All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe ~ws Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the News -----------------------::-------~----------------- . -_. ~---~--------------------------------------- . ------------------ VOl. 39-NO. 50 '''"11;::: Oitl::.:~d~:::it':;j~h.I~.':.tthl GROSSE P~_I_N_T_E,_~I~HIG_A_~~_ T~_~~_~!~ __D_E_C_E_M_B_E_R_J_4_,_19_7_8 s_~_~~_oP_;_~,_CQ_:_"_~. 3~~~_ge_s-_T_w_o__ S_ec_t_i_o_n_s-_S_e_c_t_io_n_O__n_e_ - ----- ------ ---------------_._----------- -- -- -- ---------- , Mason School Girl Scouts Herald Yule Season GPWHears HEADLINES GP Park Solons of the Pleas from WEEK Hear Criticism Residents As Compiled by The Grosse Pointe News Latest Traffic Counts Explored by Officials, On Police Gripes Citizens; Further Thursday, December 7 Meetings MICHIGAN Congressman Officers Association And Citizens Indignant over Planned Charles C. Diggs Jr., con. Failure of Solons to Have Subject on Agenda victed in 0 ct 0 b e r of 29 By Roger A, Waha counts of fraud in a payroll I As Specified at Last Meeting The temporary barri- kickback scheme, lost a bat. By James J. Njaim cades in the area of the tle with his fellow Demo' The Park Council literally refused to hear ap- interesection of E a s t crats as they voted over. whelmingly to strip him of parently legitimate complaints of the Grosse Pointe Eight Mile road and Brys his only remaining position Park Police Officers Ass'n., (GPPPOA), over work- drive and the intersection .of authority in the House, In ing conditions and citizen complaints at a meeting of Helen avenue and .a party caucus, the Demo- held on Monday, December 11. At the last session Brys, approved for instal- crats adopted a procedure Monday, November 27, the solons instructed Police lation by the council in .allowing them to approve or Chief Henry O. Coonce to meet with GPPPOA September for a gO-day rev 0 k e the subcommittee members and present a report at the next regular period and subsequently .chairmanships of members session, which was Monday night, but this matter erected in mid-October, .who have been convicted of was not en the agenda, ------------ will stay put for the time .a felony. Diggs will probably Patrolman David Hiller, being . now lose his chairmanship E ,. president of the association, va lfatlon This was an outgrowth of of the African subcommittee before the meeting ended, a discussion between Brys of the House International asked Mayor Matthew C. Pat. System Is drive, Roslyn road and other Relations Committee. terson if the coqncil con- area citizens with the Woods * * * ducted its business according E 1 d Council at its regular meet. Friday, December 8 to Robert's Rules of parlia- xp ore ' ing Monday, December 4. mentary procedure, and the At the same time, the ef. REPORTS OF A BLOODY mayor referred the question fects the barricades are hav. showdown between Iranian to City Attorney Her 0 Id School Head Says Sup- ing on Brys and neighboring government troops and op- Deason. port for System Among streets, not entirely unsus. ponents of Shah Mohammed Mr. Deason stated the Teachers Is Growing. pected, were explored after Reza Pahlavi to occur, this sessions of the council are But Union Head pre-barricade traffic counts weekend brought about a vir- held, more or less according I were compared with post. tual stampede by foreigners to parliamentary procedure'j Notes Some Con- I barricade counts. and Iranians alike to get The Mason School Girl Scout Troops 887, 138 veying a Christmas greeting. Uniformed girl scouts and their leaders, some attired in original but the council can, if it so I cerns Remain I Ups And Downs flights out of the country. and 321 participated in the Village Christmas desires, adhere strictly to I As predicted by some of- Girl Scout uniforms of the past century, marched Meanwhile, in Washington, Parade on Friday, November 24, by entering a Robert's Rules of Order, but I Bv Susan McDonald I ficials and citizens, the situ- President Jimmy Carter said float that combined a birthday cake celebrating with the float. this is not necessary. 'I' . , ation has eased along Brys he doesn't know whether the Mason's 50th anniversary and a snowman con- Only Few Talk Gro~sc ~olllte ,>chools but traffic has increased on Shah could survive the tur. ----------------------------------------------------------- Officer Hiller then asked i controversIal staff evalu- other streets, particubrly moil, but the U.S, wouldn't why there was nothing on the', ation system has gained Roslyn toad, which has not intervene. He said Iran was Woods Resident Survives \Police Seek agenda pertaining to new and substantial support from only concerned residents of very important to the U.S. Rob Sexton old business, especially old teachers since it was im- that street but also Brys and to the stability of the business in relation to com- plemented amid a flurry spokesman B~uce E. Van- entire Mediterranean area, HOI-rot" of Lehanese al.~ In Church W ..4id to Find plaints over working condi. of protests last spring I Farowe, who dIdn't want one tions brought out at the No. Superintendent Dr. Wil~ thoroughfare to suffer at the saturda:, ;«:mber 9 Shares Her Experiences SCS Woman ve~ber 27 me~ting ?~ the liam Coats said last week. expens.e of anoth~r. Building offIcers and theIr familIes.. I PublIc Safety DIrector John The mayor and Council- Speakmg to a group of Dankel, who indicated post- FORMER ISRAELI Prime I -- After Barely Escaping with Her Life, Joany Rashid I Minister Golda Meir died in Offidal Held Up at St. Clair Shores Author- man Douglas Graham both Wayne County educators, Dr.: barricade counts were taken Vows to Help Children Orphaned py Devas- .• R t A • t I noted that any complaints Coats acknowledged there' on an ongoing basis begin. a Jerusalem hospital Friday. Gunpoint, Loses $70, Itles eoues SSIS ance ' h s b r. t t tho I . She wa~ 80. No cause of death W t h t Grosse tation, While Hoping Citizens Will Respond . ' • not grievances stipulated un- a een eSIS ance 0 ~ mng some three weeks after In Locating Lady Last der the current contract, program WhI~h. grades teach- the blockade was erected, was given, though doctors a. ca. to Pleas of Assistance said she had been fighting POinte Memorial Seen in Pointe on should be taken up with the e.rs an~ admlnJstrato.1'S on a said the weekday average per Police chief and City Man-! flve.pomt scale and mcludes 24.hour period along B""s a form of blood caneer for By James J. Njaim Decem b er 2 I " .t .., 1ft 'J more than a decade, indud- ager John Crawford, a men pa~ p an or op between ~!ack and Helen. for The 62-year-old sexton A Woods resident of Lebanese descer:t, who It was estimated that ap.' staff members. example, toppled from 2.406 ing the time she was prime f G POI.nte Memo experI.enced the horrors of the on-again-off-again By Roger A Waha I H ,. h minister, from 1969-74. It o rosse - , • . proximately 80 persons were ,. orror stories' 10 t e to 504 vehicles. also was said that Mrs, Meir rial Church, 16 Lakeshore war that has dev~stated ~ great part of Lebanon, St. Clair Shores polIce in attendance at the Monday press greatly exaggerated op- On the othe. hand, traffic had been suffering from a road, was held up at gun- barely escaped WIth her hfe as bullets and bombs I are seeking the assist- night meeting and it ap- position to the program, he jumped on Roslyn between liver infection and jaundice, point and robbed of $70 splattered and burst around her in the eastern sec- ance of citizens in discov- peared that all were siding said, adding that its ':support Helen and Canton from 573 in addition to an undefined cash and his watch in the tion of Beirut. Faith and prayer were her only ering the whereabouts of with the police officers, al- among the teachers IS grow. to 1,706 and on Roslyn be- back ailment. church building early shields during the awful seven days and nights of a 73-year-old St. Clair though only a few spoke out ing." t~'een Mack an~ Helen from Friday evening, Decem- continuous bombardment and sniper fire of the Sh h on the workin<7 conditions, Creates Uproar ' 6;)5 to 1,503 vehicles. * * • j ber 8. ores woman. w 0 was and the low m~rale of the! Dr. Coats made his com- .T r a f f i c along Hampton Sunday, December 10 Sy~i:~ t~r~? h~~~S ~~~~b~r 1 through Oc!O ber 7__ last seen walkmg abng I officers. i ments to a meeting of the showed a slight increase be- Ironically, the holdup oc, C ~ h.d 24 f Ed ~ fled Beirut, she left all her Lakeshore road near Pro- (Continued on Page 6) I Wayne County Ass'n. of I tween Mack and Helen. (695 as I IRANIAN SOLDIERS left curre~ at the same time ,a . d . I, h' 0 h nI~un I money e10thing and other vencal 1ate Saturdav i School Boards Thursday. De.' to 770). and between Helen weddmg between two DetrOIt ton nve were selves, '.. f - I b' h H. h 29 dead in two cities after .. with her 'parents, Carl and possessIOns behInd. but she a ternoon, December 2. St J S teem er 7. at Nort Ig and Canton, (689 to 768}. opening fire on anti-shah pohce. of~lcers was takmg was fortunate to have her I.t.
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