Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, June 21, 2012 OUR 122nd YEAR – ISSUE NO. 25-2012 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS WF Council Approves Fundraiser, Schedules Payment of School Funds By DOMINIC A. LAGANO Ms. Rohwetter continued, “We to solicit funds from the general pub- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader have 91 marching-band students en- lic. WESTFIELD – During its council rolled. The costs are about $27,000. “We anticipate about 45 band mem- conference meeting this past Tues- That is what we’re estimating, about bers out in two shifts, from 9 to 11 day evening, the Westfield Town $300 per band member, and we are a.m., then 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., at about Council approved a request by the trying to offset that cost so families 24 locations around town…they’ll Westfield High School Marching don’t have to write out that check.” just be downtown talking about the Band (WHSMB) to conduct a The WHSMB will compete with competition and why they’re fundraiser in town in September to approximately 30 other high-school fundraising,” Ms. Rohwetter said. alleviate costs related to its participa- bands in the annual USBands A Na- “It’s an absolutely spectacular show tion in the USBands A National Com- tional Championship on Saturday, with just beautiful music. We’re re- petition in November. November 10. ally excited about this.” Tara Rohwetter, the fund-raising She said attendance at the compe- The band members will be easily chairwoman for the WHSMB Par- tition is mandatory for all band mem- recognizable, wearing either their ents Association, was present at the bers, and for that reason, the WHSMB band T-shirts and khaki shorts or their meeting to request the council’s sup- Parents Association sought to defer full uniform and holding their shako port in its endeavor, stating, “The some of the costs for students. hats so the public may readily iden- marching band is going to Annapo- Supervised marching-band stu- tify them. lis, Mayland, in November to per- dents will set up donation centers in The request was unanimously ap- form and compete in the national locations all around town on Satur- proved, although Councilman Frank competition with other high schools day, September 8, of this year (with a Arena was not present for the in the United States.” rain date of Saturday, September 15) council’s vote. The council discussed resolutions pertaining to the expansion, re-strip- ing, signage and other improvements to be made to alleviate congestion at Westfield High School’s parking lot. Julie Shilling for The Westfield Leader According to Town Administrator Jim SCHOOL REPAIR...The Mountainside Board of Education, along with the mayor and borough council, held a conjoined Gildea, “They [the resolutions] have meeting Saturday morning to discuss using tax dollars for improvements to Deerfield School in Mountainside. to be done in July, so in August they can be adopted, so we can put the signs up, so in September when the students come back, the whole plan Mountainside BOE Fights for will basically be in place.” During the regular town council meeting, several resolutions were approved related to financial and other Money for Deerfield Repairs matters. The first resolution con- By JULIE SHILLING “Our statement to you is we are 45,000 students or $15,800 per stu- cerned the scheduling of monies to Specially Written for The Westfield Leader tired of our tax dollars being taken dent. By comparison, the 613,000 be collected by the town for the MOUNTAINSIDE – The and spent on other schools such as students in the lowest funded 289 Sara Magnola-Taner for The Westfield Leader Westfield Board of Education’s 2012- Mountainside Board of Education Newark for improvements, while districts receive $706 million or FUN TIMES…Ponderosa Farm Park at 1600 Cooper Road in Scotch Plains 2013 budget, accounting for approxi- (BOE) and the mayor and borough Deerfield School is turning into an $1,100 per student. That equates to officially opened on Tuesday. The new park includes walking trails, two multi- mately $7 million per month from council held a conjoined meeting urban-style school,” BOE member $9 million less in funding for an purpose athletic fields and farm-themed playgrounds with spray fountains. July 2012 to June 2013. This figure Saturday morning to discuss state Dante Gioia said. additional 568,000 students. does not include the district’s debt school funding and repairs needed at According to the BOE statement, Mountainside is one of the 77 se- service (approximately $2,500,000) Deerfield School. “In an apparent violation of our con- verely underfunded districts receiv- Ponderosa Farm Park to be paid in July 2012 and January At the start of the meeting board stitutional rights, towns like ours do ing less than $500 per student.” 2013. members presented a plea towards not receive a fair share of the school The board members presented a Opens in Scotch Plains The council then approved resolu- Assemblyman Jon Bramnick (R-21, funding. The highest funded town laundry list of improvements tions approving the demolition of Westfield), and asked him for help receives roughly $715 million for its CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 SCOTCH PLAINS – Union grounds with spray fountains. The two houses located at 1014 and 1053 regarding constitutional rights and County and Scotch Plains officials park also has restroom facilities, a Prospect Street and a detached ga- tax dollars for improving Deerfield unveiled the newly completed Pon- picnic area and ample parking. It rage located at 428 West Broad Street. School in Mountainside. In the 2009- Sparks Fly As Vote to Fill SP derosa Farm Park at 1600 Cooper will be maintained by Scotch Plains The council also approved an ordi- 2010 school year, Mountainside spent Road in Scotch Plains at a ribbon- but will remain part of the Union nance calling for the sanction of pos- $14,800 per student, which is less Township Council Seat Fails cutting ceremony Tuesday after- County Park System. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 than the $17,800 state average. noon. “This wonderful new public re- By FRED T. ROSSI which she vacated to fill the mayor’s Prior to its purchase by Union source is the result of a collabora- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader slot. Mr. Saridaki’s name was among County in September 2003, the 23- tion between the community and SCOTCH PLAINS — The township three submitted by the local GOP, the acre farmland property had been the Union County,” Freeholder Chair- Freeholders OK $488 M Republican Committee will meet on others being Llewelyn Jones and Marc estate of the late Norman “Dutch” man Alexander Mirabella said. “On Friday to formally appoint Edward Ginsberg. Sevell, who founded and owned behalf of the Freeholder Board, I Saridaki to the township council after Democratic Councilman Michael Sevell’s Auto Body and Towing on would like to thank all of the resi- Budget; WF Taxes to Jump the council on Tuesday failed to muster Marcus announced he would abstain South Avenue in Westfield. dents who participated in the Ponde- By PAUL J. PEYTON mit homeowners will pay the highest enough votes to name Mr. Saridaki to from the vote on Mr. Saridaki — unlike At the time of its acquisition, the rosa Citizens’ Committee for their Specially Written for The Westfield Leader county tax of $3,994, an increase of fill a vacancy. Mr. Saridaki was already his vote earlier this month to appoint property tract was the largest farm insights and suggestions, which have COUNTY — The Union County $381. The county will collect $30.7 running this year as a candidate for the Mrs. DePaola as mayor. Democrat remaining in Union County. It was played a key role in making this Board of Chosen Freeholders adopted million in county taxes from city council seat. Kevin Glover, who is running for mayor purchased for $10 million with com- project a success.” a $488.9-million county budget last homeowners this year, third highest Moments after former Governor this November, said he would vote bined funding from the Union The park development project, Thursday that calls for $302.5 mil- behind Westfield and Elizabeth. Donald DiFrancesco swore in Mayor against Mr. Saridaki’s appointment County Open Space, Recreation and which totaled approximately $3.7 lion to be raised in taxes, an increase As previously reported, Mr. Mary DePaola to succeed Nancy because the council had not been given Historic Preservation Trust Fund and million, was executed through Turco of $11.3 million over last year. Sullivan said the county faced a Malool, who resigned last month, the the chance to meet with any of the three the New Jersey Department of Envi- Golf Inc. of Suffern, N.Y., with fund- According to information released $36-million budget hole when offi- council turned to appointing a replace- candidates. With three affirmative votes ronmental Protection’s (DEP) Green ing from the Open Space Trust Fund, by the county’s public information cials started putting the spending ment for Mrs. DePaola’s council seat, CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 Acres Program. the Green Acres Program and a small department, Cranford, Scotch Plains, plan together. To close the gap, lay- The new park, designed by T&M shared-services grant from Scotch Summit and Westfield will see in- off notices were sent to 280 em- Associates of Middletown, includes Plains, Fanwood and the Scotch creases of over $1 million in county ployees, 44 of whom were taken off walking trails, two multipurpose ath- Plains-Fanwood Board of Educa- taxes this year.
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