Index Admiralty Dock 166 Bishu shanzhuang 避暑山莊 88 Agricultural Experimentation Site nongshi bochuan剝船 125, 126 shiyan suo 農事實驗所 97 Bodde, Derk 295, 299 All-Hankou Guild Alliance Ge huiguan Bodolec, Caroline 28 各會館公所聯合會 gongsuo lianhe hui 327 bondservants 79, 82, 229, 264 Amelung, Iwo 88, 89 booi 264 American Banknote Company 237, 238 bound labour 60, 349 American Presbyterian Mission Press 253 Boxer Rebellion 143, 315, 356 Amoy. See Xiamen Bradstock, Timothy 327, 330, 331 潮州庵埠廠 Anfu, Chaozhou prefecture 188 brass utensils 95 Anhui 79, 120, 124, 132, 138, 139, 141, 172, 196, Bray, Francesca 25, 28, 317 249, 325, 342 bricklayers zhuanjiang 磚匠 91 安慶 Anqing 138 brickmakers 113 apprentices 99, 101, 102, 329, 333, 336, 337, 346 British Columbia 174 Arsenal 137, 146 brocade weavers 334 Arsenal wages 197, 199 Brokaw, Cynthia 28, 247, 248, 250, 251, 252, 255, artisan households 52 270, 274 artisan registration 94, 95 Brook, Timothy 62 匠体 artisan style jiangti 231 Bureau for Crafts gongyi ju 工藝局 97 Attiret, Denis 254, 269 Bureau for Weights and Measures quanheng Audemard 159, 169 duliang ju 權衡度量局 97 Auditing Office jieshen ku 節慎庫 75 Bureau of Construction yingshan qingli si 營繕 清吏司 74, 77, 106, 111, 335 baitang’a 栢唐阿 263 Bureau of Forestry and Weights yuheng qingli bang 幫 323, 331, 338, 342, 343 si 虞衡清吏司 74, 77 banner 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 278 Bureau of Irrigation and Transportation dushui baofang 報房 234 qingli si 都水清吏司 75, 77 baogongzhi 包工制 196 Burger, Werner 28, 77 baogong 包工 112 Burgess, John S. 29, 326, 330, 336, 338 Baoquan ju 寳泉局 78, 107 Butterfield and Swire Company 130 Baoshun 寳順 128 buyi布衣 276 baotou 包頭 329 綵紬庫 baoyi jiang 包衣匠 82 caichou ku 75 財神會 Baoyuan ju 寳源局 74, 77, 106 Caishen hui 337 彩子匠 baqi dutong 八旗都統 83, 107 caizi jiang 91 踹布匠 Bei changjie 北長街 80 calenderers 332 bei hao 北號 127 California School 23, 24, 40 Beihe 北河 131 candle makers 334 beijiang 北匠 82 Canton 96, 100, 137, 138, 142, 159, 165, 166, 170, Beijing shanhou gongyi ju 北京善後工藝局 315 196, 233, 249, 252, 253, 271, 277, 306, 322, 323, Beiyang 236 329, 338, 345, 352 操兵者 Beiyang guanbao 北洋官報 236 cao bing zhe 305 漕船志 Beiyang Official Newspaper Office 237 Caochuan zhi 183 Beiyang tiegui guanlu zongju 北洋鐵軌官路 Caofang chuan 漕舫船 125 總局 237 Cao Yin 曹寅 229, 232, 264 benye 本業 295 Capital Apprentice Training Office jingshi yitu 京師藝徒學堂 Bergère, Marie-Claire 300 xuetang 97 biaojiang 裱匠 264 Capital Business School jingshi shiye xuetang 京師實業學堂 binders 223, 265, 266, 270, 271, 272, 274, 278 97 bingjiao 冰窖 75 392 STATE AND CRAFTS IN THE QING DYNASTy (1644-1911) Capital Craft Office shoushan gongyi suo 首善 Commercial Journal Office shangbao guan商 工藝所 97 報館 97 capitalism 29 Commercial Law Office shanglü guan 商律館 97 captive slaves 55 Commercial Press Shangwu yinshuguan 商務 carpenters 264, 266 印書館 233, 237, 248 carpenters mujiang 木匠 90 Company Law 98 carpentry shop 112 Company Registration Bureau gongsi zhuce ju 公司註冊局 Castiglione, Giovanni 254 97 caulker 艌匠 188, 194 copper 74, 81, 87, 91, 95 censorship 247, 256, 257 coppersmiths 352 chaku 茶庫 80 copyists 256, 273 Chambers of Commerce 321, 325, 339, 355 corvée 47, 52, 55, 59, 61, 70, 94, 349 軍機處 Changsha 324, 333, 338 Council of State junji chu 72 Chaozhou 潮州 329 Couper shipyard 165 武備 character carvers 223, 256, 257, 261, 264, 265, Court of Imperial Armaments wubei yuan 院 266, 270, 271, 272, 274, 275, 278 81, 83, 105, 106 character carvers, female 272, 274, 275 Coxinga. See Zheng Chenggong character carvers’ guilds 333 craft guilds 338, 345, 355 character carvers, literati 276 creative bookkeeping 90 刻字匠 character carver 188 大沽 Chen Bi 陳璧 99 Dagu 138 陈朝勇 dali si 大理寺 73 Chen Chaoyong 90 當行 Chen Chi 陳熾 310, 358 danghang 50 dangpiao 當票 261 Chengdu 249, 250, 270, 340 黨 Chenggong shiyi 城工事宜 93 dang 338 澄海 Daoguang 88, 89, 113, 158 Chenghai 161 大清寳鈔 Chen Hongmou 陳宏謀 87, 170 Da Qing baochao 236 Da Qing yinshuawu zhuanlü 大清印刷物專 Chen Qingmen 陳慶門 305 律 277 Chen Shiqi 陳詩啓 29 Deng, Kent 49, 164 Chen Xiqing 陳耆卿 297 Dengzhou 登州 163 Chia, Lucille 28, 247 de Weerdt, Hilde 247 child labour 272, 274 殿本 China Merchants’ Steam Navigation Company dianben 214, 232 輪船招商局 dichao 邸鈔 234 131 丁丙 China Merchants’ Steam Navigation Company Ding Bing 232, 233 定陵 輪船招商局 98, 130, 170 Dingling 112 丁日常 chong bing 充兵 301 Ding Richang 199 軍器監 Chongde gongsuo 崇德公所 332 Directorate for Armaments junqi jian 51 崇明沙 Directorate for Construction jiangzuo jian 將 Chongming sha 128 作監 Chongming 崇明 134, 161, 163 51 Chongqing 163, 193, 249, 250, 270, 324, 327 Directorate for Imperial Manufactories 51 Directorate of Waterways dushui jian 都水監 51 Chow Kai-wing 28, 247 斛手 ciku 瓷庫 80, 117 dock workers 128 慈寧宮 Dongjia hang 東家行 338 Cining gong 81 多爾袞 cise 次色 118 Dorgon 215 dougan’er ban 豆干兒版 235 civilian artisan households 56 龍江船廠 Cixi 慈禧 71, 98, 99, 109, 353 Dragon River Shipyard 187, 190, 195 Drège, Jean-Pierre 248 clocks 93 鍛工 cloisonné 81, 93 duangong 330 Duchang 都昌 342 CMSNC. See China Merchants’ Steam Naviga- 周公 tion Company Duke of Zhou 307 coir palm worker 棕匠 188 Dunstan, Helen 24, 26 都水監 See Collected Statutes 132, 134, 136, 169, 171, 172, dushui jian . Directorate of 173, 190 Waterways INDEX 393 dushui qingli si 都水清吏司. See Bureau of fu 夫 188 Irrigation and Transportation fu 富 305 Dutch guilds 326 duzhi bu 度支部. See Ministry of FinanceMin- Gamble, Sidney 29, 338 istry of Finance Gansu 235 Duzhi bu yinshua ju 度支部印刷局 234 ganzeng chuan 趕繒船 182 Gaochang miao 高昌廟 139 earth pounders hangwo jiang 夯硪匠 47, 91 Gao Tongxuan 高桐軒 276 Eberhard, Wolfram 299 geng jing jia shi 耕經稼史 274 egg ship Danchuan 蛋船 128 Gengzhi tu 耕織圖 275 Eight Banners 79, 98, 131 German guilds 326 embroiderers xiuzuo 綉作 77 Ge Yuanrui 葛元瑞 163 Embroidery Office 51 Ge Yuanxiang 葛元祥 163 enamel 92 Giquel, Prosper 141, 144, 145 England 327 glass 92 engravers jianzuo 鋄作 77 glazed tiles 75, 93 European guilds 324 Goldfuss, Gabriele 248 exemplars 217, 228, 233 gongbao 公報 235 gongbu 工部. See Ministry of Public Works fanghuying 防护营 195 Gongcheng zuofa 工程做法 86 fangku 房庫 80 gongmen chao 宮門鈔 234, 236 fanjiang 番匠 50 Gong shang tongye gonghui fa shixing xice 工 Farnham & Co. 165, 166 商同業公會法施行細則 339 Farr, James 38, 355 Gong shang tongye gonghui fa 工商同業公會 female artisans 317 法 339 Fengcheng 豐城 343 gongsheng 貢生 263 Feng Junguang 馮焌光 170, 199 gongsuo 公所 322, 323, 329, 330, 342 Fengtian 134, 136, 158, 159, 163, 164, 324 Gongye xuetang 工業學堂 146 Feng Yingjing 馮應京 297 gongyi chang 工藝厰 46 Feuerwerker, Albert 37, 313, 357 gongyi ju 工藝局 46 fish peddlers 336 Gongyi xuetang 工藝學堂 146 five human relationships 293 gongyi zhuanxi suo 工藝傳習所 46 Flath, James 248, 276 gongyi 工役 (corvée) 46 Forbidden City zijin cheng 紫禁城 79, 84, 214, gongyi 工藝 (crafts) 45 262 Gong Zhenlin 龔振麟 170 Foshan 佛山 96, 249, 271, 322 Gong Zizhen 龔自珍 298 four occupational groups simin 四民 43, 46, gong 工 45, 55, 261, 268, 295, 296, 301, 308 293, 294, 295, 296, 301, 308, 311, 312, 318, 354 grain ships 149 French Revolution 319 Grand Canal 123, 124, 126, 127, 130, 136, 322, 325 Fuchun/Qiantang River 富 春 江 ,錢 塘 江 163 Grand Secretariat neige 内閣 72, 234 Fujian 76, 79, 87, 90, 96, 100, 113, 133, 135, 138, Grand Storage Office guangchu si 廣儲司 80, 158, 159, 165, 168, 172, 173, 174, 183, 184, 188, 81, 83, 105, 106, 117 189, 194, 198, 222, 228, 235, 247, 248, 249, 271, Great Divergence 25, 40 324, 325, 329, 342 Green Standards lü/luying 綠營 131 Fujian chuanzheng ju 福建船政局 137 Gross, Charles 327 Fujian Navy Yard 76, 137, 147, 166, 194, 195, 199, guanbao 官報 235 201, 233, 316 guan che chu 官車處 74 Fujian Navy Yard School 353 guanfan 官飯 267 Fujian sheng waihai zhanchuan zeli 福建省外 Guang changli zhuangzao lunchuan chang 廣 海戰船則例 172 常利装造輪船厰 167 furen 夫人 306 guangchu si 廣儲司. See Grand Storage Office Fuxi 伏羲 307 Guangdong 79, 96, 133, 135, 158, 159, 165, 168, Fuzhou 撫州 342 169, 172, 173, 188, 196, 228, 232, 233, 234, 235, Fuzhou 福州 196 394 STATE AND CRAFTS IN THE QING DYNASTy (1644-1911) 237, 245, 249, 251, 270, 271, 323, 324, 325, 329, Higher Agricultural School gaodeng nongye 342, 343 xuetang 高等農業學堂 97 Guangdong shixue guan Guangdong School for Hinton 124 Practical Studies 廣東實學館 144 Hohhot 324 Guang fangyan guan 廣方言館 146 Hong Kong 131, 145, 165, 196, 197 Guangxi 235, 271, 324, 333 Hongkou 虹口 131, 139 Guangxu 89, 98, 109 Honglu si 鴻臚寺 276 Guangya shuju 廣雅書局 232 Ho Ping-ti 299 guanjiang 官匠 82 houyuan zaozuo suo 後苑造作所 51 guanlun xuetang 管輪學堂 145 huajiang 畫匠 264 guan shuju 官書局 231 Huangdi 黃帝 307 guanyao 官窯 116 Huang Lizhong 黃利中 276 Guanzi 294 Huang, Philip C.C. 24 guan 官 45 Huangpu River 黃浦江 139, 163, 165, 200 guild registration 335 Huangpu 黃埔 138, 144, 161 guilds 94, 102, 275 Huang Zhonghui 黃中慧 315 Guizhou 235, 254 Huang Zongxi 黄宗羲 297 gui 貴 305 huapao zuo 花炮作 81 Gujin tushu jicheng 古今圖書集成 168, 219, Hua Sui 華燧 222 221, 222, 224, 253, 259, 263, 277, 285, 352 Hubei 79, 120, 124, 126, 133, 137, 158, 163, 232, Gu Minghai 顧明海 165 235, 237, 324, 338, 342 Gu nan shuyuan 古南書院 343 Hubei guanbao 湖北官報 236 Guo Fenglin 郭鳳林 112 hubu 戶部.
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