SayAah Park Avenue at a glance Enjoy the memories At the Childrens Medical Center, kids health comes first Come visit all o f the stores on Park Ave.. East Rutherford I agabomling reflects upon days gone by _________See page 3 See page 4 See page 8 THE COMMERCIAL LYNDHURST'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Published at 251 Ridge Road, Lyndhurst 2 5 4 Second Class Postage Paid At Rutheribnl, NJ 07070 Subscription $9 Published Weeky USPS125420 H e a b e r OF LYNDHURST THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1998 A message from your mayor L.H.S student assaulted by teacher Entering the second year o f our rate to a zero increase. b y J o l y n G a r n e r term, I would like to review the past A ll o f our township departments year's efforts. are as usual working efficiently. A Lyndhurst High School physi­ According to police sources, the statement but he did indicate that To start with, the relocation of The Department of Public Works cal education teacher has been incident began at about 10:30 A M , the student's account was corrobo­ Shop Rite to the blighted, bankrupt under Commissioner Russo is con­ “administratively re-assigned" ac­ after two students were involved in rated by the w itnesses. Penco sight has been given final ap­ tinuing its drive to clean up and cording to Schools Superintendent an altercation in the locker room. The name of the teacher is being proval and construction is immi­ beautify the town. There are still Joseph Abate, after the teacher al­ After that exchange was over, the withheld by The Leader because nent. The owners o f the property areas that must be worked on. legedly assaulted a student last Fri­ teacher was apparently discussing it complaints have not yet been have paid the township $160,000 The Department of Public A flairs in the gym with one o f the students signed. ALL ARE INVITED day. in back taxes. This was based on a under Commissioner (iraffam has The brutal beating o f the 16-year- involved. 4.5 million dollar land assessment. been very busy. The health pro­ All residents are invited to the Abate made it clear that corporal old boy was unprovoked according The other student reportedly When the area is cleaned and built grams being offered are ongoing public hearing for the ordinance punishment is not part o f the cur­ to more than a dozen witnesses, walked over and said something on, the value o f this project will be and the building department con­ to realign Lewandowski Street. riculum at Lyndhurst High School. who told authorities that the teacher like, “Come on, it's over” and it assessed at many, many more times tinues to inspect and keep all prop­ The hearing will take place “ Student safety is our top prior­ grabbed the student, and began was at that point, witnesses say, than this. erties on line. Thursday, June 4, 7 PM at the that the teacher grabbed the student ity,” said Abate. “ The Lyndhurst punching him in the face, neck, The Township now has a water The Department o f Parks under Senior Building on Cleveland and beat him. Board o f Education and this ad­ chest, and back, knocking him to contract with Jersey (.'¡tv. and our Commissioner Passamano has con­ Avenue. ministration has zero tolerance for the ground. Abate said at least a dozen stu­ debt of over I million dollars to Jer­ tinuous programs for both adults Any questions may be asked violence of any kind. There w ill be dents who witnessed the assault sey City is just about paid. Com­ and the youth throughout the sum­ at 6:30 and free refreshments a Board meeting in two weeks and The boy was then brought to the were interviewed by school ad­ missioner Russo has been looking mer. The summer concerts w ill be also be available at that time. ministrators, as was the teacher. I expect the Board to react appro­ school nurse. Police were notified at various ways to lease out the held on July 16, 17 and 18 priately." by the child’s family. Abate did not discuss the teacher's water department to save monies. The Finance Department under C atch these June events H ie old Standard Tool plant has Commissioner Opacity is always been purchased by a clothing firm hard at work. Our auditor Rich at the H ealth C enter and should be in operation by DiMaria has indicated that it has The Lyndhurst Health Center, 253 summer’s end. This should bring been a good year for I .yndhurst and Stuyvesant Avenue, will be holding us another good ratable and jobs' we have a surplus for the first time a Blood Screening on June 13 from H ie Plastic Reel site along with in several years. 8 am - 12 noon. Appointments are Frasse Field is still pending final I am very happy with my Public necessary and checks may be made approval o f the board. Unfortu­ Safety Department. A ll our police out to the Lyndhurst Health Depart­ nately, if these plans tall through Ordinances have been approved by ment for SI8. the youth w ill lose the use of Frasse the state and the officers under In­ There will also be Blood Pressure Field, as there arc indications it will spector O ’Connor and Director Readings on June 19 from 9 -11 am; be sold Tobin are doing a great job. The no appointments necessary. Thirty-two acres of our meadows, K-9 Unit, bike patrol, the radar east o f the Turnpike and deemed unit, the portable lighting facility unable to build on, were sold to the and our new police chaplain are Lyndhurst United IIM IX' for $328,000; this land is all welcome additions. to be used primarily for wildlife A ll my other departments, which Soccer tryouts preserve. If the land ever becomes include the Volunteer l ire Depart­ buildable, it w ill revert back to the ment, Volunteer Police Emergency Lyndbuift United Soccer Chib •»- Township for the fee it has re­ Squad, Emergency Management, nounces tryouts the fall season. ceived. Police Auxiliary and the crossing Out of town players are welcome. Through the generosity o f Mr. guards have done a fine job for all The first year produced six cham- Alfred leo, a local merchant, of us. pionship teams. $170,000 dollars was given to the Concluding this report, I believe Dates are Saturdays, June 6 and 14. town for the purchase of a new this first year to have been not only Divisions U8 through U12 are from I Lincoln Schools attended a very inspiring, patriotic youth center. Commissioner Paul eventful but a good one for our 10 am - 12 noon; divisions U13 program in observance of Memorial Day, 1998. A retired Military Naval Officer, Jim Cavf. who i.erved in the Passamano has stated there w ill be townspeople. The acquisition of through U15 are from 12 noon to 2 Vietnam Wfcr, led the students, teachers and veterans in song and Americanism The program was dedicated plenty o f activity for the youth and $328,000; $170,000; $160,000; pm. Held at the Frasse Field on Page to all military veterans and especially to Frank LoPinto, a former Lynhdurst resident and s:udent of Columbus that they w ill be supervised. and the approval to use 1.5 m il­ Avenue in Lyndhurst. Call Don at and Lincoln Schools, who lost his life defending our country in Vietnam P.ctured are sti dents representing After months o f discussion with lion of our monies is exciting. 531-2117 or Greg at 438-3491 with tat Columbus/Lincoln Schools along with Jim C ava and Principal Joseph Sferruzza Trenton, and with help from A s­ None o f this has come about with­ questions. Divisions 1 & 2 will be semblymen DiCiaetano and Kelly, out hard work. announced in October. we have received permission to use Unfortunately, there are those Show tix still available for Lyndhurst residents the 1.5 m illion dollars the taxpay­ who still oppose every positive Commissioner Paul Passamano, Jr., Sound of Music: Wednesday 14. Orchestra: $77 ers were ordered to put in trust for move made. It is clear that it is not Football signups being Director of the Department of Parks evening, Sept. 9. Orchestra: $78.50 the past 4 years. These were the just a case o f normal disagreement & Recreation is pleased to announce Jekyll & Hyde: Thursday evening. There is a no refund policy on all monies that stemmed from the but pure political motives with no held in Lyndhurst tickets are still available for the fol- Sept. 10. Discounted orchestra tick­ trips and tickets must be paid with school board case in 1991. If this regard for the good o f the town. The Lyndhurst Junior Football tuwmgtrips: ets for $71. checks/money orders only. II reserv­ case is ever resolved and if the These same people have used these league is continuing registration at Miss Saigon: Wednesday evening. ing by telephone, payment must be township were to lose, we w ill then tactics before and sadly w ill prob the Lyndhurst Recreation Depart­ Rug Rats: Saturday, June 27. Lower Sept. 30. Discounted orchestra tick­ made within five (5) working days have to replace the monies over a ably continue to act the same. period of years. Our Assemblymen ment between the hours of 9 am - 4 Tier - S30.
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