Hokkaido Business Location Guidebook Outline of Hokkaido 北海道の概要 Hokkaido’s Economy 北海道の経済 Location: Latitude 41° 21' - 45° 33' north Land area: 83,456.58 km2 ■ Percentage distribution of gross product (nominal) by ■Economic data 経済関連データ industrial sector 総生産(名目)の経済活動別構成比 Longitude 139° 20' - 148° 53' east Hokkaido is the country’s largest prefecture, accounting for Item Hokkaido Share of National Fiscal year 22% of the national land area. It is similar in size to countries nat’l total *Calendar year The diamond-shaped area of Hokkaido forms Japan’s Primary Industry northernmost island, and is located at almost the same latitude such as Austria and the United Arab Emirates. Gross prefectural Secondary Tertiary Industry (domestic) product 18,458.4 3.6% 515,857.9 2007 as Chicago, Boston, Rome, Changchun and Harbin. 2 面積:83,456.58km Industry 道(国)内総生産 日本の都道府県の中で最も大きく、日本の国土の約22%を占めており、オーストリアやアラブ首 位置:北緯 41度21分-45度33分 長国連邦とほぼ同じ広さです。 Prefectural (national) Hokkaido 東経139度20分-148度53分 15.5% 84.0% income 13,411.6 3.6% 374,768.2 2007 北海道はダイヤモンド型をした、日本の一番北にある島で、シカゴ、ボストン、ローマ、長春、ハ (fiscal year 2007) 道(国)民所得 ルピンなどとほぼ同緯度に位置しています。 Population: 5,543,961 (as of September 30, 2009) 3.8% Per capita prefectural The population of Hokkaido is approximately 5.54 million, Primary industry: agriculture, forestry, fisheries (national) income 2,408 ― 2,934 2007 which is almost the same as that of Denmark. Approximately Secondary industry: mining, construction, manufacturing 1人当たり道(国)民所得 Tertiary industry: industrial sectors not classified as primary or secondary types, Export 1.89 million people, accounting for more than 30% of Hokkaido’ e.g., retail and services 412.7 0.5% 81,018.1 *2008 s total population, live in the capital city of Sapporo. 輸出額 New York 第1次産業:農業、林業、漁業 Madrid Montreal Washington 第2次産業:鉱業、建設業、製造業 Import Paris 人口:5,543,961人(2009年9月末現在) 1,730.3 2.2% 78,954.7 *2008 Detroit Chicago 第3次産業:小売業やサービス業など第1次・第2次産業に分類されない産業 輸入額 Rome London 北海道の人口は約554万人で、デンマークと同程度です。県庁所在地である札幌市には、そのう Reykjavik Berlin ちの30%を超える約189万人が住んでいます。 Unit: Billions of yen, except for per capita prefectural (national) income (thousands of yen) Warsaw United States Stockholm 単位:「1人当たり道(国)民所得」は千円、その他は10億円 San Francisco Moscow Vancouver Industries: Blessed by a natural environment and abundant resources, Alaska Hokkaido Russia Hokkaido boasts the country’s highest levels of production in agriculture and fisheries, and food processing is a long- established active industry in the prefecture. In addition, many Pacific Ocean A rich source of safe, secure agricultural and companies in the fields of biotechnology and IT have set up China Beijing Sapporo business bases in the region, and the number of companies in Seoul automobile-related industries has gradually increased in recent Tokyo marine products 安全・安心で豊富な農水産資源 years. 産業: 北海道は、その恵まれた環境と豊富な資源により農水産業の生産額が全国一となっており、古くか ら食品加工業が盛んです。また、バイオ産業やIT関連産業の集積も進んでいるほか、自動車関連 Japan’s largest food supply base Fisheries in Hokkaido - an island surrounded by sea on all sides 産業の集積も進みつつあります。 Hokkaido has a cultivated land area of approximately 1.16 Surrounded by three seas (the Pacific Ocean, the Sea of million hectares, accounting for nearly a quarter of the nation’s Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan), Hokkaido has good fishing Climate: overall cultivated land. grounds, including those over the continental shelf spreading In contrast to the hot and humid conditions generally found in the island nation of Japan, Hokkaido is blessed with a cold climate, low The prefecture’s agricultural output in 2008 made up out to the north and Pacific coastal waters where warm humidity and four distinct seasons. The prefecture has Japan’s lowest frequency of typhoon approaches (which can bring wind and flood roughly 12% of the national total with a value of 1,025.1 billion currents blend with cold ones. damage due to rainstorms), putting it at lower risk of natural disaster than the rest of the country. yen. Hokkaido plays a vital role as the nation’s largest food The prefecture’s fishery production volume was 1.41 supply base, producing larger amounts of many agricultural million tons in 2008, accounting for 25.6% of the nation’s total 気候: and livestock products than any other prefecture, including with a value of 280.6 billion yen. This made Hokkaido top 北海道は、高温多湿な日本の中では冷涼低湿で、四季の変化がはっきりした気候に恵まれた地域です。 wheat, soybeans, potatoes, beets, onions, pumpkins, sweet nationwide in terms of both production volume and value. また、暴風雨によって風水害をもたらす「台風」の接近が国内で最も少なく、国内の他地域と比べ、自然災害等のリスクが小さい地域となっています。 corn and raw milk. Some of the major fish catches are scallops, Alaska Hokkaido also encourages the practice of environmentally pollock, salmon and kelp, and the major fishing ports include ■Precipitation Annual mean precipitation ■Four distinct seasons 明瞭な変化のある四季 friendly agriculture (also called clean agriculture) to ensure that Kushiro, Wakkanai, Nemuro, Otaru and Hakodate. (Mean precipitation for the 30-year period from 1971 to 2000) the many farm products delivered to consumers are safe and 四方を海に囲まれた北海道の水産業 降水量 年平均降水量(1971年~2000年〈30年間〉の平均) secure by minimizing the use of chemical fertilizers and 北海道は、太平洋、オホーツク海、日本海の3つの海に囲まれ、北方に広く展開する大陸棚や、暖 synthetic agricultural chemicals. 流と寒流が交錯する太平洋沖などの好漁場を有しています。 London 750.6 2008年の漁業生産量は、141万トンで全国の25.6%、生産額は2,806億円で、いずれも全国第 我が国最大の食料供給地域 1位です。 主な水揚げはホタテガイ、スケトウダラ、サケ、コンブなどです。 New York 1122.8 北海道の耕地面積は約116万haで、全国の耕地面積の4分の1近くを占めています。 主な水揚げ港は釧路、稚内、根室、小樽、函館などです。 2008年の農業産出額は1兆251億円と全国の約12%を占め、小麦、大豆、馬鈴薯、てん菜、た Singapore 2087.1 まねぎ、かぼちゃ、スイートコーン、生乳など数多くの農畜産物が全国第1位の生産量となってお Shanghai り、日本最大の食料供給地域として重要な役割を果たしています。 1155.1 また、豊富な農産物をより安全に、そして安心して消費者に届けるため、化学肥料や化学合成農薬 Beijing 575.2 の使用量をできるだけ減らした環境保全型農業(クリーン農業)に積極的に取り組んでいます。 Osaka 1306.1 Tokyo 1466.7 Spring: Shizunai Nijukken Road lined with cherry Summer: Toyohira River Water Garden in Sapporo Sapporo 1127.6 trees in Shinhidaka Town 夏:札幌市の豊平川緑地ウォーターガーデン 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500(mm) 春:新ひだか町 静内二十間道路桜並木 ■Temperature Max./min. monthly mean temperature (Mean temperature for the 30-year period from 1971 to 2000) 気温 月別平均気温の最高・最低(1971年~2000年〈30年間〉の平均) (℃) 28.3 30 27.1 28.4 27.9 26.3 25.0 25 22.0 26.3 20 17.1 15 10 5 5.8 5.8 4.3 4.4 0 0.3 -5 -4.1 -3.6 Autumn: colored leaves at Daisetsuzan National Park Winter: sky area in Niseko -10 Sapporo Tokyo Osaka Beijing Shanghai Singapore New York London 秋:大雪山国立公園の紅葉 冬:ニセコ町 スキー場 A steadily developing transportation network 着実に進展する交通ネットワーク Transportation infrastructure development is in progress with steady Thirteen airports connecting major cities (Approx. 90 minutes between New Chitose and Haneda) improvements to key highways throughout Hokkaido and air/sea As of December 2009 routes connecting to major cities outside the prefecture. Nine of Hokkaido’s thirteen airports operate direct services to Tokyo’s Haneda airport and to other major cities outside the Major air and sea ports, including New Chitose Airport and the prefecture. New Chitose, Hakodate and Asahikawa are Port of Tomakomai, are being upgraded to prepare for increasing Rebun Airport Wakkanai Railroad international airports with regular overseas flights. New Chitose globalization in recognition of Hokkaido’s important strategic location has flights to nine overseas airports including hubs in China, Wakkanai Airport Expressway sections in service South Korea and Russia, and to relieve congestion in its existing as the part of Japan closest to North America and Europe. Rishiri Airport Expressway sections under construction international facilities, a new international terminal building is The speed of key railways is also being increased, as manifested by being built to enter service in 2010. National highway the opening of the Hokkaido Shinkansen (bullet train) route between 主要都市間を結ぶ13空港 [新千歳~羽田間約90分] Aomori and Hakodate in May 2005, and infrastructure improvement to Tokyo Air route Seoul 北海道内13空港のうち、道外主要都市を結ぶ空港は9空港で東京とは全て直結しています。新千 air networks and highways is steadily progressing. *Chubu Ferry route 歳と函館、旭川は国際空港として海外へ定期便が運行しています。新千歳空港は、中国、韓国、ロ *Kansai シア等の9空港と結ばれているほか、現国際線施設の混雑緩和を図るため、2010年の供用開始に 向けて新国際線旅客ターミナルビルの整備が進められています。 交通基盤整備は、道外主要都市との航空・航路網や道内地域間の幹線道路網の Main ports 充実など着実に進展しています。 新千歳空港や苫小牧港をはじめ、主な空港・港湾で国際化に向けた整備が進め *indicates seasonal operation only. られ、日本で北米・ヨーロッパに最も近いという地理的条件はますます重要に Seoul なっています。 Busan Haboro Nayoro Hong Kong また、2005年5月、青森・函館間で北海道新幹線が着工されるなど幹線鉄 Okhotsk Mombetsu Shanghai Shibetsu Airport 道の高速化や、道内空港ネットワーク・高速道路の拡充・整備が進展しています。 Dalian Beijing Taipei Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Smooth road transportation with mini- Guam Rumoi Abashiri mal traffic congestion Asahikawa Kitami The length of expressways is being increased to Mashike Memanbetsu Seoul Airport further facilitate automobile transportation over Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Asahikawa Nemuro-Nakashibetsu Airport Hokkaido’s vast area. The planned 1,825-km Takikawa Airport network, of which 817 km is already in service, Ishikari Sapporo will connect major cities in southern, central, Okadama Airport New Chitose Airport northern and eastern parts of the prefecture. 新千歳空港 Otaru Iwamizawa Furano 渋滞の少ないスムーズな道路輸送 Tancho 広大な北海道では、高速自動車道等の整備が進んでいます。道南~道央~道 Iwanai Nemuro Sapporo Yubari Kushiro Airport 北~道東へと、主要都市間を結ぶ総計画延長は1,825Kmにおよび、現在 Obihiro 817Kmが開通しています。 Marine transportation facilitating large-scale logistics Marine transportation facilitates large-scale logistics by Ikeda Kushiro New Chitose Airport seamlessly connecting air and land transportation networks. * Tomakomai There are 35 ports in Hokkaido, including the specially Tokachi-Obihiro Airport designated major ports of Muroran and Tomakomai. A total of Oshamambe Setana nine routes are operated between
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