Limited, 32,294; Coopers & Lybrand Chartered Accountants, 39,190; Corporate Microsystems Inc., 61,827; Coulter Electronics of Canada Ltd., 87,791; Crowntek Inc., 420,525; Croydon Furniture Systems Inc., 56,904; B. Cullen Chevrolet Oldsmobile Ltd., 91,532; Dale & Company Limited, 100,268; Datacrown Corporation, 880,854; Data Technologies Inc., 31,800; Dekko Computer Solutions, 48,403; G. & A. Delanghe, 37,358; Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 62,579; DI Associates Inc., 78,841; Dickey-John Canada Inc., 88,481; R. Dick, 48,326; Documen Services, 79,151; Domco Food Services, 39,575; The Dominion Press Limited, 72,771; P. J. K. Durham, 54,719; N. A. Edgar, 42,034; G. Engelberts, 41,450; W. J. English, 48,792; Entre Computer Centre, 386,862; ERB Refrigerated Transport Limited, 43,105; ESSO Petroleum Canada, 90,159; K. Fisher, 33,858; Fisher Scientific Limited, 167,149; Gestetner Inc., 323,878; Gisele's Catering, 78,505; Global Upholstery Company Limited, 69,715; Goderich Plymouth Chrysler Ltd., 114,070; Grand & Toy Limited, 194,980; Green Valley Farms Inc., 80,985; Grenville-Dundas Veterinary Clinic, 32,865; The Griffith Laboratories Limited, 621,966; Harris Systems Limited, 55,233; Hart Feeds & Farm Supplies, 31,098; Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd., 86,811; D. Hodgins, 51,036; Holiday Inn-Guelph, 87,199; Hotrum Motor Cars Ltd., 45,089; Huckabone, Shaw, O'Brien, Radley-Walters & Reimer, 93,347; J. G. Hutchison, 65,250; I B M Canada Limited, 247,047; ICG Utilities (Ontario) Ltd., 35,257; Immedia Telematics Inc., 30,470; Inforesults Limited, 32,300; Inter City Papers Limited, 240,201; Intercan Leasing Inc., 32,314; Inter-City Welding Supplies Limited, 45,511; Interconnect Equipment Systems, 74,215; International Simultaneous Translation Service, 67,317; D. Jack, 110,412; J. B. Marketing of Canada Ltd., 60,941; Johns Scientific, 53,198; K & H & Quickfall Ltd., 116,566; The Kent County Board of Education, 31,532; Kerr Graphics Limited, 35,559; Kimball Systems, 41,565; B. Kingscote, 56,896; P. Lawson Travel, 262,752; R. J. Leroux Security Guards, 38,092; E. G. Lewin, 64,760; M. K. Loh, 54,095; The Long Group, 152,848; Lord Farms, 36,343; MacPherson, Swire & Associate, 85,910; Mactronix Ltd., 124,480; Magna Informatics, 38,074; Maple Grove (Kemptville) Ltd., 73,530; Marion's Contract Cleaning, 42,000; K. Martens, 32,318; Matwichuk, Agar & Babin, In-Trust, 66,554; Maxima Computer Task Group Ltd., 63,613; McAinsh & Co. Limited, 145,995; K. McBride, 36,408; L. McClure, 43,718; B. McCulloch, 115,878; R. A. McDonald Limited, 38,418; McKim Advertising Ltd., 1,405,959; McLaren Morris and Todd Limited, 41,221; MCT Medical, Inc., 32,104; Memorex Telex Inc., 52,157; R. Millard, 36,073; Millipore Limited, 43,943; Milton Hydro Electric Commission, 46,570; Ministries: Attorney General, 469,184; Government Services, 7,272,414; Health, 31,141; Industry and Trade, 1,808,515; Management Board of Cabinet, 159,215; Municipal Affairs, 100,179; Transportation and Communications, 37,034; Mitel Corporation, 54,327; J. L. Morgan, 31,975; Multicolor Printing Limited, 67,813; W. T. Nagge, 76,091; The Niagara Institute, 41,186; Northern Telephone Limited, 60,489; Northern Microsolutions Ltd., 206,248 Norwell Dairy Systems, 71,742; Nothers Awards & Identifications Ltd., 38,033; Nottawasaga Inn, 30,358 Nutritional Management Services Ltd., 182,267; D. A. O'Brien, 38,687; Olivetti Canada Limited, 31,362 Ontario Chrysler (1977) Ltd., 53,180; Ontario Hydro, 56,306; The Ontario Milk Marketing Board, 80,132 Osier, Hoskin & Harcourt, 45,962; Pacific Westeel, 51,079; W. Paling, 30,429; Palmer Bonner BCP 105,000; Perkin Elmer Canada Ltd., 50,681; CM Peterson Co Ltd., 37,124; Petro-Canada Inc., 327,286 Phoenix Information Systems Ltd., 308,656; Pitney Bowes, 80,168; Plantagenet Printing, 116,129; J & N Poel, 36,512; Polaris Consulting Services Ltd., 41,550; R.
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