VOL. 93 NO. 20 UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, NEWARK, DELAWARE MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1970 Rodney -a Women Lose S-R Privileges By SUSAN GREGORY Rodney B lost its S-R privileges for locked, it was left open by several one week last Wednesday night by a girls. Also, the dorm's combination decision of the dorm's Judicial Board. had been given, not only to freshmen girls, but to several members of The reason given by the dorm's Rodney A. Judicial Board Chairman, Elsa Pancoast, AS 1 , was the the "dorm's At the meeting of the house security was definitely jeopardized Judicial Board, it was decided that the over the past few weeks." Despite entire dorm must suffer for the failure numerous warnings to keep the door of a few because the few who committed the offenses were not known. Upperclass women who knew Soles Explains of the offenses failed to report them. The meeting also discussed the responsibility of each girl to maintain Confrontation, the dorm's security by asking the offenders to report themselves. The failure to do so caused the entire dorm Commitment to lose the privilege because of the negligence or ignorance of several of By RAY WILSON its members. · Dr. James Soles, assistant professor of political science, lectured last Nancy Hawthorne, ASl, campus Friday on "the challenges we face, chairman of the Judicial Policy Road, confrontation and commitment" and stated the women of Rodney B were expressed his disgust at Friday's exposed to warning signs but nothing Obituary issue of The Review. had worked. There is "no sense," she The issue represented a lack of said, "of having an S-R system if it's commitment and a "cop-out" on going to make the dorm insecure. university problems according to Dr. Hopefully, this will help solve some of Soles. He was especially angry at the the problems." title Obituary, because he maintained that the "university is not dead." A dorm meeting will be held after the one week period to discuss the role Dr. Soles addressed a small crowd of the dorm resident in relation to of adults arid students filling half of S-R. Miss Pancoast sees this as an ·the Ewing Room in the Student opportunity to educate the dorm St~ff photo by Boonkens Yves Center. The main challenge that residents. At the meeting, one of the people must attempt is to "know HECTOR ADAMANTLY REFUSES to commit his country to another war in women in Rodney B stated that S-R is thyself." Dr. Soles said that this is the drama department's first seasonal production "Tiger at the Gates." Dave a privilege, not a right, and that each Pody, AS 1, shot in rehearsal clothes, played the lead in the Mitchell production essential to confrontation since one woman should become aware of her cannot confront others if he cannot last week. See page 5 for the review. responsibility. honestly look at himself. The Rodney B incident is the first SELF -EXAMINATION dorm suspension of S-R on campus. Stuart Sharkey, director of residence, SGA Asks Bail Money After self examination, one must said, "We want the dorms to use their then carefully make commitments and own judgment in cases regarding S-R. establish priorities. Dr. Soles For KSU Stud_ents emphasized that commitments will Miss Hawthorne added that necessitate a loss in the individual's freshmen have recently received S-R The Student Government Association to investigate the issue and make a freedom because he must become privileges which will probably Senate last night voted in favor of soliciting recommendation at next week's meeting. totally involved with his eliminate future trouble. student contributions to help raise bail and Some senators felt that the SGA should commitments. legal aid money for indicted Kent State not give money for political purposes. Examination of life must be a students. However, only one senator voted against combination of reason and love. A table for this purpose was to be set up soliciting voluntary student contributions. People who can combine these two are SR For Freshmen today in the Student Center, manned by rare according to Dr. Soles. "Down with male chauvinist pigs" read SGA Senators. one of the placards carried by the women He condemned those who only try Freshmen women now have The meeting also saw a short senators when they paraded into the SGA to find a weak link in society so that self-regulated hours. demonstration by women senators meeting last night. Their grievances they can attack it and also those who "male chauvanism" on the part of Judicial Policy Board passed protesting apparently had come to a head when they irrationaily defend what they believe self-regulation for freshmen women senate males. In addition to this senate were allegedly "slighted" by male senators to be good. These two types of people Tuesday afternoon with an 8-0 vote action, Sami Bandak, Student Activities in Sunday's touch football game between often "loose their lium!H"!ity'' when Committee Chairman, summed up his after SGA passed it unanimously the SGA Senate and the Office of Student involved in confrontaflon. committee's future plans, and Mark Affairs. Sunday 18. McClafferty, SGA president, asked for PROTEST RIOTS F o II owing the passage of student attendance at · a Newark Town Kathy Tresham, AS2,, introduced a bill self-regulation every women's dorm Meeting Tuesday at 8 p.m. in Town Hall to demanding a public apology to all women Violent protest riots are the easy judicial board chairman was required discuss the current parking problem. students, recognizing their ability. The bill, way out of commitments according to to hold an orientation meeting by The decision to solicit aid for Kent State co-sponsored by almost every woman Dr. Soles. Many of those who Friday .W ifese meetings were held to students came in response to a telegram sent present, was later withdrawn. participate do so only because collect the names of all participating to'the SGA from Kent State, asking that it Bandak, in his report, apologized for this everyone else is involved. There is girls to turn into security, and to help contribute to bail funds for more than semester's lack of concerts. However, he usually only a small hope that familiarize these girls with the rules of 20 KSU students indicted by a federal grand promises three for next semester. The first anything constructive will result. self-regulation. The girls were given jury. will be Chicago at the Fieldhouse on In criticizing The Review, Dr. Soles lists provided by the Residence Hall The Senate also debated the possibility of February 28. The seats will be $5 or $6. disagreed with the statement that matcl)ing student contributions with a Bandak said that the bands he had planned liberal professors have been hampered office on the rules. corresponding contribution from SGA for this semester all pulled out at the last by the university administration. funds. The finance committee was directed minute. PAGE 2 UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, NEWARK, DELAWARE, OCTOBER 26, 1970 New York Actors Presen dear bill osborne New Version 'Moby Dick' ~chu·ck morrlgamerie 8in.s . .. By CHRISTINE MATUSZEWSKI effect had great impact. from the action. This column Is designed to provide an easily accesible channel through The _audience which filled Moby Dick was an unusual which university community members may submit questions and receive honest and frank answers. The span of the questions is restricted only by A new twist to a classic the little theatre was almost production and gave the your imagination and initiative. You ask it and we will fight the red tape to find you a qualified answer quickly. novel gave the E-204 and able to share in the audience a glimpse of the Send all questions to "Dear Sirs" c/o The Review, 301 Student Center. characters' activities for there romance and thrill of Your name and phone number must be Included but may be withheld from E-440 students at the publication upon your request. (The Editors). university another perspective were about three feet away whaling. with which to view Melville's ! Q. Dear Sirs: Moby Dick. ' CONTINENTAL JE\~'ELERS, Inc suggests·· ···I I would appreciate learning why non-student personnel The production, staged by (frequently full time employees at the DuPont Company) are the Classical Stage Company assigned the job of ushering at home football games and Theatre in Greenwich Village, ;*1/lld 1 (/ ;Jjtl/1/li reimburSed with cash and free tickets. It is my opinion that these New York, took place on an 11gt- b/ONNOIII jobs should be allocated to students who are trying to finance almost empty stage with little ,._., rl••• their own education. lighting. The devices that Yours truly, were used, however, were Allen Schwartzbaum extremely effective. Asst. Prof. Sociology A. In order to answer your question, we again called on The whale was not seen by Delaware's assistant athletic director, Scott Duncan. the audience--its presence was Duncan explained that when he first came to Delaware, 16 felt. A darkened room with a years ago, he began hiring students as ushers, program vendors, revolving overhead light, a press box attendants, concession vendors, and parking lot noise resembling a foghorn attendants. The intention was to hire students whenever possible. and men violently pulling at For the first three years that Duncan was at Delaware the only ropes gave a very realistic non-student employees were the main-gate ticket sellers. These picture of the confrontation with the whale. people were usually bank tellers by profession who had an To the !WI who know~ what she expertise in handling money.
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