ANGELOLOGY - JewishEncyclopedia.com http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/1521-angelology JewishEncyclopedia.com The unedited full-text of the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia - Phrase search: "names of god" - Exclude terms: "names of god" -zerah - Volume/Page: v9 p419 - Diacritics optional: Ḥanukkah or hanukkah - Search by Author: altruism author:Hirsch search tips & recommendations A AACH - ABDI ABDI - ABRA ABRA - ABRA ABRA - ADLE ADLE - AINM AIRE - ALGA ALGE - AMOR AMOS - ANTU ANTW - ARTA ARTA - ASSE ASSE - AZZU B BAAL - BAKH BAKI - BARN BARN - BEAB BERA - BELM BELM - BENJ BENJ - BERN BERN - BIED BIEG - BLUM BLUM - BORN BORO - BROD BROD - BYZA C CABA - CANS CANS - CARP CARP - CEME 1 of 34 7/23/2014 12:42 AM ANGELOLOGY - JewishEncyclopedia.com http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/1521-angelology CENS - CHAS CHAT - CHRI CHRI - COHE COHE - COLO COLO - CORD CORD - CREM CREM - CZYN D DABB - DANO DANO - DAVI DAVI - DAVI DAVI - DEDE DEDI - DENM DENV - DEUT DEUT - DIES DIET - DLUG DLUG - DOSA DOSA - DUAL DUAR - DYVI E EAGL - EFES EFOD - EJEC EKAH - ELEA ELEA - ELIE ELIE - ELIJ ELIJ - ELTE ELVI - ENGE ENGE - EPIC EPIG - ESTE ESTE - EVIL EVIL - EZRA F FABL - FARH FARH - FELB FELD - FEUE FEUS - FISC FISC - FLEX FLIS - FORG FORG - FRAN FRAN - FRAN FRAN - FRID FRIE - FROH FROH - FURT G GABB - GAMA GAMA - GEDA GEDA - GERM GERM - GHIR 2 of 34 7/23/2014 12:42 AM ANGELOLOGY - JewishEncyclopedia.com http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/1521-angelology GHIR - GLOG GLOG - GOLD GOLD - GORD GORD - GRAZ GRAZ - GUAR GUAR - GYMN H HAAR - HAIN HAIR - HAMN HAMN - HARA HARA - HAUS HAUS - HAZZ HAZZ - HEKS HELA - HERR HERS - HILL HILL - HOCH HOCH - HORO HORS - HYSS I I - IBNM IBNM - IBNY IBNY - ILLE ILLI - INDI INDI - INTE INTE - ISAA ISAA - ISAA ISAA - ISAB ISAI - ISPA ISRA - ISRA ISRA - ISRA ISRA - IZRA J JAAR - JACO JACO - JAFF JAGE - JEHO JEHO - JEWI JEWI - JOD JOEL - JONA JONA - JOSE JOSE - JOSE JOSE - JUDA JUDA - JUDE JUDE - JUWE K KAB - KALI KALI - KANA KANI - KASA KASH - KEMP 3 of 34 7/23/2014 12:42 AM ANGELOLOGY - JewishEncyclopedia.com http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/1521-angelology KEMP - KIEV KIHA - KITE KITT - KNOT KNOX - KOKE KOLB - KOSM KOSS - KROC KRON - KUTT L LAPE - LAND LAND - LAZA LAZA - LEMO LEMU - LEVI LEVI - LEVI LEVI - LEWI LEWI - LILI LILI - LIVE LIVE - LOND LONG - LOWY LOWY - LYSI M MAAC - MALA MALA - MARK MARK - MEAS MEAT - MENA MENA - METE METH - MILL MILM - MOND MONE - MOSE MOSE - MOSE MOSE - MYST N NAAM - NAHU NAHU - NASI NASI - NATH NATH - NEBU NECH - NESE NESV - NEUZ NEVA - NICH NICH - NISS NISS - NOSE NOSS - NYON O OAKA - OHOL OHOL - OPFE OPHE - OREG OREN - OSTR OSTR - OZER P 4 of 34 7/23/2014 12:42 AM ANGELOLOGY - JewishEncyclopedia.com http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/1521-angelology PABL - PAPP PAPP - PATT PAUL - PENI PENN - PESI PESS - PHIN PHIN - PINS PINS - POLA POLA - PORG PORG - PREG PREM - PROV PROV - PYKE Q QUAD - QUOR R RAAB - RABI RABI - RAME RAMI - RAUS RAVE - REGG REGG - REPT RESC - RIBA RIBA - RITT RITT - ROMI ROMI - ROSE ROSE - ROTH ROTH - RYSS S SAAD - SAMB SAMB - SAND SAND - SCHM SCHM - SELA SELA - SHAT SHAV - SHUS SHUS - SIMH SIMH - SOLO SOLO - SPIE SPIE - STRA STRA - SZOL T TAAM - TALM TALM - TARR TARR - TEHI TEHI - TENN TENT - THEB THEB - TIBE TIBE - TOBI TOBI - TORT TORT - TREB TREB - TRIW 5 of 34 7/23/2014 12:42 AM ANGELOLOGY - JewishEncyclopedia.com http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/1521-angelology TROK - TYRO U UBAL - UNGA UNGE - URI URIB - UZZI V VAEZ - VANS VANC - VELL VEND - VERS VERV - VINE VINE - VIZH VOCA - VULT W WAAD - WALL WALL - WATE WATE - WEIG WEIL - WEIS WEIS - WESS WEST - WIEN WIEN - WILL WILL - WISE WISM - WOLF WOLF - WOOL WOOL - WYSB X XABI - XYST Y YAAB - YARH YARM - YEVR YEZE - YIZH YIZH - YOMK YOMT - YUSU Z ZABA - ZALI ZALM - ZARF ZARF - ZEBI ZEBI - ZEDE ZEDE - ZEIT ZEIT - ZEPH ZERA - ZIMM ZIMR - ZODI ZOHA - ZUKE ZUKU - ZWEI ANGELOLOGY. Table of Contents Tweet Like Share 188 Instapaper 6 of 34 7/23/2014 12:42 AM ANGELOLOGY - JewishEncyclopedia.com http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/1521-angelology —Biblical, Talmudical, and Post-Talmudical: 1. The Biblical Period: Denomination. Appearance of Angels. 2. Talmudical and Midrashic Literature: Development of Angelology. Embellishment of Biblical Accounts. Nomenclature and Essence. Variety of Angelic Forms. Functions of Angels. 3. In the Medieval Period: The Cabala. Mystical Angelology. —General Historical Development: Postexilic Period: Angelology Systematized. A Heavenly Hierarchy. Four Angels of the Throne. The Slavonic Enoch. The Seven Heavens in the Talmud. Fall of the Angels. Creation of Angels. Angels as Instructors. Mediate between God and Men. Angels of the Nether World. Guardians of the Nations. Conjuring by Names of Angels. Angel Worship. Inferior to Man. Philo on Angels. Saadia, Ha-Levi, Ibn Daud, Maimonides. Cabalistic View. Relation to non-Jewish Religions. Mohammedan Angelology. —Biblical, Talmudical, and Post-Talmudical: Angelology is that branch of theology which treats of angels. Angels (from αγγελōς = messenger, Greek equivalent of the Hebrew ) are according to the usual conception superhuman beings dwelling in heaven, who, on occasion, reveal to man God's will and execute His commands. In one form or another, the belief in angels appears in the earliest stages of Jewish history, and continues to live in the spiritual world of the Jews and those professing the religions that sprang from Judaism; namely, Christianity and Mohammedanism. It can not be denied that the belief in such beings was also held by other peoples and other religions; but here the concern is only with Jewish Angelology, which can hardly be said to have ever been reduced to a complete system, such as is maintained by the Catholic Church (Oswald, "Angelologie, die Lehre von den Guten und Bösen Engeln im Sinne der Katholischen Kirche," Paderborn, 1883). To admit of a comprehensive survey of the historical development of Angelology, the subject may best be treated according to three periods: (1) the Biblical, (2) the Talmudical and Midrashic, and (3) the Medieval. 7 of 34 7/23/2014 12:42 AM ANGELOLOGY - JewishEncyclopedia.com http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/1521-angelology 1. The Biblical Period: Denomination. The Biblical name for angel, , meaning, according to derivation, simply "messenger," obtained the further signification of "angel" only through the addition of God's name, as ("angel of the Lord," or "angel of God" Zech. xii. 8). Other appellations are , or ("Sons of God," Gen. vi. 4; Job, i. 6 [R. V. v. 1]; Ps. xxix. 1 [R. V. margin]); and ("the Holy Ones" [perhaps equivalent to "fiery ones," "unapproachable"; see Holiness. K.], Ps. lxxxix. 6, 8 [R. V. 5, 7]). Angels appear to man in the shape of human beings of extraordinary beauty, and are not at once recognized as angels (Gen. xviii. 2, xix. 5; Judges, vi. 17, xiii. 6; II Sam. xxix. 9); they fly through the air; they become invisible; sacrifices touched by them are consumed by fire; they disappear in sacrificial fire, like Elijah, who rode to heaven in a fiery chariot; and they appear in the flames of the thornbush (Gen. xvi. 13; Judges, vi. 21, 22; II Kings, ii. 11; Ex. iii. 2). They are pure and bright as heaven; consequently they are formed of fire and are encompassed by light (Job, xv. 15), as the Psalmist says (Ps. civ. 4, R. V.): "Who maketh winds his messengers; his ministers a flaming fire." Although they have intercourse with the daughters of men (Gen. vi.), and eat heavenly bread (Ps. lxxviii. 25), they are immaterial, not being subject to the limitations of time and space. Appearance of Angels. Though superhuman, they assume human form. This is the earliest conception. Gradually, and especially in post-Biblical times, they come to be bodied forth in a form corresponding to the nature of the mission to be fulfilled—generally, however, the human form. They bear drawn swords or destroying weapons in their hands—one carries an ink-horn by his side—and ride on horses (Num. xxii. 23, Josh. v. 13, Ezek. ix. 2, Zech. i. 8 et seq. ). A terrible angel is the one mentioned in I Chron. xxi. 16, 30, as standing "between the earth and the heaven, having a drawn sword in his hand." In the Book of Daniel, probably written 165 B.C., reference is made to an angel "clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with fine gold of Uphaz: his body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in color to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude" (Dan. x. 5, 6). It is an open question whether at that time angels were imagined to possess wings (Dan. ix. 21). Angels are powerful and dreadful, endowed with wisdom and with knowledge of all earthly events, correct in their judgment, holy, but not infallible; for they strive with each other, and God has to make peace between them. When their duties are not punitive, angels are beneficent to man (Ps. ciii. 20, lxxviii. 25; II Sam. xiv. 17, 20, xix. 28; Zech. xiv. 5; Job, iv. 18, xxv. 2). The number of angels is enormous. Jacob meets a host of angels; Joshua sees the "captain of the host of the Lord"; God sits on His throne, "all the host of heaven standing by him on his right hand and on his left"; the sons of God come "to present themselves before the Lord" (Gen. xxxii. 2; Josh. v. 14, 15; I Kings, xxii. 19; Job, i. 6, ii. 1; Ps. lxxxix. 6; Job, xxxiii. 23). The general conception is the one of Job (xxv.
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