tJWiSlMi-ri- - j1"? K5fcJWLv JMnW"'" MIL1 Ssa'jnwvTC'm- Q .oKiSr.Vro T" VtJr'iSrt 7y' - ' v Sy x.. ') THE WASHINGTON HEBALB, TUESDAY,. JAHTIAET 3, ltll. Weeks. Miss Boutell. and Miss Weeks, all SOCIAL WORLD of tho Congressional circle;' Mrs. Edson IN THE Bradley, and Miss Sherrill. Store Opened at 8:30 A. M. 5 :30 P. M. Mrs. ilacVeigh, wife of the Secretary Closest & of the Treasury, held a large and Lothrop popu- Woodward owing to the great Tafts Are . Entertaining New York WASHINGTON Paris. larity of Mr. MacVeagh and herself. She Large House Party, had with ber Mrs. Keep and Mrs. Hllles, China and wives of the Assistant Secretaries of the Our business hours, until further notice, are 8 :30 a. m. to 5 :30 p. m. Treasury: Mrs. Huntington Wilson. Mrs. Chandler Hale, wives of the Assistant HISS EUTH WYNNE PRESENTED Secretaries of State; Mrs. C. A. Munn.' Glassware Mrs. Medill McCormick. of Chicago; Mrs. All Calendars Reduced to Half Price Main Floor, G Street John M. Clark, of Chicago; Mrs. Jencks and Miss Jencks, of Baltimore; Miss Eliz- For the Table. Daughter of Former Postmaster abeth Hopkins, of Baltimore; Mrs. Pres- General a Debatnnte Mrs. John- ton Gibson. Mrs. E. H. G. Slater. Mrs. BROADLY representa- Wirt Dexter, of Boston, house guest of ston, 'Wife of the District Commis- Mrs. MacVeagh: Miss Carrie Munn. Miss tive showing of the Our Annual January Sale of Housekeeping sioner, Entertains at Large Tea. Katherine Jenkins, Miss Yvonne Town-sen- d. A world's newest and Miss Ruggles. and the Misses Military and Naval Aids Entertain. Gwynne. richest productions in China and Glassware, including: Linens, White Goods, and Bedding Mrs. Dickinson, wife "of the Secretary War, The President and Mrs. Taft are en- of was not at home yesterday be- Elegant Service Plates, of tertaining a large house party at the cause of mourning, but In spite of this Fish and Game Sets, COMMENCES this morning. The goods are the products leading Irish, .many officers of the army called and left BonUlon Cons Sancers, White House. Mr. Horace Taft arrived cards' for the Secretary and herself. and makers, and all of own direct yesterday, which made the reunion of A. D. Cans and Saucers. Scotch, and German are our importation. the Taft brothers complete, as Mr. Mrs. Wickersham was quite ill all day. "9ta Cans and Saaeers, Cat Glass Bowls. jus-O- ur Charles P. Taft and Mr. Henry W. Taft and was not able to leave her room, but Paneh Prices are low lower than present conditions of the market would are both there. Mr. Robert Taft left last the reception in the home of Atifi At- Cat Class Ice Crease Seta, - evening for his studies at the Harvard torney General went on, with Mrs. Albert Cat Glaaa Salad Seta, tify. orders were placed last spring, direct with the leading Europeanmanu- law school, after spending ten days with Akin, daughter of the Attorney General, Cat Glass Table Services, his parents. Miss Amory. of Boston, who and Lady Hadfleld, his bister, as host- Rock Crystal Table Services, this has been Miss guest esses. Mrs. Wickersham's assistants, all Gold Glass Table Services, facturers, which makes it possible to quote figures such as we are doing for An Taft's fora week, previously arranged also returned to Boston yesterday for, were present, Cnt Glass Centerpieces, and they had a very handsome and bril- Compotes, and Mr. John Herron. of Cat Glass Frnlt nual (January; Linen bale. liant reception. The assistants were Mrs. Cat Glass Decanters. Ac Cincinnati, Mrs. Taft's brother, re- Franklin Lane. Mrs. William Hunt. Mrs. 22Hx38-inc- h Irish Linen turned to his home. 'This evening special of this sale Irish Damask Pattern Cloths, fall Fine Damask Napkins, ir Hemstitched Howry. Mrs. Kenyon, Mrs. Gherardl, '"'Sterling Silver and Finest A feature double damask; 139 in the lot. two very attractive patterns. Pillow Cases. Mrs. Leiter will entertain at a large Miss Harlan. Mls3 Maury. Miss Denni-so- n, consists of a large collection of 2x2 yds., $2.80 each. $6.00 a dozen. Value, $8.00. $1.85 a pair. Value, $2.25. cotillion for Miss Taft, who will dine Miss Mary Hopkins, and Miss Helen Plated Tableware of every early In the evening with Miss Board-ma- n, Hughes, daughter of Mr. Justice Hughes. description, in many new and High-grad- e Value, $4.00. Fine Double Damask Napkins, $2.00 a pair. Value, $2.50. who Is having a party for her. Miss Damask hemmed ready for use. distinctive designs. "2x2 vds., $3.20 each. Hemstitched and Boardman's party will be an early one, Mrs. Meerp wife of the Secretary of Value, $8.00. space in- as Mrs. Lelter's reception is 10 o'clock, the Navy, held the reception of the after- Cloths and Napkins Value, $4.50. $6.00 a dozen. Linen Pillow Cases, with for at in itialing. and Mrs. Leiter Is punctilious and begins noon for the navy contingent, which is the well-kno- manufac- Hemstiched Irish Linen Towoh. From. 2x2i2 vds., $3.30 each. all-o- figured effects; sire 24x40 $2.25 a pair. Value, $3.00. her entortalnments on time, as few always a brilliant one. The Admiral of turer of fine linens J. N. Rich- Value, inches. hostesses do. Miss Taft will receive with the Navy and Mrs Dewey not being at $5.00. her from 10 to 10 JO o'clock, and will then Dulin & Martin Co. ; All-lin- home, Mejer ardson Sons & Owden, of Bel- each. 60c each $7.00 a dozen. Sheets, for single, join In Mrs. was practically host- 2x2y2 yds., $4.00 the dancers the ballroom when ess for the officers, and had assisting her Pottery, Percelala, China, Glass, dozen. three-quarte- r, begins. fast, Ireland. These good are Value, $5.75. Regular price, $9.00 a and double beds, the cotillion Miss Alys Meyer, her ounger daughter. Silver. c hand - power Macrame Towels with handmade various qualities. and her house guests. Miss Sears and made entirely on 2x3 yds., $4.20 each. shown in the Former Postmaster General and Mrs. 1214-1- 8 ends; size 2Sx45 inches. Miss Ames, of Boston; Mrs. E. W. Rob- 1215 F St and G St looms of pure Irish flax ; are fine As special values we offer the Robert J. Wynne, who returned recently Value, $6.00. 60c each ; $6.75 a dozen. erts, Mrs. George Loud, Mrs. Arthur L. and heavy, and will give long Full Bleached Damask Nap- following : from London, where Mr. Wynne served Bates, Mrs. R. P. Hobson, Mrs. James R. kins, in excellent patterns Regular price, $9.00 a dozen. as consul general for several years, and Mann, Mrs. Beekman Winthrop, Mrs. F. service. This sale offers the op- seeral 9lx96-inc- h All-lin- Sheets. a dozen. Value, $3.00. Hemmed Huckaback Tow- opened their house here, presented their F. Fletcher, Mrs. R. M. Watt, Mrs. H. portunity to secure these fine $2.50 els; bUe 203S inches. pair. Value, $6.00. youngest daughter I. Cone. Mrs. N. E. Mason, Mrs. R. C. Fine Quality Scotch Damask $5.00 a Ruth to Washington Hollyday, price, 25c each. society last evening a large ball Mrs. Richard Wainwright. jr., linens at Napkins; plenty of good patterns. Special $6.00 a pair. Value, $6.75. at at Mrs. W. Tuckerman, the Misses Souther--lan- Rauscher's. The floral decorations $3.00 a dozen. Value, $3.50. Hemstitched Huckaback Towels, at- of the Miss Ruth Appleton, and Mrs. C. A Less with figured centers; size 20x3S inches. We are also offering many ballroom were appropriate to the Stokes. Third Than Scotch Damask Napkins: ex- F. FLOWERS tra hne qBallty and good weight. 37y2c each ; --$4.50 a dozen. tractive values in Muslin Sheets and were in beautiful taste. Regular Prices. $3.75 a dozen. Value, $4.50. Regular price, $5.50 a dozen. and Pillow Cases. Palms, ferns, roses, and orchids were Mrs. Ballinger, wife of the Secretary of Second floor EtaFenth st. used. Mrs. Wynne wore the gown, with- the Interior, was at home at Stoneleigh For Dinners out the court train. In which she was Court, and had a large and handsome presented at the court of King Edward reception of much brilliance, many old For Weddings and Queen Alexandra. It is of rrch, friends made during Mr. Ballmger's for- Derbies. heavy white satin, with panels of white mer official residence in Washington tak- For Debutantes Special Sale of Men's velvet heaily embroidered In sliver and ing the opportunity to pay respects, gold. A diamond necklace and diamond their have securcJ from a prominent manufacturer, at a great price concession, a large lot of Derbies, and place them on sale coronet completed her handsome costume. as Mrs. Ballinger has just returned from TIONS by a- - long In rECORA "" - Miss absence her home at Seattle. thi- moining at about one-ha- lf their actual value. These Hats are "seconds" that is, slightly imperfect but the imperfec- Wynne, who stood beside her picture, in She had with her Mrs. Humphrey, wtfe nota- WE impossible to find the defects and they in no wise affect the wearing qualities. mother, made a beautiful of Representative g '3 Small are tions are so slight that in most cases it is white satin, with a demi-trai- over Humphrey, of Seattle: They are all black and are blocked in the new spring styles, and finished with the best silk binding and imported leather sweatband. The which she wore a robe of woven pearls Mrs.
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