Northumbriana - Illustrations Index Alistair Anderson (Photo) 26 Aut/1982. Allenheads Limekiln, An (Line drawing) 11 Dec./1977 Alnmouth from across the estuary about 1905 46 Aut/Win/1994-5 Alnwick Castle: Antient State (front cover) 8 Jan/1977; After Restoration J.M.W. Turner 42 Sum/1992; Inner Gatehouse, (front cover) 13 Sum/1978; Alnwick Hotspur Tower 80 years ago 26 Aut/1982; Abbey gatehouse in 1907 (Photograph) 44 Sum/1993; Arctic Stream 40 Win/Spr/1991 Arctic tern 39 Sum/1990 Armstrong, Jack (two photographs) 3 Sum/1975; 14 Aut/1978 Armstrong, Jack Two of Records photographed by Ray Stephenson. 14 Aut/1978 Aydon Castle from the east 1.1830 33 Win/1987 Bamburgh Castle, 26 Aut/1983; (front cover) 30 Spr/1985; 1991 (Drawing) 39 Sum/1990; Grieg (engraver) Weber (artist). 43 Win/1992Dave Edwards 46 Aut/Win/1994-5; Bamburgh (Bewick) 47 Win/Spr/1995; King's Hall, (Photograph) 46 Aut/Win/1994-5. Barcombe Hill (Plan) Old Mine tunnel, The langstane, 13 Sum/1978 Barmoor Castle east front 33 Win/1987 Barty's Combe (Line drawing) 14 Aut/1978 Bastles in south-west Northumberland (Plan) 32 Sum/1986 Bedlington Terrier (photograph) 46 Aut/Win/1994-5 Belford Hall ice-house (2 photographs) 47 Win/Spr/1995 Bellingham, Dam at (Line drawing) 12 Spr/1978; area (Plan)12 Spr/1978;Market; (Photograph) 46 Aut/Win 1994/5. Bellister 21 Win/1980-81 Belsay Castle (front cover) 20 Sum/Aut/1980; (plans, diagrams and photographs) 20 Sum/Aut/1980; Edward Swinburne (front cover) 49 Sum/1996;Edward Swinburne (front cover) 32 Sum/1986 Bemersyde 35 Sum/1988 Benwell -the older tower before demolition in 1831 22 Spr/1981 Bernard Gilpin (line drawing) 19 Spr/1980 Berwick (Photograph) From the Carr Rock A. Carse 7 Oct/1976 and 8 Jan/1977; In danger? (line drawing) 16 Sum/1979; .Railways around 19 Spr/1980; Before the Railway Came 26 Aut/1982; 46 Aut/Win/1994-5; Ravensdowne Ice Houses, 46 Aut/Win/1994-5; castle 38 Win/1990 Berwick Hill Low House (Line drawings and plan) 9 April/1977; Betsey Hughes, The (Photograph) 38 Win/1990 Beverley Minster, (photo of carvingof Piper at) 48 Win/Spr/1995 Bickham's Maps of 1748 49 Sum/1996; 50 Aut/Win/1996. Biddlestone Singmore, (Photograph) 46 Aut/Win/1994-5. Blawearie (Photos and line drawing) 9 April/1977 Blenkinsopp Castle 21 Win/1980-81 Blue Tit 50 Aut/Win 1996. Blyth, High Ferry, some eighty years ago (Photo) 25 Sum/1982; Herring gutters 40 Win/Spr/1991; Fishergirls gutting and packing herring 49 Sum/1996; High Ferry, line drawing, Dave Edwards 50 Aut/Win/1996. Book binders, Ancient 43 Win/1992 Border Raid (Front cover) 24 Aut/1991 Bothal Haugh, Cycling Party at in 1902 21 Win/1980-81 Branxholme Hall about 1814 24 Aut/1991 Brent Goose 39 Sum/1990 Brinkburn Priory (front cover) 14 Aut/1978 Bronze purse 13 Sum/1978 Brunton Quarry, Quarryman at (line drawing) 11 Dec./1977 Bullfinch (Bewick) 18 Win/1980 Bywell Churches A Century Ago 29 Sum/1984; Castle 50 Aut/Win/1996; Hall 50 Aut/Win/1996; Neuk, A. 50 Aut/Win/1996; St. Andrew's 50 Aut/Win/1996; St. Peter's 50 Aut/Win/1996; Capheaton Hall J.P. Neale 35 Sum/1988 Carlisle Castle Today (line drawing) 11 Dec./1977 Carousel (Photo) 27 Sum/1983 Cartoons by a Bedlington Miner, J. Short, about 1930. 11 Dec./1977; 46 Aut/Win/1994-5; 47 Win/Spr/1995 Cateran Hole (photograph) 47 Win/Spr/1995 Charabancs 6 Spr/1976 Cheviot, plan of area. 22 Spr/1981 Cheviot and Black-faced sheep 50 Aut/Win 1996. Cheviot Burn, (line drawing) 14 Aut/1978; Valley of (Photo) 41 Aut/1991 Chibburn preceptory in 1888, from a drawing by Robert Wood. 28 Winter/1983 Chillingham Castle Eighty Years Ago 29 Sum/1984 Chipchase Castle 48 Win/Spr/1995 Chipchase Castle: Alan Storm 15 Spr/1979; About 1880 W.J. Palmer 30 Spring/1985 Clough, Piper Tom (Photograph) 9 April/1977; (Photograph) 12 Spr/1978 Coal Tit 50 Aut/Win 1996. Coble (line drawing) 7 Oct/1976; 8 Jan. 1977; features Regional names of 8 Jan/1977. Cocklaw Tower: (plans and drawings) 11 Dec./1977; Mason's Marks at 12 Spr/1978; Drawings and Plans 12 Spr/1978; north eastern aspect about 1829 Edward Swinburne 13 Sum/1978; Godfrey, 1774. 13 Sum/1978; Line drawings 15 Spr/1979; College Burn (line drawing) 12 Spr/1978 Conroy, Bill "Penny Whistle Champion" (Photograph) 8 Jan/1977. Corbit Jack's Tower (line drawing) 14 Aut/1978 Corbridge The later bridge in 1882 drawn by W.J. Palmer 47 Win/Spr/1995; Vicar's Pele from the east 47 Win/Spr/1995; Market Place and Vicar's pele in 1882 drawn by W.J. Palmer 47 Win/Spr/1995 Corby Crags: View across Vale of Whittingham to Cheviots (Line drawing) 32 Sum/1986 Corn Bunting 50 Aut/Win 1996. Corn Dollies sketched by David Breckons. 15 Spr/1979; Bondager Hay making Corn dolly drawn by David Breckons. 43 Win/1992; Cornucopia 13 Sum/1978; Cullercoats Fish-Wife made by Heulwen Fellows 26 Aut/1982; Northumbrian Piper made by Huelwen Fellows, drawn by David Breckons. 41 Aut/1991; Traditional neck 12 Spr/1978; Gathering the Corn made by Heulwyn Fellowes (drawing) 44 Sum/1993; Rattle 11 Dec./1977; Keelman, The made by Mrs. Fellowes drawn by David Breckons 45 Win/Spr/1994; Grace Darling 38 Win/1990;Rapper sword Dancer 31 Aut/1985 Cottonshope, Redesdale: the way to Coquetdale (line drawing) 2 Spr/1975 Crag Lough in Northumberland W.J. Palmer 36 Aut/1988 Crag Lough under the Wall (Drawing) 48 Win/Spr/1995. Cravat Goose Crawley Tower (line drawings) 16 Sum/1979 Cresswell Hall from the S.E. T.M. Richardson 29 Sum/1984; Tower and the Second House 29 Sum/1984 Crested Newt 31 Aut/1985 Croll's explanation (diagram) 44 Sum/1993 Cross Fell (line drawing) 49 Sum/1996 Cullercoats about 1900 41 Aut/1991 Cup and ring markings (Line drawing) 11 Dec./1977 Curlew 23 Sum/1981; Thomas Bewick's 39 Sum/1990 Cutty Coats farm (plan) 5 Win/1976 Denton Hall in 1882 22 Spr/1981 Dialect Divisions (Heslop) 24 Aut/1991 Dilston Castle (line drawing) 49 Sum/1996; Hall (Front cover) 26 Aut/1982; Tower in 1816 Luke Clennel (front cover) 35 Sum/1988 Dobie, A, A Mortal heavy Sprite (Front cover) 11 Dec./1977 Dr. Johnson's Walk 22 Spr/1981 Dreaded Ear-blast (cartoon) 14 Aut/1978 Driving sheep into a stell in snow W.J. Palmer 31 Aut/1985 Dryhope Tower (Sketch) 15 Spr/1979 Duchess' Sedan Chair, The (Photo) 42 Sum/1992 Dunstanborough Castle J.M. Richardson 6 Spr/1976; 18 Win/1980; 26 Aut/1983 Dunstanburgh Saddle Rock at 26 Aut/1983 Earlston about 1913; 33 Win/1987; Edlingham Castle 18 Win/1980; plan of St. John the Baptist Church 33 Win/1987 Eider Duck 39 Sum/1990; 50 Aut/Win 1996. Elizabeth, lst Duchess of Northumberland Joshua Reynolds 43 Win/1992 Elsdon, Vicar's Pele Alan Storm; Elsdon Tower about 1820 30 Spr/1985; Village in 1889 R. Wood 43 Win/1992 Elswick Shot Tower 35 Sum/1988 Epstein's Bronze Head, "The Viking", alias W.G. Whittaker (Photo) 18 Win/1980 Evistones Bastle (drawings and plans) 12 Spr/1978 Fall of Babylon, The John Martin 38 Win/1990 Falstone (Drawing) 48 Win/Spr/1995. Featherstone Castle 21 Win/1980-81 Fell sandstone: a block showing cross-bedding (line drawing) 32 Sum/1986 Fern Islands 14 Aut/1978 Flodden Memorial 50 Aut/Win 1996. Forrester, Alec 34 Aut/1987 From an early book 43 Win/1992 From an early eighteenth century broadside 49 Sum/1996 Fulmar 39 Sum/1990 Gibside (photo). 28 Winter/1983 Gin-gans (line drawings) 3 Sum/1975 Goldeneye 42 Sum/1992 Gosforth, Horsedrawn trams at awaiting racegoers in 1894 21 Win/1980-81; Electric trams: Passengers transferring at Henry St. from Tyneside Tramways Co. to Corporate Trams 21 Win/1980-81 Green Woodpecker 23 Sum/1981; 42 Sum/1992 Grey Wagtail 23 Sum/1981; 42 Sum/1992 Greyhound Fox (Bewick) 35 Sum/1988 Haggerston Castle Water Tower 14 Aut/1978; Ice-House (photograph) 47 Win/Spr/1995 Haltwhistle Castle (Drawing) 48 Win/Spr/1995. Hareshaw Ironworks (Plan) 13 Sum/1978 Harnham, doorway; Stucco work; Harnham Hall Haughton Castle Alan Storm 13 Sum/1978 Hay Farm, Ford (Line drawings and plan) 8 Jan/1977. Hay Rake (diagram) 48 Win/Spr/1995 Heatherlsaw Mill (line drawings G. Webb) 16 Sum/1979 Henhole on Cheviot 22 Spr/1981 Hepple Woodhouses Bastle and Cottages about 1900 32 Sum/1986 Hesleyside 50 Aut/Win/1996. Hexham, Abbey (photo of carving of Piper at) 48 Win/Spr/1995; Abbey 1977 (Front cover) 16 Sum/1979; Abbey Church 24 Aut/1991; Abbey Luke Clennel (Front cover) 44 Sum/1993; Abbey Church Interior of (Drawing) 48 Win/Spr/1995.Civic pride represented in 15 Spr/1979; Moot Hall, drawing by Ken Smith. 15 Spr/1979; W.J. Palmer, 1882. 13 Sum/1978; Market Place (front cover) 34 Aut/1987 High Rochester (line drawing) 6 Spr/1976 Hodgson, John, (line portrait) 26 Aut/1982 Hollows in Eskdale, An Armstrong tower, (Line drawing) 12 Spr/1978 Holy Island Castle (line drawing) 16 Sum/1979; 26 Aut/1983; Holy Island David Binns. 28 Winter/1983; Holy Island Fisherman sixty years ago (from Hugh Thompson's sketch) 16 Sum/1979 Terns at (Front Cover) 2 Spr/1975;Castle ((Line drawing, front cover) Ron Brown 12 Spr/1978; Lindisfarne Castle Dave Edwards 44 Sum/1993; Castle (Line drawing, front cover) Ron Brown 12 Spr/1978; Lindisfarne Castle Dave Edwards 44 Sum/1993.
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