The 1989 - 1990 International SPEBSQSA Quartet Medalist Sidekicks Also Appearing Prime Alliance Freddie King Master of Ceremonies 1988 - 1989 Northeastern District Champ Of "Oriole Four" & "Pro's & Con's" fame 8:00 PM Saturday, September 8th, 1990 Providence Performing Arts Center, Weybosett Street, Providence, R.I. ORDER BLANK /I of Tickets Amount For information and orders, call or Front Orchestra tickets@ $20.00 = $ _ write to: Orchestra tickets@$15.oo=S _ Loge tickets @ $20.00 = $ _ First Dress Circle tickets @ S15.00 = $ _ Bill Wright Second Dress Circle tickets @ $ 8.00 =S_ C/O Ballooney Tunes After Glow tickets @$ 8.00 = $ _ 1041 Charles Street TOTAL tickets @ Total = $ _ No. Providence, RI 02904 Price includes 50¢ restoration fee to Providence Performing Arts Center. Phone: Day (401) 728-8705 orMast.erVisa Card IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Eve (401) 333-3546 Lou I F~ • I SII«I City SUIt Exp. Date I Zip Please make check or money order payable to: A~ F'1lor.t(Dll,j NARRAGANSETI BAY CHORUS. July/August. 1990 The Volume L, No.4 The Harmoniur (USPS No. 577700) (ISSN 0017.7849) is the ~armonizer official publicalion of the Sociel~' for the Presermlion and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in Amer­ Ica, Inc. (SPERSQSA). It Is published in the months of January, J\!llrch, i\la~', Jul)', September and NOn'lIlber at A BI·MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF 7930 Sheridrlll Rmul, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140. Second­ SPEBSQSA, INC. IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY, c1assposlage paidal Kenosha, WI lllldaladdiliol1111 Ilmiling unlet's. Editorial and adn'rflslng offices lire allhe [nlerna­ Ilonal office. Advertising rates ll\'ailable upon request. Pub· Iisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts or Mtwork. Postmaster: senti address changes Features loedilorialofficesofThellarmoniur, 7930 Sheridan Road, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140 at leastthirt)' da)'s before the next publlcnllon date...... portion of each member's dues is nllocnted to con'r IIle nmgazine's subscription price. Sub­ 4 Tampa awaits barbershoppers at midwinter scription price to non· members Is $12 )'earlyor $2 per Issue. Foreign subscriptions are Sl8 )'early or$3 per Issue. ©1990 cover story by the Society for the Presen'ation and F.couragemenl of Barber Shop Quartet Singing In ..... merlca, Inc, 8 Remembering the Flat Foot Four 50th anniversary of our 1940 quartet champion 10 Steinkamp on communications The Song in this Issue the "dropped member" questionnaire ''I'm In Love With The Mother Of 12 Better ways to score a hit My Best Girl" is a neat, easy-beat song craft by Sieve Plumb from the year 1913, with a clever lyric 18 Pioneer District celebrates 50th birthday twist that saves the punch line fortheend greeting cards from around the world of the second chorus, It's sure to keep 19 Ernie Hills to manage Harmony Services Corp. your audience wondering until you re­ full-time service added veal the secret. 32 Tax law and the Society Egbert Van Alstyne and Gus Kahn IRS changed our way of doing business are two ofAmerica's premiercomposers of popular music, Two of their greatest successes are "Memories" and "Sailing Also in this issue Away On The Henry Clay," Far Western District arrangers Dave Briner and Lloyd Steinkamp collabo­ 16 More Snyde remarks rated on this arrangement and we're confident your quartet or chorus will 20 Barbershop Around the World enjoy singing it. Thanks, Dave and Lloyd, 22 News About Quartets 26 The Way I See It ... CONVENTIONS INTERNATIONAL 1990 San Francisco, CA July 1-8 26 In Memory 1991 Louisville, KY June 30~July 7 1992 New Orleans, LA June 28-July 5 28 Chapters In Action 1993 Calgary, Alber!a June 27-July 4 1994 Pittsburgh, PA July 3-10 34 Letters to the Editor MIDWINTER 1991 Tampa, FL January 28-Febmary 3 36 Swipes n' Swaps-bargains for barbershoppers 1992 Long Beach, CA January 27-Fcbnmry 2 1993 Corpus Christi, TX January 24-31 International Office SPEBSQSA On the cover 6315 Third Avenue Kenosha, WI 53140-5199 The minarets in the foreground are a Tampa landmark, They are part of the Telephone (414) 656·8440 original Tampa Bay Hot.el, built in 1891 by Henry B, Plant. The structure Toll·free 1·800-876-SING now houses the University ofTampa, a private college, and is located across FAX (414) 654-4048 Office Hours: l:l am - 5 IlIll the Hillsborough River from downtown Tampa. The Plant Museum occu­ Monday-Friday (Cenlral Time) pies one wing, (Tampa/Hillsborough Convention & Visitors Assn. photo) Juiy/Augu'l 1990 81minonizer International Officers Interl/aliol/al Hxeclltil'C COII/millec President: Charles ~lcC:mll. P.O. Box 40969, Nashville, TN 372{)..l Vice Pn:sidcnt: Rolx'n l. Ceamal, 416 North Ninth, 1\lascoutah. IL 62258 Vice P(l'sidcnt-Treasurer: Terry Ar:unian, 47/\ Dol Ave­ In "Seventh" nue. Campbell, CA 95008 Vice Pr('sident: Ernie Nickoson, 1702 Cameron Ct., lex­ ington. KY 40505 Immediate Past President: James D. Richarlls, 1459 CI:u­ Heaven mar Ave.. Roseville. MN 55113 byJoeLiles ["tert/filiol/a! IJoard Members Cardinal: Lo...~ll Sh.lnl;. 2413 Slontbridg~. Ro"ling Gr«n, KY Executive Director -12101 C~nlrJI Sl:un: M)"ron lIuhgren, ~SO N. Armour, Wichila, KS 67106 Dj,ie: BOOb)' Wooldridge, HIO· SlhS!.. TuS("al~. AL35-W1 E"ergr«n: John Sh3d&n, 361 NE5th. Hilt\boro. OR 9712~ The challenge of life. ourselves some "unserious" moments. Far WCSl~m: Charltl Hunler. Sr.• 752 BdlomoA\·e.• SUMp·at.:. CA The tongue-in-cheek beginnings of our bridge building lIIinoi~:,-Jim Gr.Jham, 2JO.1 WhilwnCirde, Urb.1na, IL61S01 organization, pleasurable socialization Johnny Apple5«d: John Whit:tl:cr, Jr., 1952 Vicloria 51., CUY3hog3 through woodshedding, could soon be Falls, OH 44222 very man is an island, with con­ lost. What a tragedy that would be! We landO' Lalcs: Clrl Gt':Ihn, N1SS1 Ilwy4449. Ripon, WI 5-1911 necting links to others. Some of :\Iid·Alt.tnli(':CI)'de Taber Ill, 1103 Mill Cre"'; Rd., F:alhIOll, MO must take time to laugh at ourselves and 21~1 E these connections occur by do some nonjudgemental, recreational Nonhcasl~m: Ernie Joh.tn~n, 5~ Robbins Rd., Walpole. MA 02081 choice, some by circumstance. singing. Omario: Bob I'.mler, 159 King 51. 1;, Ulooh'i1l1.'. 0:-: K6V ICI One's first bridge is that between the PiOO«I: F.:ul Rerf)', 21130ClJir·dew 0 .. ~arbom HIS.,:\II ~8127 We must sprinkle into our arrange­ Rocl.;)' :\Iounlain: Fred Wi~sc, 3111 S. H:lIlan 51., Denvcr, CO 80235 unborn child and its mother. After birth, ments some of the exciting, audacious SenccJ Und: Jim H:lSscl, JI6 F.Ilgewood, Gml'e Cil)', PA 16127 our bridge network rapidly grows. We SOUlhwe>lem: Greg F.lam, 7130Challington, Dall:u, TX 752~8 swipes and chord progressions used by Slln~hine; Tim llanrahm. 215 Ilcdgl'\:ocl.; a .. Salellile Rexh. R. are often given the choice to build or to our "four-fathers." What delightful, sat­ 32931 destroy these associations. There are isfying fun can be had! bridges of allegiance and friendship, Let's repair these parts of our bridge bridges for communication, bridges for to the past. Past ["tcmaliollol Pl'fsirlCl/ts Jame.s C. Warner, 6060 I'oplar Ave.. 5uile 295, Memphis, TN 38119 the needs of life and bridges for love and Sharing the present devotion. All require reaching out and Darr)'1 Rilln, 7975 CleHland A,'c" N, Camon, all ~4720 Is your chapter a secret organization Gil LiL'fltol/, 1.'316 F. 5hl 51., Kansas Cil)'.:\IO 6-U3) touching to create a bond. Once they in your community? Public relations is are built, maintenance is necessary to the responsibility of every member. Are preserve the union. you flashing the Society credit card at Affiliate Organizations AUSTR,\UAN ,\SSOCIATION OF :\lEN HARUERSIIOP Considering the big picture, how every opportunity? When your quartet about organizations of people? Within SH,GERS (AM,lRS) John Linlt. Prcsidenl. 8/IS Elsic 51 .• or chorus performs publicly, do singers Walerman, Wcslem AU5lfalia 6010 the barbershop family is a patchwork of sing the right notes, ordothey make a lot BRlTlSIl ASSOCIATIO:\, OF B,\RBER5HOr SINGERS (BABS) miscellaneous, incongruous parts joined Phil JOO('~, Chainnan, 6 Boundary Rood, A,hron!. of out-of-tune noise? Have you taken ~Iiddl..sc." TWI.'i )LU. F.ngland by personal bridges of harmony, paved advantage of the excellent PR materials DUTCH ASSOCIATIOX OF UAKUER5HOP SI1\GERS (DABS) with a roadbed of seventh chords. Our and gUidelines available through the 1lleo ";In Dijlo, I'tesidenl. Mol.. n~lt':l:ll 18. individual bridges effectively bind us and 5211 DR '~-Hertosenbo'>Ch, 'The NCllw:rlands international office? Are you constantly 1\EW ZEALAND A55OCIATIO:-: 01' BARBERSHOP SINGERS allow for the creation of three spectacu­ seeking out those who might enjoy ring­ (N7..ABS,Graharn Nobbs. Pt...sidi'nl, 12 o...V:l1 Ot., Tilir.Jtlgi, AlKloland 7. Ne ..... 7..c..bnd lar collective bridges: ing a barbershop chord with you? Celebrating the past SOCIETY OF 1\ORDIC RARBF.R5HOP SI1\GERS tS1\OUSJ Remember, MEmbership begins with H:uI~ Obu'son. Prc!i6enl, blomrncnhon V. 17. What a rich heritage of songs we ME-what a way to "re-member." 5.(i11 39 N)looping. Sweden have. We are duty bound to preserve Singing in harmony provides a balm them. Through an aggressive program for the troubled soul and an elixir for International Office Staff we extend education about them to the physical and mental health. One of the general public, particularly the younger higher priorities in life is to share thiS JOE:: LILES, EXKuth'e Dir.:-ctor generation.
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