E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, MAY 16, 2016 No. 77 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was waste, has hosted dozens of Feeding the to the grocery store and live solely off called to order by the Speaker pro tem- 5000 events in cities across the globe. of foods that would have been thrown pore (Mr. WOMACK). I am pleased to see so many local away. Jen and Grant were able to find f partners—including government agen- an abundance of perfectly safe and cies, charitable organizations, NGOs, healthy food available for consumption DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO industry, and chefs—joining together that would have been thrown away. TEMPORE to call attention to food waste, because It is exciting to see new partnerships The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- the truth of the matter is we will need forming to study food waste and find fore the House the following commu- all of these partners working together ways to use this perfectly good food to nication from the Speaker: to solve the issue of food waste. reduce hunger in our communities. One WASHINGTON, DC, Last year, the USDA announced their such private-public collaboration, May 16, 2016. first ever food waste reduction goal, ReFED, has brought together over 30 I hereby appoint the Honorable STEVE calling for a 50 percent reduction in business, government, and NGO leaders WOMACK to act as Speaker pro tempore on food waste by 2030. USDA is working committed to wide-scale solutions to this day. with charitable organizations, faith- U.S. food waste. PAUL D. RYAN, based groups, and the private sector, In March 2016, ReFED released a Speaker of the House of Representatives. and I believe this goal is 100 percent Roadmap that charts the course for a f achievable. 20 percent reduction of food waste American consumers, businesses, and MORNING-HOUR DEBATE within a decade. The Roadmap calls for farms spend an estimated $218 billion farmers to reduce unharvested food and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- per year growing, processing, trans- create secondary markets for imperfect ant to the order of the House of Janu- porting, and disposing of food that is produce. It calls on manufacturers to ary 5, 2016, the Chair will now recog- never eaten. Up to 40 percent of all food reduce inefficiencies, make packaging nize Members from lists submitted by grown is never eaten; 40 to 50 million adjustments, and standardize date la- the majority and minority leaders for tons of food is sent to landfills each beling. It calls on food service compa- morning-hour debate. year, plus another 10 million tons is nies to further implement waste track- The Chair will alternate recognition left unharvested on farms. This food ing and incorporate imperfect produce between the parties, with each party waste translates into approximately and smaller plates into restaurants. It limited to 1 hour and each Member 387 billion calories of food that went urges the Federal Government to other than the majority and minority unconsumed. With 50 million Ameri- strengthen tax incentives for food do- leaders and the minority whip limited cans—including 16 million children— nations and consider standardized date to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- struggling with hunger every year, labeling legislation. bate continue beyond 1:50 p.m. these are startling figures. f We know food waste occurs through- The good news is that many in the out the supply chain, from harvesting industry are already taking steps to END HUNGER NOW to manufacturing, to retail operations dramatically cut down on wasted food The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and consumer habits. But we must do by implementing robust donation pro- Chair recognizes the gentleman from more to reduce food waste at every grams. For example, Starbucks re- Massachusetts (Mr. MCGOVERN) for 5 stage, recover food that would other- cently announced it will soon scale up minutes. wise have been wasted, and recycle un- its successful food donation pilot pro- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, thou- avoidable waste as animal feed, com- gram nationwide. In partnership with sands of people will gather in Wash- post, or energy. the Food Donation Connection and ington, D.C., this weekend for Feeding Thankfully, there is already a lot of Feeding America, Starbucks will do- the 5000, an event designed to bring great work being doing to raise aware- nate unsold food from more than 7,000 awareness to the issue of food waste. ness about the problem of food waste. company-operated stores—salads, sand- Participants will be served a com- Just last week, I attended a screening wiches, and other refrigerated items— munal meal made entirely out of food of the documentary film called ‘‘Just to the Feeding America food bank net- that would otherwise have been dis- Eat It’’ at Amherst Cinema, organized work. By 2021, that amounts to almost carded—in other words, wasted. Since by The Food Bank of Western Massa- 50 million meals. 2009, Feedback, a global environmental chusetts. ‘‘Just Eat It’’ follows a cou- Our college campuses are also step- organization working to end food ple, Jen and Grant, as they stop going ping up. Both the Campus Kitchens b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2389 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:33 May 17, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16MY7.000 H16MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2390 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 16, 2016 Project and the Food Recovery Net- Beyond Award from the U.S. Depart- Pursuant to clause one, rule I, the work will work with college dining fa- ment of Defense. This award recognizes Journal stands approved. cilities and students to provide hunger employers who have gone above and be- f relief in their local communities. In yond the legal requirements of sup- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE my congressional district, Becker Col- porting Guard and Reserve employees, lege, Holy Cross College, Smith Col- often by giving nonrequired benefits. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the lege, the University of Massachusetts The role of a Reserve member is gentleman from Michigan (Mr. KILDEE) Amherst, and Worcester Polytechnic critically important to national secu- come forward and lead the House in the Institute all have campus food recov- rity, but it is a job with an uncertain Pledge of Allegiance. ery initiatives. future. Thankfully, the Monticello Mr. KILDEE led the Pledge of Alle- Over the past 35 years, Feeding plant fully welcomes the work ethic, giance as follows: America has demonstrated an out- leadership, and applied knowledge vet- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the standing commitment to ensuring food erans can bring to a position. United States of America, and to the Repub- that would otherwise have been wasted Those who serve and sacrifice to keep lic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. makes its way to food banks across the our Nation safe not only deserve our country and into the homes of families respect, but also our help when they f in need. There are dozens of other in- come home. That is why Xcel’s com- RECOGNIZING LANCASTER dustry leaders also taking steps to re- mitment to hire our veterans is so im- GENERAL HEALTH/PENN MEDICINE duce food waste by implementing man- portant. (Mr. PITTS asked and was given per- ufacturing upgrades, maximizing har- I commend the Monticello Nuclear mission to address the House for 1 vests, and utilizing recycling initia- Generating Plant for hiring our vet- minute and to revise and extend his re- tives. erans and for assisting employees who marks.) I appreciate the efforts of the Food are serving in the Guard or Reserves. Mr. PITTS. Mr. Speaker, today I Waste Reduction Alliance in bringing Congratulations and thank you to Xcel want to recognize Lancaster General together industry partners to reduce Energy for your well-deserved award. Health/Penn Medicine for being a final- food waste, shrink the environmental f ist in the 2015 McGaw Prize for Excel- footprint, and alleviate hunger in our RECESS lence in Community Service. Lancaster communities. General was the only Pennsylvania Reducing food waste is one step we The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- health system to be recognized for this can take toward our goal of ending ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair honor. hunger in the United States and declares the House in recess until 2 Lancaster General was singled out throughout the world. I am pleased to p.m. today. for its work on community programs see so many partners at every level of Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 9 min- for the chronically ill, the Amish com- the food supply chain taking action to utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. munity, and those dealing with tobacco reduce food waste, but there is still f and obesity issues. more that needs to be done. Let’s solve b 1400 Recently, the health system the problem of food waste, and let’s end launched a community-led effort called hunger now. AFTER RECESS Lighten Up Lancaster that works to in- f The recess having expired, the House crease obesity awareness and weight A FIRE CHIEF SAYS GOOD-BYE was called to order by the Speaker pro loss.
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