ECUMENICAL MINISTRIES Vol. 34, No. 1 Portland, Oregon of OREGON voice January 2001 Renovated Patton Home Churches work opens with celebration for peace in the n Wednesday, December 13, Norman & Associates; R&H Construction; Inside... 2000, a historic event took place Oregon Housing and Community Services; Middle East at the corner of north Blandena Oregon Corporation for Affordable urrent events in the Middle East O have been the intense focus of the and Michigan streets in Portland, where Housing (OCAH); Concepts in Commu- celebrants were on hand to witness the nity Living; and Housing Partners. CChristian community throughout EMO annual grand opening of the newly renovated “We couldn’t have done it without help the United States. Statements by denomina- dinner: A celebration Patton Home. Despite impending threats from our Patton Home Partners. From its tions and ecumenical organizations, prayer of snow and ice-laden streets, a festive inception they have shared their time, vigils, pastoral visits and humanitarian aid of faith. Page 2. group of supporters cheered as Margaret talent and financial support towards are just a few of the ways that the Christian Carter, president of the Urban League of completing this project,” stated the Rev. community is responding to renewed Portland, cut the red ribbon, symbolizing Reneé Ward, communications manager for violence in Israel and Palestinian territory. the official grand opening of Patton Home. EMO and coordinator for the grand The NCC’s Pastoral Letter Joining Carter were Patton Home residents, opening event. On December 9, an ecumenical delega- past and present board members, and tion sponsored by the National Council of religious, business, and neighborhood A century of service Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. (NCC) leaders. Patton Home was built in 1890 with Event honors the delivered a Pastoral Letter to the Churches Dr. LeRoy Haynes Jr., senior pastor of money raised by 29 women, on land of Christ in Jerusalem and the Holy Land. spirit of Father Allen Temple CME Church and co-chair of donated by a pioneer who herded sheep The letter states, “We have witnessed with the Patton Home Capital Campaign along the Oregon Trail. It was managed for Bertram Griffin. deep distress, sorrow and concern the Committee, opened the afternoon celebra- over a century by the Ladies Union Relief resurgence of violence in the Holy Land. Page 3. tion with an invocation, which was fol- Society of the Methodist Church. Mathew We have heard the witness of our brothers lowed by an official salute from the Buffalo Patton, the original owner of Patton Home, and sisters in Bethlehem, Beit Jala and Beit Soldiers. Holiday carols flowed through the donated the property to the women with a Sahour, in Ramallah and Gaza, of the destruction that has been wrought . we have heard and seen the increase in rage and hate, which destroy the soul as weapons do the body. UFMCC joins EMO. “Therefore, the General Assembly of the Page 7. National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA offers its prayerful support to the churches in Jerusalem and the Holy Land. Recognizing that only justice will bring peace, it affirms the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, and its call for the preservation of the city of Jerusalem Interfaith Advocacy as a open, shared city where free access to the Holy Places and freedom of worship are Day, Feb. 1, addresses Gordon Dickey Margaret Carter prepares to cut the red ribbon at the Patton Home grand opening on assured for people of all faiths. public policy issues. Dec. 13. Joining the festivities were residents, board members, and community leaders. “Our churches have been called upon to support through prayer Christians, Muslims Back page. air as the Humboldt Elementary School stipulation that they use the building to and Jews and all those who are working for Children’s Choir serenaded guests in the provide food, shelter and friendship to true justice and peace, and to convey to main dining room. Charles Jordan, those in need. U.S. policy makers their concern for peace director of Portland Parks & Recreation Today, through the generosity of founda- with justice and reconciliation in the and past president of the EMO board of tions, individuals, businesses and the faith- region.” directors, graciously served as master of based community, Patton Home continues ceremonies. A reception followed, with a tradition of serving people in need. The Prayer Vigil for Middle East Peace food provided Billy Reed’s Restaurant and 110-year-old residential facility offers The Lutheran Office for Governmental beverages courtesy of Hopewell House. home-style accommodations for 63 low- Affairs (LOGA) of the Evangelical Lutheran On hand to extend congratulatory income adults with special needs, as well as Church in American (ELCA) in Washington, remarks were members of the redevelop- 14,000 square feet of meeting space for D.C., initiated the Prayer Vigil for Middle ment team, including Graham, Eberle, community and nonprofit organizations. East Peace to help foster understanding, Continued on page 4 Continued on page 3 ECUMENICAL MINISTRIES of OREGON Interchurch Center Suite B 0245 SW Bancroft Street Portland OR 97201 Non-Profit Org. US POSTAGE PAID Portland, Oregon Permit No. 1327 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 2 Leadership At the crossroads EMO’s annual dinner he Christmas season is that ecumenical worship services and residuals are still with us. In Oregon, as time when I find myself at the common mission continued to be the well as throughout the nation, the to be held Feb. 22 T crossroads of reflection on order of the day. marks of our division are clear. There what has happened during Closer to home, a seems to be little room for consensus, n Thursday, February 22, the past year and anticipa- planned joint annual so how we respond to our immediate Oat 7 p.m., EMO will host tion of the possibilities for conference of regional challenges, such as funding essential its annual awards dinner at the new year. bodies of the United services for children and the elderly, Tigard United Methodist Ecumenical happenings of Church of Christ and the ensuring respect for the civil and Church, located at 9845 SW note during this past year Christian Church (Disciples human rights of all people and devel- Walnut Place in Tigard. Tickets include movements toward of Christ) in Oregon was oping just economic systems, will tell are $25 each, and sponsors may and challenges to the unity postponed because of us much about our faith, as well as our host a table for $250. we seek as Christians and leadership changes at the politics. This annual community celebration will feature a short citizens of God’s world. David Leslie regional level and the My reflections on the past always Celebrative moments were objection by some Disciples lead me to think about the future and video, highlighting EMO’s many. In July the Episcopal Church congregations to the open and affirm- the sacred stories from Scripture that ministries and their accomplish- approved full communion with ing position of the UCC. While there speak of a new day complete with new ments during the year 2000, as Evangelical Lutheran Church in are areas of impasse that need prayerful possibilities for human relationships. well as an Ecumenical Service America. The African Methodist attention, not all is lost. A joint These hopeful images help to temper Recognition Awards program, Episcopal Zion Church and the ecumenism the temptation to honoring individuals, congrega- Christian Methodist Episcopal Church commission of make life’s divisions tions, interfaith groups, and announced that the two denomina- the two regional As we look to the future, we normative, thereby ecumenical and religious organi- tions plan to merge in 2004. Conver- denominational do so acutely aware of the undervaluing the zations for their time, talent and sations between the United Methodist bodies in Oregon cause and power of financial support. Church and the historic African continues to current social and political the ecumenical Nominations will be accepted American Methodist churches contin- meet, and a joint movement. from clergy, churches and ued, and the walls between the national meeting divides in this country. Motivated by laypersons for the following respective denominations seem to be of the two Jesus, who came to awards: Vollum Ecumenical coming down. denominations witness to God’s Humanitarian Award, Ecumeni- Yet amid the celebration were will be held in Kansas City in 2001. call to justice, compassion and unity, cal Service Award, Two Pauls moments of struggle. The release of Outside of the church there are also Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox Award, and Ecumenist of the Dominus Iesus by the Vatican Congre- divides and relational chasms that call Christians continue to seek ways to Year Award. gation for the Doctrine of the Faith for our attention. Recent conflicts in transcend differences, pray and work Requests for nomination created moments of ecumenical the Middle East provide vivid images together. Motivated by the deep belief forms and ticket purchases can be consternation throughout the world. of the need for unity. Fortunately, in that God’s world is all-inclusive, many made via EMO’s Web site at While the content of the document the face of the increasing body count, Christians risk life and limb for the www.emoregon.org. For more was intended for the Catholic commu- there are Jews, Muslims and Christians holy causes of peace and justice. As my information, contact ShaRee nity and stated current Catholic who continue to pray and work anticipation of the future moves Rhone, EMO executive assistant, teaching about the uniqueness of the together in the Middle East, as well as beyond the eve of Christmas and New at (503) 221-1054.
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