$1.59 Longcloth Royal Worcester Corsets $1.50 Pearl $1.19 Regular $2.00 Values Bead Necklaces - $1.39 3 6 i n c h Longcloth, a A .special Challenge Sale of 97c s o f t - this popular-make corset, of Tear! Bead Necklaces. 24-Inch fine, close-woven, fancy pink material, medium praduate pearl beads, fine Im¬ finish ten yards in low bust and extreme long- hip ported quality, true color and quality; model; well boned; excellent finish. .Many In the lot with each pifice. model. -All sizes. solid grold clasp. BOTH SIDES OF 7. AT K ST. *THE D£P£NDABLE STORe' Goldenberg's.First Floor. Goldenbergr's.Third Floor. \ Goldenberr's.First Flow. 43 Opening of Our School )mpelling Bargain Attractions of Instruction in Knitting le Store! Classes for the instruction of be¬ ginners ill knitting and crocheting 89c Swiss Invent we have provided new and wonderful will be resumed, beginning tomorrow, Imported Organdy in our Art Department. Expert Full ¦ lo'my. The people of Washington have shown teacher in charge, who will give in¬ 45 inches wide as filled structions free to all who purchase |s, the great crowds that have daily the materials here. In a complete range of \ W to vou cannot afford to miss the Ask to see the new Marabou Glow |tice yourself Gloss aiTd Shetland Floss for making summer ^ Store Hours.9:15 to 6 O'Clock jthe n*w sweaters. Wanted shades Art D«pt.,slip-onFlnt Floor. For tomorrow.the' last day of the Challenge Sale.a great underprice selling of the most desirable new summer wash fabrics. Beautiful crisp, extra fine, sheer, cobwebby weave, with a permanent transparent finish that frequent tubbing will otions and not affect. Men's $1 "Luxedo" The range of colors Includes all the most desired summer Bhades, as well as dainty pastel shades for evening wear. mallWares 89c Silk=Mixed Voiles 59c Ratinspun 36-inch Silk-mixed Novelty Voiles, an excep¬ 36-inch Mercerized a fine with Ratinspun, crepe tionally tine two-ply quality, handsome all- weave one most At Prices Suits woven with quality; of the newest and Challenge Athletic Union silk satin stripes, backgrounds of novelty effects. In a complete assortment of popular fabrics for spring and summer wear. Children's Water . proof light and dark colorings. AH in 39c sought-after and dark colors. with Q_ }45c shades, light libs, pocket; pretty zft* csiarns; neatly made Challenge 59c Silk and Cotton 59c Bunny Silks, 48c 35c Colored 25c 85c Tan Pongee, 69c * Organdy, Hickory Sanitary a a 38-inch Colored Organdy, extra 32-inch Tan Pongee, silk kproBA, regularly 50c 39c Sale Crepe, 49c 35-inch Bunny Silks, silk- and cotton with rich |ach and-cotton fabric, with rich fine, sheer quality, in all wanted fabric, All wanted street and evening shades, also lustrous finish, for waists and 30-inch Silk and Cotton Plisse lustrous finish. white. dresses. Hook-and-eye Tape, Price a beautiful soft-finish street and evening shades, also » and 2; regularly 25c 19c Crepe, black and white. srd 69c grade so very desirable for lin¬ 55c Colored Poplin, 43c gerie. Has the appearance of 39c Colored Ramie 3C.-lnch Colored Poplin, a yarn Waist Hangers enamel finish; A make of Athletic Union Suits so known as to make this Chal¬ include mercerized quality, in all wanted bber tips: pink, white favorably all-silk crepe. Colors Suiting, 28c colors. blue. 17c ^ event to men want to their summer under¬ 38c Printed Batiste, 22c F»d Regularly .ww lenge interesting all who supply lavender, pink, peach, light blue, 34-inch Colored Ramie Suit¬ ach. TWO for wear at a . maize and white; also new 38-inch Printed Batiste, fine ing. a heavy close woven, linen- Colored 69c needs big saving. sheer in all new $1 Linen, one printed patterns. quality, deslgms, flnish quality, Ln a complete as¬ 36-inch Colored Linen, a pure Vickel Safety Pins, ^r All cut full and tailored. Made of fine quality 72x80 soft-finish also printed voiles, in pretty sortment of shades, also fcozea on card; assorted J C expertly checked effects. white; linen quality, in all wanted lizea. TWO cards Checked Nainsook, in sleeveless style, and perfect closed crotch, assuring com¬ Ooldenberr**.Ftrat Floor. warranted fast colors. colors. Sewing or Basting Cot- fort and perfect fit. All sizes, 34 to 46. Every suit perfect quality. biu 200-yard spools; No. 30 i/C*rr ^nly. TWO spool* Men's Silk Half Hose, 39c Men's $2 Pajamas, $1.29 Men's Union Suits, 95c Thread Silk Half Hose, Irregru- "Faultless," "Paragon," "Var¬ Lawrence Mills Union Suits, of 89c Vestee Sets, 50c A Novelty Round Garters, neatly lar weave of the famous "Onyx" sity" and other high-grade makes, balbriggan and white ribbed cot¬ embroidered also Challenge Sale of nade of fine quality make, with high heel, dou¬ materials. ton; short sleeves, full length Eyelet effects, as- spliced of superior quality cream color net, trimmed with |§hirred ribbon elastic, 25c ble reinforced sole and toe. Odds and ends of regular stock legs, with closed crotch; sizes orted colors. Pair. Choice of black, navy and other and recent sales. up to 48. Slight seconds of $1.50 vai and Venice laces. Eton and Women's Rubberized House*House- plain colors. The imperfections 'values. roll collar attached. Smart new Md Aprons, well made; are very slight, and will in no Men's $5 Bathrobes, $3.79 Men's and $6 Panama summer styles for wear with Hats assorted patterns: large way affect wearing qualities. $5 etc. Sports 38c Terry Cloth Bathrobej, guaran¬ dresses, sweaters, |Blze. Regularly 50c.. Men's 25c Wash Ties, 17c teed fast colors, in black and Hats, $3.45 Sheer Organdy Sashes, three For the 30th. White Cotton Tape, Men's Tubular Fiber Wash Ties, white, blue and white, pink and Sample Panama Hats, famous yaras long; hem- khree-yard pieces: '4 to plain white and white with col¬ white and lavender and white. "Van Lier" make, in alpine. Astor, stitched and narrow ^ j An Opportunity Out of the Ordinary ! H-lnch widths. THREE ored panel stripes. Made with full collar, cord at optimo, telescope, sailor and drop- plaited end styles; at j)| 1111 pleeea for 10c Ooldenberf's.First Floor. neck and heavy waist girdle. crown styles 54*. ami v Sbrimpton's English Needles, Imported Eyelet Collar and £5 in paper, solid or as- Cuff Sets. Peter Pan Sorted sizes. 10c g sMape^ in various styles. ^ Regularly Introducing to Washing¬ Worth regularly 5 0c /.l C paper Regular $1.25 Brand ton Women. each Good "Mogol" Floor. Quality Sewing Silk Goldenberg's.First |tn-yard spools; black, fk rhlte and colors. TWO VC 81x90-Inch Sale of $1.50 The New Challenge tor Seamless Just the hats wanted for Decoration Day out¬ Teneo Snap Fasteners, Simplex Patterns Toilet ings, vacation wear and all sports occasions. Smart black and white; one dozen g Bleached Requisites in an unusual and enormous assortment of on card. Regularly 10c jC Practical for "Yankee Flier" Fountain millinery icard Styles Syringe*, and water bottles; two- styles, shapes and colors. Greater values than you All the Family quart size; extra quality to find at such a low Lingerie Tape, pink, white O _ seamless red rubber. would expect price. and blue. 98c Reg¬ 59c Six-yard Ob SHEETS The new "Simplex" Pat¬ ularly $1.00 each...... pleges tern makes its initial bow Orange Blossom Bokay Tal¬ .Large Shapes .Flapper Styles cum INmdrr, a fragrantly .Small .Bobbed Hair Hats Rubber Sheeting, double-faced, one customers here tomorrow. Easy to Shapes white and maroon j j From of the best mills in the country. Our scented, good quality tal- .Off-the-Face Effects color: three-quarter-yard <1 <1 know the brand as for and satisfaction at use, attractive, inexpensive. cum Slf> C unequaled durability There are Plcot-edgred Felt Hat?, newest felt and straw Quares the All are of House dresses, aprons, Ben Hrr Extract, a delightful Dressmakers' in regular price. perfect quality, made heavy, undergarments, -baby oriental perfume, fra¬ combinations. Lephorns, white Ribbon Hats and other Pins, even odor. r\ smart creations too numerous to mention. quarter-p o u n d thread sheeting cotton, free from starch or dressing. clothes and numerous other grant. lasting Regu- good quality 18c Seamless and full bleached. size for double beds. items of dress be made larly $1.25 ounce. HALF [bulk,lofts; 81x90-inch may ounce Nassau Cot- with the assistance of < Bring yonr bottle.) . New Midsummer Hats Basting Patterns. Each r»n, large 250 -yard 10c $2.50 Bedspreads, $1.98 r $3.00 Bedspreads, $2.39 "Simplex" Sweetheart Soap, the fa¬ A very large and unusual collection of |spools. THREE for. .. White Dimity Bedspreads, size Crochet Bedspreads, double-bed one is of the latest au¬ vorite toilet and bath soap. models of Goldonbeis'*.Firat Floor. 80x90 inches, for double beds; size, Marseilles patterns. thentic lines. Regularly 7c cake. TWO charming Transparent Hats, * close woven grade. caKc.% for * Leghorn Hats and White Hats.all right 19c Bleached Muslin, 14c "Simplex" Pattarn* are Watkins Mulsified Cocoanut in tune with every festive summer occa- ( 35c Pillowcases; 25c 36-inch Bleached Muslin, a close 10c and 15c.none Shampoo, for the hair. sion. Remarkable values at the 45x36 Bleached Pillowcases, per¬ woven, soft finish grade, free from higher. special- j fect Notion Section.Fint Floor. Regular 50c bottles: ized price of Five Dollars! $5 quality, linen finish grade, starch or dressing. 35c romen's $1.25 hand-torn and Ironed. $1.50 Bleached Sheets Goldenberg's.First Floor.
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