THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 26, 1858. 5077 London and North Western Railway. lying between the street in Wakefield called West- gate, and the turnpike-road called Wakefield-Ings (Extension to Ossett, &c. ; New Lines between Trust, and also certa:n lands and buildings on the Dewsbury, Ossett, and Bradford, Waken"eld south side of and adjoining the said turnpike-road, and Leeds Railway; Branch at Wakefield; and lying between the said road and the said Purchase of Lands at Wakefield ; Power to use Bradford, Wakefield, and Leeds Railway, near the Bradford, Wakefield, and Leeds Railway, and junction of the last-mentioned railway with the to make working arrangements with that Com- Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway in Wakefield pany ; Amendment of Acts.) aforesaid, all in the said West Riding, and to lay OTICE is hereby given, that application is down rails and form junctions between the said N intended to be made to Parliament in the lands and the railway of the Bradford, Wakefield, next session, by the London and North Western and Leeds Railway Company. Railway Company (hereinafter called " the Com- And by the said Act the following general pany "), for an Act for the following purposes, or powers, or some of them, will be conferred on the some of them : Company. To authorize the Company to make and main- To levy tolls, rates, and duties in respect of the tain the railways following, or one of them, with said railways, stations and works, and to grant all proper stations, works, and conveniences con- exemptions from the payment of such tolls, rates, nected therewith, namely, and duties. A railway to commence by a junction with the To cross, stop up, alter, or divert, temporarily London and North Western Railway, at or near or permanently, all turnpike and other roads and the north end of the viaduct of the said railway at highways, railways, tramways, aqueducts, canals, Dewsbury, in the township and parish of Dews- reservoirs, rivers, streams, brooks, pipes, waters, bury and West Riding of the county of York, and watercourses which it may be necessary to thence to pass in, through, or into the several cross, stop up, alter, or divert, for the purpose of parishes, townships, and extra-parochial and other carrying the intended Act into effeet. places following, or some of them, viz., Dewsbury, Soothill, Soothill Upper otherwise Hanging Hea- To vary or extinguish all existing rights and ton, Soothill Nether otherwise Earl's Heaton, privileges in any manner connected with the lands, Ossett, and Ossett-cum-G-awthorpe, in the West buildings, iand other property proposed to be pur- Riding of the county of York, and to terminate in chased, or taken, or interfered with for the pur- a field belongingjto Joshua Whittaker, and in the poses aforesaid, or which would in any manner occupation of Joshua Wilson, and adjoinging a impede or interfere with any of the objects afore- certain road called or known by the name of said, and to confer other rights and privileges ; Intake-lane, in the township of Ossett otherwise and by the said Act power will be sought to Ossett-cum-Gawthorpe and parish of Dewsbury enable the Company to run over and use, with aforesaid. their engines, carriages, and waggons, so much of the railway of the Bradford, Wakefield, and Leeds A railway to commence by a junction with the Railway Company as lies between the proposed last-mentioned intended railway at its proposed junctions of the second mentioned intended rail- terminus near Intake-lane aforesaid, thence to way with the Bradford. Wakefield, and Leeds pass in, through, or into the several parishes, Railway, and the termination of such last-men- townships, and extra-parochial or other places tioned railway at Wakefield, and to use the station following, or some of them, viz., Dewsbury, there of the Bradford, Wakefield, and Leeds Wakefield, Ossett, Osset-cum-Gawthorp, Alver- Railway Company, and to use all or any of the thorpe, Alverthorpe-cum-Thornes, Alverthorpe- stations, watering places, sidings, platforms, book- cum-Thorpe, Wrenthorpe, and Stanley-cum- ing or other offices, warehouses, buildings, or Wrenthorpe, and to terminate by a double junc- other conveniences belonging to the Bradford, tion with the Bradford, Wakefield, and Leeds Wakefield, and Leeds Railway Company between Railway, one of such junctions being in or near the places before mentioned, and to fix and deter- to a certain garden belonging to George Lane mine the rates, tolls, and charges which shall be Fox, Esquire, and in the occupation of George paid for the use of such portions of the said several Roberts and Joseph Roberts, in the township of railways, stations, works, and conveniences, or any Wrenthorpe otherwise Stanley-cum-Wrenthorpe of them ; and, if need be, to alter the tolls, rates, and parish of Wakefield, and the other of such and charges now leviable in respect of the said junctions near to a certain field belonging to the Bradford, Wakefield, and Leeds Railway. Bradford, Wakefield, and Leeds Railway Com-: pany, and in the occupation of Jabez Briggs, in And by the said Act power will be sought to the township of Wrenthorpe otherwise Stanley- enable the Company and the Bradford, Wakefield, cum-Wrenthorpe and parish of Wakefield. and Leeds Railway Company to enter into and to carry into effect such contracts or arrangements aa A railway to commence by a junction with the may be agreed upon for the working, manage- Bradford, Wakefield, and Leeds Railway, about ment, maintenance, and use by the Company of fifty yards south of the booking offices at Wake- all or any portion of the railways, stations, and field, belonging to the Bradford, Wakefield, and works of the Bradford, Wakefield, and Leeds Leeds Railway Company, and to terminate at or Railway Company, and for the interchange, work- near the junction of that railway with the Lan- ing, and direction of the traffic upon or over such cashire and Yorkshire Railway, in the land at railways or any of them, and upon or over the Wakefield proposed to be purchased by the Com- railways of the Company, and for the use on the pany as hereinafter mentioned, all in the town said railways, or any portion of them, of the and parish of Wakefield. engines, carriages, trucks, and waggons of the To enable the Company to purchase by com- Company, and for the payment and also the divi- pulsion or agreement lands and buildings for sion or apportionment between the same Com- station and other purposes connected with the panies of the tolls, rates, and charges received in railways and works of the Company, and also cer- respect of such traffic, and of the costs and expenses tain lands and buildings in the to\vn and parish of such working, management, or maintenance of Wakefield, near the station of the Bradford, and use, and either entirely, or subject to such Wakefield, end Leeds Railway Company, and deductions or abatements, and after and subject to.
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