Thirteenth Series, Vol. XXXII,No. 12 Tuesday, March 4. 2003 Phalguna 13, 1924 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Twelfth Session (Thirteenth Lok Sabha) f. ■ '-.'■'•it p ar 1 - ..025 Block *G‘ ryo/. XXXI/ contains f^os. II to 20) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI rnce Hs SO 00 EDITORIAL BOARD G.C Malhotra Secretary-General Lok Sabha Dr. PK Sandhu Joint Secretary Sharda Prasad Principal Chief Editor Kiran SahnI Chief Editor Parmesh Kumar Sharma Senior Editor Sarita Nagpal Editor [Original English Proceedings included in English Version and Original Hindi Proceedings included In Hindi Version will be treated as authoritative and not the translation thereof. CONTENTS [Thirteenth Senes, Vol. XXXII, Twelfth Session, 2003/1924 (Saka)J No. 12, Tuesday, March 04, 2003/Phalguna 13, 1924 (Saka) S ubject C olumns OBITUARY REFERENCE 1-2 SUBMISSIONS BY MEMBERS (i) Re: Alleged irregualarities in utilization of MPLAD Funds and Reported Directive by the Chief Minister of UP to contribute to the Party Fund from it 2-8 (ii) Re: Increase in prices of fertilizer and diesel causing hardship to farmers in the country 306-310 ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS •Starred Question Nos. 181, 182 and 184 9-39 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Starred Question Nos. 183 and 185 to 200 ... 39-82 Unstarred Question Nos. 1894-2058 82-297 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 297-302 COMMITTEE ON EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN Statement 302 STANDING COMMITTEE ON ENERGY Thirty-second to Thirty-seventh Reports 302-303 MOTION RE: FORTY-SEVENTH REPORT OF BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 304 MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 (i) Need to solve drinking water problem in Lohardaga Parliamentary Constituency, Jharkhand Prof. Dukha Bhagat 318 (ii) Need to provide compensation to the farmers whose crops have been affected due to drought particularly in southem part of Haryana Dr. (Shrimati) Sudha Yadav 32Q (iii) Need to release funds from Central Road Fund for proper maintenance of Lumbini-Duddhi State highway in U P. Shri Chinmayanand Swami ... ... ........... 320 •The Sign + marked above the name of a Member irKlicates that the question was actually asked on tt>e fk>or of the House by that Member. S ubject C olukws (iv) Need to provide employment and compensation to the dependents of deceased employees of E.C.L. and B.C.C.L. of Central Coal Fields Limited Shri Ravindra Kumar Pandey ... 321 (v) Need to expeditiously implement National Malaria Eradication Programme in Keonjhar district, Orissa Shri Ananta Nayak ... 322 (vi) Need to withdraw eviction drive against farmers living in Udupi and adjoining forest areas of Kodagu, Karnataka Shri Vinay Kumar Sorake 324 (vii) Need to withdraw the move to issue notices to the depositors of cooperative sector banks by Income-Tax Department to furnish details of their deposits in Kerala Shri S. Ajaya Kumar 325 (viii) Need to release additional quantity of rice to Andhra Pradesh under Food for Work Programme with a view to generate more employment to drought affected people of the State Shri A. Brahmanaiah 326 (ix) Need to re-starl drilling operation work in Bundelkhand region of UP. with a view to find out under ground water there Shri Ram Sajivan 326-327 RAILWAY BUDGET, 2003-2004 DEMANDS FOR GRANTS ON ACCOUNT - (RAILWAYS). 2003-2004 DEMAND FOR SUPPLEMENTARY GRANT - (RAILWAYS). 2002-2003 DEMANDS FOR EXCESS GRANTS - (RAILWAYS). 2000-2001 Shri Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi 341 Shri Prahlad Singh Patel... 358 Shri Moinul Hassan 373 Shri Kalava Srinivasulu ... 380 Shri Sudip Bandyopadhyay 384 Shri Chandra Bhushan Singh ... ... ... 385 Dr. Ranjit Kumar Panja ........... ... ... ... 390 S ubject C olumns Shrj Dayabhai Vallabhbhai Patel 391 Shri Uttamrao Ohikale 393 Shrimati Shyama Singh ... 395 Dr. Jaswant Singh Yadav... 403 Shri Ram Sajivan 408 Shri A. Krishnaswamy 413 Shri K.H. Muniyappa 418 Shri Prabhunath Singh 425 Dr. Laxminarayan Pandeya 430 Shri Ravindra Kumar Pandey ... 434 Shri Bhartruhari Mahtab ... 437 Shri Ramdas Athawate 442-446 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA The House may now stand in silence for a short while as a mark of respect to the memory of the departed soul. Tuesday, March, 4 2003/Phalguna 13, 1924 (Saka) 11.02 hrs. The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock The Members then stood in silence [M r . S peaker in the Chaii] for a short while. OBITUARY REFERENCE [English] 11.04 hrs. MR. SPEAKER : Hon. Members, I have to inform the (I) Re: Alleged Irregularities In Utilization of IMPLAO House of the sad demise of one of our former colleague, Funds and Reportsd Dirsctivs by the Shri J.M. Biswas. Chief Minister of U.P. to Contribute Shri J.M. Biswas was a Member of Fourth Lok Sabha to the Party Fund from It from 1967 to 1970 representing Bankura Parliamentary Constituency of West Bengal. [English] Shri Biswas was a member of Public Accounts MR. SPEAKER ; I have to make it clear to the House Committee during 1970. that I have received two Adjournment Motion notices from Shri Ramjilal Suman, Kunwar Akhilesh Singh and Shri Shri Biswas was the founder of ‘All Bengal Refugees Raghuraj Singh Shakya. For suspension of Question Hour Council of Action", which worked relentlessly for proper also, I have received notices from Shri Ramjilal Suman. rehabilitation of the East Bengal refugees. Shri Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi, Kunwar Akhilesh Singh and Shri Biswas who was a well-known trade unionist, did Shri Raghuraj Singh Sakya. Now. I would request Kunwar yeomen's services for the cause of the working class. He Akhilesh Singh to speak only to the extent why Question served in different trade union organisation in various Hour be suspended. Others may take their seats please. capacities. He founded the J.P. Institute of Trade Union [Translation] Education and Research at Garden Reach, Kolkata with the objective of imparting education to the trade union KUNWAR AKHILESH SINGH (Maharajganj. U.P) ; Mr. workers. He also served as the educator of International Speaker, Sir, the ruling party and its allies are increasingly Transport Workers' Federation. London for Asia Pacific promoting the corrupt practtees ever since they assumed Region. power at the Centre. Not only the entire country but the Shri Biswas was the Vice-President of All India entire world is aware about the Tehlka episode. Similarly Railwayman's Federation, New Delhi. He also served as the Chief Minister of U.P. Mayawati. ...(Intemjptions) the President of South Eastern Railwayman's Union. DR. VIJAY KUMAR MALHOTRA (South Delhi) ; Mr. A person with a spiritual bent of mind, Shri Biswas Speaker, Sir, I am on a point of order. ...(Interruptions) a member of the Divine Life Society founded by Swamy Shivanand (Rishikesh) and was also the President of West MR. SPEAKER : Akhileshji, please resume your seat. Bengal Divine Life Society. He is on a point of order. Shri J.M. Biswas passed away on 30 January, 2003 (Interruptions) at Kolkata, West Bengal at the age of 77. SHRI RAMJI LAL SUMAN (Firozabad) : Mr. Speaker, We deeply mourn the loss of this friend and I am sure Sir, there is no point of order during Zero Hour. It is a very the House would join me in conveying our condolence to serious issue. The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh the bereaved family. Mayawati. ...(Interruptions) Submissions by MARCH 4, 2003 Members [English] [English] DR. VIJAY KUMAR MALHOTRA : Sir, I am on a point MR. SPEAKER : I have permitted Kunwar Akhilesh of order. ...(Interruptions) Singh to speak because he has given me a notice for suspension of the Question Hour He is only arguing to MR. SPEAKER : Please take your seats, he is on a the extent as to why he wants the Question Hour to be point of order. suspended. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) [Translation] SHRI RASHID ALVI : He is not arguing to that extent. DR. VIJAY KUMAR MALHOTRA ; Mr. Speaker, Sir, \ am He is talking about U.P. ...(Interruptions) on a point of order. ...(Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER : I will ask Kunwar Akhilesh Singh to My point of order is that Dr. Raghuvansh Prasad Singh speak as to why the Question Hour should be suspended. had proposed during the meeting convened by you that hon. Members would give in writing the allegations of (Intemjptions) corruption, they seek to level against a person who is not MR. SPEAKER ; I have not suspended the Question a Member of the August House besides making available Hour and not allowed another discussion. Let him speak all the relevant documents and the latter would be first. forwarded to the concerned hon. Minister subject to your satisfaction. Shh Shivraj V. Patil had also endorsed the [Translation] same and you had also stated that the allegations against Akhileshji. you may continue with your submission. a person, not a Member of the House, should not be First, let me listen his point of view. levelled. ...(Interruptions) SHRI RASHID ALVI : Sir, 1 don't have any objection. SHRI RAMJI LAL SUMAN Mr. Speaker, Sir. My only submission is that you please also give me time ...(Interruptions) to speak after he concludes. ...(Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER : I have given an opportunity to Kunwar Akhilesh Singh to express his views. You please resume [English] your seat. MR. SPEAKER : Shri Rashid AIvi, you are a very DR. RAGHUVANSH PRASAD SINGH (Vaishali) : Mr. decent Member Please sit down. [Translation] There is no Speaker. Sir, the Chief Minister has stated that every M.P. need to create pandemonium in the House. gets a cut from MPLADS funds. ...(Interruptions) SHRI RASHID ALVI : Mr Speaker. Sir, State matters SHRI SAIDUZAMMA (Muzzaffarnagar) : Mr Speaker, can not be raised here so, how can this matter be raised Sir. the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh has levelled here. ...(Interruptions) allegations against all the M.Ps. ...(Interruptions) SHRI RAMJI LAL SUMAN : Mr Speaker, Sir the Chief SHRI RASHID ALVI (Amroha) : Mr Speaker.
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