Index Bold page references indicate an outline of multiple titles for the same work. With the artworks of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, bracketed numbers beginning with S (e.g., S.55) refer to the catalogue number in Surtees, A Catalogue Raisonné. For a list of abbreviations used in the index, please see page xiv. Abrey, E., 335, 338, 340 286, 287, 303, 321, 330, 338, 367, Acland, Henry Wentworth, 92, 106, 402, 444 110 All Saints Sisterhood of the Poor, 119 Adams, Francis W. L., 392 All Souls Church, 6, 7 Adams, Robert Dudley, 311 American Exhibition of British Art, Afghan Committee, 306 51, 110, 113 Agnew, Joan, 196 Anderson, Charles, 88 Agnews, see Thomas Agnew & Sons Andrieu, Jules, 249, 355 Agnew, T., 294, 355 Angeli, Gastone, 427, 428 Agnew, W., 355 Angeli, Helen Maria Rossetti, 144, Agresti, Antonio, 413, 416, 417, 422, 314, 347, 348, 358, 369, 371, 376, 423, 429 396, 400, 408–12, 414–16, Agresti, Olive, see Rossetti, Olivia 418–20, 422–31, 433–8, 439, 441; Aguilar, Edward, 315, 318 literary works: Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Aguilar, Grace, 362 431; ‘The Life and Work of Aitken, Charles, 443 Dante Gabriel Rossetti’, 422 Albert, Prince, 141 Angeli, Imogene Lucy, 428, 429, 430, Alcock, J. P., 340, 341, 347, 356, 359 434, 435 Alcock, Rutherford, 148 Anster, John, 83 Alger, William Rounseville, 330 Anthony, Henry Mark, 81, 106, 170 Allen, George, 128; see also George Appleton, Charles E., 235, 237, 303 Allen & Sons Armstrong, William, 261 Allen, James, 309, 311 Arnold, Matthew, 200 Allingham, William (WA), 44, 78, Artists’ Volunteer Rifle Corps, 124, 132 82–7, 90, 92, 97, 99, 100, 106, Arundel Club, 188 108, 119, 123, 124, 125, 128–9, Arundel Society, 99, 100 130, 131, 133, 135, 138, 150, 151, Ashburton, Lady Louisa, see Baring, 158, 160, 163, 167, 169, 177, 214, Louisa Caroline 245, 274; The Ballad Book, 84, Attenborough, George, 302, 303 169, 177; Day and Night Songs, 85; Austen, Jane, 229 Music Master, 84, 92; Nightingale Authors’ Syndicate, 421, 423 Valley, 119, 124–5 Aylott & Jones, 46, 55 Allport, Roland, 411 Aytoun, William Edmonstoune, 86 All Saints Sisterhood of Mercy, 96, 126, 135, 147, 261, 262, 263, 264, Bailey, Philip, 292, 299 272, 275, 277, 281, 283, 284, 285, Baillie, Joanna, 125 445 446 Index Banting, William, 215 Bourget, Paul, 354, 378 Baring, Louisa Caroline Mackenzie Bowden, see Ward, Lock & Bowden (Lady Ashburton), 155, 270 Bowen, Charles, 110 Baring, Mary Florence, 270 Bowman, Sir William, 212, 217, 291 Barraud, Hilton Percy, 394, 400, 401, Boyce, George Price (GPB), 42, 71, 82, 415 83, 98, 99, 100, 107, 112, 114, Bateman, Edward Latrobe, 44, 65, 67, 118, 122, 125, 129, 147, 148, 149, 78, 315 151, 156, 157, 164, 171, 176, 180, Bates, Edmund, 311, 312, 313, 315, 201, 214, 266, 274, 341 316, 317, 319, 321 Boyce, Joanna Mary, see Wells, Bath, Lady, see Thynne, Harriet Joanna Mary Baudelaire, Charles, 169 Boyd, Alice (AB), 152, 190, 215, 219, Baynes, R. H., 170 223, 229, 231, 232, 288, 338, 344, Becker, Lydia Ernestine, 245 388 Bedford, Herbert, 382 Boyle, Eleanor Vere, 70, 81–2, 196, Bellamy, G., 52, 54 213 Bell, Henry MacKenzie, 26, 397, 404, Braila, Peter, 201 405, 406, 407, 410, 412, 413, 414, Brass, Lot, 252, 301, 356 416 Brayshay, William Hutton, 254, 266, Bendyshe, Thomas, 199 301 Beresford, Louisa Anne (Marchioness Brett, John, 104, 108, 114, 126, 127, of Waterford), 82, 93, 196, 213 134, 157 Bernhard Tauchnitz, 260, 334 Brett, Rosa, 134 Binyon, Laurence, 438 Bright, Henry Arthur, 113 Birchington-on-Sea, 337, 338, 339, Bright, Jacob, 245 340, 341, 345, 351, 356, 357, 358, British Institution, 52, 134 395, 432 British Museum, 31, 52, 74, 199, 201, Birket Foster, Miles, 145, 199 207, 255, 279, 314, 350 Birmingham Art Gallery, 349, 386 Bromley, Helen, 29, 367 Blackmore, William, 161, 163, 193 Bromley, Lizzie, see Cooper, Lizzie Blackwood, William, 227 Brontë, Emily, 210 Blake, William, 319; ‘The Rossetti Brookes, Warwick, 208 Manuscript’, 32, 130, 138, 342; Brook, Stopford, 423 see also Gilchrist, Alexander Brough, Robert Barnabas, 96, 128 Blanchard, Auguste, 249 Brown, Arthur Gabriel Madox, 101, Blanchard, Edward, 61 107, 108, 109 Blanchard, Sidney, 71 Brown, Catherine Madox (CMB), 88, Blind, Karl, 233 207, 217, 229, 253, 256, 348, 350, Blind, Mathilde, 220, 238, 247, 295, 367, 371, 396 317, 326, 348 Brown, Elisabeth Madox, 29 Blunt, Wilfrid H., 170 Brown, Emma Matilda (EMB), 72, 82, Bodichon, Barbara, see Leigh Smith, 87, 99, 100, 101, 188, 256, 275, Barbara 371, 384 Bodichon, Eugene, 148, 149 Brown, Ford Madox (FMB), 29, 36–9, Bodley, George Frederick, 104 42, 49–52, 58, 61–2, 64–5, 67–70, Bolton, Sarah Knowles, 342, 361, 362 72, 74, 81, 87–8, 93–4, 98, 100–4, Bonaparte, Napoleon I, 3, 7, 152 106–10, 112–14, 117–18, 121, Bonaparte, Napoleon III, 144–5, 257 124, 135, 154, 165, 172, 177–8, Bonham, Edward Walter, 190 184–5, 187–8, 196, 199, 205–7, Index 447 213, 215, 227, 236, 239, 246, 248, 285–7, 290–3, 308–9, 314, 321, 250–1, 253–4, 256, 264, 266, 270, 326, 328–9, 344, 347, 350–3, 355, 273–4, 275, 281, 284, 293–4, 307, 357–8, 361–3, 366, 368–9, 373–5, 335, 337–8, 340–2, 348, 351–2, 379–80, 382, 384, 391, 394, 356–7, 363, 365, 373, 394, 396–8, 396–401, 424 408, 437 artworks: Après le Bal, 226, 409; artworks: Architecture, 165; Chaucer, Broadstairs, 281, 310, 430; 61; Christ Washing Peter’s Feet, Charmouth, Dorset, 300, 310; 65, 101; Cordelia at the Bedside The Dancing Faun, 225; The of Lear, 43; Cromwell on his Duet, 226, 232, 233; The Fair Farm, 260; Cromwell Protector of Geraldine, 237, 244, 409; Female the Vandois, 295; Geoffrey Nude, 126; Ferdinand and Chaucer Reading to Edward III Miranda Playing Chess, 237; and his Court, 61; Jacob and Lynmouth, 237; The Magic Joseph’s Coat, 190; Jacopo Foscari Mirror, 237, 244; Margaret Roper in Prison, 226; Last of England, Rescuing the Head of her Father 196; Seeds and Fruits of English Sir Thomas More from London Poetry, 58; Seraph’s Watch, 37; Bridge, 249, 256, 259; Melliker Work, 103 Farm, 29; Painting, 216; Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (EBB), 63, portraits, 245, 256, 308–9, 310, 94, 107, 127, 130, 137, 138, 210, 317, 319, 347; Romeo and Juliet 333, 342 in the Tomb, 226, 238; Trees, literary works: Aurora Leigh, 104, 208; The Two Foscari, 226 123, 130; Poems, 429; Poems literary works: ‘Ford Madox Brown’, before Congress, 127; ‘Romaunt 381; Ford Madox Brown, 397; of Margret’, 27, 38; ‘Sonnets Mrs. Shelley, 370, 381, 382, 384; from the Portuguese’, 335 ‘What am I, what is this I feel?’, Browning, Pen, 301 180 Browning, Robert (RB), 63, 94, 97, 99, Brown, Oliver Madox (OMB), 196, 101, 102, 107, 113, 119, 123, 125, 202, 207, 215, 217, 233, 234, 129, 144, 171, 174, 183, 209, 220, 249, 268, 270, 271, 274, 344, 250, 301, 342, 380, 440 348; Gabriel Denver, 247, 249, literary works: ‘Bishop Orders his 261, 263 Tomb at St Praxed’s Church’, Brucciani, Domenico, 341, 363 99; Blot in the ’Scutcheon, 42; Bruce, Henry Austin, 98, 106, 119, Christmas Eve and Easter Day, 124, 139, 222, 223, 224, 265 56; Colombe’s Birthday, 73; Bryant, William Cullen, 125, 361, ‘Evelyn Hope’, 98; Fifine at the 388, 389, 400 Fair, 257; ‘Fra Lippo Lippi’, 94; Buchanan, Robert, 195, 215, 243, 244, Men and Women, 95; Paracelsus, 247, 248, 249, 251, 272, 282, 283, 41; Pauline, 31, 33; ‘Pippa 284, 318, 325, 328, 342 Passes’, 39; The Ring and the Burcham, Robert Partridge, 79, 92 Book, 257; Sordello, 41, 127; Burchett, Richard, 36, 178, 275 ‘Two in the Campagna’, 98; Burden, Robert, 104 ‘Waring’, 45 Burgess, Sophy, 229 Brown, Lucy Madox (LMB), 19, 29, Burges, William, 104, 114, 126, 138, 52, 76, 98, 164, 180, 196, 203, 215 210, 217, 229, 234, 242, 249, 259, Burlington Fine Arts Club, 198, 202, 260–3, 265–71, 273–8, 283, 206, 208, 345, 346, 347, 348 448 Index Burne-Jones, Edward (EBJ), 88, 96, 97, Cary, Francis Stephen, 17 100, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 113, Cassell & Co., 382, 385 115, 123, 126, 128, 131, 135, 156, Cattermole, John, 162, 172 187, 194, 215, 216, 220, 270, 274, Catty, C. Parker, 224 303, 327, 340, 341, 388, 393, 412, Cayley, Arthur, 353, 354, 355 415, 416, 424; ‘Essay on The Cayley, Charles Bagot (CBC), 31, 52, Newcomes’, 97; Golden Stairs, 320 83, 85, 88, 98, 125, 126, 139, 151, Burne-Jones, Georgiana (GBJ), 127, 176, 186, 193, 199, 202, 207, 213, 128, 131, 135, 170, 215 225, 231, 236, 253, 288, 289, 290, Burne-Jones, Philip, 141 316, 334, 335, 347, 349, 353, 354, Burr, Margaretta, 99 355, 359 Burrows, Anne, see Gilchrist, Anne literary works: ‘Ad Sepulchrum’, Burrows, Edward, 391 151, 152; ‘Amicizia’, 203; Burrows, Henry William, 61, 186, Dante’s Divine Comedy, 59, 63, 229, 266, 302, 336, 388, 391, 394 196; ‘Epode 2. With Queen Burton, Frederic William, 197, 212 Mab’, 197; Filippo Malicontri, or Burton, William Shakespeare, 113, Student-Life in Venetia, 132, 150; 118, 189 The Iliad of Homer. Butler & Knight, 137, 166 Homometrically Translated, 170, Butterworth, George, 166, 172, 299 176, 177, 180, 195, 288; ‘Noli Butts, Frederick, 143, 155 me tangere. / English Butts, Thomas, 143 Anapests’, 193; The Prometheus Byron, Lord George Gordon Noel, 4, Bound of Aeschylus, 197; The 219, 292 Psalms in Metre (transl.), 125, 129; Psyche’s Interludes, 104; Cadogan, Earl, 145 ‘The Purple of the West’, 152; Caine, Lily, 337, 338, 339 The Sonnets and Stanzas of Caine, Thomas Henry Hall (THC), Petrarch, 304, 305, 307 299, 305, 306, 311, 313, 315, 317, Cayley, Henry, 236 318, 321–2, 324, 328, 331, 333, Cayley, Sophie, 353 335, 339, 340, 341, 346 Central Committee for Women’s literary works: Curiosities of Suffrage, 245, 246 Criticism, 323; ‘Politics and Art’, Chapman & Hall, 130 317, 318; Recollections
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