See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323854371 Checklist of the Bulgarian Freshwater Fishes Article in Acta Zoologica Bulgarica · January 2007 CITATIONS READS 0 121 1 author: Luchezar Pehlivanov Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 58 PUBLICATIONS 209 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Sturgeon 2020 View project STURGENE - Ex-situ survey to preserve sturgeon genetic diversity in the Middle and Lower Danube View project All content following this page was uploaded by Luchezar Pehlivanov on 26 March 2018. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. ACTA ZOOLOGICA BULGARICA - Lampetra danfordi et L. mariae - DRENSKY, 1935:102. Acta zool. bulg., 57 (2), 2005: 161-190 Danube River basin. Included in the Bulgarian Red Book (1985) as extinct species. In the beginning of the last century it occurred in some Danubian tributaries: Iskar, Vit, Osam, Rusenski Lom (DRENSKY, 1932, 1935, 1951). For the last time it was captured in the Danube River near Ruse (UNDZHIAN, 1964). Checklist of Bulgarian Freshwater Fishes 2. Genus Lampetra BONNATERRE, 1788 2. Lampetra planeri (B LOCH, 1784) - European Stream Lamprey; BG-Rucheina minoga 1 2 Milen V. Vassilev , Luchezar Z. Pehlivanov - Petromyzon planeri - K OVACHEV, 1922:16; DRENSKY, 1930:680; MOROV, 1931:93. European fresh waters. In Bulgaria it was announced for the rivers: Danube (near Abstract: The present checklist includes 154 species and subspecies of fishes belonging to Lom, Oryahovo and Ruse), Iskar and Yantra (KOVACHEV, 1922; DRENSKY, 1951). 98 genera, 46 families and 17 orders. The Latin (scientific), English and Bulgarian names, basic synonyms and some taxonomic and nomenclature changes are given. The areals and Included in the Bulgarian Red Book (1985) as extinct species. Included in the Bern the natural protection status of species according to the Bern Convention, the Bulgarian Convention (1979). Red Book and IUCN Red List are noted. Superclass Pisces Key words: checklist, freshwater fishes, Bulgaria Class Osteichthyes (Actinopterygii) Introduction 2. Order Acipenseriformes In the term freshwater fishes we have included all permanent and temporary inhabit- 2. Family Acipenseridae BONAPARTE, 1832 ants of fresh waters (rivers, lakes, dams and marshes) and brackish waters (mouths of 3. Genus Acipenser L INNAEUS, 1758 Black Sea tributaries and coastal lakes). The pure marine species are noted with the 3. Acipenser gueldenstaedti B RANDT, 1833 - Russian Sturgeon; BG-Ruska esetra letter M in parentheses. These species number 47 from all the 154 recorded taxa. The Basins of the Black, Azov and Kaspian seas. In Bulgaria it penetrates from the checklist includes also specially or unvoluntarily introduced species, whose number is 21. Black Sea into the Danube River for spawning. Valuable species with decreasing stocks. They are noted with the letter I in parentheses. Object of fish-farming. Included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals (1996) The genera within the the framework of the family and the species within the as endangered species. The catch and trade are controlled by CITES. framework of the genus are situated in alphabetical order. The synonyms are presented under the scientific name. The given nomenclature and taxonomic changes after BERG 4. Acipenser nudiventris L OVETSKY, 1928 - Fringebarbel Sturgeon; BG-Ship (1949), DRENSKY (1951), STOYANOV et al. (1963), BANARESCU (1964) and SVETOVIDOV - Acipenser glaber - MOROV, 1931:89. (1964) are made according to works of SVETOVIDOV (1973), MAITLAND (1977, 2000), Basins of the Black, Azov, Kaspian and Aral seas. In Bulgaria it was caught very LINDBERG et al. (1980), WHITEHEAD (1986), RASS (1987), KARAPETKOVA, ZHIVKOV rarely only in the Danube River (STOIANOV et al., 1963; MARINOV, 1978). During the (1995), KOTTELAT (1997), RESHETNIKOV et al. (1997), KARAPETKOVA et al. (1998) and last years it has not been announced in the catches (VASSILEV, PEHLIVANOV, 2003). an internet FishBase. Included in the Bulgarian Red Book (1985) and in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals (1996) as endangered species. The catch and trade are controlled by CITES. Superclass Agnata 5. Acipenser ruthenus L INNAEUS, 1758 - Sterlet; BG-Chiga Basins of the Black, Azov, Caspian, White, Barents and Kara seas. In Bulgaria it Class Cyclostomata (Cephalaspidomorphi) inhabits the Danube River. Valuable species with decreasing stocks. Object of fish- 1. Order Petromizontiformes farming. Included in the Bern Convention (1979) and in the IUCN Red List of Threat- ened Animals (1996) as vulnerable species. The catch and trade are controlled by CITES. 1. Family Petromizontidae BONAPARTE, 1832 6. Acipenser stellatus PALLAS, 1771 - Starry Sturgeon; BG-Pastruga 1. Genus Eudontomyzon REGAN, 1911 Basins of the Black, Azov, Caspian, Aegean and Adriatic seas. In Bulgaria it enters 1. Eudontomyzon danfordi (R EGAN, 1911) - Danube Lamprey; BG-Dunavska from the Black Sea into the Danube for spawning. Till the middle of the 20th century it minoga penetrated from the Aegean Sea into the Maritsa River up to Svilengrad (DRENSKY, - Petromyzon fluviatilis - KOVACHEV, 1922:136; MOROV, 1931:92. 1951). Valuable species with decreasing stocks. Included in the Bern Convention (1979) and in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals (1996) as endangered species. 1Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., 1000 Sofia, e-mail: [email protected] 7. Acipenser sturio L INNAEUS, 1758 - Sturgeon; BG-Atlanticheska esetra 2Central Laboratoty of General Ecology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Basins of the European Atlantic coast, the Baltic, Mediterranean, Adriatic, Aegean 161 162 and Black seas. In Bulgaria it has not been announced in the catches during the last 50 - Alosa kessleri pontica - STOIANOV et al., 1963:51 years. Included in the Bulgarian Red Book (1985) as endangered species, in the Bern - Alosa pontica - WHITEHEAD, 1985:204 Convention (1979) and in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals (1996) as critical Basins of the Black and the Azov seas. In Bulgaria it penetrates from the Black endangered species. The catch and trade are controlled by CITES. Sea into the Danube River for spawning. Valuable species. Included in the Bern Convention (1979). 4. Genus Huso BRANDT, 1869 7. Genus Clupeonella KESSLER, 1877 8. Huso huso (LINNAEUS, 1758) - Beluga; BG-Moruna - Acipenser huso - MOROV, 1931:84. 14. Clupeonella cultriventris (NORDMAN, 1840) - Lake Sprat; BG-Ezerna tritsona Basins of the Black, Azov and Caspian seas. In Bulgaria it is the most valuable - Clupea cultriventris - DRENSKY, 1924:57 sturgeon species for production of caviar. Object of fish-farming. Included in the Bern - Harengula delicatula cultriventris - DRENSKY, 1947/48:19 Covention (1979) and in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals (1996) as endan- - Clupeonella delicatula et C. d. cultriventris - DRENSKY, 1947/48:19, 1951:48; gered species. The catch and trade are controlled by CITES. STOIANOV et al., 1963:49 - Clupeonella cultriventris - SVETOVIDOV, 1973:101 3. Family Polyodontidae BONAPARTE, 1832 Basins of the Black and the Azov seas. In Bulgaria it was widely distributed in 5. Genus Polyodon LACEPEDE, 1797 almost all Black Sea coastal lakes till the middle of the 20th century (DRENSKY, 1951; 9.(I) Polyodon spathula (WALBAUM, 1792) - Mississippi Paddlefish; BG-Veslonos STOIANOV et al., 1963; GEORGIEV, 1967; KARAPETKOVA, ZHIVKOV, 1995). During the Freshwater North American species. In Bulgaria it is an object of fish- last years it was established only in the Shabla Lake (VASSILEV, 1998, 1999a). Included farming. Introduced accidentally in the Danube River. Included in the IUCN Red List in the Bulgarian Red Book (1985) as endangered species of Threatened Animals (1996) as vulnerable species. 5. Family Engraulidae JORDAN, EVERMANN, 1896 3. Order Clupeiformes 8. Genus Engraulis Cuvier, 1817 4. Family Clupeidae CUVIER, 1816 15.(M) Engraulis encrasicholus ponticus ALEXANDROV, 1927 - Black Sea 6. Genus Alosa LINCK, 1790 Anchovy; BG-Hamsia Black Sea subspecies. In Bulgaria it enters in the lower parts of the rivers Veleka 10. Alosa caspia bulgarica (DRENSKY, 1934) - Bulgarian Shad; BG-Rezovski karagyoz and Ropotamo (KARAPETKOVA, 1976; PEHLIVANOV, 1999), and the Mandra Lake (Ouzungeren). Valuable fish. - Alosa bulgarica - DRENSKY, 1934:79; BERG, 1948:146 - Alosa alosa bulgarica - SVETOVIDOV, 1952 5. Order Salmoniformes - Alosa caspia bulgarica - SVETOVIDOV, 1973 6. Family Salmonidae RAFINESQUE, 1815 Bulgarian rare endemic, inhabits outflows and lower parts of the Black Sea 9. Genus Hucho GUNTHER, 1866 tributaries Rezovska and Veleka River (DRENSKY, 1951; KARAPETKOVA, 1975, 1991). Its biology is not enough investigated. Included in the Bulgarian Red Book (1985) as 16. Hucho hucho (LINNAEUS, 1758) - Danube Salmon; BG-Dunavska pastarva endangered. - Salmo hucho - DRENSKY, 1930:680 Endemic species for the Danube basin. Very rare in the Bulgarian Danube sec- 11. Alosa caspia nordmanni (ANTIPA, 1906) - Small Danubian Shad; BG-Harip tion. Included in the Bern Convention (1979), in the Bulgarian Red Book (1985) and in - Alosa nordmanni - KOVACHEV, 1922:108; MOROV, 1931:79 the IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals (1996) as endangered species. - Clupea nordmanni - DRENSKY, 1930:680 10. Genus Oncorhynchus SUCKLEY, 1861 - Caspialosa tanaica nordmanni - DRENSKY, 1947/48:18 North-West Black Sea. For reproduction it penetrates in the rivers of Danube, 17.(I)
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