Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 10-28-1994 The iH lltop 10-28-1994 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 10-28-1994" (1994). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 122. https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000/122 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Volume 78, No.9 Serving the Howard University community since 1924 October 28, 1994 Student accounts, loan offices daniaged in· fire . Officials believe electrical fault$ caused fire, arson not ruled out I ey Russell Rickford ttlltq> Staff Writer Fire leaves students No injuries were repor1cd in the l r,,o-alarm blaze 1ba1 guned room 106 of Howard's Mordecai heated, indifferent )obnson Adminis1Ta1ion bu ilding sil:f1)y after midnighl Monday. The All 1he files are intact aod they will &ewas snuffed ou1 in 20 minu1es, ~ Rois Beal keep collec~ng money. Wlien it IUI DOI before it had turned the Hilltop Statt Writer comes 10 gettmg money, Howard is Uaiversity's newly renova1ed S1uden1s • reactions to the always business-as-usual,'' lllldenl accouol headquaners in10 Administration Building fire Jackson, who is 1101 validnled, said. I ciDder boil , earlier this week 1hat destroyed the Senior accouming major Ahmed The driver of a passing Student Accoums Office ranged Ali, who is also no1 vnhdated, felt lllbulancediscovered 1he fire and from shock 10 indifference, wliile thal ii changed nolhing for him. ailed the District of Columbia some were impressed with the "The fire really doesn'1 affect f'1R Department af1er no1icing Adminis1ra1ioo's rela1ively quick me. I don't have the money 10 get .,.._e emerging from a campus recovery. validated right now anyway, so I i.aldi~around 12:15 a.m. = Parshnnda Ray, a sophomore arn·not pressed," Ali said. Ei I fire engines, hauling 65 c . majoring in marketing felt !hat the Unlike Ali. senior Yusef Battle i.-tfign~ers, scrambled in minu1es 'ii ' fire may have actually been a tl1ough1 be would be affected by .In DCFD was notified - 1he e blessing in disguise. the fire. He was worried about a illtengioe company on 1he scene '; ·'The people at the missing S1afford loan. but af1er llri~ three 10 four minutes aner e Administralion buildmg often act speaking wilh a financial aid lciog dispa1ched from Georgia ... very nasty, so it could have been a oTficer, he felt reassured. penue. ~ divme signal. They needed it,'' Ray ''I should be able to get validated After the fire was extinguished, .9 said. pretty soon despite the fire,'' the fire figb1ers reported fha1 1be ~ Olher studenlS were also no1 physical therapy major said S11Jden1 Accoun1s section of 1he SUl])rised. confidently. 6rst floor was completely Above: The chared remains of the newly renovated Student Accounts Office. Brenda Torry. a doc1oral smdem Several students complained of tstroyed. The loan office. loca1ed Total destruction costs have not yet been determined. studying counseling psychology the otinor inconvenience of having iRct[y above Studenl ACC0U0IS thought the extensive clutter she to wall.. ou1 of 1beir way "down the ■ !he second floor, was also Below: Fire related damages sustained on the second floor of the Mordecai W. Johnson saw contributed to the blaze. bill'" to 1he School of !Imaged, sus1aining blown-ou1 Administration Building closed the Student Loan office. "I was not surprised because Communications. I llindciws lhrough wh.ich a charred with all the papers and cords "It has caused a slight e~re.it was only a mauer of inconvenience. but it is no big stlirweU was visible from Georgia deal." Freshman bistor major ~ue. circui1 cameras, which go 10 time," Torry said. I '1bi.s was really jus1an everyday monitors in 1he .School of Ronca Harris. a sophomore Tiffany Harris1on said. "1 guess I I ~; fire fighter Mike Marscio Communications, and those didn't majoring in biology, was sulJlrised could use 1he exercise.'' jilL "When a fire goes 1hrough 1he even work." · and a little disappointed w11h the Studen1 accounts analyst Wilma nit's severe." Carter declined to identify bis Administration. Jones said tha1 studenlS need not ut engines doused 1he source. "You would think that they worry aboul how !he fire will affect Tim Cropps, a DCFD Marshal l would be more efficien1 in 1akin1; 1heir financial records. c1ure until welJ after 1: 15 care of those types of things, "The money and the information Il.lD. 11hile onlookers continued to who exantined the fire scene, has ffllth from lingering smoke. insP.ec1ed the Adminis1ration Harris said, recalling charges that are s1ill in the computer system. I It's a pretty good-sized two- Building and 01her campus tbecauseoflhefire was electrical. We should have no trouble pulling or!' bui£ding of thi,s size," structures in the past. Cro_pps, who But Juan Green. a sov.homore the files back up," she staled. L1eu1enan1 Lee said. considers the Administration majoring I'll radio, television, and Manv students were concerned Ma' r Harvey Armstrong of Building "not unsafe" sincerecent film, was astonished at the :11.x>u1 :fie fate or their loan cllecks. Bill Jooes ~- td::<l UJ(t( the k,:m ,p. University security said renova11ons, repor1s that most of rl!latively quick respon~e or the ~ Adu:io1str.. tion, which relocated chock:, were 001 de!tltoyed. , aJiivestigations of the fire are Howard's architecture is "real old She also 1ried to rea.~sure t!IJelltlY underway, one by and not up to code." Student Accounts to the C.B. According 10 Treadwell, also of Powell Building and returned to s1uden1s who are nol yet ~'3.lidated. ity securi\y, the olher by business as usual on Thursday. "We can still regi$ter 1hem. Bui we At pressnme, bo1h were DCFD, most of the University's would do ii manually," she g s1rongly towards an s1ructures conform only 10 ''lt"s a good sign. Normally. I I: Edlctrical cause of the fire, but antiquated fire codes -as obsolete would ha'Ye expe,;;ted to wait until explained. today as lhe bui !dings are old. at least Monday for them to open Jones added !hat students who llilbcr bad ruled ou1 arson. again. The Administra1ion did submined check reques1s last Ouistopher Spellers, one of the "When you talk abou1 the fire really well this time,'' Green said. Friday, need to come 6ack in and gb1mg personnel on the safety of some of lhe buildings on Many students are simply do 1bem over. said !hat while there was no Howard's campus, you open UP. a "If lhe reques1 was not y_et er system in place in the can of worms;• Treadwell, who indifferent LO the situa1ion. called for a "building-by-building Junior business major Michael processed before 1he weekenil," t accounts area of the Jackson doubted the fire would Jones stated,'' the paperwotk could likting, everylhing else appeared update" of the entire campus, saicf. have burned up." lllie "preny much kepi up well .'' Adminis1ra1ion officials affect collection of fees. Deon Carter, a witness to the declined to comment on the fire "What difference does it make? lie, said he had "first-hand s1andards of 1he Administra1ion iformation" of the contrary. Building, saying 1hat careful company contrac1ed 10 clean and accoun1s office. Cuter, a senior business investigation would have 10 be Bui' a student accounts office underiaken. deodorize the structure by Monday. -.gcmen1 major, claimed thal he ~ Business and Fiscal Affairs 1bat was once s1ocked with a llaiYed "inside Juice" on the scene According to University officials, student accounls has been officers and other administralors mullitude of compu1ers and lia a uniformed Howard securily have yet 10 auach a mone1ary figure cashiers is now no1hing more than IP allicer regarding safely code temporarily moved 10 room C-107 10 1he damage sus1ained in the blackened scaffolding - hardly a liol11ions within the of the C.B. Powell Building. Al blaze, saying thal ii is too early for promising prospec1 for Howard Administration Building. press1ime, S1udent Accoun1s any accurate numbers. Universi1y's scan! coffers. 1 go1 !be word from a reliable Direc1or Brenda Baskerville said According 10 Baskerville, lP ~ tha1 1he sprinkler system the office would be set up by employees were saddened by 1he Marvin' C Bryan, Jr. co111rib111ed ro 11d fire alarms do nol work," Thursday. Oct 27. 106 for quite a while. reb11ill," John Torrence said, ,p Bui concerned siudents should "It win be a long time before the roduction manager for lnrecon loss ofmemorabi lia such as awards this story. Cantr said. "The only security nsurance Recons1ruction, the and pictures as well as lhe studen1 lllelSUrc in place was the closed not expect to be back inside room S1udem Accounts section will be f " THE HILLTOP HU Football prepares to tame Morehouse Tigers after N.C. A&T INDEX should have losl, and now we losl "Af1er the game, 1hese guys were average. BY, Kisha Rlg!)ins one we should have won," Head 1earing the grass up ou1 of !he field The Morehouse vs. Howard Hilltop Staff Wnter Coach Steve Wilson said. and keeping ii because Morehouse civalry is an intense and exciting mpo 1 The Howard University Football The Bison are traveling 10 beating lioward was such a fea1 to one 1ha1i s, acchrding to Downing, ampus 1eam suffered hear1breaking losses A1 lanta 10 play at Morehouse them that they wamed 10 keep it," going 10 set 1he s1age for a big game People B2 Ocl.
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