OX. the TSIEWS otu" * \ BED BANS and SoRoandlnc Toww ToM Fearlessly and Without BlM ' r •••• VOLUME LXI, NO. 31. RED BANK, N. J,, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2.6, 1939. PAGES 1 TO Asks Council To Eugene McVeigh, Graduates Receive Gift Of Early Annual Meeting A Real Nose Dive Building Loan Shares Diplomas Tonight Delay Payment Attorney, Opens An unusual phenomenon and Manuscript To one that, as far as known has Graduation exercises, .will bs hold Held By Local never bejen duplicated in the for seniors at Red Bank high school Red Bank Of f ice Of $78,800 Mature tonight in tho Mechanic street school To Engineers anals. ot recorded sclcntlflc his- ••- Historical Ass'n Commerce Board tory is said to have occurred auditorium. The guest speaker will The Red Bank Building & Loan bu Rev. Charles, Alexander Ross, pas- Long Branch Resident Is during the high winds of Mon- association announces the maturity Sol Neimatk Says Plant day night last in Old Farm Vil- tor of tho First Presbyterian church Amory L. Haskelf Pre- of the 42d series of its shares Children at Elizabeth. State Chamber Dire Active in Juvenile Delin- lage, the real estate develop-: amounting to $78,000, with 61 jncm- Are Not Yet Completed ment of General Howard S. bors holding 390 shares. Checks will Walter Heppncr, president of the sents an Old Document Gives Talk on Prop Border! at Rumson. be mailed about January 28, Of the Saved As Fire January class, 1939, will give -the for Sewage Syrtem quency Work welcome address, Dorothy Hcmbllnfr There, at the residence of Ma- amount of money Involved, $60,060 of Colonial Days Retailers' Tax represents the invested funds of the the mantle oration, Slguard Thomp- jor S. W. Laird, the winds ap- Sweeps Home son, president of tho June class, 1939, Complaint was registered at the Eugene C. F. McVeigh of 5? parently lifted the weather vane shareholders snd $17,940 represents • The Monmouth County Historical 1 the earned dividends. At the same the rcsponso and Randolph Morris Alvin Burger, director of r^TO,, regular meeting of the Sea Bright Seventh avenue, Long Branch, has from its standard and returned association has just received as a of tho New Jersey State Chamber 1 opened an office for the general prac- time mortgages amounting to $10,800 Ballly the farewell address. Har- mayor and council Thursday night it in an inverted position where House old A. Hcridrlckson, president of the gift from Amory L. HaskoM of Red Commerce, was guest speaker Mi . by, former Councilman Sol J. Nei- tice of law at 65 Broad street, Red matured. With the payment of this it has since attracted the notice series the association has paid ma- board of education, will mnko tho Bank and.New York, In memory of day night at the annual dlnner-mt p-Jirk that complete plans, for theBank. He also has law offices at of, not only the local populace, Badly Damaged Friday presentation of diplomas, The high his father, J.Amdry Haskell, an 18th ing nnd election of directors of'< sewer disposal project have not been Newark. Mr. McVeigh is a graduate tured shares during the'past year l; but that of scientists and in- amounting to $231,100. school orchestra under supervision century manuscript of great Import Red Bank Chamber of Commerce's -filed with the council by the en-o£ Rensaelaer Polytechnic institute, quiries, from several of the lead- •—Fireman Injured of A, Lcroy Baker will play. anse to Honmouih counly. tho Molly Pitcher hotel. The ana; gineers. He asked the council to A- great many persons having ing universities who have pro- Tho Register carried a complete election of officers and appointing hold up payments to the engineers fessed themselves completely shares mature leave the funds with until such time as these plans are Two sick children were rescued story. of.the exercises in last week's of committees win take place «& at a loss to explain it the association in income shares, and 1 meeting next Tuesday night. , ' filed. Louis P. Booz, consulting en- ; and a tlreman was slightly Injured , Issuo. The program' Is as' follows: on December 31, 1938. received divi- Mr. Burger gave a talk on the gineer for the sewers, answered Mr. dends on these shares at the rate of Fridaymorning as fire swept through orcl.mtr.1 nrelml.. "Ttllt. Suite ri. Bui- Nelmark with the statement that all a two-story residenco occupied by Al-I lot," by (iluck Hlch School Orch«.tr« posed thrco per cent gross 3U%. tax on rotallcra of thia state plans have been filed. He said five Every member's investment In thh frcd C. Beck nnd family on Hudson I ProMMlonil mnrth, nclcctnl ::.0r£hutm copies were brought to the council •venue. Damaged was., estimated at j W&* 'rffl"ciMV".t. K^VKT praised Mayor Charles R. Ent, association Is insured up to $5,000 hy $3,000. in and the Red Bank borough COU] • room by himself. Mr. Neimark's pro- Whitney Conrow the Federal Savings & Loan Insur- • Mlmictte, "I) 'Mnjbr Symphony" l>y * test was recorded but no action was Tho flic, according to firemen, I MciEitrt Orchestra for their administration of good ance corporation, an Instrumentality Mantle oration ........._. Dorothy llembilng ornment. In hla position with taken by the council on his request broke out In tho cellar and was dis- 'U«KI»OIJBQ Biguard Thompson Elected For 29th |of the United States government. 1 1 State Chamber, he has had the tB-ftoid-up-the-engineers'—pay—At The various plans offered by this covered shortly after 8:30 o'clock by I Maiden t. of CIAHR of June, 11'39 Mrs.'Beck. Mr. Beck had prepared ''Minuet In CJ" by Beethoven Orclnnlra portunlty to make a survey of all the suggestion of Councilman Thom- "dSsocisllon—foT—syatcmatie—savings- ^jircwclljwhlrenn .....Randolph M. Bnllly communities of Now Jersey and" is-Farrcll, blueprints o! plans for the A$ President are very flexible and arc adaptable "tii-ruiTii'fTthdi ATUr<!(ff,.,.,.Tnrtov, 'XlTiuleir Alexander- ROB* -glad-to-report-that-Red Bank-si, sewers and jetties will ba displayed and profitable for all persons regard- ing-fov hta. duties nt the Bel.„„_„l Tcl. - "Momenl Muslenln" by SctufbtrL.OrchtBtra high In respect to good govcrnme: on the wall of the council room for ophoife laboratories at Ho.mdcl. IVB«ontnUo« «i diplomttij.: .,.............;.. less of the amount of their income. 111011 In concluding hla talk In whlcVl examination by the public. Eatontown, Oceanport The association has prepared an In- Mrs. Beck had been working Jn the Tl^ai of BSaViduJlSw .urged the Red Bank Chamber,, Leon Reussille, borough, attorney, teresting booklet describing the kitchen when she smellcd smoke. She Rorcniomil man-h, »olectoil Orclitatn Commerce to organize strong opj was directed to draw up a garbage Building and Loan Asso- types of shares issued by it, which went to Ihc cellar and. discoverevered sltlon to the broposed tax, Mr. Bu collection contract for one, two and will be g:»»ly furnished to ,anyone clouds of flmolte nnd flames seeping g-er opened ait Informal discussion . three years. , • "• , ciation Elects desiring to invest through a syste- through the partitions. A silent alarm hla talk. Much valuable informatji Mayor Walter J. Sweeney an- matic savings plan or by lump suoi was sent In by Mrs. Beck then she Junior Students was brought to light and all »r«si nounced approval In Washington of Investments in income shares. Immediately-wrapped her small con-;,—i- declared the jinoetlng cxtrerneley - a WPA project for an alphabetical H. Whitney Conrow, mayor of Oceanport and president of the board valcsclng children, Gordon 5, amli In tcrestinjr and, worth while. index of past borough council pro- Betsy, 3 years old, In warm blankets I f ho eesalon was presided over' of education of.that borough, has 1 ceedlngs, which will give employ- been re-elected ' president of the nnd carried them to tho homo of a Harold S. Allen, who reviewed ' mefirioTlvSTneir-for~Bln«--Biontluu— Esiontown—and—Ocean pe*t"4£ulldlng. Donald E. Lawes neighbor, J. T. Bookman. • . i accomplishments of tho Chamber The salary ordinance showed one —A- genci'»4-nlinm--\vfts-lol«iMufB«l I Commerce during the past Jri change. This provides for an In- EUGENE C. P. McVEIG-H Loan association of Enlontown for • President Allen explained that J the 29th consecutive year.' Mr. Con- In for • tho entire flra rtop«rt.mont crease In the salary of Policeman 1824; Notre Dame university* 1926, Is President Of from the box at Broad street and Program to Be Given in Bert Boyer to $140 a month, the row is the only president to serve In tho form of an Act, December fiscal,year of the Chamber haft " and New Jersey Law school, 1930. the association since Its organization Bergen place. Upon qtilclt arrival of 12, 1T78, to defray sundry Incidental 'changed from July to January 1 same as received by the other two (Iremen tlipy Immediately laid hose School • Auditorium — members of the police force. Since his graduation from Notre in 1910. Little Silver "Y" charges, Ihs manuscript enumerates to July being such a busy month,' Dame he haa been actively engaged Other officers who were elected ay and removed n newly 'purchased liv- thoso-which It shall be lawful for (praised the organisation for it» The annual report of the board ot ing room suit from thc-flrn't floor .and' Ross Wiley in Charge health for 1938 was submitted by the in social work, particularly dedicated Daniel S.
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