WIC Authorized Plus Created 05/2021 PLU CATEGORY

WIC Authorized Plus Created 05/2021 PLU CATEGORY

WIC Authorized PLUs Created 05/2021 PLU CATEGORY COMMODITY VARIETY SIZE 4514 Vegetables ALFALFA SPROUTS All Sizes 94514 Organic Vegetables ALFALFA SPROUTS All Sizes 3463 Vegetables Amaranth/Callaloo/Een Choy All Sizes 93463 Organic Vegetables Amaranth/Callaloo/Een Choy All Sizes 4098 Fruits APPLES Akane Small 4099 Fruits APPLES Akane Large 94098 OrganicFruits APPLES Akane Small 94099 OrganicFruits APPLES Akane Large 3000 Fruits APPLES Alkmene All Sizes 93000 OrganicFruits APPLES Alkmene All Sizes 3438 Fruits APPLES Ambrosia All other sizes 3510 Fruits APPLES Ambrosia Small 93438 OrganicFruits APPLES Ambrosia All other sizes 93510 OrganicFruits APPLES Ambrosia Small 3600 Fruits APPLES Antares All Sizes 93600 OrganicFruits APPLES Antares All Sizes 3001 Fruits APPLES Aurora/Southern Rose Small 3290 Fruits APPLES Aurora/Southern Rose Large 93001 OrganicFruits APPLES Aurora/Southern Rose Small 93290 OrganicFruits APPLES Aurora/Southern Rose Large 3075 Fruits APPLES Baldwin All Sizes 93075 OrganicFruits APPLES Baldwin All Sizes 3339 Fruits APPLES Belchard - Chantecler All Sizes 93339 OrganicFruits APPLES Belchard - Chantecler All Sizes 3602 Fruits APPLES Belgica All Sizes 93602 OrganicFruits APPLES Belgica All Sizes 3340 Fruits APPLES Bertanne/Golden Russet All Sizes 93340 OrganicFruits APPLES Bertanne/Golden Russet All Sizes 3291 Fruits APPLES Boskoop/Belle de Boskoop Small 3292 Fruits APPLES Boskoop/Belle de Boskoop Large 93291 OrganicFruits APPLES Boskoop/Belle de Boskoop Small 93292 OrganicFruits APPLES Boskoop/Belle de Boskoop Large 4101 Fruits APPLES Braeburn Small 4103 Fruits APPLES Braeburn Large 94101 OrganicFruits APPLES Braeburn Small 94103 OrganicFruits APPLES Braeburn Large 3065 Fruits APPLES Cameo Small 3066 Fruits APPLES Cameo Large 93065 OrganicFruits APPLES Cameo Small 93066 OrganicFruits APPLES Cameo Large 3002 Fruits APPLES Cantared All Sizes 93002 OrganicFruits APPLES Cantared All Sizes 3341 Fruits APPLES Charles Ross All Sizes 93341 OrganicFruits APPLES Charles Ross All Sizes 3629 Fruits APPLES CIVG198 All Sizes 93629 OrganicFruits APPLES CIVG198 All Sizes 3615 Fruits APPLES Civni All Sizes 93615 OrganicFruits APPLES Civni All Sizes 3486 Fruits APPLES CN121 All Sizes Page 1 of 49 WIC Authorized PLUs Created 05/2021 PLU CATEGORY COMMODITY VARIETY SIZE 93486 OrganicFruits APPLES CN121 All Sizes 3630 Fruits APPLES Co-op 43 All Sizes 93630 OrganicFruits APPLES Co-op 43 All Sizes 4104 Fruits APPLES Cortland Small 4106 Fruits APPLES Cortland Large 94104 OrganicFruits APPLES Cortland Small 94106 OrganicFruits APPLES Cortland Large 4105 Fruits APPLES Cox Orange Pippin All Sizes 94105 OrganicFruits APPLES Cox Orange Pippin All Sizes 4107 Fruits APPLES Crab All Sizes 94107 OrganicFruits APPLES Crab All Sizes 4128 Fruits APPLES Cripps Pink Small 4130 Fruits APPLES Cripps Pink Large 94128 OrganicFruits APPLES Cripps Pink Small 94130 OrganicFruits APPLES Cripps Pink Large 3010 Fruits APPLES Cripps Red Small 3301 Fruits APPLES Cripps Red Large 93010 OrganicFruits APPLES Cripps Red Small 93301 OrganicFruits APPLES Cripps Red Large 4108 Fruits APPLES Crispin/Mutsu Small 4109 Fruits APPLES Crispin/Mutsu Small 4110 Fruits APPLES Crispin/Mutsu Large 4111 Fruits APPLES Crispin/Mutsu Large 94108 OrganicFruits APPLES Crispin/Mutsu Small 94109 OrganicFruits APPLES Crispin/Mutsu Small 94110 OrganicFruits APPLES Crispin/Mutsu Large 94111 OrganicFruits APPLES Crispin/Mutsu Large 4113 Fruits APPLES Criterion Small 4115 Fruits APPLES Criterion Large 94113 OrganicFruits APPLES Criterion Small 94115 OrganicFruits APPLES Criterion Large 3484 Fruits APPLES Dalinette All Sizes 93484 OrganicFruits APPLES Dalinette All Sizes 3342 Fruits APPLES Delblush All Sizes 93342 OrganicFruits APPLES Delblush All Sizes 3343 Fruits APPLES Dessert All Sizes 93343 OrganicFruits APPLES Dessert All Sizes 3003 Fruits APPLES D'Estivale All Sizes 93003 OrganicFruits APPLES D'Estivale All Sizes 3004 Fruits APPLES Discovery All Sizes 93004 OrganicFruits APPLES Discovery All Sizes 3447 Fruits APPLES DS 22 All Sizes 93447 OrganicFruits APPLES DS 22 All Sizes 3445 Fruits APPLES DS 3 All Sizes 93445 OrganicFruits APPLES DS 3 All Sizes 4116 Fruits APPLES Early Small 4117 Fruits APPLES Early Small 4118 Fruits APPLES Early Large 4119 Fruits APPLES Early Large Page 2 of 49 WIC Authorized PLUs Created 05/2021 PLU CATEGORY COMMODITY VARIETY SIZE 94116 OrganicFruits APPLES Early Small 94117 OrganicFruits APPLES Early Small 94118 OrganicFruits APPLES Early Large 94119 OrganicFruits APPLES Early Large 4121 Fruits APPLES Elstar Small 4123 Fruits APPLES Elstar Large 94121 OrganicFruits APPLES Elstar Small 94123 OrganicFruits APPLES Elstar Large 3604 Fruits APPLES Emmons All Sizes 93604 OrganicFruits APPLES Emmons All Sizes 4124 Fruits APPLES Empire Small 4125 Fruits APPLES Empire Small 4126 Fruits APPLES Empire Large 4127 Fruits APPLES Empire Large 94124 OrganicFruits APPLES Empire Small 94125 OrganicFruits APPLES Empire Small 94126 OrganicFruits APPLES Empire Large 94127 OrganicFruits APPLES Empire Large 3514 Fruits APPLES Fengapi All sizes 93514 OrganicFruits APPLES Fengapi All sizes 4120 Fruits APPLES Fiesta All Sizes 94120 OrganicFruits APPLES Fiesta All Sizes 4100 Fruits APPLES Fireside Small 4102 Fruits APPLES Fireside Large 94100 OrganicFruits APPLES Fireside Small 94102 OrganicFruits APPLES Fireside Large 4129 Fruits APPLES Fuji Small 4131 Fruits APPLES Fuji Large 94129 OrganicFruits APPLES Fuji Small 94131 OrganicFruits APPLES Fuji Large 3613 Fruits APPLES Fuji Brak All Sizes 93613 OrganicFruits APPLES Fuji Brak All Sizes 4132 Fruits APPLES Gala Small 4133 Fruits APPLES Gala Small 4134 Fruits APPLES Gala Large 4135 Fruits APPLES Gala Large 94132 OrganicFruits APPLES Gala Small 94133 OrganicFruits APPLES Gala Small 94134 OrganicFruits APPLES Gala Large 94135 OrganicFruits APPLES Gala Large 4096 Fruits APPLES Ginger Gold Large 4097 Fruits APPLES Ginger Gold Small 94096 OrganicFruits APPLES Ginger Gold Large 94097 OrganicFruits APPLES Ginger Gold Small 3344 Fruits APPLES Gloster Small 3345 Fruits APPLES Gloster Large 93344 OrganicFruits APPLES Gloster Small 93345 OrganicFruits APPLES Gloster Large 3285 Fruits APPLES Golden Delicious Extra Large Page 3 of 49 WIC Authorized PLUs Created 05/2021 PLU CATEGORY COMMODITY VARIETY SIZE 4020 Fruits APPLES Golden Delicious Large 4021 Fruits APPLES Golden Delicious Small 4136 Fruits APPLES Golden Delicious Small 4137 Fruits APPLES Golden Delicious Large 93285 OrganicFruits APPLES Golden Delicious Extra Large 94020 OrganicFruits APPLES Golden Delicious Large 94021 OrganicFruits APPLES Golden Delicious Small 94136 OrganicFruits APPLES Golden Delicious Small 94137 OrganicFruits APPLES Golden Delicious Large 3005 Fruits APPLES Golden Delicious Blush All Sizes 93005 OrganicFruits APPLES Golden Delicious Blush All Sizes 4017 Fruits APPLES Granny Smith Large 4018 Fruits APPLES Granny Smith Large 4138 Fruits APPLES Granny Smith Small 4139 Fruits APPLES Granny Smith Small 94017 OrganicFruits APPLES Granny Smith Large 94018 OrganicFruits APPLES Granny Smith Large 94138 OrganicFruits APPLES Granny Smith Small 94139 OrganicFruits APPLES Granny Smith Small 3071 Fruits APPLES Granny Smith, Red All Sizes 93071 OrganicFruits APPLES Granny Smith, Red All Sizes 4156 Fruits APPLES Gravenstein Small 4158 Fruits APPLES Gravenstein Large 94156 OrganicFruits APPLES Gravenstein Small 94158 OrganicFruits APPLES Gravenstein Large 3069 Fruits APPLES Gravenstein, Red Small 3070 Fruits APPLES Gravenstein, Red Large 93069 OrganicFruits APPLES Gravenstein, Red Small 93070 OrganicFruits APPLES Gravenstein, Red Large 3444 Fruits APPLES Green Dragon All Sizes 93444 OrganicFruits APPLES Green Dragon All Sizes 3074 Fruits APPLES Greening (RI) All Sizes 93074 OrganicFruits APPLES Greening (RI) All Sizes 4057 Fruits APPLES Haralson Small 4058 Fruits APPLES Haralson Large 94057 OrganicFruits APPLES Haralson Small 94058 OrganicFruits APPLES Haralson Large 3346 Fruits APPLES Holstein All Sizes 93346 OrganicFruits APPLES Holstein All Sizes 3283 Fruits APPLES Honeycrisp Large 3468 Fruits APPLES Honeycrisp Small 93283 OrganicFruits APPLES Honeycrisp Large 93468 OrganicFruits APPLES Honeycrisp Small 3601 Fruits APPLES Huaguan All Sizes 93601 OrganicFruits APPLES Huaguan All Sizes 4140 Fruits APPLES Idared Small 4142 Fruits APPLES Idared Large 94140 OrganicFruits APPLES Idared Small 94142 OrganicFruits APPLES Idared Large Page 4 of 49 WIC Authorized PLUs Created 05/2021 PLU CATEGORY COMMODITY VARIETY SIZE 3006 Fruits APPLES Ingrid Marie All Sizes 93006 OrganicFruits APPLES Ingrid Marie All Sizes 4144 Fruits APPLES Jonagold Small 4145 Fruits APPLES Jonagold Small 4146 Fruits APPLES Jonagold Large 4147 Fruits APPLES Jonagold Large 94144 OrganicFruits APPLES Jonagold Small 94145 OrganicFruits APPLES Jonagold Small 94146 OrganicFruits APPLES Jonagold Large 94147 OrganicFruits APPLES Jonagold Large 4141 Fruits APPLES Jonamac Small 4143 Fruits APPLES Jonamac Large 94141 OrganicFruits APPLES Jonamac Small 94143 OrganicFruits APPLES Jonamac Large 4148 Fruits APPLES Jonathan Small 4149 Fruits APPLES Jonathan Small 4150 Fruits APPLES Jonathan Large 4151 Fruits APPLES Jonathan Large 94148 OrganicFruits APPLES Jonathan Small 94149 OrganicFruits APPLES Jonathan Small 94150 OrganicFruits APPLES Jonathan Large 94151 OrganicFruits APPLES Jonathan Large 3072 Fruits APPLES Lady All Sizes 93072 OrganicFruits APPLES Lady All Sizes 3461 Fruits APPLES Lady Williams All Sizes 93461 OrganicFruits APPLES Lady Williams All Sizes 3347 Fruits APPLES Laxtons Fortune All Sizes 93347 OrganicFruits APPLES

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