PAGE TEN THE BLUFFTON NEWS. BLUFFTON. OHIO THURSDAY, SEPT. 19, 1957 Connecticut after his family, start­ The Benton Ridge Trinity church has day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merritt FREMONT, OHIO, Seat of San­ IN THE WOODED RANGES of ing out October 11, 1799. invited the Pleasant View group to Green. dusky County, is a sugar-beet and hills surrounding Bainbridge, Ohio On April 29, 1800, Hudson, his their study class to be held in Novem­ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Krautter cannery center. Supporting factories are a number of little settlements wife and six children, and a few ber. and family and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. produce dry cells, razor blades, bearing such names as Potts Hill, neighbors, started out for the new Mr. and Mrs. Scott Clymer of St. Harris and family atended the Golden cutlery, castings, automobile fabric Pancake Hollow, Knock-em-Stiff, country. They had four boats, of one Petersburg, Florida and Mr. and Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. ^accessories, dyes, and hunting and Buzzard’s Roost, Cross-eyed Henry to two tons burden lightly loaded Mrs. David Perk of Dayton were Sun­ C. L. Bogart in Findlay Sunday. trapping supplies. Holler. with about $2,000 worth of property and supplies. Those who came with David Hud­ son were Samuel Bishop and his THE OLD INDIAN PORTAGE Indians from Lake Erie and by four sons, David, Reuben, Luman carrying their birch-bark canoes and Joseph; Joel Gaylord, Hernan “Old Portage,” at the mouth of Seven miles, navigation was clear all Oviatt, Moses Thompson, Allen Gay­ F TMt-cmeiwMl the Cuyahoga River three miles the way down to the Ohio River. lord, Stephen Perkins, Joseph and north of Akron and an important Part of the boundary between the George Darrow, William McKinley trading-post for white men and Iroquois Six Nations and the western and three men from Vermont—Der­ £ ' ...^.Depend on A‘PValues Indians in the 1790’s, was one of Indians, the old portage path was rick, Williams and Shefford, given ik* ? VU ■. x * ' * ' ' ' x - * Jiff ' i?' the highest points in the later state. eight miles long and ran crookedly names long forgotten. From the ridge there, with only a between the heads of the Cuyahoga The women in the company were GUARANTEE few miles between them, the Cuya­ and the Tuscarawas rivers. There in the wives of Hudson, Bishop and NO BONES! NO WASTE! hoga flowed north to the lakes and 1800 David Hudson, from Connecti­ Elijah Noble, Miss Ruth Gaylord and the Tuscarawas River, through the cut, settled—the first resident in Miss Ruth Bishop. The six Hudson OF QUALITY Muskingum, flowed to the Ohio. later Summit County. children completed the number. The place could be reached by Getting their knowledge of it Elijah Noble came along overland, from an old Morse’s Geography, riding Hudson’s horse and driving CANNED Hudson and a few others arrived at his cattle. DID YOU KNOW Old Portage about June 8, 1799, to But for being stuck on a sandbar Come See explore the land which was to be and nearly being drowned when THAT their future home. Buffeted by water swept into the badly listed You’ll Save Hutch Raised Rfbbit Meat is storms and wrecked by floating ice boats and a severe wetting next day Economical? Only 7“% Bone — in the lake the journey was a haz­ when a sudden rain raised the river At A&P 93% Edible Meat. ardous one. to cover the whole party sleeping beneath a tree on its bank, the trip HAMS - Hudson had brought eight cattle Ask for with him and had brought a few was uneventful. A huge wave hit the AMSTUTZ RABBITS bags of flour, some pory, two boats and lifted them off the bar— blankets and an axe. He built a bark hung up there only because Hudson FREE MUSTARD at your favorite meat hut—on present corner of Baldwin had missed the channel in taking counter and Main streets, Hudson,—cleared the little flotilla into the river. “SUPER-RIGHT” ALL MEAT Sfi.99 a little land, then' went back to Beset by the usual privations, can I hardship, Sickness and hazards of ■■Ml the frontier, Hudson’s group had Skinless Franks little trouble with the Indians but ___ ___ WITH A 6-OZ. suffered much from the gnats, flies, lb. r JAR OF ANN "SUPER-RIGHT" THICK SLICED READY MIXED CONCRETE mosquitoes and yellowjackets in the Pkg. PAGE MUSTARD For oil concrete requirements on the Form. Home or woods. Anna Hudson was the first FREE! Sliced Bacon 2XSI-39 Industrial Plant. child born in the settlement—Mrs. Anna M. Hudson Baldwin, whose Call 90th birthday anniversary was held ALL GOOD GRADE "A" / Oven-Ready Ducks FULLY DRESSED • lb. 49c in the Hudson Congregational church THE GREEN & SAWYER CO. Tuesday, October 28, 1890. David Hudson was a direct de­ Sliced Bacon • • b/69c Fantail Shrimp FROSTEDHN* • • pkg.Z 59c Phone 396-W scendant of Hendrick Hudson, who Huelor CAP’N JOHN 4 10-oz. Located at the Bluffton Stone Co. discovered Hudson River in 1609 and PATTI-PAK vysier OIuW FROSTED • • • 4 cans 59c was born at Branford, Connecticut, July 17, 1760. He was the sixth FROSTED • • • pkg. David Hudson in that family line. Frosted Steaks JT 49° Haddock Fillets 39c He died March 17, 1836, at seventy- five. Hudson village, 12 miles north of ANN PAGE "SUPER-RIGHT" Akron, commemorated David Hud­ son. A Congregational Church was formed there September 4, 1802, with Rev. David Bacon, pastor. The Lunch Meat first burial in the old cemetery was Tomato Soup Owen Brown’s wife, mother of John Brown, in 1808. Owen Brown ran the 10^-oz. n QC tannery. The first log schoolhouse 12-oz. was built in 1802—Western Reserve cans cans College opened in 1826 but moved to Cleveland in 1882 after which 5 Western Reserve Academy occupied Niklat “NEW PACK” GOLDEN O 12-oz. 15%-oz. 1110161 llOlll WHOLE KERNEL A cans wOC Cut Green Beans %aack° cans 55c J I........... the college buildings. Endowed with $500,000 by Amasa Stone in memory of his “lost and lamented son,” the Rape FARMINGTON 10-oz. plain or almond • bar 35c college in Cleveland became Adelbert Green Giant Peas LARGeTsWEET "2 cans 39c-** unocoiate Bars College but was renamed Western 16-oz. IQ- 8%-oz. Reserve University. In the eight Muffin Mix Pkg. 10c years of the academy’s existence at Mixed Vegetables scoTT Bounty can ■ Hudson it had about 400 students from 15 states and sent students to SEPTEMBER IS BETTER BREAKFAST MONTH I NEW LOW A&P COFFEE PRICES! SCHOOL AGAIN Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Cornell, AiiZaL ftete A&P’S OWN 42-oz. 3-LB. BAG $2.13 • • bag Ann Arbor and other great univer­ ^UlCK UatS SUNNYFIELD • • • pkg. WG Eigl/rClook 73c sities. A&P BRAND, Orange Juice OUR FINEST , 46c'^x27c Red Circle 34^. bag $2.31 • • • tag 79c Pleasant View Pancake Flour SUNNYFIELD 5 bag/89c Bokar 3.lb. bag $2.43 • • • • • Jag 83c A reception for Rev. and Mrs. W. 2V2°/o on time certificates—2% on savings D. Ramsey and son Roger was held A&p . 16cans 91 69c 'A&P Vacuum Coffee ..... An 89c in the Pleasant View E. U. B. church Grapefruit Sections Monday evening. Those who partici­ — ------------- t-------------------- *— The Citizens National Bank pated in the program were Mrs. JANE PARKER WISCONSIN CHEDDAR Robert McVey, Mrs. Emmons Craw­ Member Federal Reserve System ford, Mrs. Wayne Westall, Mrs. Wade Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation King, Elwood James and Rev. and Mrs. Ramsey. A grocery shower was Orange Chiffon Medium Sharp presented to them and refreshments were served at the close of the ser­ vice. ese **• 49' Attention • . The Ladies Harmony circle and Cake - 49c W. S. W. S. held their September DSao blackberry 8* SUNNYBROOK or dutch apple size 49c Lan GRADE “A” • • • doz. 57c meeting Wednesday evening in the rruit ries • PaUaa JANE PARKER CHEESE 9 -lb. HOME and TRAILER OWNERS! church basement. Mrs. Idell Whisler uOIfee UaKO DATE filled • each 29c Kra FCUBld SPREAD * pkg. 79c was program leader using the topic pkg. -- - - % “Strengthening the Church Through Sandwich Creme Cookies . of 12 19c Grestmont Orange Sherbet . gal. 59c Prayer.” Those who took part in the program were Mrs. Richard Dukes. FANCY. RED-RIPE TOKAY Mrs. Omer Augshurger, Mrs. Lewis W. Dukes, Mrs. Dwight Frantz, Mrs. Estelle Harris, Mrs. Kenneth Kraut- PHONE ter, Mrs. Oren Doty, Rev. and Mrs. Ramsey, Mrs. J. W. Harris and Mrs. Nial Newton. Mrs. Stanley Newton Grapes 2 25 served refreshments. The business meeting was under the direction of WHETEEHEADSrY. each 29c VINE-RIPENED Q Mrs. Oren Doty. The fall institute Fresh Cauliflower Jumbo Cantaloupes 27 SIZE O for 98c was announced lor Wednesday, Sep­ -lb. tember J8 in the Findlay First E. U. U. S. NO. 1 GRADE bag 39c SWEET EATIN’ Yellow Onions 10 JUMBO 8 SIZE each 49c B. The Mt. Cory church has invited Honey Dew Melons the Pleasant View organization to Jersey Sweet Potatoes ... 3 lbs. 29c -lb. attend their guest night, October 2. Potatoes U. S. NO. 1 MICHIGAN Mbag 89c home or trailer FROZEN FOOD FAVORITES Surf SPECIAL 6c OFF • • . 25c We are — TOP PRICES 6-oz. Orange Juice CONCENTRATED 6 cans 79c 7 County Distributors for Paid Daily For AU Breeze WITH BATH TOWEL . X *1.29 16-oz. PYROFAX LIVESTOCK Strawberries SLICED,A^D. • • Pkg.; 29c Quality controlled DETERGENT • • large Cattle -- Calves Rinse Blue 31‘ Nifty Waffles HEAT IN TOASTER W) ££ 10c BOTTLE GAS APPLIANCES & SERVICE J w Risk SPECIAL 10c OFF • • • • .
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